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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她 徽商银行资产保全部2022年5月招聘名师模拟卷3套含答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.题库(共125题)1.现代药物中有许多能清热的药物比如阿司匹林。阿司匹林之所以能退热,是因为前列腺素E2是告诉大脑体温过低的“信使”,而阿司匹林可以抑制前列腺素E2的合成,所以阿司匹林是清热的良药。上述论证要想成立需要补充以下作为前提的一项是()。A.阿司匹林能够防治流感病毒B.阿司匹林的清热疗效已经得到临床证实C.前列腺素E2可以影响体温D.一旦体温过低,大脑会指挥人体发热答案:D解析:题干论证过程

2、为:E2告诉大脑体温过低,阿司匹林抑制了E2的合成,则阿司匹林可以清热。其中“大脑判断体温过低”和“发热”之间缺少必要的联系,D项为真则在二者之间建立了联系,是必需的前提。故答案选D。 2.关于公文签发的权限,说法不正确的有()。A.下行文必须由机关主要负责人签发B.平行文必须由机关主要负责人签发C.上行文必须由机关主要负责人签发D.上行文可以由机关主要负责人授权的其他负责人签发答案:A,B,D解析:根据党政机关公文处理工作条例第22条规定,公文应当经本机关负责人审批签发。重要公文和上行文由机关主要负责人签发。故本题答案选ABD。#3.定义:一般自首是指犯罪分子犯罪以后主动投案,如实供述自己罪

3、行的行为。特别自首是指被采取强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和正在服刑的罪犯,如实供述司法机关还未掌握的本人其他罪行的行为。坦白是指犯罪分子被动归案以后,向司法机关如实供述自己被指控的犯罪事实,并接受国家审查和裁判的行为。例证:(1)甲犯盗窃罪潜逃在外,在家属的劝导下,打电话向公安机关交待了自己的犯罪行为,但并未向公安机关主动投案。(2)乙因犯抢劫罪被判处有期徒刑7年,在服刑过程中主动交待曾犯有强奸罪。经公安机关调查确有此事。(3)丙到公安机关主动投案,对被指控的抢劫罪名(丙曾多次进行抢劫)供认不讳,但是供认 不彻底。上述典型例证与定义存在对应关系的数目有()A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D

4、. 3个答案:B解析:乙的行为属于特别自首,故选B。4.负荆请罪:廉颇a.三顾茅庐:诸葛亮 b.卧薪尝胆:夫差c.乐不思蜀:刘禅 d.城下之盟:宋太祖答案:C解析:事件及其直接相关人物。负荆请罪的是廉颇,乐不思蜀讲的是刘祥。5.每道题包含一个句子或一段话,后面是一个不完整的陈述要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。就目前房地产市场成交量增加的现象,有分析认为,中国地产引擎可能重新启动。果真如此的话,这将在外需出现困境的背景下引领中国经济走出低谷。对比1986年日本的情况,如果政府引导得当,中国经济将可能因为地产业的重新启动而率先走出困局当然基于美国当年的经验,经济


6、出“如果地产业不能重新启动,中国经济走出困境则需较长时间”,D属无中生有,排除;所以A项为正确答案。6.What can we learn about Amos Peters?_A.He is remembered for his love of animalsB.He donated $I ,000 to build the bridgeC.He was a member of the City CouncilD.He was awarded a medal for building the bridge答案:A解析:根据最后一段中的“a ten-foot wooden squirrel s

7、culpture was placed near the bridge inmemory of its builder and his devotion to the project可以推断,Peters因为爱动物,倡导修建这座桥而被人们纪念。故选A。7.2015年政府工作报告中指出,2014年一年,我国经济运行处于合理区间,增速较稳国内生产总值达到636万亿元,比上年增长( )。A.48B.74C.86D.92答案:B解析:2015年政府工作报告中指出,2014年一年我国经济增速稳,国内生产总值达到636 万亿元。比上年增长74,在世界主要经济体中名列前茅。故本题答案选B。8.按照商业银行法

8、的规定,商业银行投资业务禁止( )。A.从事企业债券 B.向企业投资C.向非银行机构投资 D.从事股票投资E.从事国库券答案:A,B,C,D解析:按照我国商业银行法规定,商业银行的证券投资仅限于信用可靠、安全性、流动性强的政府债券(如国库券)和金融债券,禁止从事企业债券、股票投资;不得向非银行机构投资,不得向企业投资。9.15,39,65,94,128,170,()A.180B.210C.225D.256答案:C解析:该推理题,到和数列这行,3-2=1,5-3=2,8-5=3,按此规律得出12-8=4,反推得到225。#10.通过向投资者发行股份或受益凭证募集资金,再对各类金融产品进行组合投资

9、的金融 机构是( )。 A.商业银行B.投资银行C.保险公司D.投资基金答案:D解析:投资基金是指通过向投资者发行股份或受益凭证募集资金,再以适度分散的组合方式投资于 各类金融产品,为投资者以分红的方式分配收益,并从中牟取自身利润的金融组织机构。11.对某班学生按年龄分成3组:1618岁,1920岁,2123岁。则23岁是()。A.上限B.下限C.第3组的上限D.第3组的下限答案:C解析:这里应注意两点:第一,23是上限因为上限和下限的区别就在于数值的大小;第二,23是第3组的上限,因为所谓上限、下限都是就每一组组距而言的,只有特殊情况下才对全距有意义,如首组的下限也是全距的下限,末组的上限也

10、是全距的上限,即使此时,也不能笼统地称为上限、下限。12.甲股票的每股税后盈利为1元,市盈率水平为15,估算该股票的发行价格为( )元。 A. 13 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25 答案:B解析:股票发行价格=预计每股税后盈利市场所在地平均市盈率= 115 =15(元)。13.David Smith wears casual clothes now, because_.A.they make him feel at ease when workingB.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothesC.he looks handsome in casua

11、l clothesD.he no longer works for any company答案:A解析:由文章第一段最后一句话“and I need to feel comfortable”可知,他需要在工作的时候感到舒服自在。故答案选A。14.在Excel工作界面上,“数据编辑区”一般在“格式工具栏”的( )A.上方B.下方C.左方D.右方答案:B解析:本题考查科技常识。“格式工具栏”位于“常用工具栏”下方,利用该栏中的按钮,可以设置文本的字体、字号大小及其修饰,设置数据的对齐格式及颜色等。编辑栏用于显示工作表中当前单元格的地址及数据。编辑栏最左边为“名称框”,显示当前单元格的地址。数据编辑

12、栏在格式工具栏的下方。所以选B。15.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性()。答案:C解析:每个图形都是由形状相同、大小不同的三个小图形内外叠放而成。 16.下列关于权利和义务的关系的说法不正确的一项是( )。A.权利和义务的存在和发展都必须以另一方的存在和发展为条件B.从社会整体上看,权利和义务的绝对值数量是等同的C.权利和义务经历了一个从分裂对立到浑然一体的过程D.权利和义务在不同国家的法律体系中的地位是有主、次之分的答案:C解析:权利和义务不可能孤立存在和发展,没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的 义务,它们的存在和发展都必须以另一方的存在和发展为条件。A项

13、正确。从社会整体上看, 权利和义务的绝对值数量是等同的。B项正确。权利和义务经历了一个从浑然一体到分裂对 立再到相对一致的过程。在原始社会,权利和义务界限不明,是浑然一体的,随着阶级社会、国 家的出现和法律的产生,权利和义务发生分离。社会主义法律制度的确立,权利和义务才达到 相互一致并达到了一个新的阶段。因此C项说法不正确。权利和义务代表了不同的法律精 神,它们在历史上受到重视的程度有所不同,因而两者在不同国家的法律体系中的地位是有 主、次之分的,在特权社会,往往强调义务本位;在民主法治国家,则往往强调权利本位,义务处 于次要地位。D项正确。本题正确答案为C。17.农村信用社的储蓄所是( )。

14、A.法人机构 B.非法人机构 C.独立核算机构 D.综合机构答案:B解析:略。18.祖孙三人的年龄加在一起正好是120岁。祖父过的年数正好等于孙子过的月数。儿子过的星期数正好等于孙子过的天数。祖父的年龄是多少岁?()A.72B.42C.74D.96答案:A解析:由题可知,祖父的年龄是孙子的12倍,儿子的年龄是孙子的7倍。利用年龄和与倍数之间的关系可解决问题。孙子的年龄是120(1+7+12)=6岁,儿子的年龄是67=42岁,祖父的年龄是612=72岁。19.我国金融机构资本的构成( )。A.实收资本 B.呆账准备金C.盈余公积 D.资本公积答案:A,B,C,D解析:ACD三项是核心资本,B项是

15、附属资本,它们都属于金融机构的资本构成。20.随着经济的不断发展和城市扩大,列岛之国有限的土地资源已经越来越不能满足日本人传统的独门独院住宅的奢望。特别是在东京这样的现代化大城市里,越来越多的高层居民楼拔地而起,占住宅总数的比例越来越大。这段话说明了这样一个观点( )A.日本人如今已不再奢望居住在独门独院B.东京的居民住宅中,高层居民楼已经取代了传统的独门独院C.经济发展和城市化的扩大,使日本的土地资源越来越紧张D.日本是列岛之国,土地资源十分有限,必须发展高层建筑答案:C解析:文段首句为主旨句,C选项是对该主旨句的同义替换。故本题正确答案为C。21.关于中国进出口贸易状况,能从资料中推出的是

16、( )A. 2011年中国对日本货物进出口贸易为逆差B. 2008-2012年间,中国货物出口总额逐年上升C. 2012年中国对印度货物进出口贸易总额同比上升D. 2008-2012年中,中国货物进出口总额同比增长率最大的是2012年答案:A解析:综合分析*目,由于1516/(1+23%)22.2001年,某公司所销售的计算机台数比上一年度上升了20,而每台的价格比上一年度下降了20。如果2001年该公司的计算机销售额为3 000万元,那么2000年的计算机销售额大约是多少?()。A.2900万元B.3000万元C.3100万元D.3300万元答案:A解析:设2000年销售台数为x,则2001

17、年销售台数为:x(1+20%),即1.2x。设2000年每台的售价为y,则2001年为:y(1-20%),即,0.8y。2001年每台的售价销售额为:xy=3 000。因此,2000年的销售额为1.2x0.8y=0.96xy,为2 880元。只有A最接近。23.下列情况中,构成商品有效需求的是()。A.乙失手打碎了水杯。他计划下班后到超市再买一个B.甲就读某小学5年级,看到时尚的平板电脑,也想买一台C.一家企业信誉极好,账户流动资金充裕,但无意于房地产市场,因此婉拒很多投资邀请D.一家企业已连续3个月没发工资,为了弥补员工流动,将工资上调,再招聘一批新员工答案:A解析:在经济学当中,需求定义为

18、在每一价格水平下,人们愿意并且能够购买的商品数量,意愿和能够两个条件缺一不可。24.和我关系要好的同学很不平,执意拉着我去_说我考试作弊的主考老师。填入划横线部分最恰当的是()。A.问讯B.诘责C.讯问D.询问答案:B解析:由题干中的“不平”、“执意”可知,横线处应填具有质问、谴责意味的词语。“问讯”指打听、问候,“讯问”指严厉盘问、审问,“询问”指征求意见、咨询打听,这三个词语都不合题意。“诘责”指诘问谴责,其中“诘”表追问、责问的意思,用在题干中可表示向主考老师追问缘由,讲清情况,符合题意。故B为正确答案。 25. 年度决算时,若结转科目不是同一级科目的则生成上级科目的户数和余额的调整表,

19、根据调整表调整( )。 A.分类账B.明细账C.所有账户D.总账答案:D解析:年度决算时,若结转科目不是同一级科目的则生成上级科目的户数和余额的调整表,根据调整值表调整总账。 26.资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order

20、 to find solutions to the problem. As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with todays relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable j

21、obs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs. For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor. People are children. By law, children less than 16

22、 years old cannot work in many industries. A large number of poor people are Old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age.Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons: they are sick, they do not have any motivation, they have family p

23、roblems, or they do not believe that they can find a job. Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills that they can offer. At the present time, the government thinks it can reduce poverty i

24、n the country in the following ways. First, if the national economy grows, businesses and industries hire more workers. Some of the poor who are qualified to look for jobs may find employment. Then they will no longer be below the poverty line. Second, if society invests in the poor, the poor will b

25、ecome more productive. If the government spends money on social programs, education, and training for poor people, the poor will have the skills to offer. Then it is more likely that they can find jobs. Finally, if the government distributes societys income differently, it raises some poor people ab

26、ove the poverty line. The government collects taxes from the nonpoor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare. In 1975 over 18 million people in the United States received welfare. Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at

27、the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.We may conclude from the passage that _A.poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to do businessB.welfare will enable people to be richC.employment is the best solution to th

28、e poverty problemD.better solutions to the poverty problem are not found yet答案:D解析:本题考查的是判断推理。【关键词】conclude; from the passage【主题句】第二段Therefore, even with todays relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are belowthe poverty line. However, if these people

29、 had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living.(因此,即使今天有相对较高的生活水平,大约有百分之十的美国人处于贫困线以下。然而,如果他们有稳定的工作,就会满意自己的生活水平。);倒数第二段The government collects taxes from the nonpoor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare.(政府从非贫困人口中征税,把钱分给穷人。我们把这些给穷人的费用称为福利。);最后

30、一段Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.(一些经济学家寻找更好解决贫困问题的方法。然而目前,许多人依靠福利勉强糊口。)【解析】第5题问“我们可以从文章推断出什么?”。A选项“如果穷人有机会做生意,他们就会走出贫困线。”文章第三段第三句话说“如果穷人有稳定的工作,他们就会满意自己

31、的生活水平,”这里并没有说他们要去做生意,属于过度推测,所以A选项排除;B选项“福利会使人们富裕”。文章在倒数第二段涉及到福利(welfare),但并未说给福利会让人变有钱,也属于过度推测,故排除;C选项“就业是解决贫困的最佳方法”。文章在最后一段第一句提到“一些经济学家寻找更好解决贫困问题的方法”,换言之,目前没有最好解决贫困的方法;D选项“人们尚未发现更好解决贫困的方法”,最后一段第一句说经济学家仍然在寻找解决问题的方法,言外之意目前并未出现解决贫困的最佳方法,所以D选项和原文信息一致。27.资产证券是资产证券化产生的资产,我国的资产支持证券在( )上发行和交易。 A.银行间同业拆借市场

32、B.交易所债券市场C.银行间债券市场 D.债券回购市场 答案:C解析:我国资产支持证券只在全国银行间债券市场上发行和交易,其投资者仅 限于锒行间债券市场的参与者。28.北回归线是太阳在北半球能够直射到的离赤道最远的位置。当太阳的直射点位于北回归线时,以下说法正确的()A.是一年中北半球最热的时候B.是一年中北半球白昼最长的时候C.是北半球夏天开始的时间D.是北半球昼夜温差最大的时间答案:B解析:太阳直射北回归线是在6月22日夏至日时,此时,是一年中北半球白昼最长的时候。A错,北半球最热的时候是在7、8月份;C错,5月5日立夏才是北半球夏天开始的时间;D错,9月7日白露时才是北半球昼夜fi差最大

33、的时间.29.Questions 76-80 refer to the following information.Disagreements among economists are legendary, but not on the issue of free trade. A recent survey of prominent economists both conservative and liberal concluded that an economist who argues for restricting international trade is almost as co

34、mmon today as a physician who favors leeching.Why the International free trade, economists agree, makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.The case for free trade rests largely on this principle: as long as trade is voluntary, both partners benefits, otherwise they wouldnt trade.

35、 The buyer of a shirt, for example, values the shirt more than the money spend, while the seller values the money more. Both are better off because of the sale. Moreover, it doesnt matter whether the shirt salesman is from the United States or Hong Kong (or anywhere else).The vast majority of Americ

36、an manufactures face international competition. This competition forces companies to improve quality and cut costs. By contrast, protectionism encourages monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.Americans pay an enormous price for protection over $60 billion a year, or $1000 for a family of four. T

37、hanks to protectionism, for example, American consumers pay twice the world price for sugar.Free trade also makes the world economy more efficient, by allowing nations to capitalize on their strengths. The United States has an advantage in food production, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has an adv

38、antage in oil. The Saudis could undertake massive irrigation to become self-sufficient in food, but it is more economical for them to sell oil and purchase food from us. Similarly, we could become self-sufficient in petroleum by squeezing more out of oil shale. But it is much less costly to buy some

39、 of our oil from Saudi Arabia. Tarde between our two countries improves the standard of living in both.Protectionism is both wasteful and unjust. It taxes most heavily the people who can least afford it. Thus, tariffs that rise the price of shoes burden the poor more than the rich. Despite the power

40、ful case for free trade, the United States and the rest of the world have always been protectionist to some degree. This is because free trade benefits the general public, while protectionism benefits special interest group, which are better organized, better financed and more informed. To make matt

41、ers worse, much of what we hear on this issue is misinformation spread by the special interests themselves.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. International free trade may improve the standard of living all over the world.B. Economists are all in favor of the free trade p

42、olicy.C. International free trade may create international competition.D. Protectionism has been abolished due to encouraging monopoly, lower quality and higher prices.答案:D解析:细节判断题。本题要求判断哪一个不正确。根据文章第二段可知A 项正确,“国际自由贸易可以促进全世界人们生活水平的提高”;根据第一段第一句可知B 项正确,“经济学家们都赞同自由贸易政策”;根据第四段可知C 项正确,“国际贸易促进国际竞争”;根据最后一段第

43、四句“美国和世界上其他国家在某种程度上还经常采取贸易保护主义政策。”可知选项D(贸易保护主义已被废止)不正确。所以D 项为正确答案。30.科技创新,尤其是原始性创新,是一种向未知领域探索的活动,风险与变数( )。失败的概率高于成功的概率,是科技创新的( )。尊重科技创新规律,释放创新空间、激发创新活力,就要( )失败,允许和鼓励试错。A.微不足道宿命重视B.并行不悖必然理解C.无处不在代价直面D.如影随形常态宽容答案:D解析:本题属于逻辑填空题目。第一空,科技创新事项未知领域探索,所以风险与变数肯定一直存在,且空后提到失败的概率高于成功的概率,可见风险不小。C项“无处不在”与D项“如影随形”符

44、合语境,保留。A项“微不足道”指意义、价值等小得不值得一提,B项“并行不悖”指同时进行而互相不违背。都无法体现出一直存在的含义,排除A、B两项。第二空,失败比成功概率高,这种情况肯定是经常存在的,此处表现的是这个情况的出现频率,C项“代价”不合语境,D项“常态”符合语境。答案为D。验证第三空,文段提到“允许和鼓励试错”,说明不仅要面对失败,更要“宽容”失败,D项符合。因此,选择D选项。31.资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons

45、 to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched i

46、tems at the bottom of our to-do list, we cant help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves.The problem is our brains are programmed to procrastinate. In general, we all tend to struggle with task that promise future upside in return for efforts we take now. Thats because its easier for our brain

47、s to process concrete rather than abstract things, and the immediate hassle is very tangible compared with those unknowable, uncertain future benefits. So the short-term effort easily dominates the long-term upside in our minds-an example of something that behavioral scientists call present bias.How

48、 can you become less myopic about your elusive tasks? Its all about rebalancing the cost benefit analysis: make the benefits of action feel bigger, and the costs of action feel smaller. The reward for doing a pestering task needs to feel larger than the immediate pain of tacking it.To make the benef

49、its of action feel bigger and more real:Visualize how great it will be to get it done. Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to save for their future retirement if theyre shown digitally aged photographs of themselves. Why? Because it makes their future self feel more real-making t

50、he future benefits of saving also feel more weighty.The next paragraph is probably about_.A.The natural function of our brainB.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and realC.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller and unrealD.The perils of procrastination答案:B解

51、析:本题考查的是判断推理。【关键词】next paragraph; probably about【主题句】倒数第2段To make the benefits of action feel bigger and more real使行动的好处感觉更强烈更真实。【解析】本题的问题是“下一段也许会讨论什么?”。选项A意为“我们大脑的自然功能”;选项B意为“使行动的好处感觉更大更真实的其他方法”;选项C意为“使行动的好处的其他方式感觉更小和不真实”;选项D意为“拖延的危险”。通览全文可知,文章讲的是如何避免拖延,作者就该问题给出了一个建议:To make the benefits of action

52、feel bigger and more real.对于这个建议的实施,作者在最后一段有说明,因此接下来作者也会针对这个建议进行更多详细说明,故B项正确。32.再贴现率的变动与( )。A.银行准备金的变动成反比B.市场货币供应量的变动成反比C.市场上长短期利率的变动成正比D.银行准备金的变动成正比答案:A,B,C解析:再贴现率的变动与银行准备金及市场货币供应量的变动成反比,与市场上长短期利率的变动成正比。 33.资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the worlds lar

53、gest commercial plane maker.Airbus trailed its arch-rival Boeing in number of orders for most of 2010 but moved ahead after a flurry of sales at the end of the year. At the end of December, Virgin America, Richard Bransons upstart US airline, ordered 30 of the updated version of Airbuss A320 model.

54、Airbus has promised the A320 with the new engine option will cut fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 15% compared with the existing models, figures disputed by Boeing and some analysts. The $5.1nd( 3.2nd) contract was the first order for the updated airplanes.The Virgin deal capped a year when

55、Airbus took orders for 644 airplanes worth $84nd at list price. Boeing won 625 gross orders with a list price of $70nd. It was held back by delays to its 787 Dreamliner.Both Airbus and Boeing are recovering strongly from an industry recession that saw combined demand for their planes fall by more th

56、an two-thirds in 2009. White there were still dozens of plane cancellations in 2010, and both firms have struggled with delays, Airbus secured more than twice the number of airplane orders in 2010 that it had anticipated.Tom Enders, chief executive, said:”2010 has been better than we expected. We wi

57、ll look at 2011 more optimistically. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, thats certainly been the focus.”Last week Airbus announced a $16nd deal with Indigo for 180 airplanes, the largest single order for aircraft in commercial

58、 aviation history. The order includes 30 of Airbuss original A320 single-aisle jets and 150 with Airbuss new engine-option A320s.Airbus delivered more planes than its US rival for the eighth consecutive year. Its total of 510 deliveries, up from 498 in 2009, topped the 500 mark for the first time at

59、 Airbus. Last year the company sold its 10,000th plane in its 40-year history Boeing deliveries fell by 4% to 462 airplanes from 481.John Leahy, Airbus sales chief, said: “There figures show the economy is improving. We have dodged the bullet on a double-dip recession. Aviation is growing again beca

60、use of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price.”Which of the following is NOT a factor given in the article for the growth of the aviation industry in 2010?A.fuel priceB.low-cost carriesC.emerging markets in the Middle EastD.emerging markets in As

61、ia答案:A解析:本题考查细节理解。【关键词】not a factor, the growth of the aviation industry in 2010【主题句】第5自然段Aviation is growing again because of Asia, low-cost carriers emerging markets. Growth, especially in aviation, is back, and this is largely due to emerging markets. Asia, the Middle East, thats certainly been t

62、he focus. 由于亚洲是低成本航空公司新兴市场,航空业再次增长。经济增长,特别是航空业的回归,主要归功于新兴市场。 亚洲,中东,这当然是焦点。最后一个自然段The only negative on the horizon is the fuel price. 即将来临的唯一负面影响就是燃料价格。【解析】题目意为“以下哪一项不是2010年航空业增长的因素?”选项A意为“油价”,选项B意为“低成本公司”,选项C意为“中东的新兴市场”,选项D意为“亚洲的新兴市场”,根据主题句,选项A是阻碍航空业增长的因素,错误。选项B,C,D都是航空业增长的因素,正确答案为A。34. 中外学者一致认为 , 划分货币层次的重要依据是金融资产的 ( ) A. 稳定性B. 还原性C. 兑换性D. 流动性答案:D35.建立社会信用体系的支柱是( )。a.政府 b.法制 c.教育 d.道德答案:D解析:十六届三中全会指出,“建立健全社会信用体系,形成以道德为支撑、产权 为基础、法律为保障的社会信用制度,是建设现代市场体系的必要条件,也是规范市场经济秩 序的治本之策。”故d选项正确。36

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