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1、徐州市英语四年级上册期末专项复习:单选题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) A: _ your name? B: My name is Ben.A . WhoB . WhatC . Whats2. (2分) I stayed at home this summer. I did my homework in the morning and _ TV in the afternoon. A . watchB . lookedC . watched3. (2分) Amy can

2、 play table tennis _. A . wellB . niceC . good4. (2分) (2020六下深圳期中) We should learn _ carefully when talking with others. Yes. It is very important _ us.A . to listen; onB . to listen; toC . listen; on5. (2分) You brought us lots of _. A . joyB . joysC . joyes6. (2分) Whos the _? She is Kitty.A . heB .

3、 boyC . girl7. (2分) Did Mocky_any bananas? No, he_.A . want, didB . wanted, didntC . want, didnt8. (2分) _ tail (尾巴) is short. A . ItB . ItsC . Its9. (2分) (2019六上新会月考) Did Lisa _the dishes last Sunday? A . washB . washedC . washes10. (2分) The light is green. You can . A . stopB . turn rightC . wait11

4、. (2分) (2020四上莲都期末) My brother is _. He has _. A . long; short hairB . tall; short hairC . short hair; tall12. (2分) He went to Beijing by_. A . a planeB . planeC . the planeD . planes13. (2分) (2020六上莲都期末) What are Johns _? He likes _ and running.A . hobby; cookingB . hobbies; cookingC . hobbies; coo

5、ks14. (2分) The hat is _. A . ZhangPengB . ZhangPengsC . ZhangPengs15. (2分) It is _ elephant. A . anB . aC . the16. (2分) I have _ orange every day. A . anB . manyC . a17. (2分) There are a lot of people _ the bus stop. They are waiting _ the bus. A . at, forB . at, onC . on, for18. (2分) There are _ in

6、 the picture. A . spaceshipB . spaceshipsC . a spaceship19. (2分) _ you like to go to school? A . WouldB . willC . Can20. (2分) Im thin. What should I do?You should _ more.A . eatB . eatingC . eats第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、

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