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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 广发银行福州分行2022年招聘名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.答案:A解析:A有理化后为,C项,故推知即,故选A。2.判断一个产权权能是否完整,应当主要以()为依据。A.财产权利的归属B.所有者对它具有的排他性和可转让性C.所有者对财产是否拥有占有权和使用权D.产权主体的责权利关系是否明确答案:B3.根据以下资料,回答1113题:2005年年底,全国城镇房屋建筑面积16451亿平方米其中住宅建筑面积10769亿平方米占房屋建筑面积的比重为6546



4、省答案:D解析:北京城镇人均住宅面积为3286平方米,上海为3307平方米,福建为3228平方米,浙江为3480平方米。浙江的城镇人均住宅建筑面积最大。4.We are _seeking volunteers to participate in an upcoming consumer research study for Mayfee Marketing.A.significantlyB.slightlyC.completelyD.currently答案:D解析:“currently”是“当前”的意思,根据句子意思,选D。5.与一般的经济计划相比,经济发展战略所具有的特征包括( )。A.指令

5、性B.全局性C.阶段性D.长期性答案:B,D解析:经济发展战略具有全局性、长期性和根本性的特征。6.(300+301+302+397)-(100+101+197)=()。A.19000B.19200C.19400D.19600答案:D解析:原式=(300-100)+(301-101)+(302-102)+(397-197)=20098=19600。7.实际利率是由名义利率扣除( )后的利率。A.利息所得税率B.商品变动率C.物价变动率D.平均利润率答案:C8.如果某国消费函数C =300+0.75 (Y-T), 那么政府支出乘数是( ).A.1B.2C.0.75D.4答案:D解析:根据消费函数

6、C=300+0.75 (Y-T),可知,=0.75. 政府支出乘数=1/(1- ) =1/0.25=4。 所以答案选D。.9.答案:D解析:看交点的个数。交点的个数依次为:8、7、6、5,依次递减。因此选D。10.右面所给的四个选项中,哪一项能够折成左侧给定图形?答案:C解析:侧面为“凹”字形,而非“凸”字形,因此排除B,A中下面的阴影应上移两个位置,D中下面的阴影应下移两个位置,因此选择C项。11.外资银行进入新兴市场国家,新兴市场国家银行业的各主体为了维持自身的生存。会尽可能争取较大的市场份额,充分拓展自身竞争优势。努力向客户提供质优价廉的金融产品和金融服务,这个过程必然带动银行业微观效率

7、的提升。“这个过程”指的是( )。A外资银行进入新兴市场国家的过程B新兴市场国家银行业发展的过程C外资银行提供优质服务的过程D新兴市场国家银行业扩大市场份额的过程答案:A解析:本题的干扰项是D,文中提及“新兴市场国家银行业各主体会尽可能争取较大的市场份额”,这与“扩大市场份额”是两个不同的概念。而B、C项较易排除,故本题答案选A。 12.中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对全国银行业及非银行业金融机构的经营活动进行监 管,这些金融机构包括( )。A.城市信用合作社和农村信用合作社B.政策性银行C.金融租赁公司D.期货经纪公司答案:A,B,C解析:根据银行业监督管理法第2条的规定,国务院银行业监督管理

8、机 构负责对全国银行业金融机构及其业务活动监督管理的工作。该法所称的银行业金融机构是 指在中华人民共和国境内设立的商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社等吸收公众存款 的金融机构以及政策性银行。在我国境内设立的金融资产管理公司、信托投资公司、财务公 司、金融租赁公司以及经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准设立的其他金融机构的监督管理,也 适用该法对银行业金融机构监督管理的规定。故ABC选项正确。期货经紀公司是由中国 证监会监督管理的。13.完成一项任务 ,甲乙两人所需工时相同。如果两人合作完成该任务,可以比计划工时提前5个小时完成。如果两人先合作,- -起工作6小时后雨由乙单独完成剩余任务,则恰好

9、与计划工时相等。那么,该任务的计划工时是( ) 小时。A.25B.22C.16D.13答案:C解析:(甲+乙) (t-5)= (甲+乙) *6+乙(t-6), 可得甲:乙=5: (t-11),又因为甲=乙,t=16。14.大学生小王参加研究生人学考试,一共考了四门科目:政治、英语、专业科目一、专业科目二。政治和专业科目一的成绩之和与另外两门科目的成绩之和相等。政治和专业科目二的成绩之和大于另外两门科目的成绩之和。专业科目一的成绩比政治和英语两门科目的成绩之 和还高。根据以上条件,小王四门科目的成绩从高到低依次是( )。A.专业科目一、专业科目二、英语、政治B.专业科目二、专业科目一、政治、英语

10、C.专业科目一、专业科目二、政治、英语D.专业科目二、专业科目一、英语、政治答案:B解析:形式推理题。题干可简写为:(1)政治+专一=英语+专二;(2)政治+专二 英语+专一;(3)专一 政治+英语。由(1)+ (2)可知,政治 英语,排除A、D;由(2)(1)可知,专二 专一,排除C。故选B。15.“限额领料单”属于( )。A.原始凭证B.记账凭证C.累计凭证D.一次凭证答案:A,C解析:限额领料单属于累计自制原始凭证。 16.The word holding in paragraph 3, line 6 is closest in meaning toA.supportingB.remai

11、ningC.acquiringD.owning答案:B解析:从文意上看,是说,“可以看到,截至上个月,数据一直维持在这个数值左右”,可知在这里“holding”是保持,维持的意思。17.行政立法体制是是一个国家的行政立法主体的设置及其立法权限的划分,是一个国家整个立法体制的一部分,其中制定行政法规属于() 。A、 国务院直属机构立法B、 地方行政机关立法C、 国务院各部、委立法D、 国务院立法答案:D解析:中国行政立法主体设置:(1) 国务院立法(制定行政法规)(2) 国务院各部、委立法(制定部门规章)(3) 国务院直属机构立法(制定部门规章)(4) 地方行政机关立法(制定地方行政规章)18.

12、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.X展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。Finding a trustworthy supplierThis is perhaps the most important step in your import business. A serious and dependable supplier minimizes any concerns on quality, trust and disputes.There are a number of sourcing sites where you can find suppliers from massive

13、 directories. To find the right one can be a laborious task, but your work can be made easier by going to sites that screen suppliers before they are listed-like Global Sources Online. Under their “verified suppliers” system, suppliers need to have their company information and contact person verifi

14、ed and are visited 3 times in-person before being authenticated as a “verified supplier”. This also means if you pick a export-ready.Once youre in contact with prospective supliers, address all your quality concerns with the right questions. State your requirements to suppliers clearly-like product

15、warranty, key specifications and order terms. Alternatively, some suppliers will provide product samples if you ask, so you can first test them yourself. lf youre happy with the quality of this sample shipment, you can order in bulk. lf possible, try and attend a sourcing fair to test samples free o

16、f charge. Most sourcing fairs are organized around themes like “Clothing & Garments” or “Electronics”, so buyers like you can meet all the specialized sellers of the produts you want.Factory visits and inspectionsChinas business environment is changing rapidly, and youd be surprised how much factori

17、es can develop in a year. If this is too much trouble for you, consider appointing a local agent or third-party quality (3PQ) firm to inspect the factory on your behalf. Get someone who speaks the language and knows local business conditions enough to make a good judgment. Most agents usually charge

18、 by commission from the amount of goods you import, and also inspect the output before it gets shipped.What may the author discuss later?( )A.His own stories about visiting China.B.The quality of Chinese goods.C.Why should foreign businessmen do business in China?D.Other important steps of doing bus

19、iness in China.答案:D解析:本题考查的是推理判断。【关键词】discuss later【主题句】 Chinas business environment is changing rapidly ,and youd be surprised how much factories can develop in a year .If this is too much trouble for you,consider appointing a local agent or third-party quality (3PQ) firm to inspect the factory on

20、your Behalf.Get someone who speaks the language and knows local business conditions enough to make a good judgment.Most Agents usually charge by commission from the amount of goods you import,and also inspect the output before it gets shipped.中国商业环境正在迅速变化,你会惊讶的发现一年时间内会发展起如此多的工厂。如果这对你来说太麻烦,你可以考虑指定一个本

21、地代理或第三方质量公司来代表你视察工厂。要找到说当地语言,足够了解当地商业情况能够做出正确判断的人。大多数代理商通常从你进口的货物的数量上收取佣金,并在发货前检查产品的总量。 【解析】本题问的是“作者之后会讨论什么?”选项A意为“他来中国参观的故事”;选项B意为“中国商品的质量”;选项C意为“为什么外国商人在中国做生意”;选项D意为“在中国做生意的其他重要步骤”。 文章第一点谈的是寻找值得信赖的供应商,第二点谈到是工厂的访问和检查,可见一直是在向外国企业家介绍如何在中国做生意,接下来将继续谈这个问题,故选D。19.每道题包含一个句子或一段话,后面是一个不完整的陈述,要求你从四个选项中选出一个来


23、、所以D项也是错误的:C项正是文段所支持的观点,本题答案为C。20.信息科技部经理说:我主张在张星和李军两人中至少提拔一人。而总经理说:我不同意。以下最为准确地表述了总经理的实际意思。A.张星和李军两人都不提拔B.张星和李军两人都得提拔C.如果提拔张星,则不提拔李军D.张星和李军两人中至多提拔一人答案:A21.收文处理标志有()。A.收文机关的名称B.收文编号C.收文时间D.档号答案:A,B,C,D22.“可以租用,何必拥有”反映的是()组织形式的实质。A.事业部制B.团队C.无边界D.虚拟答案:D解析:本题考查组织设计的类型。“可以租用,何必拥有”这是虚拟组织的实质. 23.某单位有三名职工

24、和六名实习生需要被分配到A,B,C三个地区进行锻炼,每个地区分 配一名职工和两名实习生,则不同的分配方案有多少种?( )A. 90 B. 180C. 270 D. 540答案:D解析:由题意,分配方案有24.The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that_.A.scientists have found a way to prolong the period of clinical deathB.biological death occurs when vital organs have suffered permanen

25、t damageC.modern scientists divide the process of dying into clinical and biological deathD.cooling delays the processes leading to biological death答案:A解析:A项“科学家已找到延长临床死亡的办法”最能够体现全文主旨。25.建筑同样是有生命,有它的生命史。它不仅发生、成长,而且会成熟、转换、兴亡。生命是灵动的。建筑也同样是灵动的,是一个活体,所以它才倾注有那么多人类的情感。情感是生命的确证。生命需要空间,建筑与空间更是无法割裂,空间是它生命的舞台



28、)A.1B.2C.3D.4答案:B解析:由于甲船和乙船一个顺水航行,一个逆水航行,因此它们的速度和依然是60+40=100米分钟,因此A、B两港口的距离为10010=1000米。则相遇时甲船走的路程为10002+120=620米,甲船的速度为62010=62米分钟。甲船是顺水航行,水速为62-60=2米分钟。27.资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future, Dr Hatice

29、Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week. (1)Fear mongering and myth-making about human-like and social robots is stopping us from engaging with the technology behind them and having an input into how theyand weevolve, says Hatice Gunes, Associate Professor at University of Cambridges Computer Lab

30、oratory. (2)Dr Gunes will be speaking about her research at the Hay Festival on 1st June and says we need to move beyond sensationalist portrayals of human-like robot. Her Hay talk will centre on human robot interaction HRI and how it can be used for our benefit, for instance, for helping children w

31、ith autism learn how to read expressions and to stimulate the senses of elderly people in care. (3)Dr Gunes will outline how HRI works. She says it has to be believable in order to be effective. That means robots appearance is very important. This is what has driven the development of humanoid robot

32、s with arms and aspects of a human face which can behave in a human-like way, for instance, moving their arms, legs and eyes. However, more important than appearance is their behaviour and emotional expressivity. Dr Gunes refers to the way we relate to Disneys animated characters. “People believe in

33、 them because they can portray emotion,” she says. (4)To achieve expressivity requires an understanding of how human emotions are portrayed and triggered. Scientists have been working on artificial emotional intelligence which enables new technology such as embodied agents and robots to both express

34、 and detect emotions, understanding non-verbal cues. Dr Gunes cites the work of Charles Darwin on the visual nature of emotions and how they can be mapped to various changes in facial expressions. (5)Her research investigates how humanoids can be programmed not only to extract and respond to facial

35、clues to emotions, but also to understand the context in which those emotions are expressed. That means they will be able to offer a response that is sensitive to specific contexts. (6)Will robots ever be able to have emotions themselves though? Dr Gunes says there is no reason why not and questions

36、 what emotions are. The process of working with robots on artificial emotional intelligence unpicks the nature of our emotions, showing them to be a layering of different goals, experiences and stimuli. (7) Another area which scientists are looking at in their quest to improve humanoids believabilit

37、y is personality. Dr Gunes has done a lot of work on personality in telepresence robotics, robots controlled remotely by a humana kind of 3D avatar. These can be used in many ways, for instance, by medical staff to offer remote home care. The medical person can be based anywhere and operate the robo

38、t through a virtual headset. Dr Gunes is interested in how people react to the teleoperator (the human controlling the robot remotely) who is present in robot form. Once again, both the robots physical appearance and behaviour are important and research shows that their personality needs to be task

39、dependent. (8)Dr Gunes says there remain some big challenges for scientists working on HRI, including how to process and combine all the different data they are gathering, how to modify their appearance and behaviour dynamically, and how to keep their power going 24/7. The major challenges, however,

40、 are to do with breaking down some of the myths and fears people have about humanoids. (9) Part of this is because they dont understand the benefits humanoid robots can bring and why, for instance, they need to take on a human form and understand emotions. She says humanoids can be positive in terms

41、 of increasing trust and engagement among certain groups, such as the elderly; that humans tends to anthropomorphise technology in any event; and that robots can be programmed to be limited to positive emotions that promote altruism. (10)“People tend to love or hate robots, but they dont really know

42、 a lot abouA.NeutralB.PositiveC.NegativeD.Critical答案:B解析:本题考查的是主旨大意。【关键词】tone【主题句】第12自然段She adds: “Understanding robots will empower people so they can help to shape them to do good.她补充道:“了解机器人会使人类拥有强大的力量,这样人类就可以帮助改造它们来做有益的事。”【解析】本题问的是“哪个词最能形容本文的基调?”选项A意为“”中性。选项B意为“积极”。选项C意为“消极”。选项D意为“批评”。文章整体都在描述机器

43、人有利于人类发展,人类不应该害怕机器人,因此本文的基调是积极的。28. 在国际交换中,任何一种商品都具有国内价值和国际价值双重性。() 答案:对解析: 29.物价上涨就是通货膨胀。( )答案:错解析:通货膨胀一般指:因货币供给大于货币实际需求,而引起的一段时间内物价持续而普遍地上涨现象。30.Hurricane Katrina passed in my own surroundings andA._many local residents.A.involvedB.entailedC.panickedD.panic答案:A解析:题目意为“卡特里娜飓风袭击了我自己的周围环境,并且_很多当地居民。”

44、选项A意为“牵涉,使参与”;选项B意为“需要,使必要”;选项C意为“使恐慌”;选项D意为“使恐慌”。结合题干,这场飓风波及到很多当地居民,故答案A更符合题意。31.目前,我国人民币实施的外汇制度是()。A.有管制的浮动汇率制度B.固定汇率C.一篮子汇率D.盯住汇率答案:A32. 受要约人超过承诺期限发出承诺的,除要约人及时通知受要约人该承诺有效的以外,为新要约。() 答案:对33.资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to the present in a thematic ar

45、rangement that is fresh and unique.With works spanning 5,000 years, no such cross-cultural exhibition on this scale has ever been attempted. The exhibition features over 150 of the finest bronzes from Asia, Africa and Europe and includes important discoveries as well as archaeological excavations. M

46、any of the pieces have never been seen in the UK.Arranged thematically, Bronze brings together outstanding works from antiquity to the present. Different sections focus on the Human Figure, Animals, Groups, Objects, Reliefs, Gods, Heads and Busts. The exhibition features stunning Ancient Greek, Roma

47、n and Etruscan bronzes, through to rare survivals from the Medieval period. The Renaissance is represented by the works of artists such as Ghiberti, Donatello, Cellini, and later Giambologna, De Vries and others. Bronzes by Rodin, Boccioni, Picasso, Jasper Johns, Moore, Beuys and Bourgeois are repre

48、sentative of the best from the 19th century to today.Bronze has been employed as an artistic medium for over five millennia. It is an alloy consisting mainly of copper, with lesser amounts of tin, zinc and lead. Due to its inherent toughness and resistance, the materials uses over the centuries have

49、 been remarkably varied. A section of the exhibition has been devoted to the complex processes involved in making bronze, enabling visitors to explore how models are made, cast and finished by a variety of different techniques. The exhibition offers a unique exploration of artistic practice, an unde

50、rstanding of the physical properties and distinctive qualities of bronze, and the rare opportunity to see the very best examples in one place.Bronze has been organized by the Royal Academy of Arts. The exhibition is curated by Professor David Ekserdjian, of the University of Leicesters Department of

51、 the History of Art and Film, and Cecilia Treves, Exhibitions Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts, with an advisory committee of experts in the relevant fields.According to the first and second paragraph, the central features of the exhibition is_A.the most outstanding worksB.works spanning over 5,

52、000 yearsC.its themesD.important discoveries答案:B解析:本题考查的是推理判断。【关键词】central features of the exhibition.【主题句】第1自然段This exhibition brings together outstanding works from the earliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is fresh and unique.“这次展览以新鲜又独特的主题形式聚集了从远古时代到现代的杰出作品。”第2自然段With work

53、s spanning 5,000 years, no such cross-cultural exhibition on this scale has ever been attempted.“作品跨度超过五千年,为历史上首次如此规模的跨文化展览”【解析】本题的问题是“根据前两段,本次展览的核心特征是_”。 根据主题句,原文第一段只有一句话,说明了本次展览作品年代跨度大并且是按主题展示。接下来的第二段第一句说作品年代跨度超过5000年,为历史上首次如此规模的跨文化展览。因此可以推知,本次展览的主要特征是选项B“ works spanning over 5,000 years”(跨度超过5000

54、年的作品),A意为“最杰出的作品”C意为“它的主题”D意为“重要发现”, 故B选项正确。34.有A、B两种商品,如果A的利润增长20%,8的利润减少10%,那么,A、B两种商品的利润就相同了。问原来A商品的利润是B商品利润的百分之几?()A.80%B.70%C.85%D.75%答案:D解析:35.金融约束论与金融抑制论的根本区别在于()。A.金融约束是市场化的管制,金融抑制是人为的管制B.金融约束是适度管制,金融抑制是严格管制C.金融约束是主动的,金融抑制是被动的D.金融约束的目的是通过创造租金以提供适当的激励机制答案:D解析:金融约束论与金融抑制论的根本区别在于金融约束的目的是通过创造租金以

55、提供适当的激励机制。36.The cost of round -trip air transportation is included _the nine -day cruise package.A. byB. inC. atD. to答案:B37.In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in

56、contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him

57、 or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in d

58、ecision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will incre

59、ase their use of the restaurants.According to Herzberg, what may be the factors of motivationA.The true motivatorsB.The true motivators and the hygiene factorsC.Achievement recognition and job securityD.All above答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解【关键词】Herzberg,factors of motivation【主题句】第1自然段In 1959 Frederick Herzberg

60、 developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation.His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate.1959年,弗雷德里克?赫茨伯格提出了双因素激励理论。他的研究显示有正面的因素是真实因素或激励因素。与之相对的是保健因素,当缺乏或不充足时会产生消极情绪。 【解析】题目

61、意为“根据Herberg所说,动机因素都有什么?根据主题句,有真实因素或激励因素,和保健因素,与选项B相符。38.For the past 3, 000 years, when pcople thought of money they thought of cash. From buying food to settling bar tabs, day-to-day dealings involved creased paper or clinking bits of metal.Over the past decade,however ,digital payments have taken

62、 off- tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a smartphone has become normal. Now this revolution is about to turn eash into an endangered specics in some rich cconomics. That will make the cconomy more efieicnt - -but it also poscs new problems that could hold the transition hostage.Countries are eliminating ceash at varying speeds. But the direction of travel is clear, and in some ca

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