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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年山西临汾侯马农村商业银行招聘40人练习题(9)名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.In the e-mail, the word filed in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to ().A.lined upB.sent inC.put awayD.cut back答案:B解析:“file”出现在邮件的首段:“most claims are resolved within 7 day

2、s of the date when the claim is filed”这句话翻译为:多数索赔都会在索赔申请提出7日内得到解决。所以,“file”在句中的意思就是“提出,呈交”等意思,所以,能表达“提出,呈交”的意思的短语,只有“sentin”,故答案选B。2.输出设备指的就是显示器。()答案:错解析:显示器只是输出设备的一种。常用的输出设备有打印机、显示器、绘图仪等。3.下面的文学形象中不属于四大吝啬鬼典型的是()A.叶甫盖尼*奥涅金中的叶甫盖尼*奥涅金B.悭吝人中的阿巴贡C.威尼斯商人中的夏洛克D.死魂灵中的泼留希金答案:A解析:英国作家莎士比亚在威尼斯商人中创造的夏洛克、法国作家莫里

3、哀在(悝吝人中创造的阿巴贡、俄国作家果戈里在死魂灵里塑造的泼留希金和法国作家巴尔扎克在守财奴中塑造的葛朗台是西方文学史中最著名的四大吝啬鬼形象。4. 下列属于所有权凭证的是() A. 股票B. 可转让大额定期存单C. 商业票据D. 政府债券答案:A解析:BCD属于债权债务凭证。5.下列融资方式属于间接融资的是()。A.发行企业债券B.发行公司股票C.银行贷款D.发行国债答案:C解析:银行集中存款发放贷款,作为中介分别与存款人和贷款人形成债权债务关系,属于典型的间接信用。发行股票和债券都属于直接融资。故本题答案选C。6.资料:Earlier this month, presidents Bara

4、ck Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global w

5、arming for their portfolios.On Friday afternoon there was an example of what that might mean Mr Obamas administration issued an order temporarily blocking construction on a section of the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The move was a response to local concerns raised by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe ab

6、out potential damage to historic sites and the threats of oil spills. But it is the global issue of climate change that had raised the profile of Dakota Access, making it into a cause celebre for US environmental campaigners. Bill McKibben of 350.org, which played a key role in the successful effort

7、 to stop the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, has suggested that Mr Obama could block Dakota Access permanently, on the grounds that it would exacerbate the threat of climate change.Last month, the White Houses Council on Environmental Quality issued new guidance for federal agencies, making clear

8、that their decisions should take into account “the potential effects of a proposed action on climate change”, and quantify their consequences for greenhouse gas emissions. Dakota Access is intended to carry crude oil 1,172 miles from North Dakota, a centre of the US shale revolution, to Illinois, en

9、 route to refineries around America. The case that it would add to global greenhouse gas emission will be harder to make than for Keystone XL, which would have brought crude from the high-emitting oil sands of western Canada, but the campaigners are certain to try.If Dakota Access is stopped, it wil

10、l have a significant impact not just on energy Transfer Partners, the company leading the project, but on all North Dakota oil producers and their customers, who will be forced to use more expensive rail transport.Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week,

11、BlackRock, the worlds largest fund manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. It is one thing when a philanthropic

12、 fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors personal views on climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by

13、the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you.六If the world is to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming to acceptable levels, there will have to be a huge reallocation of capital away from fossil fuels and towar

14、d low-emission energy sources. That shift has begun, but it needs to go much further. The transition is not straightforward: for as long as oil is the lifeblood of the worlds transport, pipelines will be needed. But when investors and boards make decisions about projects like Dakota Access, they wil

15、l have to consider their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. The financial consequences of climate change can no longer be ignored.What can we learn from Paragragh 5? ( )A.BlackRock is philanthropic fund that cares about climate change.B.Investors can take the opportunities brought by climate change

16、.C.The threat brought by climate change still needs scientific evidence.D.What investors think of the climate change is very important.答案:B解析:本题考查的是推理判断。【关键词】learn; Paragraph5【主题句】第五段Climate change is now an unavoidable business issue. In an excellent paper last week, BlackRock, the worlds largest f

17、und manager, set out some of the ways that investors can reduce their exposure to the risks and benefit from the opportunities that it creates. The paper is a landmark in the rising awareness of the issue among mainstream investors. 气候变化现在是一个不可避免的商业问题。上周一份出色的报告中,全球最大的基金管理公司贝莱德(BlackRock)列举了一些投资者可以减少

18、面临风险以及从创造的机会中受益的方法。 这份文件是主流投资者对这一问题意识提高的一个里程碑。 It is one thing when a philanthropic fund with assets of a few hundred million takes a stand on climate issues, quite another when the warnings come from a company with about $4.9tn under management. As BlackRock points out, investors personal views on

19、climate science are irrelevant. Enough governments and businesses are convinced by the scientific consensus that the threat is real, and are driving regulatory and technological changes that interested in you. 一个拥有数亿资产的慈善基金对气候问题持有立场是一回事,而对一家管理着约4.9万美元的公司的警告又是另一回事了。 正如贝莱德指出的那样,投资者对气候科学的个人观点是无关紧要的。 许多


21、、电子计算机的发明与原子能的发明和使用D.蒸汽机的发明、纺织机的发明、原子能的发明和使用答案:C解析: 8.研究人员通过分析各地烟草税的不同以及当地居民基因型的差别,得出结论:提高烟草税对于普通人戒烟确实有效,但对于携带某一类基因的人则不起任何作用。下列说法最能成为上述结论隐含条件的是( )。A.政府的任何一项决策都不能适用于所有的人B.从人的基因型可以准确推测出一个人烟瘾的程度C.研究人员已经准确掌握基因影响吸烟行为的原理D.携带某种基因的人从吸烟中得到的快感使其愿意承担增加的税收答案:D解析:本题属于加强论证题目,前提型论证题。要得出提高烟草税对普通人有用,但对携带某一基因的人不起任何作用

22、,就需要隐含一个前提:即带有此基因的人不在意提高税费对他的影响,或者税费对他的影响比吸烟的带来的好处弱。D项恰好满足题干要求。ABC与题意无关,均可排除。因此,选择D选项。9.金融资产管理公司条例第3条规定,金融资产管理公司以最大限度地( )为主要经营目标,依法独立承担民事责任。A.减少不良资产B.保全资产减少损失C.发挥自身优势D.规避金融风险答案:B解析:我国的金融资产管理公司是经国务院决定设立的收购国有独资商业银行不良贷款,管理和处置因收购国有独资商业银行不良贷款形成的资产的国有独资非银行金融机构。以最大限度地保全资产,减少损失为管理目标,依法独立承担民事责任 10.B公司在2018年发

23、生以下事项,基中影响该公司当期损益的有( )。A.其他权益工具投资公允价值的增加B.处置某固定资产获得400万元C.因产品质量保证确认的预计负债D.收到某客户的违约金300万元答案:A,B11.IS曲线和LM曲线相交时所形成的均衡收入一定是充分就业的国民收入。 答案:错解析:IS曲线和LM曲线相交时所形成的均衡收入是均衡状态下的国民收入,不一定是充分就业的国民收入,可能大于、小于或等于充分就业的国民收入,所以本题错误。12.“请示”应一文一事,“报告”可夹带请示事项。()答案:错解析:报告不可夹带请示事项。13.集中营销这一市场覆盖策略的缺陷在于( )。A.分散了企业资源B.目标市场比较狭小C


25、数值越低,表明财富在社会成员之间的分配越均匀。基尼系数的经济含义是:在全部居民收入中,用于进行不平均分配的那部分收入占总收入的百分比。基尼系数,按照联合国有关组织规定:若低于0.2表示收入绝对平均;0.20.3表示比较平均;0.30.4表示相对合理;0.40.5表示收入差距较大;0.5以上表示收入差距悬殊。各国、各地区的具体情况千差万别,居民的承受能力及社会价值观念都不尽相同,所以这种数量界限只能用作宏观调控的参照系,而不能成为禁锢和教条。目前,我国共计算三种基尼系数,即农村居民基尼系数、城镇居民基尼系数和全国居民基尼系数。15.第48题答案是_A.hold onB.put awayC.loo

26、k throughD.pick up答案:C解析:look through“浏览”,look through a pile of letters意为“浏览一堆信件”,故选C。hold on“抓住,坚持”,put away“把放到一边”,pick up“捡起,学会”,均排除。16.资料:(二)The very loans that are supposed to help seniors stay in their homes are in many cases pushing them out. Reverse mortgages, which allow homeowners 62 or o

27、lder to borrow money against the value of their homes and not pay it back until they move out or die, have long been said with problems. Now, federal and state regulators are documenting new instances of abuse as smaller mortgage brokers, including former sub-prime lenders, flood the market after th

28、e recent exit of big banks and as defaults on the loans hit record highs.Some lenders are aggressively recommending loans to seniors who cannot afford the fees associated with them, without mentioning the property taxes and maintenance. Others are wooing seniors with promises that the loans are free

29、 money that can be used to finance their long-desired things, without clearly explaining the risks. Some widows were pressured not to have their names on the contract, without being told that they could be left facing foreclosureafter their husbands died.Now, as the vast baby boomer generation is en

30、tering retirement and more seniors struggle with declining savings, the newly established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on new rules that could mean better disclosure for consumers and stricter supervision of lenders. More than 775,000 of such loans are outstanding, according to th

31、e federal government.Concerns about the multi-billion dollar reverse mortgages market echo those raised in the lead-up to the financial crisis when consumers were marketed loansoften carrying hidden risksthat they could not afford. “There are many of the same red flags, including explosive growth an

32、d the fact that these loans are often advertised aggressively without regarded to suitability,“sad Lori Swanson, the Minnesota attorney general, who is working on reforming the reverse mortgage market.The“red flags ”of reverse mortgage dont include_.A.explosive growthB.the reform of reverse mortgage

33、 marketC.little consideration to suitabilityD.aggressive and improper marketing答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】Thered flagsof reverse mortgage;dont include【主题句】第4自然段There are many of the same red flags, including explosive growth and the fact that these loans are often advertised aggressively without regarde

34、d to suitability。有许多相同的危险信号,包括爆炸性的增长,以及这些贷款常常被大肆宣传而不考虑是否合适。【解析】本题的问题是“反向抵押贷款的危险信号不包括_”。 A选项“爆炸性增长”;B选项“反向抵押贷款市场的改革”;C选项“对适用性不加考虑”;D选项“咄咄逼人、不当的宣传销售”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,A、C、D三个选项符合危险信号,故B选项正确。17.各级政府主管部门和财政机关不再把企业置于直接管理之下,并不等于完全放弃对企业经营活动的和_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.管理 限制 B.领导 控制C.引导 控制 D.引导 制约答案:C解析:限制:规定范围,不许超过

35、。制约:限制约束。由文段中“不再把企业置于直接管理之下”可知,政策主管部门要改“直接控制”为“间接控制”,而并不是完全放弃“控制”。 由此可排除选项A、D。引导:指引、诱导。领导:率领并引导。管理:负责某项工作使顺利进行。文段想要表达的是:各级政府主管部门和财政机关与企业间的关系为引导关系,而不是领导关系,因此“引导”一词比“管理”和“领导”更符合文意。故本题正确答案为C。18.每个人最大的生长空间在其最强的优势领域,每一个人才的奇迹都是在最合适自己的岗位上和最能发挥自己优势的领域中创造出来的。使用人才应当唯器是用、用其所长,各得其宜。这段话的主旨是( )A.要重视和培养人才 B.人才使用应尽

36、其所能C.人才的成长空间在其优势领域 D.人才使用应各得其所答案:D解析:文段首先提出善用优势是造就人才的关键论断,其后阐述了在使用人才方面应 该注意唯器是用、用其所长,D项“各得其所”指每个人或事物都得到恰当的安排或舒适的位置,符 合文段中对于人才使用原则的论述。19. _his exercise book,he was scolded by the teacher A.Not having handed inB.Having not handed inC.Not handing inD.Handing not in答案:A解析:因为主句是过去时,没交作业是发生在过去的过去,所以状语从句应该

37、用过去完成时。故选A。此句意为他没有上交练习册,受到了老师的责备。20. 垄断竞争市场的特点是( )。 A.较多的卖者和买者B.存在产品差别C.厂商的生产规模小D.以上都正确答案:D解析:垄断竞争是指一个市场中有许多厂商生产和销售有差别的同种产品。垄断竞争市场的存在条件有以下三点:生产集团中有大量的企业生产有差别的同种产品,这些产品彼此之间都是非常接近的替代品;一个生产集团中的企业数量非常多,以至于每个厂商都认为自己的行为影响很小,不会引起竞争对手的注意和反应,因而自己也不会受到竞争对手的报复措施的影响;厂商的生产规模比较小,因此进入和退出一个生产集团比较容易。由此可见,答案选D。 21.由于

38、存款业务量巨大,故存款合同一般采用( )。A.客户制定的格式合同 B.客户与存款机构协商制定的格式合同C.存款机构制定的格式合同 D. 口头形式答案:C解析:存款合同是指经营存款业务的金融机构(存款机构)与存款客户之间达成的权利义务关系的协议。由于存款业务是存款机构经特许而经营的,存款业务量巨大,故存款合同一般采用存款机构制定的格式合同。其内容包括:存款客户名称、地址、币种、金额、利率、存期、计息方式、密码等。22.评价财务报表质量高低的主要指标包括()。A.真实性B.相关可比性C.编报及时性D.全面完整性答案:A,B,C,D解析: 编制财务会计报告的时候一定要做到真实可靠、全面完整、编报及时

39、、便于比较。 23.主要供应长期资金,解决投资资金需要的是( B )。A.货币市场B.资本市场C.同业拆借市场D.票据市场答案:B24.The snake farmers said they had been bitten, some by deadly snakes, and were saved by_of anti-venom medicine .A.injectionB.producingC.infectionD.consuming答案:A解析:A选项意为“注射”,B选项意为“生产、制片”,C选项意为“传染、感染”,D选项意为“消费的、强烈的”,题目意为“养蛇的农民说他们曾被蛇咬过,有

40、些是被致命的蛇咬过的,只有_抗毒药物才能保存性命。”因此选A,注射抗毒药物。25.金融创新按其创新的主体可分为( )。A.机构的创新和制度的创新 B.技术推动型和理财型C.市场主导型和政府主导型 D.逃避管制型和规避风险型答案:C解析:金融创新按其创新的主体可划分为:市场主导型和政府主导型;按创新的动因来划分,金融创新可以分为逃避管制型、规避风险型、技术推动型和理财型等;按创新的内容来划分,金融创新可以分为制度创新、业务创新、工具创新。26.答案:B解析:题干图形的封闭区域数依次是3、4、5、6,应选择封闭区域数为7的图形,选项中只有B项符合。27.一项调查显示,在患有自闭症的儿童中,有70%


42、此”、“为此”引导的结论句可知,文段强调提应避免让儿童过早接触电脑,C项与此表述一致,当选。28. 下列关于有限责任公司的监事会的表述,不正确的是( ) A. 公司的董事长总经理可以兼任监事B. 监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的职工代表C. 监事须忠实履行义务,维护公司利益,不得利用职权谋取私利D. 股东人数较少或规模较小的有限责任公司可设一至两名监事,不设监事会。答案:A解析:公司法第五十二条有限责任公司设监事会,其成员不得少于三人。股东人数较少或者规模较小的有限责任公司,可以设一至二名监事,不设监事会。 监事会应当包括股东代表和适当比例的公司职工代表,其中职工代表的比例不得低于三分之一,

43、具体比例由公司章程规定。监事会中的职工代表由公司职工通过职工代表大会、职工大会或者其他形式民主选举产生。 监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。监事会主席召集和主持监事会会议;监事会主席不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持监事会会议。 董事、高级管理人员不得兼任监事。29.计算贴现利率方法正确的是:( )A、贴现利率=汇票金额贴现天数月贴现率B、贴现利率=汇票金额贴现天数(月贴现率/30)C、贴现利率=汇票金额(汇票签发日至到期日的实际天数)(日贴现率/30 天)答案:B30. 留于以后年度分配的利润或待分配的利润是( )。 A.实收资本B.盈余公积C.

44、资本公积D.未分配利润答案:D解析:未分配利润是企业未作分配的利润。它在以后年度可继续进行分配,在未进行分配之前,属于所有者权益的组成部分。从数量上看,未分配利润是期初未分配利润加上本期实现的净利润,减去提取的各种盈余公积和分出的利润后的余额。 31.资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?FRANK LE CLAIR, a 58-year-old provincial government employee living in Winnipeg, had no idea that his blood pressure was too high. While out of tow

45、n last winter, he came down with a cold and a sore throat and decided to see a local doctor.Apart from checking his cold symptoms, the doctor also gave him a general health-check. The doctor found that Franks blood pressure was higher than normal and advised him to see his regular physician as soon

46、as he got home.Le Clairs physician referred him to the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre, where dietitians told him that he might be able to control his blood pressure by changing his lifestyle rather than by taking drugs. People with high blood pressure have to control or eliminate four elements: smo

47、king, drinking, food quantities and salt. Le Clair doesnt smoke or drink, but there were some changes he could make in the other two categories.The most conclusive evidence so far that a high-salt diet is bad for you is the “Intersalt” study, involving 10,000 people in 32 countries. It measured the

48、relationship between urinary sodium excretion - a direct measure of salt consumption - and blood pressure. The study found that populations with the lowest sodium excretion also have the lowest blood pressures.Recent studies have shown that “salt sensitivity” is a major factor in the relationship be

49、tween a high-salt diet and hypertension. And hypertension is a risk factor for two of the biggest killers in this country: coronary heart disease and stroke. Frank Le Clairs high blood pressure was discovered by chance. There are no warning symptoms - high blood pressure is known as the silent kille

50、r.A high-salt intake triggers a vicious cycle. Those who are used to a lot of salt in their food find they need increasing amounts to be able to continue to taste its flavour - the more salt they eat, the more they want. It is also an aggravating factor in osteoporosis and is closely linked to stoma

51、ch cancer. A high salt intake can be dangerous for people with conditions that are aggravated by fluid retention, such as hepatitis, liver or kidney problems.According to the passage, the major causes of death in Frank Le Clairs country are _.A.hypertension and high blood pressureB.heart disease and

52、 strokeC.liver damage and kidney problemsD.osteoporosis and stomach cancer答案:B解析:本题考查细节理解。【关键词】the major causes of death; in Frank Le Clairs country【主题句】倒数第2自然段And hypertension is a risk factor for two of the biggest killers in this country: coronary heart disease and stroke. 高血压是该国最致命的两大健康杀手冠心病和中风发

53、病的一个危险因素。【解析】题目意为“根据这段话,Frank Le Clair的国家的主要死因是_。”选项A意为“高血压”;选项B意为“心脏病和中风”;选项C意为“肝脏损害和肾脏问题”;选项D意为“骨质疏松症和胃癌”。根据主题句,因此选项B与题意相符。32.商业银行在资产负债综合管理中,致力于实现资产与负债在期限上的匹配。这是商业银行进行()管理的举措。A.信用风险B.市场风险C.操作风险D.流动性风险答案:D33.农行客服电话_A、95533B、95566C、95551D、95599答案:D34.商业银行的存款经营在( )的商业银行表现得最为明显。A.英国 B.美国C.新加坡 D.韩国答案:B

54、解析:商业银行的存款经营就是在一定的金融法规监管条件下,充分组织银行的人力、物力来创造新的金融产品并将其销售出去的过程。这一点在美国的商业银行表现得最为明显。35.为了提高经济增长率,可以采取的措施是( )。A.加强政府的宏观调控B.刺激消费水平C.减少工作时间D.推广基础科学及应用科学的研究成果答案:D解析:政府的宏观调控分很多方面,不局限于经济的增长,所以A不确切;刺激消费水平虽然也能使总产出增加,但也是暂时的;减少工作时间未必能使得经济增长;只有推广基础科学及应用科学的研究成果,即利用技术的进步来促进经济增长,并且能持续提高经济增长率。36.资料:Stress is a common f

55、actor in life. Children experience stress from school, new social situations and simply growing up. Adults feel the stress of working, paying bills, raising kids and maintaining households. Seniors also feel stress, even though some may have retired, raised their children and paid off their homes. C

56、ertain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages.For seniors, stress has the potential to be especially overwhelming. This type of tension in older adults has unique contributing factors, such as the loss of an elderly spouse or friends. Living alone can increase the sense of isola

57、tion. Sometimes the simple tasks of everyday life can cause stress in those who experience physical or medical limitations. The effects of stress can sometimes exacerbate health conditions from which some seniors suffer, causing additional worry.Stress can be detected in various ways. You may follow

58、 the five most common ways to find out if a loved ones stress is cause for concern:1. Changes in eating habits, such as over-eating or loss of appetite, can be caused by overwhelming stress.2. Mood swings due to stress may present in increased irritability, general sadness or depression.3. Memory is

59、sues may arise in the form of increased forgetfulness of names, places or other things that normally come naturally. Lack of concentration may become a problem. Some seniors may exercise poor judgment, such as excessive spending when they are already on a limited budget.4. Physical signs of stress c

60、an include body aches and pains or increased episodes of illness. Changes in sleeping patternseither trouble falling asleep or interrupted nighttime sleepcan signal significant stress.5. Seniors experiencing overwhelming stress often isolate themselves from others, refusing to socialize or participa

61、te in activities they used to enjoy.The sense of isolation may come from _.A.living aloneB.the loss of spouseC.friends deathD.all of the above答案:D解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】sense of isolation may come from【主题句】第2自然段This type of tension in older adults has unique contributing factors, such as the loss of an

62、elderly spouse or friends.Living alone can increase the sense of isolation.造成老年人压力的影响因素较为独特,比如失去年迈的配偶或朋友。独自居住则会加剧这种孤独感。【解析】本题的问题是“孤独感可能来自_”A选项“独自居住”,B选项“失去配偶”,C选项“朋友去世”,D选项“以上都是”。根据主题句,选项A、B、C均正确。37.标志抗日民族统一战线初步形成的是()。A.西安事变的和平解决B.中国国民党第五次全国代表大会C.国民党五届二中全会D.国民党五届三中全会答案:D解析:1937年2月国民党五届三中全会召开确定了与共产党再次合作的原则,标志着抗日民族统一战线初步形成。1937年9月国民党中央通讯社发表中国共产党中央委员会为公布国共合作宣言和蒋介石发表庐山讲话,标志着抗日民族统一战线正式形成。38.2019年中国人民银行工作会议在部署今年工作时要求,进一步落 实好金融服务实体经济各项政策措施。按照市场化法治化的原则,继续运用各种政策工具,从债券、信贷、股权等方面引导金融机构加大对()支持力度。.A.金融

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