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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年安徽怀远农商银行招聘20人练习题(9)名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.根据以下资料,回答6165题。注:90+表示90岁及以上注:2006年北京市总人口数为11976万人,2007年为12133万人,2008年为12299万人。2008年北京市70岁及以上的老年人口占老年人口的比重比2007年多()个百分点。A.06B.12C.28D.32答案:A解析:2008年北京市70岁及以上的老年人口占老年人口的比重为11592180100=(1

2、09+69)21810010050+100=525,则所求应小于534-525=09个百分点。应选择A。2. 银行会计采用的记账方法是( )。 A.复式记账法B.单式记账法C.反式记账法D.权责发生制答案:A解析:银行会计采用复式记账法。 3. 在我国,中央银行组织全国清算属于( ) A. 对财政部门的业务B. 对银行的业务C. 对政府的业务D. 对国际金融组织的业务答案:B解析:中央银行的主要业务包括:货币发行业务;对银行的业务,即集中准备金、冲当最后贷款人、组织全国清算;对政府的业务,包括代理国库、代理国家债券发行、对国家提供信贷支持、保管外汇和黄金储备、制定并监督执行有关金融管理法规。4

3、. 下列不属于经济法的宏观调控制度的是()。 A.财税调控制度B.金融调控制度C.计划调控制度D.反垄断制度答案:D解析:D 经济法的各类具体制度主要分为两类:一类是宏观调控制度,主要包括财税调控制度、金融调控制度和计划调控制度等;另一类是市场规制制度,主要包括反垄断制度、反不正当竞争制度和消费者保护制度等。D选项属于市场规制制度。5.我国新颁布的企业会计准则应用指南中规定的共同类会计科目的性质取决于科目核算的结果。 ( )答案:对解析:共同类科目是指可能具有资产性质,也可能具有负债性质的科目,其性质取决 于科目核算的结果,当核算结果出现借方余额时,则作为资产类科目,当核算结果出现贷方余额 时

4、,则作为负债类科目。6.资料:Theres a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll you ordered for lunch doesnt actually contain any tuna at all.Thats because 74% of fish sold at sushi venues in the US is mislabeled and often completely different than whats on the menu, according to a 2013 survey from the ocean conse

5、rvation group Oceana.But new technology could help make the seafood business a bit more transparent. Google is teaming up with Oceana and the aerial and satellite imaging nonprofit SkyTruth to launch Global Fishing Watch this fall, the New York Times reports. The initiative will track and analyze fi

6、shing boat practices using satellite technology and, ideally, help ensure that fewer fake or mislabeled fish are swapped in along the way.Seafood providers are also investing in technology to reduce fraud. Boston seafood distributor Reds Best, for example, has increased transparency by selling fish

7、with labels that buyers can scan with their smartphones to access a web page that provides details about the individual fish, including where the fish came from, the New York Times reports.Even if a restaurant serves some real, correctly labeled fish, 95% of the 118 sushi restaurants surveyed by Oce

8、ana in cities including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles had at least one faked sushi item on the menu.Currently, the biggest culprits for fake sushi are snapper (92% misleadingly labeled) and tuna (71%). White tuna is often swapped for escolar, which is sometimes called the Ex-Lax Fish, according

9、 to Inside Edition, because it can cause intestinal problems.Roughly 75% of fish labeled snapper isnt even from the snapper family. Because of the predominance of fraud in the supply chain, New York sushi restaurant Sushi Nakazawa refuses to serve red snapper because the risk of fake fish is too hig

10、h.What can we infer from this passage?( )A.Many sushi restaurants refuse to serve some fish because of the risk of fake fish.B.People have access to track the origins of fish sold in sushi shops.C.Most fish sold in sushi stores is mislabeled but new tech can help to fix the problem.D.Citizens in the

11、 US no longer trust the fish sold in sushi venues.答案:C解析:本题考查的是推理判断。【关键词】infer from the passage【主题句】第2、3自然段Thats because 74% of fish sold at sushi venues in the US is mislabeled and often completely different than whats on the menu, according to a 2013 survey from the ocean conservation group Oceana

12、.But new technology could help make the seafood business a bit more transparent. 根据海洋保护组织Oceana 2013年的一项调查,在美国寿司店出售的鱼中,74%的鱼标签有误,通常与菜单上的完全不同。但新技术可能有助于提高海产品行业的透明度。【解析】本题的问题是“从文章中,我们可以推断出什么?”A选项“许多寿司店拒绝供应一些鱼是因为假鱼的风险。”;B选项“人们可以追踪寿司店里出售的鱼的来源。”;C选项“寿司店里出售的大多数鱼都贴错了标签,但新技术可以帮助解决这个问题。”;D选项“美国公民不再相信寿司店出售的鱼。”


14、能说脏话。D项说明脏话和说话由大脑不同区域负责,说明脏话和说话之间的不同,很好地解释了题干现象;A、B、C三项都不能说明脏话和说话不同。故答案选D8.资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. Its up to you to figure out if your career is still going

15、 to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly?Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal!If you want t

16、o move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change. You need to do it with purpose and specificity. It must look well-thought out and intentional. Otherwise, people will A) not know you are looking to make the change, and B)assume you are doing

17、 it because you failed in your current career in some way.1. Give the logic and passion behind your career change.When signaling to your network you want to switch careers you must explain why both your head and heart are ready to change. Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you

18、need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved).2. Build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one.Most employers p

19、refer to hire people with previous experience. Thus, youre going to need a way to convey to them your transferable skills from your former career path will be equally valuable. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then strategically network with

20、their employees. The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience.To sum it up Once you commit to a career change, the secret to success is to make sure everyone knows about it.

21、Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.What does the last sentence (underlined) of the passage mean?A.You need to be consistent in your career.B.Changing career lanes efficiently and effectively needs more effort.C.It will be hard for you to change career lan

22、es efficiently and effectively.D.You will change career lanes easily.答案:C解析:本题考查的是句意判断。【关键词】last sentence; mean【主题句】最后一个自然段 Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively. 否则,你将很难高效地改变职业生涯。【解析】题干意为“文章中最后一句话(划线)是什么意思?”选项A意为“你需要在你的职业生涯中保持一致”;选项B意为“高效地改变职业道路需要付出更多的努力”;选

23、项C意为“你很难有效地改变职业道路”;选项D意为“你会轻易改变职业道路”。根据主题句可知,选项C符合题意。9._ATA-100, each page is identified by a three element number and a page number.A.According withB.In accordance withC.ToD.In according to答案:B解析:本题考察according/accordance的用法,常见用法是according to和in accordance with,两者都有“根据、依据”的意思,区别在于according to比较随意, i

24、n accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件。题目意为“根据ATA-100,每一页由一个三元数和一个页码数来界定。”10.答案:B解析:题干图形的封闭区域数依次是3、4、5、6,应选择封闭区域数为7的图形,选项中只有B项符合。11.当烹调的食物中含有盐时,微波炉杀死常见食物中经常发现的有害细菌的功效就会消失。 当在微波炉中加热时,不含食盐的食物内部达到了很高的足以把引起食物中毒的细菌杀死的温度,但是含有食盐的食物内部就达不到这样高的温度。于是科学家们就得出这样的结论,食盐可以有效地阻止微波加热食物的内部。下面哪一个结论最能被上面的论述支持?( )A.在食物的外部比在食


26、业文化的若干价值信念,并具体落实到员工的日常工作上,一般的工作性质或问题,只要与公司的价值信念一致,员工即不必层层请示,直接执行工作或请示问题。根据该定义,下列不属于价值管理的是( )。A.某公司举办其发展史展览活动,通过用以往公司辉煌的成绩来激励员工努力工作B.某绿色食品有限公司要求员工严把质量关,每次采购原料时必须向上级汇报所采购原料的情况C.在处理是否保护某一珍贵树林的问题上,邓某没有向其所在的环保工程建设公司请示,直接要求施工人员绕开树林,增加工程量,以保护树林D.根据社会对企业发展的要求,某企业设定了“低耗能,高产出”的研发宗旨答案:B解析:价值管理的定义要点是与公司的价值信念一致,

27、员工即不必层层请示,直接执行工作或请示问题。B 项中严把质量关是符合公司价值信念的,故理应不必层层请示,故B 项不符合价值管理。13.答案:C解析:第一列图形三角形做逆时针运动,F做順时针运动,第二列图形三角形做顺时针运动,T做逆时针运动,最后一列图形三角形做逆时针运动,L做順时针运动。14.根据中华人民共和国担保法的规定,定金合同从( )起生效。A.实际交付定金之日B.定金合同成立之日C.主合同成立之日D.主合同生效之日答案:A15.某大型国有企业将改组为股份有限公司,新设立的股份有限公司的发起人()。A.应由该国有企业吸收其他人担任,但不得少于5人B.可少于5人,但必须采取发起设立的方式C

28、.可少于5人,但必须采取募集设立的方式D.应由不包括该国有企业的其他5人组成答案:C16.生物体构造的主要物质是( ),生命遗传的物质基础又是( )。 A.细胞;蛋白质B.蛋白质;核酸C.蛋白质;细胞D.细胞;核酸答案:B解析:细胞内部有核,外部有细胞质和最外层的膜,核中的染色体,主要有蛋白质和核酸构成。蛋白质是生物体构造的主要物质,核酸是生命遗传的物质基础。17.某地运用新技术新工艺对传统产业进行改造,开发出优质、高效、符合消费者需要的新产品,使这些产业重新焕发生机和活力。这段话主要支持了这样一种论点,即()。A.传统产业能够改造成高新技术产业B.高新技术产业将完全取代传统产业C.技术进步是

29、产业创新的动力D.技术进步是市场开发的结果答案:C解析:先审四个备选项,A项本身错误,并不是任何传统产业都能改造成高新技术产业;高新技术产业并不能完全取代传统产业,B项错误;市场开发不一定会使技术进步。综合文段,C选项符合题意。18.见票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起( )内向付款人提示承兑。汇票未按照规定提示承兑的,持票人丧失对其前手的追索权。A.15天B.20天C.1个月D.3个月答案:C19.假设诺鑫银行与IC 网络合作销售理财产品,产品利润率下降20%,但每月销量增加56%,那么该理财产品的每月总利润会增加_%。【此题为填空题】答案:解析:设原每月销量为100,产品成本为100

30、,利润率为100%.则每月的总利润为100100=10 000。现在销量为156,利润率为80%,总利润为156x80=12 480,增加了(12 480-10 000)10000=24.8%。20.中央银行为实现特定的经济目标而采取的各种控制、调节货币供应量或信用量的方针、政策、措施的总称是 ( ) 。A. 信贷政策 B.货币政策工具C. 货币政策D. 货币政策目标答案:C21.Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day I was a clothes addict, he jokes I used

31、 to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled Today David wears casual clothes-khaki pants and a sports shirt to the office He hardly ever wears a necktie Im working harder than ever, David says, and I need to feel comfortableMore and more companies are allowing

32、 their office workers to wear casual clothes to work In the United States, the changes from formal to casual office wear have been slow In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday) This became known as dress-down Friday or casual Frid

33、ay What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for workers has really become an everyday thing said business adviser Maisly JonesWhy have so many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes One reason is that its easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a cas

34、ual dress code A lot of young people dont want to dress up for work, says the owner of a software company, so its hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes In a study made by Levi

35、 Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side effect on work Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day, one person said For the same amount of money, you can buy a

36、lot more casual clothesDavid Smith wears casual clothes now, because _A. they make him feel at ease when workingB. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothesC. he looks handsome in casual clothesD. he no longer works for any company答案:A解析:由文章第一段最后一句话“andI needtofeel eomfortable”可知他需要在工作的时候感到舒服自在。故答案选

37、A。 22. 在市场经济制度下,衡量货币是否均衡的标志是()。 A.货币流通速度与物价指数B.汇价变化率C.货币流通速度变化率D.物价变动率答案:D解析: 在市场经济制度下,综合物价水平取决于社会总供给与社会总需求的对比关系,而货币均衡又是总供求是否均衡的重要前提条件。所以我们可以利用综合物价水平的变动,来判断货币是否均衡。23.资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet.

38、 Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?However, the shift to e-government is turning into one giant pain in the neck technology isnt the problem, money is. The Gartner G

39、roup estimated that project spending for e-government will grow from $6.5 billion in 2010 to more than $16.8 billion by 2025.The cost worldwide over the next 15 years, however, is thought by some to reach or even exceed $600 billion.Citizens are of two minds they like the convenience and flexibility

40、 of e-government, but they have shown no great interest in coughing up extra tax dollars for this purpose. E-government is turning out to be much more expensive than its early champions envisioned. Just because that a states department of motor vehicles allows online auto registration doesnt mean it

41、 can shut down its physical stations. The cost of creating and maintaining an Internet presence must be added to the existing cost structure.Why so expensive? Its cheap enough for a regional forest service to put up a fire alert website. But mounting a comprehensive system of inputs and outputs that

42、 mirrors and in some instances supersedes off-line government structures is a mammoth expenditure, conducted with little assurance that emerging technological standards wont leave your effort in the dust.If this sounds eerily similar to the confidence wall dot-com businesses piled into last year, go

43、od for you, because its the same wall, the wall of reality, where money is still money, and because a thing is virtual doesnt mean its free. It is a really big problem. We all know it is going to cost a ton of money, but no one knows where to go for the money.The passage indicates that the success o

44、f e-government partly depends on .A.having public confidenceB.having sufficient investmentC.lowering government spendingD.upgrading government technology答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解和同义转换。【关键词】indicates;success of e-government【主题句】 第2自然段 However,the shift to e-government is turning into one giant pain in the ne

45、ck technology isnt the problem, money is.然而,向电子政府的转变正在变成一个大麻烦技术不是问题,金钱是问题。【解析】本题的问题是“文章中表明,电子政府的成功部分取决于什么?”。根据主题句可知,金钱是电子政府目前的主要问题,故选B。24.银行间以一天为期限互相拆借资金的利率,称为( )。A.资金拆借利率B.行间拆借利率C.隔日拆借利率D.隔夜拆借利率答案:D25.资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on your team,you may still end up with a negative

46、employee.These workers dont necessarily fall into the category of “toxic,”but theyre just kind of a drag with their cynical, pessimistic worldview.If you re dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take.FIND OUT WHYIf you decide to proceed in addressing the behavior,think about whether t

47、here have been behavior changes recently.Is the negativity a constant or has the behavior escalated?If the latter ,was there an event that led up to the change?Individuals in the workplace live multi-dimensional lives,and other non-workplace stresses may impact work productivity and mood.In an April

48、 2016 report in the Journal of Managerial Psychology,a team of Toronto researchers found that employee who are cynical of their workplace may feel more positive if their managers are supportive.DISCUSS GOALSWhen discussing the situation with your negative employee,it is recommended to frame the disc

49、ussion in the context of the Individuals goals.”Tone policing” where you simply point out pessimistic commentary without addressing the root cause, rarely works and may just cause more resentment.Get to the root of the issue and find out if the employee needs additional training,perhaps in managemen

50、t or communication skills,to overcome a deficit.ADDRESS ISSUESA direct,solutions-oriented conversation with the employee can uncover problems or circumstances driving the behavior.If there are workplace issue that can be solved,consider doing so if it make sense.If there are personal issues that hav

51、e caused an escalation in negative behavior,examine whether accommodations can be made to help the person while theyre going through such challenges.Some employees dont have great interpersonal skills,and putting them in jobs where they are more focused on job-related tasks than on interactions with

52、 others can be an effective solution,too.This article is most likely taken fromA.Three Way to Build an Effective TeamB.How to be a Positive EmployeeC.Is it Important to Sustain a Successful Workplace EnvironmentD.Several Tips for Managing a Team答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】article; likely;taken from【主题句】第

53、1自然段If you re dealing with a negative employee, here are 3 steps to take.如果你在和一个消极的员工打交道,这里有三个步骤。【解析】本题的问题是“本文最可能是来自以下哪一篇文章?”。选项A意为“建立有效团队的三种方法”;选项B意为“如何成为积极的员工”;选项C意为“维持成功的工作环境非常重要”;选项D意为“管理团队的几个技巧”。根据主题句可知,本文主要介绍了和消极员工打交道的三种方式,故选A。26.Coffee is the( )of this district and brings local farmers a lot

54、of money。A.majorityB.spiceC.stapleD.elite答案:C解析:题目意为“咖啡是这个地区的主要产品,并且为当地农民带来了很多收入。”选项A意为“大多数”;选项B意为“香料,调味品”;选项C意为“主食,主要产品”;选项D意为“精英,精华”。根据题意,咖啡是主要产品,因此选项C更符合题意。27.肥皂有“软”、“硬”之分,这主要取决于( )。A.含油量 B.含碱量C.含酸量 D.含水量答案:B解析:肥皂通常是指脂肪酸金属盐的总称,如最常见的硬肥皂的主要成分是高 级脂肪酸的钠盐(NaOH),它含碱量高,去油去污能力强,但对皮肤有较大的剌激性;而以钾盐 (KOH)为主要成

55、分制成的肥皂称软肥皂,它含碱量较低,对皮肤的刺激性较小。28.某家庭2012年收人为140000元,支出情况详见下图,则以下说法错误的有()。A该家庭消费结构相对合理A.该家庭恩格尔系数约为312%B.该家庭投资理财方式多样化C.该家庭生活水平属于小康D.该家庭恩格尔系数约为257%答案:A,B,C解析: 恩格尔系是食品支出与总支出的比,计算得恩格尔系数257%从袁中无法看出家庭理财方式多样化,而且该家庭年收入低于187Y,L,没达到小康标准。该家庭生存资料的占比大于精神享受的比例所以消费结构不合理。 #29.真正的信息公开,当然要求政府要在第一时间发布信息,但更重要的是,不 能_信息的发布渠

56、道,而必须尊重媒体多渠道地报道、展现事实,在多元的信息和声音的“竞争”中由公众判断事实在哪里。政府调査的能力有限,可能被假象所_,所以需要媒体调査的跟进,这对政府的调査是一个有益的信息补充;更重要的是,政府在利益的绑架下,可能会习惯性地瞒报虚报、掩盖事实,这就需要媒体的报道与政府的调查相互_,从而在信息的竞争和交叉中逼出真相。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.主导 迷惑 证明B.垄断 蒙蔽 印证C.操纵 瞒骗 检验D.控制 遮掩 验证答案:B解析:本題可用排除法。第一空渠道”一般与“控制”、“垄断”搭配使用,排除A、C;把D选项带入题干遮掩”明显不能与“假象”搭配,故排除。B项为正确答案。30

57、.根据财务管理理论,企业在生产经营活动过程中客观存在的资金运动及其所体现的经济利益关系被称为( )。A.企业财务管理 B.企业财务活动C.企业财务关系 D.企业财务答案:D解析:企业财务是指企业在生产经营活动过程中客观存在的资金运动及其所体现的经济利益关系。31.通过经济手段征税,把碳排放作为一项成本,计入工业生产和个人生活中,在经济学上顺 理成章,但在政治上却有着极大的风险。既难以得到工业界的支持,也不容易说服选民。 虽然是以碳排放名义征税,却往往会被认为是政府变相加税,或者是通过人为增加成本来 压缩市场需求,不得人心。本段文字的中心意思是( )。A.通过经济手段征税不得人心B.以碳排放名义

58、征税实质上是变相加税C.对碳排放征税的正反两方面影响D.对碳排放征税有极大的政治风险答案:D解析:主旨概括题。文段第一句即主旨句,后两句是对其原因的解释说明。故 D项是对主旨的最好概括。A项把话题主体指向通过经济手段征税,偷换概念,表述错误;B 项属于断章取义;文段并没有强调征收碳排放税的影响,且丝毫没有提到其正面影响,C项概 括有误。因此本题正确答案选择D项。32. Place them so that air can freely _around the back. A. circulateB. diffuseC. distributeD. disperse答案:A解析:考查词义辨析。句意

59、:把它们放好,这样周围的空气就能够自由流通。circulate循环,流通;diffuse 扩散,传播;distribute 分配,散布;disperse 分散,消散。表示空气流通,应该用circulate。33.从我国对外贸易来看,如果人民币升值,将直接导致我国出口商品丧失( )。A.产品结构优势B.管理成本优势C.技术含量优势D.价格竞争优势答案:D解析:人民币升值意味着同样多的人民币可以兑换更多的外币同一种出口商品在人民币升值后它的国内价格不变,但它的国外货币价格就会上升于是我国出口商品会丧失价格竞争优势。D选项正确。34.从3双完全相同的鞋中,随机抽取一双鞋的概率是( )。答案:D解析:

60、任选一只鞋后,剩下的5只鞋有3只能与之凑成一双,因此随机抽取一双鞋的概率是3/5。35.洗钱的过程中,被形象地描述为“甩干”阶段的为( )。A.转移阶段 B.培植阶段C.融合阶段 D.处置阶段答案:C解析:洗钱的过程通常被分为三个阶段,即处置阶段、培植阶段、融合阶段。其中,融合阶段被形象地描述为“甩干”,即使非法变为合法,为犯罪得来的财富提供表面的合法掩盖,在犯罪收益披上了合法外衣后,犯罪收益人就能够自由地享用这些肮脏的犯罪收益,将清洗后的钱集中起来使用。36.当今世界上外汇交易中使用最多的方法是( )。A.间接标价法 B.升贴水标价法C.直接标价法 D.中间标价答案:C解析:除英国等少数国家

61、外,世界上大多数国家的外汇交易都使用直接标价法。37.资料:(四)Of all the lessons taught by the financial crisis, the most personal has been that we Americans should not be proud of our financial skills. We take out home loans we cant afford. We run up sky-high credit-card debts. We dont save nearly enough for retirement.In resp

62、onse, supporters of financial-literacy education are raising their voices. School districts in many states are adding money-management courses to their curriculum. The government is encouraging students to compete in the National Financial Capability Challenge. However, there is little evidence that traditional efforts to boost financial know-how help students make better decisions outside the classroom. Even as the financial-literacy moveme

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