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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 2022年徽商银行黄山分行校园招聘名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.根据欧洲专利局3月6日公布的数据,2013年中国企业申请欧洲专利的数量为22292项,占全部欧洲专利申请数的84%,增长率高达162%。从数量上看,中国已经成为第()大欧洲专利申请国。A.三B.四C.五D.六答案:B解析:根据欧洲专利局3月6日公布的数据,2013年中国企业申请欧洲专利的数量为22292项,占全部欧洲专利申请数的84%,增长率高达162%。从数量上看,中国已经成为第

2、四大欧洲专利申请国。2.我国商业银行的核心资本包括( )。 A.实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润B.实收资本、资本公积、呆账准备金、长期债务C.实收资本、未收资本、重估资本、未分配利润D.资本净值、资本盈余、未分配利润、呆账准备金答案:A解析:商业银行资本包括核心资本和附属资本。根据中国人民银行规定,目前我国商业银行核心资本包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积和未分配利润;附龎资本包括各项损失准备、长期次级债券等。3.需求不足型失业又叫做( )。A.非自愿失业B.结构性失业C.自愿失业D.周期性失业答案:A,D解析:宏观经济调控研究关注的重点在于需求不足型失业,又叫非自愿失业或周期性失业,

3、故AD项正确。4.面 对_的房价,现在有一种通过增加土地供给,以扩大供给来抑制房价上涨的主张,这种主张是个极大的误区。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.居髙不下 B.奔逸绝尘C. 一日千里 D.居髙临下答案:A解析:“居高不下”形容某种情况保持在较高的水平或者状态,没有下降的趋 势,主要指价格、行情等,用在此处形容“房价”,A项正确。“奔逸绝尘”形容走得极快;也形容 人才十分出众,无人企及。“一日千里”原形容马跑得很快,后比喻进展极快。句子要表达的意 思是现在房价过高,而不是房价上涨得过快,因此C项不合题意。“居高临下”形容占据的地 势非常有利。5. M公司为增值税一般纳税人,9月购入原材

4、料1000公斤,每公斤不喊税单价为100元,发生运杂费500元(不考虑运费抵扣增值税),入库前发生挑选整理费用600元,途中合理耗损15公斤。甲公司系增值税一般纳税人,适用增值税率为17%。该批材料的单位成本为( )元/公斤。 A. 102.64B. 119.90C. 101.41D. 100.90答案:A解析:A材料采购成本是指企业从外部购入原材料等所实际发生的全部支出,包括购入材料支付的购买价 和采购费用,如材料购入过程中的运输费、装卸费、保险费、运输途中的合理损耗、入库前的整理挑选费等。本题中, 原材料的单位成本=原材料的采购总成本/总数量=(1000100+500+600) / (10

5、0015) 6.西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是()。A.主人和农民之间有雇佣关系B.具有商品货币关系C.有自营地和份地的区分D.自给自足的经济体答案:D解析:西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是都有自己的经济体。 7.2018年11月2日,中国( )市场交易协会在京选举出新一任会长,中国银行董事长陈四清全票当选。A.债券B.保险C.金融D.银行间答案:D解析:11月2日,中国银行间市场交易商协会在京选举出新一任会长,中国银行董事长陈四清全票当选。8.2,3,7,46,( )A. 2112 B. 2100 C. 64 D. 58答案:A解析:(2112),故选A项。9.甲每5天向总经理

6、汇报一次工作,乙每9天汇报一次工作,丙每l2天汇报一次工作。某天三人同时向总经理汇报工作,那么,3人下次同时汇报工作至少要()天。A.60B.180C.45D.360答案:B解析:日期星期问题,再过5、9、12的最小公倍数天会再一起汇报工作,5、9、12的最小公倍数是180。10.已知甲乙两地相距2600公里,-架无人机先是以每小时250公里的平均速度飞行了一段距离,然后又加速至300公里每小时飞完剩余的路程,共计用9个小时,则以250公里/小时、300 公里/小时两种不同速度飞行距离的比值是(“)。A.5:21B.8:17C.6:5D.1:2答案:A解析:设250公里每小时的速度飞行了x小时

7、,则300公里每小时的速度飞行了9-x公里,则有250x+300 (9-x) -2600, 解得x-2,则250公里每小时的速度飞行了250X2-500 公里, 300公里每小时的速度飞行了300X7-2100公里,则两者比值为500:2100-5:21.A选项正确,B、C. D选项错误。故本题应选A.11.以协调员工个人成长和企业发展需求两者之间关系为目的的人力资源规划是()。A.职业规划B.继任计划C.培训开发规划D.配备规划答案:A解析: 本题考查战术性人力资源规划。其中,职业规划是企业为了不断地增强其成员的满意感并使其能力与组织的发展和需要统一起来而制订的协调有关员工个人的成长、发展与

8、企业的需求、发展相结合的计划。12.爱因斯坦曾经明确表示,他思考问题时不是用语言进行思考,而是用活动的跳跃的形象进行思考,当这种思考完成以后,他要花很大力气把它们转换成语言。由此可见,思维是一个极为复杂的过程,形象思维与抽象思维本来就是同一思维中的水乳交融的有机组成部分。这段话主要支持了这样一种观点( )A.爱因斯坦其实并不懂得用语言进行思考B.形象思维是比抽象思维更优越的一种思维方式C.形象思维与抽象思维是密不可分的D.提升思维水平的关键在于发展抽象思维能力答案:C解析:由“形象思维与抽象思维本来就是同一思维中的水乳交融的有机组成部分”可知C选项正确。13.六年级三个班参加运动会,运动会上举

9、行三个项目的比赛。第一名得5分,第二名得3 分,第三名得1分。已知(1)班进入前三名的人数最少,(2)班进入前3名的人数是(1)班 的2倍。且这两个班所得总分相等,并列年级组的第一名。(3)班得了( )分。A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6答案:C解析:(1)班得名次的如果是3人,则(2)班需有6人得名次,但这样一来全部9个名次均被两个班瓜分,却无法产生并列第一名。全部得分3(1+ 3 + 5)=27是奇数,因此 (1)班至多只有两人得名次,而两人得名次且只能都拿第一名才能满足与(2)班并列第一的要求。若有一人拿第二,则只能拿8分,而这不超过平均分27 + 3 = 9(分),无法并列第一。

10、据此,(1)班和(2)班各得10分,(3)班必然得27-102 = 7(分)。14.答案:D解析:前一组图形角的数量为5,4,4,且后两个图形形状不同;第二组图形遵循第一组图形的规律。15.以下两句来自人力资源部向各业务部门发送的人力需求通知:(1)为深入实施我行的“人才引进计划“,切实增强人才引进工作的针对性与( ),人力资源部拟向各业务部门征集高层次人才的需求信息。(2)请下载附件,填写相关信息后将纸质版本上报人力资源部。征集时间( )到 2013年 11月 31日。依次填入上述括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是( )。A.实效性;截止B.时效性;截止C.实效性;截至D.时效性;截至答案:

11、A16.虽然世界因发明而辉煌,但发明家个体仍常常寂寞地在逆境中奋斗。市场只认同具有直接消费价值的产品,很少有人会为发明家的理想“买单”。世界上有职业的教师和科学家,因为人们认识到教育和科学对人类的重要性,教师和科学家可以衣食无忧地培育学生,探究宇宙;然而,世界上没有“发明家”这种职业,也没有人付给发明家薪水。这段文字主要想表达的是:( )A世界的发展进步离不开发明B发明家比科学家等处境艰难C发明通常不具有直接消费价值D社会应对发明家提供更多保障答案:D解析:本文主要意思是发明家处境艰难,整个社会应该给予他们更多的保障,只有选D。17.资料:Its so common to hear peopl

12、e say, “Im stressed out,” almost as a badge of honor, as if this is a symptom only of our fast-paced modern life. But in her book, “Exhaustion: A History,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome of mental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of human history.Commentators claim

13、 ours is the most exhausting period in history, the demands on our energy reserves being unprecedented. By implication, they represent the past as a less energy-draining time in which people lived much less stressful lives in harmony with nature and the seasons,“says Schaffner, a. professor of compa

14、rative literature and medical humanities at the University of Kent in England, in an email interview. I asked myself whether that was really the case, and started researching other historical periods in search of earlier discourses on exhaustion. To my surprise, I found that ours is far from being t

15、he only age to have perceived itself as the most exhausted-this is in fact a perception shared by many historical periods, albeit in different ways and for different reasons.”Schaffner found information about exhaustion going all the wy back to antiquity. This is not the same thing as physical exhau

16、stion certainly most, people in earlier times had life physically harderbut concurrently throughout history was this idea of being mentally exhausted, what we might call today being “stressed”or “burned out.”In the past, she says, the condition went by many names: melancholia, depression, chronic fa

17、tigue syndrome or acedia, “a theological version of melancholia, also described as weariness of the heart.”and popular in Medieval times. Causes ranged from physical ailments and chemical imbalances in the brain to spiritual failings or even the alignments of the planets, Often there was a different

18、 explanation for each historical period.“In the late 19th century, for example,. a faster pace of life as a result of trains, steam boats, electricity, and telegraphy was held responsible for the sudden explosion in the number of cases of what was diagnosed as neurasthenia-this diagnosis being struc

19、tured around a deficiency in nerve force, and manifesting itself in weakness, lethargy. hopelessness, and various other symptoms.”she says.Other mental ailments throughout time were attlbuted to “the availability of exotic food and spices in the 18th century the education of women in the 19th centur

20、y,. or the new psycho-social pressures of neo-liberal capitalism in our own time”she addsSo if exhaustion has been with us forever, what does that mean for we moderns? “An historical perspective can help to counter the sense that our way of life is more detrimental to human wellbeing than those in t

21、he past, and to make us feel less alone,” says Schaffner. “Of course, this historical perspective also challenges the idea that current states of exhaustion are a unique badge of honor. Thus historicizing exhaustion can, on the one hand, reassure us and, on the other hand, challenge the narratives o

22、n which we rely to give our suffering aspecial value.”What does Schaffner propose to conclude in the last paragraph?A.A historical view was presented to prove that way of life nowadays is more harmful to human wellbeing than those inthe past.B.A historical view supports the idea that current states

23、of exhaustion are quite common in western countries.C.A historical view challenges the idea that people should find time to relax infast-pacedV odern life.D.A historical view challenges the idea that we would have to return to the past to avoid mental exhaustion.答案:A解析:题目意为“Schaffner打算在最后一段总结什么?”选项A

24、意为“人们提出了一种历史观点来证明,如今的生活方式对人类福祉的危害比过去更大。”;选项B意为“从历史角度来看,目前的疲惫状态在西方国家非常普遍。”文中提到在西方社会是a unique badge of honor,因此并不能说普遍;选项C意为“从历史的角度来看,人们应该在快节奏的现代生活中找到时间放松。”原文并未提及;选项D意为“从历史角度来看,我们必须回到过去以避免精神疲惫。”与原文文意相反,错误。18.一位长寿老人生于19世纪90年代,有一年他发现自己的年龄的平方刚好等于当年的年份。问这位老人出生于哪一年?( )A1894年 B1892年 C1898年 D1896年答案:B解析:根据题干可

25、以知道,年龄的平方那年在20世纪中间,43的平方为1849,肯定不符合,45的平方为2025当然也不符合,只有44符合,所以年龄为44的平方减44等于1892。19.资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.Some scary facts about retirement:More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement

26、.25% do not participate in their companys retirement plan.The average person spends 20 years in retirement.Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, its a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. Its just

27、like a doctors visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Ta

28、lk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.4. Take part in your employers retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or gove

29、rnment pension plan, learn all the details.6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Dont make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.8. Learn about your governme

30、nts retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.Who ca

31、n be a financial professional?A.The professional who will do a physical “check-up” for you.B.The professional who will visit you like a doctor.C.The professional who will schedule a meeting with you.D.The professional who will help you make your financial plans.答案:D解析:本题考查的是细节理解。【关键词】Who ; financial

32、 professional【主题句】 第1条Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, its a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. Its just like a doctors visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.和财务专家谈谈。每隔几年,最好安排一次与理财规划师的会面,进行一次“体检”。这

33、就类似于医生拜访,你应该真正谈论下你目前的情况和未来的目标。【解析】题干意为“谁能成为财务专家?”选项A意为“会为你做一次身体检查的专家”;选项B意为“会像医生一样拜访你的专家”;选项C意为“会安排与你会面的专家”;选项D意为“会帮助你制定理财计划的专家”。根据主题句,D符合题意。20.资料:Now you are preparing a report for the business negotiation which will be held next Friday.There are 5 sentences excerpted from the report,each sentence

34、has four words or phrases underlined.The four underlined ports of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D).You are to identify the one underlined word or phase that should be collected or rewritten.Then,find the number of the question and mark your answer.American President Barack Obama called for swi

35、ft passage of the Safeguards for a New Economy bill as one measure intended(A)to improve living conditions for ordinary American citizens(B),and Treasury Secretary Paul Krugman stressed the importance of this bill saying that the new Treasury bill seeks to (C)ensure the prosperity of all citizens,ot

36、her than (D)simply supporting large corporations and the wealthy.A.AB.BC.CD.D答案:D解析:本题考查的是改错。【关键词】other than改为rather than【主题句】the new Treasury bill seeks to ensure the prosperity of all citizens,other than simply supporting large corporations and the wealthy. 新的国库债券力争实现所有公民的富裕,而不是仅仅支持大企业和富人。【解析】othe

37、r than 的意思是“除了,不同于”,rather than的意思是“而不是”,根据题意,应使用rather than。21.国债发行规模缩减,使得市场供给量减少,从而对证券市场原有的供求平衡发生影响,导 致更多的资金转向股票,推动证券市场上扬。 ( )答案:对解析:国债发行规模缩减,使得市场供给量减少,从而对证券市场原有的供求 平衡发生影响,导致更多的资金转向股票,推动证券市场上扬。22.“使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者,皆有所养”是古代哪个学派的观点?()A.道家B.法家C.儒家D.墨家答案:C解析:选文出自礼运大同篇,而礼运大同篇又选自礼记.礼运,礼记是儒家经典之一,是


39、可以划分为直接金融市场和间接金融市场:前者是指资金需求者直接向资金供给者融通资金的市场,一般指的是政府、企业等通过发行债券或股票的方式在金融市场上筹集资金;而后者则是以银行等信用中介机构作为媒介来进行资金融通的市场,资金供给者将闲置资金贷放给银行等中介机构,再由这些信用中介机构转贷给资金需求者。25.根据发生额试算平衡法进行试算平衡,如果试算的结果是平衡的,则证明记入各账户的发生额是完全正确的。 ()答案:错解析:有些错误并不影响借、贷方的平衡关系,如漏记、重记某项经济业务,借贷方向颠倒,或记错有关账户等,试算依然平衡。如果试算平衡表借贷不相等,肯定账户记录有错误,应认真查找,直到实现平衡为止

40、。26.下列生活常识中,表述不正确的是( )。A.刚煮熟的鸡蛋放入冷水中一小段时间更容易剥壳B.冬季气温降低时往冰冷的玻璃杯中倒人开水容易导致玻璃杯破裂C.夏天自来水管外壁出现大量的水珠,这往往是下雨的预兆D.用水烧菜时,水开后应该加大火力,提升水温以便尽快将菜煮熟,节省燃料答案:D解析:煮食物并不是火越旺越快。因为水沸腾后温度不变,即使再加大火力,也不能提高水温,结果只能加快水的汽化,使锅内水蒸发变干,浪费燃料。正确方法是用大火把锅内水烧开后,用小火保持水沸腾就行了。所以,本题正确答案为D。27.资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at th

41、e post to retain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker.Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Bransons upstart US airline, ordered 30 of

42、 the updated version of Airbuss A320 model. Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd( 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated a

43、irplanes.The Virgin deal capped a year when Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner.Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw comb

44、ined demand for their planes fall by more than two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated.Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”

45、2010 has been better than we expected. We will look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, thats certainly been the focus.”Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the lar

46、gest single order for aircraft in commercial aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbuss original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbuss new engine-option A320s.Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 200

47、9, topped the 500 mark for the first time at Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481.John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-d

48、ip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.”“Dodged the bullet” in the last paragraph probably means_.A.Remained optimisticB.Remained steadyC.Successfully avoided deep troubleD.Ran very fast答案:C解析:本题

49、考查词义判断。【关键词】dodge the bullet;last paragraph; mean【主题句】最后一个自然段John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on th

50、e horizon is the fuel price.” 空中客车销售总监John Leahy说:“有数据显示经济正在好转。我们躲过了二次探底的衰退。 由于亚洲是低成本航空公司新兴市场,航空业再次增长。 即将来临的唯一负面影响就是燃料价格。”【解析】题目意为“在最后一段中dodge the bullet含义是”选项A意为“保持乐观”,选项B意为“保持稳定”,选项C意为“成功避免很大麻烦”,选项D意为“跑得很快”,根据此短语在文句中所在位置和含义,正确答案为C。28. The truth _Jesus loved me and gave himself for me was an incred

51、ible transformation for him. A. thatB. asC. whichD. where答案:A解析:考查同位语从句。此处John loved me and gave himself for me 是truth 的内容,即同位语,故此处连接词只能用that。29.外部不经济性,是指经济活动主体在生产和消费过程中,给他人带来的损失或额外费用,而他人并未因此得到补偿。下列属于外部不经济性的是( )。A.某项新技术发明被他人使用,没有得到使用费B.桃树花开时,行人都可以享受到花香,但并未向种桃树的人交钱C.上游居民大量种树,自己收获了木材又改善了下游居民的水源质量,却未收取

52、费用D.农民使用农药过量造成污染,却并没有赔偿受害答案:D解析:A、B、C 三项都没有给他人带来损失,因此不属于外部不经济性,只有D 符合。30.所谓贸易小国就是指()。A.贸易绝对量很小的国家B.国土面积很小的国家C.人口规模较小的国家D.该国某种商品的进出口量占世界进出口总量的比重较小答案:D解析: 贸易小国不是指幅员狭小的国家,而是世界贸易比重小、其进出口量变动不足以影响国际贸易价格的国家所以它们是国际贸易条件的接受者。 31.使用价值、交换价值、价值三者之间的关系是( )。A.交换价值是价值的表现形式B.价值寓于使用价值中C.价值是交换价值的基础和内容D.使用价值是交换价值和价值的物质

53、承担者答案:A,B,C,D解析:四个选项均正确表述了三者之间的关系。32.我国国民经济分为三个产业,下列属于第三产业的有( )。A.房地产业 B.金融业C.计算机服务和软件业 D.建筑业答案:A,B,C解析:第一产业:农、林、牧、渔业;第二产业:采矿业、制造业、电力、燃气及水 的生产和供应、建筑业;除第一与第二产业外其他行业都为第三产业。33.根据以下资料,回答6165题。注:90+表示90岁及以上注:2006年北京市总人口数为11976万人,2007年为12133万人,2008年为12299万人。2008年北京市老年人口的男女性别比为()。A.0574:1B.0823:1C.0919:1D.

54、1044:1答案:C解析:由表格可知,2008年北京市男性老年人口为1044万人,女性老年人口为1136万人,性别比为1044:11361044:120=087:1,且1044:113634.资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future, Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week. (1)Fear mongering

55、and myth-making about human-like and social robots is stopping us from engaging with the technology behind them and having an input into how theyand weevolve, says Hatice Gunes, Associate Professor at University of Cambridges Computer Laboratory. (2)Dr Gunes will be speaking about her research at th

56、e Hay Festival on 1st June and says we need to move beyond sensationalist portrayals of human-like robot. Her Hay talk will centre on human robot interaction HRI and how it can be used for our benefit, for instance, for helping children with autism learn how to read expressions and to stimulate the

57、senses of elderly people in care. (3)Dr Gunes will outline how HRI works. She says it has to be believable in order to be effective. That means robots appearance is very important. This is what has driven the development of humanoid robots with arms and aspects of a human face which can behave in a

58、human-like way, for instance, moving their arms, legs and eyes. However, more important than appearance is their behaviour and emotional expressivity. Dr Gunes refers to the way we relate to Disneys animated characters. “People believe in them because they can portray emotion,” she says. (4)To achie

59、ve expressivity requires an understanding of how human emotions are portrayed and triggered. Scientists have been working on artificial emotional intelligence which enables new technology such as embodied agents and robots to both express and detect emotions, understanding non-verbal cues. Dr Gunes

60、cites the work of Charles Darwin on the visual nature of emotions and how they can be mapped to various changes in facial expressions. (5)Her research investigates how humanoids can be programmed not only to extract and respond to facial clues to emotions, but also to understand the context in which

61、 those emotions are expressed. That means they will be able to offer a response that is sensitive to specific contexts. (6)Will robots ever be able to have emotions themselves though? Dr Gunes says there is no reason why not and questions what emotions are. The process of working with robots on arti

62、ficial emotional intelligence unpicks the nature of our emotions, showing them to be a layering of different goals, experiences and stimuli. (7) Another area which scientists are looking at in their quest to improve humanoids believability is personality. Dr Gunes has done a lot of work on personality in telepresence robotics, robots controlled remotely by a humana kind of 3D avatar. These can be used in many ways, for instance, by medical staff to offer remote home care. The medical person can be based anywhere and operate

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