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1、住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-南京理工大学泰州科技学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.For centuries,philosophers and theologians have almost unanimously held that civilization as we know it depends on a widespread beliefin free will-and that losing this beliefcould be calamitous.Our code

2、s of ethics,for example,assume that we can freely choose between right and wrong.In the Christian tradition,this is known asmoral liberty-the capacity to discern and pursue the good,instead of merely being compelled by appetites and desires.The great Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant reaffirme

3、d this link between freedom and goodness.Ifwe are not free to choose,he argued,then it would make no sense to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness.The sciences have grown steadily bolder in their claim that all human behavior can be explained through the clockwork laws of cause and effec

4、t.This shift in perception is the continuation of an intellectual revolution that began about 150 years ago,when Charles Darwin first published On the Origin of Species.Shortly after Darwin put forth his theory of evolution,his cousin Sir Francis Gakon began to draw out the implications:If we have e

5、volved,then mental faculties like intelligence must be hereditary.But we use those faculties-which some people have to a greater degree than others-to make decisions.So our ability to choose our fate is not free,but depends on our biological inheritance.Many scientists say that the American physiolo

6、gist Benjamin Libet demonstrated in the 1980s that we have no free will.It was already known that electrical activity builds up in a persons brain before she,for example,moves her hand;Libet showed that this buildup occurs before the person consciously makes a decision to move.The conscious experien

7、ce of deciding to act,which we usually associate with free will,appears to be an add-on,a post hoc reconstruction of events that occurs after the brain has already set the act in motion.In 2002,two psychologists had a simple but brilliant idea:Instead of speculating about what might happen if people

8、 lost belief in their capacity to choose,they could run an experiment to find out.Kathleen Vohs,then at the University of Utah,and Jonathan Schooler,of the University of Pittsburgh,asked one group of participants to read a passage arguing that free will was an illusion,and another group to read a pa

9、ssage that was neutral on the topic.Then they subjected the members ofeach group to a variety of temptations and observed their behavior.Would differences in abstract philosophical beliefs influence peoples decisions?Yes,indeed.When asked to take a math test,with cheating made easy,the group primed

10、to see free will as illusory proved more likely to take an illicit peek at the answers.When given an opportunity to steal-to take more money than they were due from an envelope of$1 coins-those whose beliefin free will had been undermined pilfered more.On a range of measures,Vohs told me,she and Sch

11、ooler found thatpeople who are induced to believe less in free will are more likely to behave immorally.Another pioneer of research into the psychology of free will,Roy Baumeister of Florida State University,has extended these findings.For example,he and colleagues found that students with a weaker

12、belief in free will were less likely to volunteer their time to help a classmate than were those whose belief in free will was stronger.Likewise,those primed to hold a deterministic view by reading statements likeScience has demoiistrated that free will is an illusionwere less likely to give money t

13、o a homeless person or lend someone a cellphone.Roy Baumeister?A.concluded that the illusion of free will can stimulate the development of societyB.demonstrated that extra meaning of freedom was attached to some actionsC.reassured the status of freedom as the foundation of justiceD.further improved

14、that humans with less sense of free will were less likely to help othersE.believed our ability to be free was derived from ancestorsF.recognized many crimes were controlled by brains which were decided by genesG.found that people who believe less in free will are more likely to be unethical答案:D 本题解析

15、:根据Roy Baumeister可以定位到第六段。该段提到Roy Baumeister的实验进一步证明those primed to hold a deterministic view by reading statements like“Science has demonstrated that freeWill is an illusion”were less likely to give money to a homeless person or lend someone a cellphone(通过阅读诸如“科学已经证明自由意志是幻觉”的说法而事先已经持有定论的人,更不可能向无家可归

16、者提供金钱帮助,或把手机借给他人),故D项为正确选项。2.I couldnt stop crying.Months oflate evenings and demanding travel had l my professional exterior.I tried to 2 my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed(局促不安)in their seats,offered me a box oftissues,or just 3.My boss 4 ended the meeting.My colleagues quickly 5 th

17、e room.l was left 6 in the conference room,crumpled tissues in hand.For women,crying in a professional 7 is often seen as the kiss of death:Stop crying!Someone will see you.Quick,run to the ladiesroom!These are just two 8 0f similar wamings Ive heard throughout my career.But its not just me.Female f

18、riends and colleagues have told me they too have been told to 9 the waterworks.Its a familiar 10 for women who cry at work:Escape to bathroom.Grab toilet paper.Wipe eyes.Blow nose.Take deep breath and sashay back into the conference rooms,banquet halls,auditoriums and hallways.Act as ifwe really did

19、 just have to use the 11.If,however,we cant make a pre-tears escape,were likely to 12 0ur tails between our legs:Im so sorry.Dont worry,that will never happen again.Youre right,that was so unprofessional.Most of the women I spoke with about this 13 explain that to cry in front of colleagues,especial

20、ly male peers or bosses,14 as one ofthe most humiliating professional experiences.But times and corporate culture are both changing.Could crying have a less negative feeling ifleaders 15 it as natural?16 gender,leaders need to be trained on how t0 17 crying as another form of emotional expression.Th

21、e 18 from the top needs to be that no one will lose credibility or be seen as less competent if they cry.Rather,they will be viewed as being 19 while helping to create an even more 20 workplace culture.7选?A.occasionB.settingC.environmentD.position答案:B 本题解析:名词辨析题。根据句意,对女性来说,在职业哭泣常常被视为要命的表现:“别哭了!有人会看到

22、你。陕,跑到女厕所!”观察各选项,“职业环境”符合语义,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项occasion“时机,机会;场合”、D项position“位置,方位;职位”搭配不当,故排除;c项environment“环境,外界”多指外界环境,影响个体或事物行为或发展的环境、客观环境或自然环境,故排除。3.Text 4 Alphabet Inc.s most successful product-the Google search engine-may now be its most problematic.On Tuesday,the European Commissions top antit

23、rust regulator levied a$2.7-billion fine against Alphabet and Google for the way the search engine handles requests for information about products.Specifically,Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said that Google twisted its results to bury links to rival companiescomparison shopping sites while promine

24、ntly featuring its own service,Google Shopping.Google responded that its simply trying to give users what they want and deniedfavoring ourselves,or any particular site or seller.It has a lot at stake:Google has integrated many different offerings into its search engine,including its mapping and trav

25、el services.The principle advanced by Vestager,however,is a good one:Giant online companies shoulcl not be able to take advantage of their dominance in one field to hurt competitors in another.Googles argument is:It integrated Google Shopping,which offers links to products at sites that advertise on

26、 Google.into its search engine because that gave users quicker access to the information they were seeking.And in the United States,the key question in antitrust!aw is whether a companys behavior hurts users,not whether it hurts the companys competitors.European regulators focus more on competitors,

27、but they really are two sides of the same coin.If competitors are unfairly closed out,the public can miss out on the very real benefits that vigorous competition provides.At the same time,its undeniable that the public has welcomed virtual monopolies in search,social media and other services in the

28、Internet era.A large part of the appeal of sites like Facebook and Twitter is that so many people use them.Theres a network effect for social media apps in particular-the more people who use the service,the more valuable it becomes to them.Meanwhile,start-ups come out of nowhere to create whole new

29、categories of must-have apps and proclucts online.That means dominant companies have to innovate too,or else they can easily change from todays thing to yesterdays.And often,that innovation involves finding a better way to do something that a competitor is doing.The challenge for regulators is to pr

30、ovide the big companies space to try new things without grossly disrupting the market,closing out other companies and reducing consumer choice,which will ultimately lead to less innovation.A good place to start is by focusing on cases where there is evidence of intentional undermining of competitors

31、-where a dominant company alters the platform it provides not just to feature its own services,but to make it harder to find or use its rivals.The author argues that regulators should_A.leave room for dominant companies to innovateB.help small companies enhance competitivenessC.encourage companies t

32、o increase product varietyD.prohibit featuring services on company platforms答案:A 本题解析:信息锁定第六段句指出,监管机构的挑战在于“既给大公司留下尝试新事物的空间(provide the big companies space to try new things)又不能扰乱市场”,即:监管机构在反对垄断、保护竞争的同时,应给大公司留以创新空间.A.正确。解题技巧B.由句“(公司在给为大公司提供创新空间时)不可导致其他公司小型公司歇业(without cosing out other companies)”过度推断

33、出监管机构应“帮助小公司提升竞争力”。C.由句“(监管机构)不可减少消费者的选择(without reducing consumer choice)”过度推断出监管机构应该“鼓励公司增加产品多样性”。D.源于末句feature its own services,但要禁止的并非是“推广自己的服务”,而是“推广自己服务的同时隐藏对手的服务”。4.No one can l Howard Schultz ofinaction since he returned as chief executive of Starbucks,the firm he built into a multinational

34、2 to watch it stumble under his successor.Barely a month has gone by over the past year without the firm 3 some new initiative or other.The latest came on February 17th in New York,when Mr.Schultz 4 Via,an instant coffee which,he 5,tastes just as good as Java brewed in the shop by one of the firms b

35、aristas.Don Valencia,the firms first head of research and development,who 6 the blended and frozen frappuccino drinks that earn Starbucks$2 billion a year,could never find a 7 to scale up an instant formula he had developed at home.When Mr.Schultz retumed as chief executive,he 8 that there had been

36、some technological advances,allowing finer grinding,9.So he asked the R&D team to repeat the recently deceased Valencias experiments,and found thatwe had broken the 10.The name Via is a hat-tip to Valencia-though during development it was known as Jaws(just add water,stir).Starbucks says it has pate

37、nts that should 11 competitors from quickly replicating Via,which will go on sale in some American stores next month.The opportunity may,12,be biggest in other countries:in Britain over 80%of coffee sold is instant,13 with just 10%in America.14 Starbucks drinkers decide that Via tastes good,the comp

38、any will have to get the price 15.The riskis that the firms existing customers may 16 counter service and start making their own cup of instant.To keep customers coming to remaining outlets,he might experiment with discounts such as cheap 17 meals ofa drink and food.He also wants a visit to a Starbu

39、cks shop to bc a18 uplifiing experience.Improving the smellin stores by changing the cheese used in breakfast sandwiches was a start.But 19 that staff are enthusiastic will be especially difficult whenjobs are 20.6选?A.createdB.producedC.developedD.generated答案:A 本题解析:动词辨析题。根据原文提示:Don Valencia,the fir

40、ms first head of research and development,who一一the blended and frozen frappuccino drinks that earn Starbucks S2 billion a year.(Don Valencia作为星巴克公司研发部首席研究员,在过去的法布奇诺咖啡为星巴克每年赚取20亿美元)A项created“创造,创作;造成”。该词指创造出原先不存在的东西。所以A项更符合文章的意思,故A项为正确选项:【干扰排除】B项produced“制作;创作;出版”。C项developed表示在原有基础上对产品进行开发。D项generat

41、ed“生成,产生(光、热、电等y。B项、C项和D项都不如A项符合文意,故均可排除。5.Higher cognitive abilities may come with a pitfall-a susceptibility to judging people based on stereotypes.A new study from New York University l that highly intelligent people are quicker to learn stereotypes and base decisions off them.It may come down 2

42、someones ability to detect and encode patterns.Its not all bad news 3,as these high-intelligence people are likely to quickly update and 4 their ideas on stereotypes when introduced to new information.For the study,1,257 individuals were shown a(n)5 0f computerized male faces that were paired with a

43、 description of past behavior,either positive or negative However,the researchers manipulated avatar faces 6 people with noses that were purposely wider were associated with negative traits,7.those with more narrow noses were associated with positive traits.8this,individuals were asked to complete a

44、 task in 9 they had to trust an individual online who was represented by an avatar face 10 those the volunteers were shown in the trait association task.Individuals who 11 higher on pattern detection,12 0f higher intelligence,were also more likely to associate wider noses with negative traits,and we

45、re 13 likely to trust wide-nosed avatars in the final task.Pattern detection is an essential part of human intelligence,and is one of the main features that helped our brains evolve 14 what they are today,but the skill has its limits.Finding that higher pattern detection ability 15 people at greater

46、 risk to detect and apply stereotypes,but also to reverse them,implicates this ability as a cognitive mechanism 16 stereotyping,added co-author Jonathan Freeman in a statement.While stereotypes can be useful and a way to avoid danger,17 associating police officers with safety or gunmen with danger,t

47、here are pitfalls t0 18 people based on a generally held idea.Stereotypes cause you to judge people 19.knowing anything about them-we wouldnt want others to do that to us,20 why not afford them the same Courtesy 5选?A.seriesB.amountC.listD.swarm答案:A 本题解析:本题考查句内语义十短语辨析。由空格后的faces可知,空格所在部分a(n)of在语法上能够接

48、可数名词复数,在语义上能够修饰“面孔”,符合文意的只有A.(a)series(of)。C.(a)list(of)表示“(按一定顺序排列的)系列事项,清单”,但文巾a description of past behavior,either positive or negative、noses.wider、more narrow noses等信息以及下文“研究对象要选出自己信任的头像(had to trust.)”暗示头像应是随机的,这也符合实验常理,故“按一定顺序排列”无从谈起。6.Text 2 Pretty in pink:adult women do not remember being s

49、o obsessed with the colour,yet it is pervasive in our young girlslives.It is not that pink is intrinsically bad,but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and,though it may celebrate girlhood in one way,it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girlsidentity to appearance.Then it presents that connection,

50、even among twoyearolds,between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocence.Looking around,I despaired at the singular lack of imagination about girlslives and interests.Girlsattraction to pink may seem unavoidable,somehow encoded in their DNA,but according to Jo Paoletti,an associate pro

51、fessor of American Studies,it is not.Children were not colourcoded at all until the early 20th century:in the era before domestic washing machines all babies wore white as a practical matter,since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them.Whats more,both boys and girls wore what were th

52、ought of as genderneutral dresses.When nursery colours were introduced,pink was actually considered the more masculine colour,a pastel version of red,which was associated with strength.Blue,with its intimations of the Virgin Mary,constancy and faithfulness,symbolized femininity.It was not until the

53、mid1980s,when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant childrens marketing strategy,that pink fully came into its own,when it began to seem inherently attractive to girls,part of what defined them as female,at least for the first few critical years.I had not realized how profoundly marke

54、ting trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids,including our core beliefs about their psychological development.Take the toddler.I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research into childrens behavior:wrong.Turns out,according to Daniel Cook,a historian o

55、f childhood consumerism,it was popularized as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.Trade publications counselled department stores that,in order to increase sales,they should create a“third stepping stone”between infant wear and older kidsclothes.It was only after“toddler”became

56、a common shoppersterm that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage.Splitting kids,or adults,into evertinier categories has proved a surefire way to boost profits.And one of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differencesor invent them where they did not previousl

57、y exist.We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to_A.focus on infant wear and older kidsclothesB.attach equal importance to different gendersC.classify consumers into smaller groupsD.create some common shoppersterms答案:C 本题解析:推理题【命题思路】这是一道封闭式推理题,需要对文章第四段内容进行锁定。【直击答案】根据题干信息“p

58、aragraph 4”以及“department stores”定位到第四段首句:贸易刊物给百货商店提出建议,和题干是同义替换,that后面是宾语从句来解释说明这条建议的具体内容,该从句内容提及:应该在婴儿服装和稍大一些孩子的服装之间开创“第三个跳板”才可以增加销售量,由此推出C项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项属于偷换概念,该段首句虽提到婴儿服装和稍大一些孩子的服装,但是原文是说在这两种服装之间开创第三种增加销售的服装,而不是关注这两类服装。B项属于无中生有,该段末句虽然提到了性别差异,但是说通过放大性别差异达到增加销量的目的,并未提及对不同的性别要同样重视。D项的干扰来自本段第二句,原文中的购

59、物者术语指的是“第三个跳板”,是给百货商家的建议,并非是要创造新的用词,故排除。7.I couldnt stop crying.Months oflate evenings and demanding travel had l my professional exterior.I tried to 2 my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed(局促不安)in their seats,offered me a box oftissues,or just 3.My boss 4 ended the meeting.My colleagues

60、 quickly 5 the room.l was left 6 in the conference room,crumpled tissues in hand.For women,crying in a professional 7 is often seen as the kiss of death:Stop crying!Someone will see you.Quick,run to the ladiesroom!These are just two 8 0f similar wamings Ive heard throughout my career.But its not jus

61、t me.Female friends and colleagues have told me they too have been told to 9 the waterworks.Its a familiar 10 for women who cry at work:Escape to bathroom.Grab toilet paper.Wipe eyes.Blow nose.Take deep breath and sashay back into the conference rooms,banquet halls,auditoriums and hallways.Act as if

62、we really did just have to use the 11.If,however,we cant make a pre-tears escape,were likely to 12 0ur tails between our legs:Im so sorry.Dont worry,that will never happen again.Youre right,that was so unprofessional.Most of the women I spoke with about this 13 explain that to cry in front of collea

63、gues,especially male peers or bosses,14 as one ofthe most humiliating professional experiences.But times and corporate culture are both changing.Could crying have a less negative feeling ifleaders 15 it as natural?16 gender,leaders need to be trained on how t0 17 crying as another form of emotional

64、expression.The 18 from the top needs to be that no one will lose credibility or be seen as less competent if they cry.Rather,they will be viewed as being 19 while helping to create an even more 20 workplace culture.5选?A.evaporatedB.desertedC.crowdedD.evacuated答案:D 本题解析:动词辨析题。根据句意,同事们迅速了会议室,会议突然结束,与会人员肯定是离开会议室,故D项为正确选项。【干扰排除】根据以上分析可知,A项evaporated“蒸发,挥发”、B项deserted“遗弃;放弃;逃跑”、C项crowded“拥挤,挤满”均不符合上下文语义,故均排除。8.Text 4 Many people talked of the 288,000 new jobs the Labor Department reported for June,along with the drop in the

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