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1、 理念外语网络教学平台第二版综合答案 bue High quality manuscripts are welcome to download 全新版第二版综合B2U6-E Part I Listening Comprehension (10 minutes)Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear ten statements.Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B.Each statement will be read ONLY O

2、NCE.Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.1.A)T B)F Script:The author was expected to go to college and was interested in engineering when she was a kid.正确答案:B 2.A)T B)F Script:In high school,the author was glad to take her car to the mechanic when it needed some work.正

3、确答案:B 3.A)T B)F Script:The summer program designed to interest girls in engineering helped her become an engineer.正确答案:A 4.A)T B)F Script:In the authors eyes,if you find a subject is difficult to learn,it means you are not good at it.正确答案:B 5.A)T B)F Script:The algebra teacher took the grades as a j

4、udgment of the ability of individual students.正确答案:B 6.A)T B)F Script:Holding the belief that womens brains are as powerful as mans,the author reminds us that a woman can learn anything a man can.正确答案:A 7.A)T B)F Script:After quitting her job,immediately,the author was filled with the mixed feelings

5、 with anxiety and a sense of hopefulness.正确答案:A 8.A)T B)F Script:During the first semester,the author was completely adjusted to college life.正确答案:B 9.A)T B)F Script:Under the big pressure of work and school,the author was almost broken sometimes but she never cried.正确答案:B 10.A)T B)F Script:Looking

6、back over her decision to quit her job and go to college,the author felt that she could take control of her life again.正确答案:A Section B Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the

7、 passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.Kelley had worked as a legal(11)_,but she had an accident and became paralyzed,and that chan

8、ged her(12)_ on life.She decided to take distance education courses for opportunities to find another(13)_.Distance education allowed her to(14)_ the education with her growing family.Distance education also gave her an opportunity to(15)_ her own goals.Although distance education was hard work,thin

9、king of her children helped(16)_.Kelley finally succeeded in obtaining her(17)_ degree,and planned to study for a masters degree.She hoped to work in counseling to help(18)_ or disabled people.Kelleys(19)_ is a good example,showing(20)_ of online learning on our lives.Script:Kelley had worked as a l

10、egal assistant,but she had an accident and became paralyzed,and that changed her outlook on life.She decided to take distance education courses for opportunities to find another career.Distance education allowed her to balance the education with her growing family.Distance education also gave her an

11、 opportunity to pursue her own goals.Although distance education was hard work,thinking of her children helped make it worthwhile.Kelley finally succeeded in obtaining her bachelors degree,and planned to study for a masters degree.She hoped to work in counseling to help injured or disabled people.Ke

12、lleys experience is a good example,showing the great impact of online learning on our lives.正确答案:assistant 正确答案:outlook 正确答案:career 正确答案:balance 正确答案:pursue 正确答案:make it worthwhile 正确答案:bachelors 正确答案:injured 正确答案:experience 正确答案:the great impact Part II Reading Comprehension (25 minutes)Section A D

13、irections:In this section,there is a passage with several blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.You ma

14、y not use any of the words in the bank more than once.At the end of my junior year of high school,I 21 a summer program designed to 22 girls in engineering.The six-week program was free,and students were given college credit and a dorm room at the University of Maryland.I 23 to the program,not becau

15、se I wanted to be an 24 ,but because I was craving 25 and wanted to get out of my parents house for six weeks.I was accepted to the program and I earned six engineering 26 .The next year I entered the university as an engineering major.Five years later I had a degree and three 27 job offers.I cant h

16、elp shuddering when I hear about studies that show that women are at a 28 when it comes to math.They imply that I am somehow 29 .Im not,but I do know that if I hadnt stumbled into that summer program,I 30 be an engineer.A)independence B)as if C)decent D)credits E)grades F)wouldnt G)engineer H)ambiti

17、on I)heard about J)straight K)disadvantage L)abnormal M)interest N)proper O)applied 21._ 正确答案:I 22._ 正确答案:M 23._ 正确答案:O 24._ 正确答案:G 25._ 正确答案:A 26._ 正确答案:D 27._ 正确答案:C 28._ 正确答案:K 29._ 正确答案:L 30._ 正确答案:F Section B Directions:There are several passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some

18、 questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice.Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.When I was in 7th grade,I had a lot of trouble reading.My mother used to sit by my side,and explain

19、 each paragraph of each school reading assignment to me because I didnt understand what I was reading.She would have to read each paragraph to me,and then after each paragraph,she summarized what we just read.In class,I tried to hide the fact that I couldnt read.My teachers gave us the last 10 minut

20、es of class to start our reading homework,and I would sit there for the last ten minutes of class staring at the page,pretending I was reading it I remember a terrible feeling of not wanting to get in trouble for not being able to comprehend.I had to wait until I got home so my mother could explain

21、it to me.How did I ever get into Cornell University By eighth grade I started understanding a little on my own,but I was reading at an incredibly slow rate.In eighth grade,I got hold of all the speed reading books I could get my hands on.I read them all very slowly at the time.I even went out and to

22、ok a course on speed reading.Then I developed my own system which was easier and produced quicker results.I started practicing these techniques every day,and as I started to read faster,my understanding increased.I found that I stopped daydreaming and thinking about other things while I was reading,

23、and started getting the larger meaning.I was reading faster and comprehending better.I found that when you read slowly,word by word,you get lost in the words,lose the bigger picture,and your comprehension drops.When you read faster,your concentration actually increases and your comprehension goes up

24、 because instead of getting lost in the words,you see the overall picture.31.The main difficulty the writer had in reading in her 7th grade was that _.A)she often forgot her school reading assignments B)she had difficulty reading with comprehension C)she had a poor vocabulary and very bad grammar D)

25、she always looked elsewhere when asked to read 正确答案:B 32.The writer would pretend to be reading in the last 10 minutes of class because_.A)she was afraid of being found out B)the reading class was terrible C)she had to do what others were doing D)her mother told her to do so 正确答案:A 33.The writers re

26、ading ability improved a great deal mainly because _.A)she entered Cornell University B)she took a course on speed reading C)her mother managed to help her out D)she developed her own way of reading 正确答案:D 34.From her own experience,the writer found that _.A)ones comprehension drops if one reads too

27、 slowly B)in order to understand better,one has to read slowly C)one tends to neglect the detailed information if one reads fast D)many people read fast in order to save time 正确答案:A 35.After reading the passage,we can conclude that the writer wrote the passage in order to_.A)convince the readers of

28、the importance of higher education B)tell a story in honor of her mother C)give a detailed description of different reading skills D)illustrate the necessity of fast reading 正确答案:D Passage Two Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Elizabeths father died when she was nine.Her family w

29、as large,and very poor.She struggled for self esteem,but it was difficult when her clothes werent as nice as the other kids and her new school was still unfamiliar.During a math lesson,Elizabeth stared at the chalkboard and was struggling to understand a concept.With every stroke of the chalk,she be

30、came more confused.She had suffered from chronic ear infections(感染),and had missed many days of her fifth grade year.When she finally got the courage to raise her little hand and ask Mr.Thompson how the problem was done,he became very angry.He marched her up in front of the class and told this insec

31、ure child that she was incapable of learning and extremely stupid.This remark plagued(使困扰)Elizabeth for years.Elizabeth drifted into marriage.After discovering her husbands long time infidelity(不忠),she found herself divorced with three young daughters.She moved back to her home state and tried to pi

32、ck up the pieces she had left behind.Knowing that she would be the sole support of these children,and having no desire to remarry,Elizabeth started college.Like most good mothers,she wanted the best for her children.She didnt want to deprive them of their mother.She would rise early and stay up late

33、 to get every spare minute she could to study.When she received her first A she was confused.She thought there must be some mistake.This was Elizabeth,Elizabeth the stupid.When her good grades piled up,she realized for the first time that maybe Mr.Thompson was wrong.She graduated from Brigham Young

34、University,and will soon be receiving her masters degree at California State University in San Bernardino.36.The reason why Elizabeth stared at the chalkboard was that _.A)she had ear infections and could not hear very well B)she was still overwhelmed by the death of her father C)too much homework h

35、ad made her tired and sick D)what the teacher wrote was beyond her understanding 正确答案:D 37.Mr.Thompson can be best described as a teacher who was _.A)dull and stupid B)impatient and cruel C)strict with his students D)incapable of making himself understood 正确答案:B 38.We can learn from the passage that

36、 Elizabeth started college because she _.A)was not a very responsible mother B)needed to be able to support her children C)knew she could achieve great success in college D)wanted her children to have an educated mother 正确答案:D 39.Why was Elizabeth confused when she got her first A A)Because she beli

37、eved that it was a mistake.B)Because she had not studied hard enough.C)Because she felt hurt by other peoples comments.D)Because she did not trust her teacher.正确答案:A 40.Elizabeths case shows that _.A)people can overcome a negative self-image through hard work B)a student can achieve great success ev

38、en though he or she is stupid C)people who suffer a lot are more likely to work hard and succeed in the end D)poor children can also receive the best education and rise high in life 正确答案:A Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes)Directions:There are a number of incomplete sentences in this par

39、t.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.41.It is of great importance to _ between tax avoidance and tax evasion.A)distinct B)distinguish C)distend D)distract 正确答案:B 42.At the meeting,I was _ because I couldnt understand their l

40、anguage.A)at a disadvantage B)in a disadvantage C)to a disadvantage D)on a disadvantage 正确答案:A 43.He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became _.A)mechanical B)mechanism C)mechanistic D)idle 正确答案:A 44.I prefer to put the meeting off rather than hold it without adequate _.A)not

41、ice B)preparedness C)announcements D)preparations 正确答案:D 45.A frozen brain requires only _ as one with a normal body temperature of degrees Fahrenheit.A)oxygen half as much B)half as much oxygen C)as half much oxygen D)half oxygen as much 正确答案:B 46.It was our detailed explanation that _ him to our p

42、oint of view.A)converted B)turned C)changed D)made 正确答案:A 47.When it _ the section of health,most of them felt sorry that they didnt attach importance to it.A)talked to B)mentioned to C)came to D)turned to 正确答案:C 48.It is difficult for me to hear clearly his voice,to say nothing of _ his words.A)say

43、ing B)distinguishing C)knowing D)reading 正确答案:B 49.He _ computer programming when he was playing computer games for the first time.A)stumbled into B)met with C)went through D)converted to 正确答案:A 50._ the advances of science,the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A)As for B)Except

44、 for C)Despite D)But for 正确答案:C 51._ at the station _ we met a man carrying a copy of The Times.A)It was.where B)It was.at which C)It was.that D)Just.that 正确答案:C 52.He _ his job for a better position.A)stopped B)quitted C)parted D)withdrew 正确答案:B 53.I advised her that in the presence of the princess

45、,she should not say anything until _.A)being asked B)asked C)to be asked D)having been asked 正确答案:B 54.The teacher warned that anyone who was caught _ during the test would be punished.A)cheating B)being cheated C)to cheat D)to be cheating 正确答案:A 55.But now some seed companies reckon(估计)that wheat _

46、 are really on the horizon.A)compounds B)mixtures C)combinations D)hybrids 正确答案:D 56.Even an expert would find it hard to _ between the original painting and the copy.A)distinctive B)distinguish C)distinction D)distinct 正确答案:B 57.Children have several _ over adults when it comes to learning another

47、language.A)benefits B)advantages C)damages D)disadvantages 正确答案:B 58.He likes to show people his tough side,but _ it all,hes a decent person.A)below B)under C)beneath D)underneath 正确答案:D 59.Managing a team of millionaires can be a _ compared to a team of 12-year-olds,however.A)snatch B)snatching C)s

48、nap D)snapping 正确答案:C 60.As the train drew out our dear friends on the platform blew kisses,_ tears and waved their handkerchiefs.A)falling B)fell C)shedding D)shed 正确答案:D Part IV Translation (10 minutes)Directions:Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.61.F

49、rank felt he had made _(充分准备好面试),but he couldnt find a way to relax himself in face of the interviewer and made some mistakes.正确答案:full preparations for the interview 62.Sometimes youll feel that anxiety and sorrow _(随眼泪一起流出体外).正确答案:flow out of the body with tears 63._(在我的心目中),she remains a little girl of six although shes actually a grown woman.正确答案:In my minds eye 64.When John recalled the frightening sound,he _(忍不住发抖).正确答案:couldnt help shuddering 65.His egoism puts him _(不利位置)in the competition.正确答案:at a disadvantage

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