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1、University Past and PresentPresented by Doris L.W.ChangPresentation Outline The Meaning of the WordUniversity The Origin and Development of University History of University Education in China The Purpose and Mission of U.Education Trends in University Education Problems&Solutions in U.Education Refe

2、rences Instructions for Reports on U.Education in the World一、大學一詞的意義與大學教育的特質1.universitas 師生聚合以追尋真理為鵠的的社會2.multiversity 綜集大學3.大學教育的特質 a.學術性的教學 b.科學與學術性的研究 c.創造性的文化生活 2.西方大學教育的源起與發展Six Periods in the History of University Education12-15th C(Europe):the Middle Ages15-17th C(Europe/Germany)Renaissance&

3、Religious Reformation17-18th C(Germany France/Europe)Age of Reason1800-1890(Germany,UK,World)University Education Reformation1850-1950(Europe,the Whole World)Age of Science,Industry,Economy1950-Present Globe VillagePost-industrial Age,Pos-modern,High-tech Era 我國大學教育的源起與發展a.上古時期-官立學校之始b.春秋戰國時期-私人講學興起

4、/孔子的私人講學為大學教育的代表c.兩漢時期-漢武帝始立太學與五經博士d.宋明時期-書院教育盛行/性質與近代大學教育相近e.清代-同治元年(1862):傳統教育邁向西化f.光緒二十四年(1898):京師大學堂設立/第一所官立大學三、大學教育的宗旨與任務 1.研究與發展高深學術 2.知識傳授與培育專門人才 3.陶冶健全品格 4.提供社會服務 5.發揚國族文化四、大學教育的趨勢 1.配合國家社會需求 2.質量兼顧的發展 3.人文社會科學與自然科學均衡發展 4.通才教育與專才教育並重五、當前大學教育的問題及改革建議1.問題 a.學校及科系的等級結構問題 b.文憑主義問題 c.社會人才的篩選及配置功能

5、問題 d.學生多樣化所產生的問題 e.學生的學習意願低落旳問題 f.達成共識與增進效率問題 2.建議 a.改善上述問題的建議 b.其他建議陸、參考資料要目 1.金耀基:大學之理念,時報文化,民73.2 2.伍振鷟:中國大學教育發展史,三民書局,民71.10 3.五南圖書公司編輯部:西洋教育史,五南圖書,民78.1 4.張春興等:大學生與校園文化,嵩山,民75.4 5.張希哲:高等教育的理想與實際,逢甲大學,民71.9 6.李崇道等:大學教育的趨勢,逢甲大學,民71.7Assignment:Group Report Focus介紹及分析當今東西方重要大學的a.辦學理念與特色b.落實理念的具體措施

6、c.尤其注重大學如何面對社會變遷及大社會責任Group Report Instructions 1 Stage 1:Warm Up Read P.p.38-43 of Introduction to University Studies 大學入門.Study the Chart of the History and Development of Universities in Western countries.Introduce the six periods of the history and report them to the class:12-15th C,15-17th C,17

7、-18th C,1800-1890,1850-1950,1950-Present Study the Origins,Ideas,History and Challenges of University in Chapters 1 and 2,then define an ideal university in contemporary world.2.教學活動設計:教學活動包括分組報告與綜合討論。一、相關參考資料:大學入門,1至88頁東西著名大學網頁李迼哲著,教育改革白皮書,行政院出版Group Report Instructions 2 Stage 2:Prepare Group Repo

8、rts on Outstanding Universities around the world.1.Search on line for one outstanding University or compare two different universities 2.Evaluate the university,focusing on the following aspects A.The University Vision and Mission Statement B.How does the university realize its vision in its curricu

9、lum,student education,administration,etc.List specific examples.C.How are the graduates of this university received in the global community?Prepare a Power Point file that will address points A,B,and C,and present it to the class.Group Report SkillsPlease include:1.A Presentation Outline 2.An Introduction to your group report(preview,members,motivation,major parts in the report)3.Body(The,ways to realize its vision,performance of its graduates)4.Conclusion(Your evaluation of the chosen university and your comments on the whole report.)

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