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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年国家公务员考试江西冷门职位测试题(7)名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.物质世界不一定是运动的。 ()答案:错解析:物质世界的运动是绝对的。2.There was a _ rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.A.calmB.madC.franticD.wild答案:C解析:A选项意为“平静的,沉着的”;B选项意为“发狂的

2、,发疯的”;C选项意为“狂乱的,疯狂的”;D选项意为“野生的,野蛮的”。题目意为“为了准备好迎接上级的突然检查,人们_奔忙着。”因此选C,人们疯狂地奔忙着。3.随着国际贸易理论的演变,当前主要的国际贸易理论有( )。A.绝对优势理论B.比较优势理论C.要素禀赋理论D.规模经济贸易理论E.外贸依存理伦答案:A,B,C,D4.已知 ,A、B为自然数,且A B,那么A有( )个不同的值。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5答案:B解析:本题可采用不等式和极举法。原式两边同时乘以B,则有解得B 7. 5,依次代人17验证,只有4,5,6满足条件,所以选择B项。5.湖泊水体污染的主要因素是面源污染和


4、是增大水体环境容量,最后点出“鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程的兴建将增加枯水期湖泊水面和容积,增大水体环境容量”。综合可知文段意在说明的是兴建鄱阳湖水利枢纽程有利于改善水体环境故本题答案为B。A、C两项表述不够全面,D项由文段推不出来。 6.改革开放是社会主义的发展动力。 ()答案:对7.王平是凤凰公司的经理,李强的所有朋友都在凤凰公司工作。胡斌是李强的朋友。凤凰公司中有些职工来自湖南,凤凰公司所有的职工都是大学生。据此,我们可以知道()A.李强有一些学历不高的朋友B.胡斌是大学生C.胡斌来自湖南D.王平与李强是朋友答案:B解析:根据“李强的所有朋友都在凤凰公司工作”和“胡斌是李强的朋友”可知,胡斌在凤凰

5、公司工作,再根据“凤凰公司所有的职工都是大学生”,可推出胡斌是大学生。故选B项。8.2,3,10,15,26,( )A.29B.32C.35D.37答案:C解析:本题的数列规律是:自然数列1,2,3,4,5,(6)的平方再依次加减l。即l2+1=2,221=3,32+1=10,42-1=15,52+1=26。按照这个规律,填入空格的项应该是:62-1=35。所以,正确选项是C。 9.学习型组织的基本特征是( )。A.学习意识强烈 B.具有鼓励创新的组织文化C.以学习为组织的最终目标 D.善于不断学习答案:A,B,D解析:学习型组织的基本特征包括:学习意识强烈,善于不断学习;鼓励创 新,以提升组

6、织应变能力,使组织不断发展等。因此选项ABD正确,选项C不符合实际情况, 故不选。10.1.企业购入A材料2 000千克,单价500元,计1 000 000元,同时购入B材料1 000千克,单价1 000元,计1 000 000元。增值税发票上注明的税款共计340 000元,货款尚未支付。2.企业某月末,分配职工工资。其中,生产甲产品工人的工资14 000元,生产乙产品工人的工资21 000元,车间管理人员的工资11 000元,企业行政管理人员的工资8 000元。3.企业行政部门本月共发生各项费用13 000元,其中,行政人员工资10 000元,部门房屋设备折旧2 200元,另以现金支付各项办

7、公费800元。4.企业购入需要安装的机器一台,价款100 000元,增值税额按17%计算,运输费用3 000元,安装费用5 000元。款项均以银行存款支付。答案:解析:借:在途物资 A 1 000 000B 1 000 000应交税费 应交增值税(进项税额) 340 000 贷:应付账款 2 340 000 2.借:生产成本甲 14 000乙 21 000制造费用 11 000 管理费用 8 000 贷:应付职工薪酬 54 000 3.借:管理费用 13 000贷:应付职工薪酬 10 000 累计折旧 2 200 库存现金 800 4.(1)购入时:借:在建工程 100 000应交税费-应交增

8、值税(进项税额) 17 000 贷:银行存款 117 000 (2)支付运算:借:在建工程 3 000 贷:银行存款 3 000 (3)发生安装费用时:借:在建工程 5 000 贷:银行存款 5 000 (4)安装完毕时:借:固定资产 108 000 贷:在建工程 108 00011.金融深化最基本的衡量方法是()。A.货币化程度B.金融相关比率C.流动性比率D.资本充足率答案:A解析:金融深化最基本的衡量方法是货币化程度。12.Training and development is the most important thing about a first job because its

9、the_for your career.A.minor successB.daily routineC.useful toolD.spring board答案:D解析:本题考察名词短语。A选项minor success,意为“小成果,小胜利”;B选项daily routine,意为“日常工作,日常事务”;C选项 useful tool,意为“有用工具”;D选项spring board,意为“助跳板,弹簧板”。题目意为“第一份工作中培训和发展是最重要的,因为这是你整个生涯的助跳板。”C选项有用工具不是培训和发展,而是在培训和发展中学到的内容,所以不正确。13.观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问

10、号处应该填人的图为()。答案:C解析:题干每个图形整体均可通过旋转相互转化,分析知此题规律为图形依次顺时针旋转90、180、270、360得到下一个图形。答案为C。14.答案:D解析:第一套图中每个图形中小圆两边的短线数都是四个,第二套图中的图一、图二也符合这一规律,所以可推知D正确。15.根据中国共产党机关公文处理条例规定,“意见”适用于( )。A.对下级机关布置工作,提出开展工作的原则和要求B.对重要问题提出见解和处理办法C.对下级机关不适当的决定予以撤销D.适用于答复下级机关的请示事项答案:B解析:本题考查意见的适用范围。意见是党政机关对重要事项发表的对工作有 指导性质的文件。中国共产党

11、机关公文处理条例规定,意见用于对重要问题提出见解和处 理办法。16.党政机关公开发布重要决定或重大事件用( )。A.公告 B.通告 C.公报 D.布告答案:C解析:公报是指党政机关公开发布重要事件的公文;通告用于在一定范围内公布需要各机关、团体、企事业单位与广大人民群众遵守或周知的事项;布告是指(机关、团体)张贴出来通知群众的文件。故正确答案为C。17.签发空头支票或者签发与其预留的签章不符的支票,持票人有权要求出票人赔偿支票金额()的赔偿金。A.1%;B.2%;C.5%;D.10%;答案:B18.When we analyze the salt salinity (盐浓度) of ocean

12、 waters, we find that it varies only slightly from place to place Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation In this manner, the salini

13、ty is increased, since the salt stays behind If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind ; this, by the way,is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtainedThe opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean Here

14、 the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitationNormall

15、y, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation similarly, in coastalGrandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten dow

16、n each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-oldSo family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as What have you been doing, Bobby? have been replaced by I m busy, go watch televisionAnd watch TV they do; count

17、them by the millionsBut its usually not childrens television that children watch Saturday morning, the childrens hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewingWhere are they to be found?Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at Gener

18、al Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch Thats where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 pm, not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permissionTelevision, used

19、 well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself offNot so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and

20、 beyond!Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed Parents need to intervene Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will no

21、t be wise at alLWhat is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Parental nonintervention will not be praisedB. Nonintervention may be a good policy in international affairsC. Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the childrenD. Parents need to interv

22、ene答案:A解析:根据“In the Weddell Sea,the densest waIer in the ocean formed as a resuIt of this freezing process,whichincreasesthe salinity of cold water”可知,Weddell Sea是作为一个例子,说明this freezingprocess引起盐度变化,答案为A。 19.关于国际收支,下列说法正确的是()。A.国际收支反映的内容是以货币记录的交易B.依据交易双方的国籍可以判定该项交易是否应包含在国际收支的范围内C.国际收支记录的是一国居民间的交易D.一

23、国的领事馆在所在国的消费不计人国际收支答案:A解析:在狭义上,国际收支是指在一定时期内,一国居民与非居民所发生的全部货币或外汇的收入和支出。在广义上,国际收支是指在一定时期内,一国居民与非居民所进行的全部经济交易的以一定货币计值的价值量总和。居民是经济概念,不以国籍为标准,而是看居住地和居住时间,凡是在本国居住时间超过一年的自然人和法人,不论其国籍如何。均属本国居民。 20.表中最靠近赤道的四个城市,其年均降水量的均值为( )。A. 1747 毫米 B. 1778 毫米 C. 1922 毫米 D. 2013. 5 毫米答案:C解析:表格中最靠近赤道的四个城市为新加坡、雅加达、胡志明市、马尼拉,

24、他们的年均降水量的均值为(2150+1802 + 1861 + 1875)/4 = 1922(毫米),选择 C。21.根据以下图形的规律,问号处应填入的是( )。图1答案:A解析:图形中都有且只有l 条直线。22.通过_可以启动Word。 A.运行Word安装程序 B.运行Winword.exe C.运行Winword.tuw D.运行Winword.txt 答案:B23.雄孔雀漂亮的羽毛主要是吸引雌孔雀的但没人知道为什么漂亮的羽毛能在求偶中具有竞争的优势。一种解释是雌孔雀更愿意与拥有漂亮羽毛的雄孔雀为偶。以下哪项陈述准确描述了上文推论中的错误?()2008年云南省农村信用社真题A.把属于人类

25、的典型特征归属于动物B.把对一类事物中的个别种类断定为真的结论推广到这类事物的所有种类C.这种解释使用了一种原则上既不能证明为真也不能证明为假的前提D.把所提供的需要作出解释的现象本身作为对那种现象的一种解释E.毫无根据地假设有漂亮羽毛的雄孔雀有其他吸引雌孔雀的特征答案:D解析:题干要解释的现象是:雄孔雀漂亮的羽毛主要是吸引雌孔雀的,漂亮的羽毛能在求偶中具有竞争的优势。做出的解释是:雌孔雀更愿意与拥有漂亮羽毛的雄孔雀为偶,其实就是漂亮的羽毛能在求偶中具有竞争的优势,做出的解释本身,就是需要解释的现象。故答案选D。24.Her collection of paintings was _ to t

26、he National Gallery when she died.A.inheritedB.bequeathedC.beneathD.bewildered答案:B解析:本题考查形近词辨析。题目意为“她去世时,她的收藏品被遗赠给国家美术馆。”A选项“继承,遗传”,B选项“遗赠,捐赠”,C选项“在之下”,D选项“使困惑”。 根据句意和词性,排除C、D,A选项应该是由其子女继承,但句中是由美术馆收藏,所以是遗赠。25.某公司测算,若采用银行业务集中法,增设收账中心,可使公司应收账款平均余额由现在的800万元减至600万元,每年增加相关费用15万元。该公司年综合资金成本率为10%, 则()。A.该公

27、司应采用银行业务集中法B.该公司不应采用银行业务集中法C.不应采用银行业务集中法而应采用邮政信箱法D.无法确定答案:A解析:根据分散收账收益净额的计算公式:(800 600) 10% 15 = 5(万元) 0,所以应采用银行业务集中法。26.资料:THOMAS WILSON15 Spring DriveSometown, WI 53205Home:(555)555-5555|twAdministrative AssistantFour years of experience providing top-notch support to VPs, directors and managersAd

28、ministrative: Adeptly handle administrative matters including screening calls, managing calendars, planning meeting, making travel arrangements, composing documents and organizing offices for efficiency.Communications: Interact professionally with all levels of staff and maintain the highest level o

29、f confidentiality, known for tact and diplomacy in handling sensitive issues.Computers: Considered a power user of Microsoft Office; quickly learn and master new technology.EXPERIENCEABC COMPANY-Sometown, ORAdministrative Assistant, 2009 to PresentProvide administrative support to the investment ban

30、king group VP and five of her department directors. Answer telephones and promptly and courteously assist clients and employees throughout the organization. Maintain calendars, coordinating extensive appointments, meetings and domestic/international travel.Office Management: Overhauled recordkeeping

31、 system from manual to computer-based, creating a user-friendly and systematic information management system and reducing data-retrieval time.Travel Logistics Management: Coordinate a busy travel calendar that includes six international symposiums annually, ensuring all events are successfully execu

32、ted.Customer Relationship Management: Tapped into the power of PeopleSoft CRM Analytics to track the effectiveness of leads, marketing initiatives and revenues. Generated reports that assisted upper management with decision making and were distributed to 200+ employees departmentwide.TEMPORARY AGENC

33、Y ASSIGNMENTS-Sometown, ORAdministrative Assistant, 2008 to 2009Assigned by DEF Temporary Agency and GHI Temporary Agency to serve in administrative support roles for clients in investor relations, high tech, healthcare and real estate sectors.Hit the Ground Running: Learned organizational processes

34、, policies and procedures with minimal ramp-up time. Successfully completed administrative assignments for ABC Co., JKL Co., MNO Co. and PQR Co.Service Focus: Adapted to diverse work styles and consistently provided friendly, personable service.Excellent Performance: Offered full-time position at th

35、e conclusion of temporary assignment at ABC Co.EDUCATIONABC TRAINING ACADEMY-Sometown, ORCertificate in Office Management, 2009Completed 45-credit certificate program. Focused on business data processing, software applications, basic accounting, business communications and business law.Which of the

36、following is NOT included in the Office Management program in ABC Training Academy?A.business data processingB.software applicationsC.advanced accountingD.business law答案:C解析:本题的问题是“以下哪一项不包括在ABC培训学院的办公管理课程中?” A选项“商业数据处理”;B选项“软件应用”;C选项“高级会计”;D选项“商业法”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,主题句中,A、B、D三个选项均有涉及,C选项中会计课程应为基础会计,故选C

37、。27.资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the su

38、perintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking.The main characteristic of unit banking is that it can ope

39、rate only a single full service bank from a single location. Unit banking institutions are not allowed to have branch networks. However, unit banking does not necessarily have to be small. In fact, many unit banks are quite large.Group banking refers to banking operations conducted by a corporation

40、owning more than one bank. The group banking system usually exists in the states where branch banking is prohibited.As for branching, it is sometimes referred to “limited branching” or “stateside branching”. Limited branching allows bank to operate branches within geographic territories authorized b

41、y the state law. Stateside branching implies that bank branches are allowed to operate anywhere within the state. New York State, California, Florida and some others are stateside branch banking areas which Minnesota, Arkansas, lower and others are limited branching areas.In the United States, there

42、 are also specialized banks including the Edge Act Banks, the international Banking Facility, the bankers banks, the saving banks, the savings and loans associations, the credit unions and government owned and the Real Estate Investment Trust (TEIT).There are also non-bank financial institutions in

43、the USA, including the securities firms, the leasing and commercial finance companies, the mortgage bankers and the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).Let us now look at the Federal System. Commonly known as the Federal Reserve Bank or the “Fed”, this is the Central Bank of the United States founde

44、d in 1913. It determines the reserve requirement within limits set by the US Congress. The function of the Fed is economic stabilization through the management of the nations money supply. The Federal Reserve System comprises a board of governors with 7 members stationed in Washington D.C Reserve Ba

45、nks, including Boston,New York City, Dallas and San Francisco.The Federal Reserve Act(FRA)1913 set out the powers of the Fed which, on top of the regular central banks objectives, emphasize the following.i.Managing the monetary system and money supply of the USA;ii.Providing funds as the lender of l

46、ast report;iii.Providing for an efficient cherub clearing system;iiii.Providing a rigorous banking supervision system.What is the charting authority of the USA for banks?( )A.FRAB.Laws of statesC.FedD.OCC答案:C解析:本题考查细节理解。【关键词】the charting authority of the USA; for banks【主题句】倒数第二段Let us now look at th

47、e Federal System. Commonly known as the Federal Reserve Bank or the “Fed”, this is the Central Bank of the United States founded in 1913. It determines the reserve requirement within limits set by the US Congress. The function of the Fed is economic stabilization through the management of the nation

48、s money supply. 现在让我们看看联邦系统,通常被称为联邦储备银行或“美联储”,这是成立于1913年的美国中央银行。它决定了美国国会制定的准备金限额要求。美联储的职能是通过管理国家的货币供应来稳定经济。倒数第一段The Federal Reserve Act (FRA) 1913 set out the powers of the Fed which, on top of the regular central banks objectives, emphasize the following.i.Managing the monetary system and money sup

49、ply of the USA;ii.Providing funds as the lender of last resortiii.Providing for an efficient cherub clearing system;iiii.Providing a rigorous banking supervision system.1913年美国联邦储备法(FRA)规定了美联储的权力,除了正常的中央银行的目标外,还强调以下几点。i管理美国的货币体系和货币供应;ii提供资金作为最后贷款人;iii提供高效的清算系统;iiii提供严格的银行监督系统。【解析】题目意为“美国银行管理当局是?”选项A

50、意为“美国联邦储备法”;选项B意为“国家法律”;选项C意为“美联储”;选项D意为“通货审计官办公室”。根据主题句,美国银行受美联储来监管,因此选项C与题意相符。28.假设目前1年存款利率为2%,通货膨胀率为3.13%,则投资者在的投资中获得的实际利率为( )。A.-1.12%B.-1.11%C.-1.10%D.-1.09%答案:D解析:实际利率= (1+名义利率) 1 (1+通货膨胀率) -1=-1.09%, 故D项正确,ABC项错误。所以答案选D,29.经调查,发现富洲石化之前在诺鑫银行有一笔不良贷款。富洲石化目前有偿还贷款本息的能力,但是,因为项目问题出现了一些对偿还不利的影响因素。那么这

51、笔贷款应该是以下哪类贷款?( )A.关注类B.损失类C.正常类D.次级类答案:A解析:根据贷款的五级分类,关注类贷款是指尽管借款人目前有能力偿还贷款本息,但存在一些可能对偿还产生不利因素。30.2009年11月17日,最高人民检察院印发人民检察院检察建议工作规定(试行)。从检察建议的提出原则、发送对象、内容要求、适用范围、提出程序、制发主体、审批程序等方面作了明确规定。以下关于检察建议说法正确的是()。A.检察建议是检察院在履行法律监督职能过程中,结合执法办案,建议有关单位完善制度,加强内部制约、监督,预防和减少违法犯罪的一种重要方式B.检察建议得以广泛运用和发展,成为防止和减少犯罪的主要形式

52、和手段之一C.对查办案件中发现的违法违纪人员,建议有关部门给予党纪政纪处分可以适用检察建议D.检察建议广泛应用直接反映了职务犯罪日趋增多,检察建议的正确使用是实际情况的客观要求答案:A,B,C解析:检察建议并没有直接反映职务犯罪,检察建议的广泛应用和职务犯罪数量也不是正比例关系,D项说法错误。31.多年来,中国建设银行始终把对实体经济的支持放在重要的战略高度,通过( )等一系列措施,优化增量信贷资金投放,用实际行动帮助个人、企业、社会,为实体经济的持续较快发展贡献了力量。A.做好“三农”金融服务,在全国同业中率先创新了新农村建设贷款、小额农户贷款、农民工特色银行卡等十余个系列产品B.积极助推安


54、解析:存款业务管理的原则是统一规范、分级管理、分工协作。存款自愿是储蓄机构储蓄业务的原则,还包括取款自由,存款有息,为储户保密。#34.1,6,19,63,( )A. 208B. 210C. 204D. 209答案:A解析:讲解:A(n+1)=A(n+2)X3+An35.巴塞尔协议规定的资本充足率为pz_填空。答案:8%,36.商业银行创新中,最经常、最普遍、最重要的内容是( )。A.制度安排创新 B.机构设置创新C.管理模式创新 D.金融产品创新答案:D解析:商业银行创新的动机是为了提高竞争力和盈利能力,而竞争力、盈利能力都以金融产品为载体,故商业银行创新中,最经常、最普遍、最重要的内容是金

55、融产品创新。37.2012年长江三角洲部分城市外贸情况2011年南京市进出口贸易实现( )。A.顺差5667亿美元B.顺差4347亿美元C.逆差5667亿美元D.逆差4347亿美元答案:B解析:由表格第四行可知,2011年南京市进出口贸易实现顺差45亿美元,与B最接近。 38.Questions 76-80 refer to the following information.Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent

56、 economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as common today as a physician who favors leeching.Why the International free trade, economists agree, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.The case

57、for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners benefits, otherwise they wouldnt trade. The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spend, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreove

58、r, it doesnt matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong (or anywhere else).The vast majority of American manufactures face international competition. This competition forces companies to improve quality and cut costs. By contrast, protectionism encourages monopoly, lowe

59、r quality and higher prices.Americans pay an enormous price for protection over $60 billion a year, or $1000 for a family of four. Thanks to protectionism, for example, American consumers pay twice the world price for sugar.Free trade also makes the world economy more efficient, by allowing nations

60、to capitalize on their strengths. The United States has an advantage in food production, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has an advantage in oil. The Saudis could undertake massive irrigation to become self-sufficient in food, but it is more economical for them to sell oil and purchase food from us

61、. Similarly, we could become self-sufficient in petroleum by squeezing more out of oil shale. But it is much less costly to buy some of our oil from Saudi Arabia. Tarde between our two countries improves the standard of living in both.Protectionism is both wasteful and unjust. It taxes most heavily

62、the people who can least afford it. Thus, tariffs that rise the price of shoes burden the poor more than the rich. Despite the powerful case for free trade, the United States and the rest of the world have always been protectionist to some degree. This is because free trade benefits the general public, while protectionism benefits special interest group, whi

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