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1、1Training Hospital RepresentativeJob briefing 工作概述2 Objectives 目的 To help HR achieve the highest standard of professionalism.使代表的工作表现攀至顶峰。To help HR achieve the highest level of productivity.使代表的生产率最佳。3Objectives 目的 To prepare HR for higher responsibility.为代表的职业生涯做出更好规划。4Motto 座右铭Procrastination拖拉耽搁

2、Pessimism悲观情绪Politicking争权夺利5What is your job?你的工作是?Getting customers to use or optimize customers usage of company s products through effective promotion and skillful interaction.通过卓有成效的促销活动与销售技巧,让客户尽量多用公司产品。6Responsibilities?职责是?To promote XJP range of professional products in your assigned territ

3、ory.在分配区域内推广公司的专业产品To optimize the sales of these products to the customers by ensuring achievement of Rmb by product line.向客户推广产品,以达成目标 1总金额 2各产品的指标7Responsibilities?职责是?To be competent in the performance of your job by ensuring proficiency in product knowledge and selling s

4、kills.产品知识和销售技巧熟练,工作表现出色。8Responsibilities?职责是?To ensure proper and updated recording of transactions with customers in the relevant format provided.使用统一表格准确记录客户资料,及时更新。To ensure punctual submission of reports.准时上交报表。9Responsibilities?职责是?To maintain a high standard of professionalism in your daily

5、job routine.维持每日拜访的高度专业性。To be a team player and contribute to company s effort in building a cohesive and progressive team.良好的团队精神,为加强团队的凝聚力和向上精神做出贡献。10SCHWARZ-SSQQ Standard 许瓦兹SSQQ标准 Speed 速度 Sense of urgency 紧迫感 Minimize lost opportunities 将失败可能减至最低 Scale 程度 Think big 大计划 High expectations 高要求11S

6、CHWARZ-SSQQ Standard 许瓦兹SSQQ标准 Quantity 数量 Do big 尽量多做些工作 Maximize output by optimizing selling time hard,make more calls.增加销售时间,使产出达到最高,如努力工作,尽量多拜访医生。Quality 质量 Efficiency/Productivity 效率/生产率 High standard in every thing we do e.g.product call.我们做的每一件事情都是高质量的,如产品拜访12How Do I Approach My Jo

7、b?我该如何工作?1.Be a professional sales representative.做个专业销售代表Information 信息Messenger 传递员 versus 对HRReceiver 接收人No action/result 无行动,结果Information 信息代表Productive usage of Information?有效的利用信息Receiver 接收人Action/result 行动,结果13How Do I Approach My Job?我该如何工作?2.Do a full day s job not a fool days job.竭尽全力地工作

8、Full versus“Fool”竭尽全力对“傻瓜”Maximize selling time全力工作Plan your work有计划地工作Right customer恰当的客户 Play the fool/truant 工作散漫 Work aimlessly 工作无目标 Random calling 不定时拜访14How Do I Approach My Job?我该如何工作?2.Do a full day s job not a fool days job.竭尽全力地工作Full versus Fool竭尽全力对傻瓜Right frequency合适的拜访频率Right message正

9、确信息Base on rapport和谐的关系Everything except product不提产品15Experience/skill 经验和技能Years Repetition Variation年限 重复 变异1year a.12x250=3,000 calls c.1 call 20 times1年 a.12x250=3,000 拜访 c.1 call 20次 or 或 b.20 x250=5,000 calls c.20 calls 20 times b.20 x250=5,000 拜访 c.20 calls 20 次 Repetition the mother of skill

10、 “熟能生巧“”16How do I start my job?我该如何工作?Get the right knowledge and skills.掌握正确的知识和技巧。Product knowledge,selling skills.产品知识,销售技巧Training and follow up with self learning.培训及跟进工作后还需自己不断努力 17How do I start my job?我该如何工作?Get to know your territory.熟悉你的区域。Sales by product,hospital.分产品,医院的销售额。Customer and

11、 territory.客户与区域Basic analysis and field work.基本的分析与实地的工作。18How do I start my job?我该如何工作?Adopt the right attitude.正确的态度KS(A 财富努力聪明(可信赖20how.80%why 20%怎样做 80为什么Work hard and smart.努力工作和聪敏Responsible and accountable.责任感与可信度Willing to learn 勤于学习Willing to change 应变力强195 types of customer call?拜访种类Socia

12、l call.社交拜访Social interaction to create better rapport with customer.通过社交活动与客户建立良好关系。Informative call.信息拜访Delivering information to customer.提供信息给客户或为搜集信息而拜访。205 types of customer call?拜访种类Interrogative call.提问式拜访Continuous questioning either to collect information or to get customer to do the talki

13、ng.通过不断提问以搜集信息或与客户进行交流。21Most effective customer call 最有效的拜访方式4Product call.产品拜访Connecting product knowledge with selling skill to convince customer to use or expand usage of our product.使用产品知识与销售技巧,以说服客户使用或增加公司产品的用量。Must have Objective Opening,Probing,Features&Benefits&Closing.必须包括目的性开场白,探询,特性利益和成交

14、。22Most effective customer call 最有效的拜访方式5Competitive Call 竞争拜访Highly objective call 目的性极强的拜访Positioning your product as the first choice of treatment.将公司产品定位首选。Preventing competitor from penetrating your market.阻击竞争产品渗透入你的市场。23Which is best?哪种最好?Combination call 70%Product call/Competitive Call+30%S

15、ocial call.混合拜访70产品拜访或竞争拜访及30社交拜访24Benefits of Product Call?产品拜访的优势Increase efficiency-less wastage time,more calls.提高效率-减少浪费时间,更多拜访Higher effectiveness-more sales 效率更高-销售增加25Learning Steps 学习步骤 Imitate 模仿 Improve 改进 Innovate 创新 Create 发明26How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Strive for sales achievement.为

16、达成销售目标而努力Monthly sales target and product target.每月的销售指标和产品销售指标。By hospital,by territory.分医院,分区域。27How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Ensure achievement of call rate.确保完成要求拜访量At least minimum requirement(12).最低要求(12)Do not hesitate to do more if possible.如有可能,尽量多拜访医生。28How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Numbe

17、r of slide presentation.幻灯演讲人数幻灯演讲人数Ensure achievement of targeted number of side presentation per month.保证达到每月幻灯演讲要求人数。VIP development.发展学术带头人发展学术带头人Ensure identification and follow up development of VIP.确认并跟进学术带头人的发展工作。29How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Coverage of target doctors.Coverage of target d

18、octors.目标医生覆盖目标医生覆盖Ensure coverage of all targeted doctors as planned.保证已覆盖所有目标医生。Ensure right frequency of calling.保证恰当的拜访频率。30How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Round table discussion(ISO).圆桌会(特别是圆桌会(特别是 异舒吉)异舒吉)Ensure organizing at least I round table discussion per month.每月最少一次圆桌会。PR campaign 公关活动公关活

19、动Ensure organization o PR campaign at least once per month.每月至少一次公关活动。31How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?Prescribing analysis(AAA/AA/A)-Ris.处方分析(处方分析(1级级/2级级/3级医生级医生EL50ISOPlan to increase number of AAA and AA.计划增加1级和2级医生的数量Usage of promotional materials.使用促销资料使用促销资料Ensure usage of brochures,clinical p

20、apers,BATS.They are my bullets.保证使用单页,临床报告,品牌提示物,这些是我的武器。32How do I manage my job?我该怎样工作?New business development.开发新业务开发新业务Ensure creation o new business every quarter.保证每季度开发新业务。Report submission.上交报表上交报表Ensure punctual submission of report.保证准时上交报表33How do I increase sales?我怎样增加销售?Increase drug u

21、sage 提高用量 more indication 更多适应症 More patients 更多病人 Improve quality of call 提高拜访质量 Product call 产品拜访 Time management/efficiency 时间管理/效率 Increase customer 增加客户 more hospitals 更多医院 more doctors 更多医生34How to be successful HR?怎样做个成功的代表?Right Customer.恰当的客户High potential,VIP.高潜力,学术带头人Right Frequency.合适的频率

22、Minimum investment,maximum returns.低投入,高产出Right Message.正确的信息 Impart core selling points to customer and expect result.将核心卖点传递给客户,达成预期效果。35Key success factors?成功要素?Mindset.心态心态Be business minded.生意头脑 Scientific oriented 科学定位 to 到 Scientific approach 科学方法 but 加上 Business oriented 生意头脑36Key success fa

23、ctors?成功要素?For quantitative result.高成效高成效 Factors(因素 Weight(比率Work hard&smart 25%辛勤工作,方式灵活Product Knowledge 20%产品知识 Selling Skills 20%销售技巧37Key success factor?成功要素Factors(因素)Competitor knowledge 竞争产品知识 Persistency 坚持不懈 Good service 服务良好 Personality 个性 Total 总分 Weight(比率)10%10%10%5%100%38Key success

24、factor?成功要素 Reliable Enthusiastic Sensible Punctual Noble Systematic Independent Belonging Learner Enterprising可信赖有热情触觉灵敏准时思想高尚有条不紊独立工作能力归属感勤奋好学进取心3.For qualitative evaluation.成效评估39Key success factors?成功要素Human relationship 人际关系人际关系 Have a high EQ(Emotional Quotient)or cultivate it.情商高或努力提高情商 40EQ-

25、1.Self Awareness 自我了解 Definition 定义 The ability to recognize and understand your moods,emotions,and drives as well as their effect on others 能发现并了解自己的心情,情绪和意图,并了解它们对别人的影响。Hall marks 特点 Self confidence 自信 Realistic self-assessment 符合实际的自我评估 Self deprecating sense of humor 幽默感可拿自己开玩笑。41EQ-2.Self Regul

26、ation 自我调节 Definition 定义 The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods.The propensity to suspend judgment to think before acting.控制或更改混乱的意念和情绪。“三思而后行的”倾向 Half marks 特点 Trustworthiness and integrity.可信及正直 Comfort and ambiguity(ability to interpret in more than one way).舒适和灵活(多种方式表达

27、的能力)Openness and change.开放及乐于改变。42EQ-3 Motivation 激励 Definition 定义 A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money and status.工作的热情不仅因为金钱和地位。A propensity(normal tendency)to pursue goals with energy and persistence.干劲十足并有毅力达成目标的倾向 Half marks 特点 Strong drive to achieve.强烈地渴望成功的意愿 Optimism,even in t

28、he face of failure.失败时仍保持乐观 Organizational commitment.对组织的献身43EQ-4.Empathy 同感 Definition 定义 The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people.了解他人情绪的能力。Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions.根据人们的情绪反应给予不同对待。Hall marks 特点 Expertise in building and retaining talen

29、t.培养及挽留人才 Cross-cultural sensitivity.了解各种文化。Service to clients and customers.客户服务。44EQ-5.Social Skills 交际技巧 Definition 定义 Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks.有效建立和管理关系网 An ability to find common ground and build rapport.确定背景,建立关系的能力。Half marks 特点 Effectiveness in leading chan

30、ge.有效树立榜样,接受改变 Persuasiveness.说服力 Expertise in building and leading teams.建立和领导团队的能力45Quotable Quotes 有价值的语录 Success is the maximum utilization of the ability you have.最大限度地发挥你的才能就是成功。Zig Ziglar46Guidelines?指挥方针Pre usage stage.使用前阶段使用前阶段Subtly target your promotion against products that are currentl

31、y being used by doctor.巧妙针对医生常用的产品,计划促销活动。Find out which competitor s product is doctor currently using-from Pharmacist,nurses doctor himself.询问药师,护士或医生以了解目前医生使用药品。47Guidelines?指导方针Pre usage stage.使用前阶段使用前阶段Subtly target your promotion against products that are currently being used by doctor.巧妙针对医生常

32、用的产品,计划促销活动。Objective to get doctor to adopt your product 目标 医生用你的产品48Guidelines?指导方针Post usage stage.使用后阶段使用后阶段2.1.Ensure movement of products.保证产品的使用。Is doctor using your product as 1st,2nd or reserve treatment.医生把你的产品做为首选,二选是后备?Target doctor to use as 1st line.你的目标让医生首选你的产品49Guidelines?指导方针Post u

33、sage stage.使用后阶段使用后阶段2.2。Use as 1st line,how?首选产品,然后?Ensure right call frequency.保证恰当的拜访频率。Build rapport.建立和谐的关系。Briefly remind doctor of key points on each call.每次拜访,简单提示医生有关要点。Reinforce/reassure doctor of his choice.向医生强调“首选”的概念。50Guidelines?指导方针Post usage stage.使用后阶段使用后阶段2.2。Use as 1st line,how?首

34、选产品,然后?Expand indication.扩大适应症Increase usage on current indication.对当前的适应症扩大用法。Effective usage of promotional materials.有效使用促销材料。Organize activities is slide presentations,hospital symposium etc.组织促销活动,如幻灯演讲,医院研讨会等。51Guidelines?指导方针Post usage stage.使用后阶段使用后阶段2.3.Ensure good follow up/service.保证良好的跟进

35、,服务Fulfill promises made.言出必行Uncover doctors need and satisfy it.发现医生的需求,满足医生的需求。Constant updating of information.随时更新信息。Close rapport.密切的联系。52Guidelines?指导方针Factor influencing doctor s usage.影响医生用药的因素影响医生用药的因素3.1.Adoption 接受Need for the product.对产品的需求Efficacy.高效Convenience.方便Safety.安全Cost effective

36、.经济53Guidelines?指导方针 Convinced by HR s detailing.被代表的特性利益说服。Good rapport with HR/Company.与代表,公司的良好关系。HR s persistency.代表坚持不懈努力的结果。Consistent follow up by HR.代表持续的跟进工作。54Guidelines?指导方针3.2.Repeat usage.反复使用反复使用 Satisfied with product.对产品满意 Constant reminder of key points.不断得到有关要点的提示。Patient s request

37、.病人要求 Satisfied with HR.对代表满意。55Guidelines?指导方针4.Factors influencing movement of the drugs.影响药物使用的因素。影响药物使用的因素。4.1.1st line usage.首选产品首选产品 Familiar with product.熟悉产品 Convinced that product is the best for his patients.深信该产品是最好的药物。Constantly reminded and visited by HR 代表持续地提醒与拜访。56Guidelines?指导方针 Use

38、 on multiple indication.多种适应症 Good rapport with HR.与代表关系好 Perceived as cost effective.价格便宜57Guidelines?指导方针4.2.2nd line usage.2线产品线产品 Feels that product is not as good as his 1st choice.与首选产品相比,仍有不足。Not enough reminder or exposure to the drug.产品提示,宣传不足。Use on limited indication.适应症不多。Poor rapport wi

39、th HR/Company.与代表,公司关系不佳。58Guidelines?指导方针4.3.Reserve usage.后备产品后备产品 Feels that drug is too costly.药物太贵 Feels that drug is too potent.药性太强 Patients insist.病人的坚持 Drug is good but HR/HR s company is not.药物不错,但是代表,公司不行。59HR-Reports and records?代表的报表和记录 Daily.日报表日报表 Item(项目项目)Action(行动行动)Purpose(目的目的)1.

40、Daily Call Report.Submit Record no of customer each day and product call and activities for month 每天上交记录当日拜访客户,产品拜访及促销活动每天上交记录当日拜访客户,产品拜访及促销活动 2。Customer Itinerary Record Monitoring of actual call Plan.For periodic frequency and actual drs review by HS seen against planned.定期交主管的定期交主管的 监测实际拜访频率与医生数量

41、监测实际拜访频率与医生数量 记录记录 (与计划相比较与计划相比较)60HR-Reports and records?代表的报表和记录 Daily.日报表日报表 Item(项目项目)Action(行动行动)Purpose(目的目的)3.Doctor Record Record Recording of specific Card.For periodic information to be review by HS remembered and followed up.定期交主管的定期交主管的 记录必要的细节以便跟进记录必要的细节以便跟进 记录记录61HR-Reports and records

42、?代表的报表和记录Monthly.日报表日报表 Item(项目项目)Action(行动行动)Purpose(目的目的)1Sales Monitoring.Submit by Monitoring of sales 5nd of progress by hospitals by each month.Product,monthly&YTD.每月5日前交 记录销售进展(医院产品/月 份及总销售额)1weekly Submit by Friday Working plan of week.working plan 每周五交 周工作计划。62HR-Reports and records?代表的报表和记

43、录Monthly.月费用报表月费用报表 Item(项目项目)Action(行动行动)Purpose(目的目的)Monthly Itinerary Sub by 1st week Planning of activities Plan.Of each month for the month.每月第一周交计划当月的活动费用申请。63Reports and records?报表和记录Basic data(Once&periodic updating.)Item(项目项目)Action(行动行动)Purpose(目的目的)Hospital Submit Basic database for information record and reference.上交 记录基本情况以供参考。Doctor Specialty Submit Segmentation analysis.Breakdown.上交 分类分析

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