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1、中央广播电视大学高等教育英语专业(专科)综合英语(I)课程复习提要综合英语是英语专业的必修课程之一,分四个学期开设,每个学期期末进行全国一考试。综合英语(I)在第一学期开设。为指导全省广播电视大学综合英语(I)课程的考试命题和组织工作以及帮助学生行之有效地复习好这门功课,检查教学质量,特制订本复习提要(或考试大纲)。一、 考核对象四川广播电视大学英语专业专科第一学期的学生。二、 考核方式本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占30%,课程终结考试占70%。1 形成性考核:包括平时作业、参与面授辅导和各项教学活动的情况。2 课程终结考试:满分100分,

2、由四川电大统一命题,在同一时间实行全省统一考试。三、 命题依据本课程终结考试的依据是四川广播电视大学英语专业专科教学计划、“综合英语”课程教学大纲以及新思维综合英语 ( I )教材。四、 评价目标和标准1 词汇:认知词汇约2500个(包括已学的约1500个),熟练掌握其中的约1200个基础词汇(包括已掌握的约800个)及其最基本的搭配,并能在语言交际中正确运用(详见全国成人高等教育英语专业(专科)英语教学基本要求词汇表)。2 语法:较好地掌握基本语法规则,正确运用已学语法知识(详见全国成人高等教育英语专业(专科)英语教学基本要求语法项目表)。3 阅读:能运用上述语言知识,以每分钟6070个词的

3、速度阅读与所学词汇、语法水平相当的英文材料,并能根据上下文猜测生词的词义。要求了解所读材料的中心大意,领会要点并掌握有关细节。4 翻译:能运用上述语言知识,将内容比较简单的汉语句子译成英语,无重大语法错误。 考试的基本评价标准相当于该科目普通高等院校二年制专科第一学期结束时的水平。五、 命题原则根据教材所涉及的交际话题、交际功能、语法知识以及与教材难度相当的读写技能命题,试题中与教材有关的内容(指学生在教材里学习过的词汇、语法项目、语言功能、语言情景等)不少于50%。 由于英语专业专科的学生在学习“综合英语”课的同时,还开设了“英语阅读”、“英语口语”、“英语听力”等其它课程,所以在“综合英语

4、”这门课的考试里,不设立听力和口语考核的内容。口语和听力技能的考核将在“英语口语”和“英语听力”课程的考试中来完成。希望老师和同学们在学习和复习过程中能充分把握好一点,那就是:“综合英语”是一门集听、说、读、写、译为一体的英语多项技能综合训练课。我们学习英语的目的也不外乎提高运用英语进行交际的能力,即所谓“Communicative skills”。六、 考试形式与试卷结构综合英语课的课程终结考试为笔试,采取闭卷形式。考试时间为120分钟。试卷分为试题和答题纸两部分,考生需要将所有答案填写在答题纸上。试题共8个部分,70个小题,满分100分。具体题型如下:第I部分:词汇 10小题, 每小题1分

5、,共10分。每小题为一个或两个句子,其中留有一处空白。要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使句子完整正确。第II部分:语法结构 10小题,每小题1分,共10分。每小题为一个或两个句子,其中留有一处空白。要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使句子完整正确。第III部分:多项选择(组成对话) 10 小题,每小题1分,共10 分。每小题为一个小对话和三个选项,对话中有一句话空缺。要求考生从所给的选项中选择最佳的一句将对话补充完整。第IV部分:搭配10小题,每小题1分,共15分。每小题左栏里是一个对话中的前一句话,右栏里是第二句话。要求考生从右栏里选择一句与左栏里的每句话组成一个小对话


7、单词。第VIII部分:阅读理解 10小题,每小题2分,共20分。阅读两篇短文,总阅读量为1000字左右。每篇短文后有5个小题,每小题后有四个选项。要求考生根据所阅读的短文的内容从中选择一个最佳答案。七、 试卷结构、记分与时间分配部分名称题量分值总分参考时间(分钟)I多项选择(词汇)1011015II多项选择(语法结构)1011015III多项选择(组成对话)1011010IV搭配101.51515V完形填空1011015VI改写句子521010VII英汉互译531515VIII阅读理解1022025合 计70100120八、 考试要求本课程终结考试为闭卷考试,考生不得携带任何形式的参考资料和电





12、重点有所不同;后者强调某一技能或知识的深入,并从不同的角度促进学生运用英语的综合能力的提高。6妥善处理测试和教学的关系测试是贯彻执行大纲的重要保证。科学的测试结果可以为教学提供良好的反馈,帮助辅导教师了解教学效果,改进教学方法,提高教学质量;还可以帮助学生了解自己的学习情况,改进学习方法。因此,测试应以大纲要求和教学内容为基本依据。教学中,应注重培养实际语言运用能力;测试时,要注重考核语言基础和语言运用能力。教学与学习过程中要防止应试教育倾向。7突出“成人、业余、实用”的特点 广播电视大学专科教育的特点是“成人、业余、实用”。应该充分发挥成人理解力、逻辑思维能力强,有一定的本族语基础和文化背景

13、知识的优势,同时注意克服成人学习外语的不利因素,如模仿力较差,母语的干扰,怕开口等。成人学生大多是从业人员,工学矛盾突出,自学时间难以保证,但是他们的学习动机明确,积极性强。因此,在编写教材和教学辅导中必须充分考虑到这些特点,如在选择教学内容时应本着“必须够用、实用”的原则,在教学中应讲究方法,注意复习巩固,充分调动成人学习的有利因素。十、 样题(见所附样题)综合英语I样题(仅供参考)I. Directions: (Vocabulary)Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C

14、and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Example: The homeless couple _ at last in finding a flat to rent. A managed B did C finished D succeededThe sentence should read, “The homeless couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent.

15、” Therefore you should choose D.1. He said he would prefer to read _ .A. rather than to go to the cinemaB. rather than go to the cinemaC. more than to go to the cinemaD. more than go to the cinema2. Books are a _ of knowledge.A. originB. resourceC. rootD. source3. An enemy officer was caught _ in th

16、e war.A. aliveB. living C. liveD. alike4. He is Chinese _ and Russian by marriage.A. by sightB. by natureC. by youthD. by birth5. Tom was frightened to find that there was only one other guest _ himself.A. exceptB. besidesC. except forD. by6. I sometimes have a/an _ to visit America on business.A. b

17、etB. possibilityC. chanceD. occasion7. He stopped in the middle of the sentence. I could never _ what he wanted to say.A. deal withB. make outC. make upD. point out8. I _ come to this park a lot when I was in university here. A. used toB. usuallyC. got toD. had to9. Its not what you have said but wh

18、at you have done that really _.A. forcesB. countsC. valuesD. calculates10. I was too sleepy to be _ of how cold it was.A. certainB. confidentC. apparentD. aware11. She _be back because her telephone line has been engaged fro quite a while.A. can B. need C. may D. must12. The novel is very interestin

19、g, _that its a bit too long.A. and B. except C. besides D. since13. He took_of a branch of the tree and climbed upwards.A. use B. care C. hold D. hand14. He threw _all his books as soon as the examination ended.A. away B off C. at D with15. The secretary of the company is so busy that she cannot _an

20、 hour out for lunch.A afford C. give C. spend D. over16. Michael didnt ture_until the film had been on for 10 minutes.A. away B in C. out D up17. The little girl didnt use_all the money, she had some left to buy a story book.A. with B. out C up Dfor18. It is usually considered impolite to_when other

21、s are speaking.A. break B.enter C. stop D. interrupt19. Some people were born with a _of direction, but others were not.A. knowledge B. sense C. skill D. feeling20. In summer, there are many stores that stay open long after_.A. night B. black C. evening D. dark21. The children were so_in the story t

22、hat they didnt here the ringing of kthe bell.A. fond B. attracted C. fascinated D. interested22. _was this man who had saved Jonnys life. A. this B that C it D they23. Shell attend the meeting _she doesnt feel well.A. even if B. so that C. because D such that24. Well save _as possible to buy a house

23、.A. as much B. as many C. so many D. so much25. The doctor will tell you _you need an operation or not.A. If B. whether C. when D. why26. If you dont hurry, you wont be able to_the train.A. miss B. catch C. get D. take27. Tell me where you went, what you saw, whom you met, and all_of it. A. the rest

24、 B. the other C. others D. the rests28. Jacky studied her plan carefully in order to_ making mistakes.A. prevent B. follow C. avoid D. stop29. Some foreigneers couldnt _ used to the lifesyle in China when they first came here.A. get B. grow C. make D. turn30. The sun will _from the east soon.A. aris

25、e B. raise C. rising D. rise31. When Chris was walking on the street, he_into an old classmate of his.A. ran B. met C. came D went32. Mr. Smith and his wife plan to visit China next month. They called a travel agency and _more information.A. found B. looked for C. searched fro D. asked for39. Go _th

26、is road and youll see the post office.A. on B. down C. to D. past40. I dont know about musical instruments. What they talk about_no sense to me.A. has B. means C. makes D. gives41. He _be at home watching TV, there is an important football match going on.A. can B. could C. must D. would42. They were

27、 really_to be invited to attend this ceremony.A. pleasant B. pleased C. nice D. fine43. I _the amount of water to be added during cooking.A rose B. raised C. grew D. increased44. Paper making was first_by Chinese.A. invented B. discovered C. found D. searched45. You wont be feeling _, I promise. You

28、ll be joined by others soon.A. alone B. see C. stare D. view46. I have just_to a letter from a friend of mine.A. replied B. answered C. offered D. returned47. I didnt like the colour of this bag. May I have a look at_.A another one B other one C. one other D. one another48. From here, we can see the

29、 bridge_construction.A. below B. Under C. by D. with 49. You can see_of cars in the square.A. a plenty B. a quantity C. an amount D. a number50. Im wondering how he can manage to _such a difficult problem.A. deal at B. deal with C. deal on D. deal alongII. Directions: (Structure)Beneath each of the

30、following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Example: _ the airport, they waved again and again to us. A We left B When leaving C They left D LeftThe sentence should read, “When lea

31、ving the airport, they waved again and again to us.” Therefore you should choose B.1. Shell attend the meeting_she doesnt feel well.A. even if B. so that C. because D. such that2. _was this man who had saved Johns life.A. this B. that C. it D. they3. Well save _as possible to buy a house.A. as much

32、B. as many C. so many D. so much4. The doctor will tell you_you need an operation or not.A. if B. whether C. when D. why5. He pointed to me the hospital_he was born.A. in which B. to which C. in where D. to where6. He is_nice man that everyone likes him.A. so B. so a C. such a D. such8. _surprise me

33、 is that he finished the work in only one week.A. what B. which C. that D. it9. My husbands recovering quickly and the doctor advises him_again.A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. to not smoke D. to smoke10. _frightened by something, she stared at the wall.A. as B. if C. as if D. if only11. _ you were a

34、rguing about last night has been settled. A. ThatB. WhichC. ItD. What12. It has been pointed out _ their suggestions are reasonable to a certain degree. A. ifB. thatC. what D. why13. _ she had been ill, I inquired about her. A. To learnB. LearningC. LearnedD. Having learned14. By the end of this mon

35、th, we surely _ a satisfactory solution to the problem. A. have foundB. will be findingC. will have foundD. are finding15. It was impolite of him _ without _ goodbye. A. to leave, sayingB. leaving, to sayC. to leave, to sayD. leaving, saying16. You are kidding. He cant be here now. Hes gone to Ameri

36、ca, _? A. is he B. has heC. isnt heD. hasnt he17. The school must be much _ away, otherwise he should have arrived long ago.A. farB. fartherC. furthestD. longer18. You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now _ sour.A. it is smeltB. I smellC. it smellsD. it is smelling19. He will be able

37、to see you as soon as the meeting _over.A. will be B. be C. is D. will be 20. Did you give _?A. to the new police officer the bookB. the book the new police officerC. the book to the new police officerD. the new police officer to the book21.I would have told you the answer if I _it.A. knew B. know C

38、. had known D. knowing22.He _be at home watching TV, there is an important football match going on.A. can B. could C. must D. would23. They wanted to know_Ann and john had received their invitation or not.A. if B. whether C. when D. why24. _was in this building that the murder took place.A. that B.

39、this C. it D. they 25. What he_to me is that he wants me to meet him at the airport when he comes back.A. told B. said C. spoke D. talked26. The children were waiting fro their father until he came home_in the evening.A. last B. later C. late D. latest27. Could I hand it in tomorrow morning?No. You_

40、hand it in tomorrow morning.A. must B. ma C. can D. could28. The time will come_they know what they have done today is completely wrong.A. why B. what C. who D. when29. Its not yet decided_we are going to hold a meeting for the matter.A. why B. which C. that D. when30. It was in the garden_the polic

41、e found his body.A. where B. which C. that D. when31. You will get used to_here when you are settled down.A living B. live C. lives D. lived32. It is_nice weathe that we should go to the beach.A. so B. such C. as D. much33. I like this coat very much, but it cost me _.A. a great deal B. lots C. a gr

42、eat number D. a large amount34. The doctor said he could go back to school but advised him_too hard.A. not work B. to not work C. to work not D. not to work35. Generally_, that city is less crowded than the others in the same area.A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling36. He told me that he had

43、 just finished_a short article for a newspaper.A. written B. writing C. to write D. write37. You saw Jane at the evening party,_?A. were you B. didnt you C. was she D. did she38. I didnt like the colour of this bag. May I have a look at_.A. another one B. other one C. one other D. one another39. _I

44、met him, he was working as a secretary in a big company.A since the first time B. the first time C. the first time which D. as the first time40. Id like you_ me with my packing.A. help B. to help C. for helping D. helping41. It is only a _walk from here to the city center.A. twenty-minutes B. twenty

45、 minutes C. twenty minutes D. twenty minutes42. Jack is much shorter than_in his class.A. the other of the students B. the students C. other of the students D. the other students 43. this dog wont let you go in unless his master_ him to do so.A. order B. orders C. will order D. is ordering44. I thin

46、k Jean is not_her sister.A. so tall than B. so tall as C. as tall than D. tall as45. John _when the police suddenly appeared.A. could hardly say a wordB. hardly a word could sayC. could have said a word hardlyD. hardly could have said a word46. She couldnt decide whether to stay or_for Nanjing at on

47、ce.A. left B. leaving C. will leave D. to leave47. I had a pleasant talk with those passengers, _came from France.A. of them two B. two of whom C. two of which D. two of that48. Therere twenty_in our university.A. woman professors B. womens professor C. womans professors D. women professors49. I _wi

48、th an engineer from seven to nine yesterday eveningA. talked B. was talking C. had talked D. has talked50. He told me that he had just finished_a short article fro a newspaper.A. written B. writing C. to write D. writeIII. Directions:Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation, using the sentence

49、s below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Example: - Oh, look. Joni Mitchell in town. - . - What? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world! A. Whos that? Ive never heard of her.B. Sure, Im in town.C. Yes, Im glad shes coming. Answer A is correct because the conversation sho

50、uld read, “- Oh, look. Joni Mitchell in town. - Whos that? Ive never heard of her. - Whats that? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world!”1. - Here, let me help you with that. - .A. Thats all right. Im coming over tomorrow.B. Oh, thanks. Thats really nice of you.C. Thanks, thats very kind

51、 for you.2. - Weve always wanted to quit out jobs and do nothing for a year. - . A. We decided to move to California last year.B. Well, maybe youll win the national lottery.C. Which city are you going to stay?3. - What sport do you like best? - Im not sure. I play both baseball and soccer. - . - Soc

52、cer, I guess. Im better at it.A. Which do you want it to be?B. What sport is that?C. Which one do you like better?4. - I have a sore throat. Would you buy me some aspirin on your way home? - .A. No problem. Ill pick some up at the supermarket.B. Thats O. K. Could you explain these instructions to me

53、?C. I would get it down for you.5. - Im sorry. Theres no answer from her office. - .A. Could you take a message?B. What will she do now?C. Can you fix this for me?6. - How about coming over to watch a movie? - .A. We went already.B. Im sorry. Were going to a concert.C. Can you join us?7. - The ticke

54、ts for the Sting concert are sold out. - .A. Well, we could always go tomorrow.B. Oh, how disappointing!C. Lets try to get cheaper ones.8. - Do you know where I can buy some good running shoes? - .A. Theres shoe repair shop down the street.B. Theres a shoe store at the Miami Mall, Next to Sainsburys

55、. its called Fit Your Feet.C. Where are you off to? Perhaps the best way is to take a taxi.9. - Hello, Chris? This is Lee. . - Oh, thats O. K. I was just setting table.A. Im sorry to call so early.B. I hope Im not calling at dinner time.C. Shall we go out together for dinner?10. - Do you know where

56、Liberty Street is? - Its off Oak Street, near the park. - . - I dont know exactly. Perhaps every five minutes or so.A. The park? Which one do you mean?B. Do you have any idea where Pine Street is?C. By the way, do you know how often the Number 5 bus runs during rush hour?IV. Directions:Read the two

57、columns of sentences. Choose one sentence from the right column to match each of the sentences in the left column. The two sentences will make up a dialogue. There are four more sentences than needed in the right column. Each sentence can only be used once. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (15

58、 points)1. Can I help you with that?A. I hope you didnt say yes.2. Ive heard your husband is an excellent cook.B. I probably wont have any problem. Many people speak English very well.3. Whatever happened to your elder brother?C. No. What?4. Will you be able to understand the people there?D. At least well be able to hear each other. I dont like crowded, noisy restaurants.5. Im sorry, he isnt home. May I take a message?E. No, that was last year. We went to Europe this year.6. Bob invited us to go skating with him this Saturday.F. That

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