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1、东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)1.As people continue to grow and age,our body systems continue to change.At a certain point in your life your body systems will begin to weaken.Your strength may become weaker.It may become more difficult for you to see and hear.The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lo

2、se some of their ability to bounce back from diseases and injury.In order to live longer,we have always tried to slow or stop this change that leads us towards the end of our lives.Many factors decide your health.A good diet plays an important role.The amount and type of exercise you get is another

3、factor.Your living condition is yet another.But scientists studying aging problem want to know:why do people grow old?They hope that by studying the aging medical science they may be able to make the length of life longer.There is nothing to be afraid of as old age comes.Many consider that the latte

4、r part of life to be the best time for living.Physical activity may become less,but often you get better understanding of yourself and the world.What we consider old age now may only be middle-aged some day soon.Who knows with so many advances in medical science happening so quickly,life length may

5、one day be measured in centuries,rather than in years.1).What should we do to live longer?A.We should do more exercise.B.We should strengthen our body system.C.we should try our best to slow down or stop the danger of aging.D.we should keep our spirits high.正确答案:C 满分:2 分 2).Why should people conside

6、r that the latter part of life is the best time for living?A.Because their physical activities may become less.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)B.Because their physical activities may become more.C.Because they get better understanding of themselves and the world.D.Because they have come through the battle of

7、 life.正确答案:C 满分:2 分 3).Which of the following statements is true?A.The slow change of aging can help us recover from diseases soon.B.life length is measured in centuries.C.many people aren’t afraid of aging.D.Scientists have already known why people grow old.正确答案:C 满分:2 分 4).Which factors deci

8、de health condition?A.Exercise.B.Diet,exercise and living condition.C.Ability to recover from disease and injury.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)D.diet and living condition.正确答案:B 满分:2 分 5).What is the main idea of the passage?A.Life span.B.How to grow old.  C.Health.  D.Aging problem.正确答

9、案:D 满分:2 分 2.The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched(草盖的)roof cottages around a church;a drive through a narrow village street lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white;the sight over the rolling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farm buildings—these are still co

10、mmon sights in parts of England.Most people will agree that the thatched roof is an essential part of the attraction of the English countryside.Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts practiced in the British Isles(英论诸岛).Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm bu

11、ildings,it was once used for castles and churches,too.Thatching is a solitary(独自的)craft,which often runs in families.The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages.Over 800 full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today,maintaining and rene

12、wing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses.Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.In fact,if we look at developing countries,over half the world lives under thatch,but they all do it in different

13、ways.People in developing countries are often reluctant to go back to traditional materials and would prefer modern buildings.However,they may lack the money to allow them to import the necessary materials.Their temporary mud huts with thatched roofs of wild grasses often only last six months.Thatch

14、 which has been done the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years,and is 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)an effective defense against the heat.1).Which of the following remains a unique feature of the English countryside?A.Cottages with thatched roofs.B.Churches with cottages around them.C.Rolling hills

15、with pretty farm buildings.D.Narrow streets lined with pink or white houses.正确答案:A 满分:2 分 2).What do we know about thatching as a craft?A.It is quite different from what it used to be.B.It is in most cases handed down among family members.C.It is practised on farms all over England.D.It is a collect

16、ive activity.正确答案:B 满分:2 分 3).Thatched houses are still preferred because of _.A.their durability 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)B.their easy maintenance C.their cheap and ready-made materials D.their style and comfort 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 4).People in developing countries also live under thatch because _.A.they l

17、ike thatched houses better than other buildings B.thatch is an effective defense against the heat C.thatched roof houses are the cheapest D.thatched cottages are a big tourist attraction 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 5).We can learn from the passage that _.A.the English people have a special liking for thatched hou

18、ses B.most thatched cottages in England are located on hillsides C.thatching is a building craft first created by the English people 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)D.thatched cottages in England have been passed down from ancient times 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 3.  People living on parts of the south coast of

19、 England face a serious problem.In 1993,the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered,to their horror,that their gardens had disappeared overnight.The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs on which they had been built.While experts were studying the problem,the hotel and severa

20、l houses disappeared altogether,sliding down the cliff and into the sea.   Erosion(侵蚀)of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years.Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and

21、 farther inland.Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people,forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.   Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes.Government

22、surveyors have pointed out that in most cases,this is impossible.New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast,shifting the problem from one area to another.The danger is likely to continue,they say,until the waves rea

23、ch an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is.Meanwhile,if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future,apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdo

24、wn home.1).What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face?A.The rising of the sea level.B.The experts’lack of knowledge.C.The washing-away of limestone cliffs D.The disappearance of hotels,houses and gardens.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)正确答案:C 满分:2 分

25、2).The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England _.A.will soon become a problem for people living in central England B.has now become a threat to the local residents C.can be stopped if proper measures are taken D.is quickly changing the map of England 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 3).The experts study on

26、 the problem of erosion to _.A.warn people whose homes are in danger B.provide an effective way to slow it down C.head to its eventual solution D.lead to its eventual solution 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 4).It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because _.A.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)hous

27、e agents along the coast do not support the idea B.it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areas C.the government is too slow in taking action D.they will be easily knocked down by waves and currents 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 5).According to the author,when buying a house along the south coast of Englan

28、d,people should _.A.take the quality of the house into consideration B.guard against being cheated by the house agent C.examine the house carefully before making a decision D.be aware of the potential danger involved 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 4.Looking back on my childhood,I am convinced that naturalists are bo

29、rn,not made.Although we were brought up in the same way,my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects.Unlike them,I had no ear for music and languages.I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.Before World War I,we spent our summer holidays in Hungary.

30、I have nothing but the dim memory of the house we lived in,of my room and my toys.Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins who gathered next door.But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs,the farm animals,the local bird and above all,the insects.I am a

31、 naturalist,not a scientist.I have a strong love of the natural world and 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)my enthusiasm had led me into varied investigation.I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other people’s observations and discoveries.Then somet

32、hing happens that brings these observations together in my curious mind.Suddenly you fancy you see the answer to the riddle,because it all seems to fit together.This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books,which some might honor with the title of scientific research.But curiosity,a keen e

33、ye,a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist:one of the outstanding and essential qualities required is self-discipline,a quality I lack.A scientist requires not only self-discipline but also hard-training,determination and a goal.A scientist,up to a point,can

34、 be made.A naturalist is born.If you can combine the two,there can be little doubt that you get the best of both worlds.1).Which of the following is characteristic of the authors childhood?A.he suffered from serious loss of hearing.B.he didn’t get on well with his brothers and sisters.C.he sho

35、wed strong interest in flowers and insects.D.he was good at reading at an early age.正确答案:C 满分:2 分 2).The author fails to remember his relatives clearly in that _.A.he was too young then B.he had a poor memory C.he spent little time living with them 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)D.he was absorbed in ob

36、serving nature 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 3).It can be concluded that one essential quality required by a scientist is _.A.self-discipline B.a powerful memory C.being enthusiastic D.having a sharp eye 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 4).The author believes that he is _.A.a scientist as well as a naturalist   B.not a

37、 naturalist but a scientist C.not a scientist but a naturalist    D.neither a scientist nor a naturalist 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 5).It can be inferred that it is almost impossible to _.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)A.make someone become a naturalist B.make someone become a scientist C.tell the di

38、fference between science and nature D.take an interest in both science and nature 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 1.You _ failed the entrance exam if you had worked hard.A.hadn’t  B.wouldn’t have  C.shouldn’t have D. haven’t 正确答案:B 满分:3 分 2.He said that he would c

39、ome and he _ come.A.will B.would C.did 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)D.didn’t 正确答案:C 满分:3 分 3.Never before _ such a kind person.A.have I B.had I C.do I D.did I 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 4.-Could I use your dictionary for a moment?  -_.A.It’s well B.It doesn’t matter C. By all mean

40、s D.I have no idea 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)正确答案:C 满分:3 分 5.-What can I do for you,madam?  -_.A.I want a kilo of apples B.You can go your own way C.Thanks D.Excuse me.I’m busy 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 6.—I didn’t know my identity card was needed,sir.—_ A.That’s sorry.B.I&r

41、squo;don’t believe you.C.Sorry,but that’s no excuse.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)D.Why do you say that?正确答案:C 满分:3 分 7. The harder he worked,_.A.the more progress he made B.the more progresses he made   C.the more progress he makes   D.the more progresses he

42、makes 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 8.We are going to Florida as soon as _ taking our final exams.A.we finish B.we’ll finish    C.we finished     D.we’d finish 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 9.I took the medicine,but it didnt have any _ on me.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)A.effect&n

43、bsp; B.relation C.touch D.affect 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 10.The old lady is often seen _ out of the house and sit in the garden.A.come B.to come C.have come D.came 正确答案:B 满分:3 分 11. —Good morning,John.How are you doing?—_ A.I’m pleased.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)B.Good night.

44、C.Not so bad.And you?D.How do you do?正确答案:C 满分:3 分 12.—What do you think of the novel?—_ A.I’ve read it. B.It’s well-written.C.It was written by my uncle.D.I bought it yesterday.正确答案:B 满分:3 分 13.—Excuse me,is this the right direction for the school?  &mda

45、sh;_.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)A.Well,no,youre going in the wrong direction B.No,dont ask me C. No,I dont know D.Dont go this way 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 14.Gloria has been in New York for a couple _ weeks and she gets used to the life there gradually.A.of B.with   C.as   

46、D.during 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 15.-Hurry up please,or I’ll be late.  -_.A.东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)Sorry sir,but the traffic is thick now B. Well,it’s all right,sir C.How can you say that,sir?D.Oh,we are going the right way 正确答案:A 满分:3 分 1.Learning through the Internet is a new styl

47、e that many people believe is more successful than the traditional form of teaching.The Internet _1_ schools to develop a large _2_ of learning material that is accessible(可得到的)for students online anytime.There are so many choices of courses and _3_ that completing a program _4_ not a problem for st

48、udents anymore.We found that online education gives us _5_ sources of information,saves our time,money and it is very convenient.1).A.subjects B.amount C.allows D.wonderful 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)E.is 正确答案:C 满分:3 分 2).A.subjects B.amount C.allows D.wonderful E.is 正确答案:B 满分:3 分 3).A.subjects B.amount C.allows D.wonderful E.is 东大大学英语(统考)在线练习题 10(客观题)正确答案:A 满分:3 分 4).A.subjects B.amount C.allows D.wonderful E.is 正确答案:E 满分:3 分 5).A.subjects B.amount C.allows D.wonderful E.is 正确答案:D 满分:3 分

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