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1、词汇篇 课堂精讲笔记 请大家注意:每一组单词都蕴含着一个庞大的词汇知识体系!请大家坚信:千锤百炼方可修成正果!一、表示方位的前缀 1、pre-/pro-前 predict propose progress prospect 串词造句:The headmaster proposes that if you predict a bright prospect,you should make progress first.校长建议:如果你想预测一个光明的前景,你要先取得进步。真题链接:When people in developing countries worry about migration,

2、they are usually concerned at the prospect of ther best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in the developed world,(2013)2、fore 前 before foretell forehead foremost:first and foremost forearm foreground,background 真题链接:most wives want their husbands to be first

3、and foremost conversational partners but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.3.post-后 postwar postpone postgraduate:扩展:4.re-含义一:再,又:repeat retell 含义二:反方向,回 return reduce retreat 5.super-上,超级 superman supermarket supervisor superficial 串词成句:The superman reckoned the supervisor of the s

4、upermarket very superficial.超人认为超市的督导很肤浅。6.hyper-:在上面的,超出的 hypertension hypercritical hyperscope 潜望镜 补充:telescope,microscope 7.sub-:下,下面的 subway suburburban submarine substitute 串词成句:In the suburb,there is subway under the ground just as there are submarines under the sea.在郊区 地下面有地铁就如同海下有潜水艇。8.under

5、-在.以下,过少的 underground underestimate underdeveloped 串词成句:We cant underestimate the value of the underdeveloped country.9.in-/im-/intro-/intra:在里面 includeexcludeexclusive import_export introduce intrastate Income 扩展:pay salary,wage,pension bonus commission(佣金)free fee tip interest profit capital allow

6、ance compensation 真题链接:Today,we are much more rigid about immigrants.We divide newcomers into two categories:legal or illegal,good or bad.10.ex-:出.,在.外面 export exit 11.dis-:1 否定前缀:不;dislike,dishonest,disappear If you look hard enough,youll find that many of the products we use every day chewing gums

7、,skin moisturizers,disinfecting wipes,air fresheners,water purifiers,health snacks,antiperspirants,(止汗剂)teeth whiteners,fabric softeners,vitamins are results of manufactured habits.2、分开,远离:disease distribute dispose Man proposes,God disposes.二、表示否定的前缀 12.dis-同上 13.un-:unhappy unknown unlock the secr

8、et 14.in-/im-/il-/ir-invisible infamous impossible immature illegal irregular 15.anti-反.的、抗.的 antiwar anticancer antibiotic anti-theft anti-water 16.contra-/contro-相反 counter contradict contrast contrary:on the contrary controversial 真题链接 These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars w

9、hen customers eat snacks,apply lotions and wipe counters almost without thinking,often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues.(2010-Text3)三、描述性前缀 17、bon-/bene-:好的=well bonus benefit beneficial 真题链接:2012-text-3 But for the most part,these benefits seem thin,uncertain,and far off.In The

10、 Moral Consequences of Economic Growth,the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the.,lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive,and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights

11、and freedoms.18.mal-坏的 malnutrition maltreat-abuse-spoil malediction 19.mis-坏的 mistake misstep misunderstand misfortune 20.co-/com-/con-/cor-/col-共同 cooperator compromise confirm corruption correspond 21.Homo-homosexual homogeneous 22.inter-之间 interchange internet interfere Interrupt 23.trans-经过 tra

12、nsport transform 24.auto-autobiography automobile automate 真题复现:In an essay entitled“Making It in America”,the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from cotton about just how much a modern textile mill has been automated:The average mill only two employees today,”a man and a dog.The man is there to f

13、eed the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.”(2013-Text1)over the past decade,many companies had perfected the art of creating automatic behaviors habits among consumers.(2010-Text3)学以致用 练习 pose impose expose propose dispose suppose oppose 词义分析:小试牛刀:_ pressure on the judge _you are r

14、ight,I will follow your proposal.Man _,God_.Diamond is _of carbon.The truth finally was _to the public.2.abstract contract attract subtract distract extract 词义分析:小试牛刀:the_of the thesis The two companies signed a _ _ones attention _orange juice depress express impress oppress suppress 词义分析:小试牛刀:_ones

15、 opinion The clever child _me deeply.The rich always _the poor in the old society._the rebellion The economic is in great _ 词汇篇二 表示数字的前缀 semi/hemi-:半 demiconductor hemisphere hemicycle semiannual semifinal semitropical :一 monopoly mono-log monotonous 一个 solo:solo concert sole:the sole survivor solit

16、ary 单一 uniform unilateral universal unanimous unicorn di-du-:两个 bicycle bilingual dilemma diploma duel duplicate 三 tricycle triangle tribe 四 quarter quadruple 十 decade decimal 百;kilo-千;milli-千 centimeter kilogram kilometer millimeter 大范围的,宏观的 macroeconomics macroscopic macrocosm (cosmos 宇宙)大的,百万的 me

17、gaphone megabyte mega-city :小的 microwave microscope micro-soft 13.multi-多的 multimedia multiply multiform 补充:=hand 手工的,体力的 manual manuscript manufacture 常用词根=do,act 做,动 agent agency agenda-on the agenda =hear 听;声音的 audience audition 听觉 audible Cory Booker who became mayor 13 months ago with a mission

18、 to revitalize the city,believes the surveillance(监视)program will be the largest camera and audio network in any American city.ced/cess=go 行走 proceed precede-preceding-precedent-precedented-unprecedented exceed-excess-excessive exceed the speed limit an excess of violence in the film excessive viole

19、nce 2007 年真题 10.Lightning has been the second largest storm killer in the US over the past 40 years and is _ only by flood.A exceeded B excelled C excluded D extended 4.cept =take 拿、取 except-exception-exceptional accept-acceptance-acceptable 2007 年阅读真题 the authors view,many endangered languages are_

20、.Aremarkably well-kept in this modern world Bexceptionally powerful tools of communication Cquite possible to be revived instead of dying out Da unique way of bringing different groups together 5.cid,cis =cut/kill 切,杀 decide-decision-decisive-indecisive concise precise 2009 年真题 s book is particularl

21、y valuable in that it _.little use of management terms various studies concisely as an exit for leadership researchers a model for contemporary corporate leaders 6.claim,clam =cry,shout 喊叫 acclaim exclaim-exclamation proclaim-proclamation 2008 年真题 the IOC in recent years has also taken into _33_the

22、host citys time zone.A.amount B.account C.accord D.acclaim 7.clar =clear 清楚,明白 declare clarity Clarify 8.clud/clus =close(关闭)include-inclusion-inclusive exclude-exclusive-exclusion-exclusionism conclude-conclusion:in conclusion accord-accordance-according to 9.di/div-分开 divide-division divorce divid

23、end 股息,红利 10.cred =believe,trust 相信,信任 credit:on credit credible-incredible credulous-incredulous 练习 1.introduce induce deduce reduce produce 2.attribute contribute distribute 3.evolve evolution involve revolve overpass compass bypass surpass 常用后缀 ,ible(adj)可的,能的 readable sensible (adj)具有性质的,如的 pers

24、onal regional rural 3.al(n)表动作,人,事物 proposal professional criminal hospital refusal,ent(n)表人,物,行为 applicant assistant correspondent president (n)表性质,状态,行为 freedom wisdom (n)表动作的承受者 employee trainee (n)从事的人 pioneer volunteer(n)物品,机器 washer lighter boiler (v)使变成 harden shorten soften strengthen en(adj

25、)有质的,似的 golden woolen 9.ess(adj)表女性,雌性 hostess actress (adj)充满的,具有性质的 cupful fearful 表身份,状况,性质 neighborhood manhood (v)使成,使化 magnify purify ,tion 表情况,状态,性质,行为 fashion decision 似的,有的 selfish childish 表示主义,行为,学,派 realism tourism fatalism modernism 从事工作的人 socialist dentist 有性质的,有作用的,属于的 protective prod

26、uctive active ,ise,yze,yse 以方式对待,化 realize analyze modernize 19.fearless useless 20.like 有性质的,像的 dreamlike humanlike 学科 biology technology 表行为,状态,性质 movement management 表状态,性质 darkness kindness ,充满的 dangerous famous 表状况,状态,身份,技艺,技能 hardship doctorship workmanship 像的,引起的 troublesome lonesome 表示人 youn

27、gster gangster (s)表方向 upward(s)outward(s)思考:able;ful;tive;ous 均可做形容词后缀,如何区别 练习 1.respectable respectful respective 2 imaginable imaginary imaginative 3 credible credulous credibility 4.sensible sensitive 学谚语,记单词 1.A fall in the pit,a gain in your wit.sweet without sweat.there is a will there is a wa

28、y.hurts,modesty benefits was not built in a day.helps those who help themselves.haste,less speed.begun is half done.is the parent of success.minds think alike.makes perfect.sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.and tide wait no man.young idler,an old beggar.while the iron is hot.venture,n

29、oting gain.never rains but it pours.proposes,God disposes.pain,no gain.to advance is to go back.21.All that glitters is not gold.theres oppression theres resistance.is the key to success.is the poison of friendship.laughs best who laughs last.reveals genius,fortune conceals it.词汇精讲 1.evolve involve

30、revolve 2.consist persist insist assist 3.inform perform conform reform 4.bankrupt corrupt interrupt erupt disrupt 5.describe prescribe subscribe manuscript 6.assume resume consume presume 7.include exclude conclude 8.claim acclaim exclaim reclaim proclaim 9.attain contain obtain retain entertain su

31、stain maintain detain 10 occur recur incur 11.affect effect infect defect perfect 12.distinguish extinguish distinct extinct instinct 13.precede proceed recede concede 形近词 1.adapt adopt adjust 2.access assess asset 3.outbreak output outcome outset 4.gratitude altitude latitude magnitude 5.consent co

32、ntent contest pensate compromise comprehend 7.delicate deliberate desperate 8.mortal moral mutual manual 9.internal external 10.crash crush clash smash 11.overtake overlook overwork overdraft 12.success successful successive 13.efficient sufficient proficient 14.arise rise raise arouse 15.excessive

33、extensive exclusive 16.twist ones wrist 17.repel the rebels 18.industry industrial industrious 19.imagine imaginative imaginary imaginable imagination All the character in this novel are_.The boy,Tom is so _that he imagined human beings could move to Mars one day.20.exhibit inhibit prohibit (hibit拿)近义词:1.conform comply abide observe 2.limb limp lamp lamb lame 3.book reserve order subscribe 4.source resource 5.confine conform confirm confront 6.assume presume resume consume 7.affect effect effective efficient 8.economy economics economic economical 9.accident incident expand enlarge

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