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1、第五师高级中学2020届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题一 完形填空(每题1.5分,共20小题,共计30分)The day finally came, when I had to leave the warm home where Id grown up. I ran to the back yard as tears came up from my heart. Suddenly I 1 a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to 2 my grandfather. “It isnt 3 ,is it, Billy?” he said softly. G

2、ently 4 my hand in his. We walked, hand in hand, to the front yard, 5 a huge red rosebush sat alone. “What do you see here, Billy?” he asked. I looked at the flowers,not knowing 6 to say, and then answered,“I see something soft and 7 ,grandpa.” He pulled me 8 “It isnt just the roses that are beautif

3、ul, Billy. Its that special place in your heart that makes them so.” “Billy,I 9 these roses when my first son was born. It was my 10 of saying thank you to God. I 11 to watch him pick roses for his mother. Then, as a young man of only 20, a terrible war robbed him of his life.” Grandpa slowly stood

4、up. “Never say goodbye Billy. Never 12 to the sadness and the loneliness. Instead, I want you to remember the joy and the 13 when you first said hello to a friend.” A year later, my grandpa became very 14 . Then all members of the family were15 back, and I returned to the old house. When it came to

5、my 16 , I took his hand as 17 as he had once taken mine. “Hello, grandpa,” I 18 . His eyes slowly opened and said,“Hello,my friend.” With a brief 19 he died. Suddenly, and truly, I knew what he had 20 about never saying goodbyeabout refusing to give in to sadness.1. A. feltB. fixed C. watched D. hea

6、rd2A. watchB. interviewC. seeD. discover3A. difficultB. hard C. easy D. comfortable4A. makingB. taking C. leading D. carrying5A. whereB. when C. which D. while6A. what B. how C. who D. whether7A. redB. tasty C. funny D. beautiful8A. closeB. hardC. farD. around9A. bought B. plantedC. treatedD. discov

7、ered10. A. approach B. method C. way D. solution11. A. preferred B. wanted C. referredD. used12. A. give up B. give off C. give inD. give away13. A. word B. happiness C. sight D. memory14. A. ill B. weak C. old D. serious15. A. ordered B. called C. delivered D. sent16. A. pleasure B. duty C. turn D.

8、 wish17. A. happily B. sadly C. carefully D. gently18. A. laughed B. shouted C. added D. whispered19. A. signB. sigh C. smile D. wave20. A. thought B. meant C. worried D. cared二阅读理解(每题2分,共20小题,共计40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每题2分,共15题,共计30分)ASome time ago, I discovered that

9、one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didnt think there would be any difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a lot of antique (古董) shops near my home. So I left my home one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception (接待). I was quite wrong. The

10、 man wouldnt even look at my chair.The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth. So I decided that my approach must be wrong.I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper, Would you like to

11、 buy a chair? He looked at it over carefully and said, Yes, not a bad chair. How much do you want for it? Twenty pounds. I said. OK, he said, I will give you twenty pounds. Its got a slightly broken leg, I said. Yes, I saw that, it is nothing. the shopkeeper answered.Everything was going according t

12、o my plan and I was getting excited. What will you do with it? I asked. It will be easy to sell once the repair is done. I will buy it. I said. What do you mean? You just sold it to me. Yes, I know, but I have just changed my mind, I am sorry. I will give you twenty - seven pounds for it. You must b

13、e crazy. he said. Suddenly the penny dropped. I know what you want. You want me to repair your chair. You are right, I said, What would you have done if I had walked in and asked you to mend the chair? I would not have agreed to do that. We dont do repairs, not enough money in it, and too much troub

14、le. But I will mend this for you. Will you pay it for five? . He was a very nice person and was greatly amused (感到有趣) by the whole thing.21. We can learn from the passage that in the first shop the writer_.A. was rather impolite B. was warmly receivedC. asked the shopkeeper to buy his chair D. asked

15、 the shopkeeper to repair his chair.22. The expression the penny dropped in the last paragraph means the shopkeeper_.A. changed his mind B. accepted the offerC. saw the writers purpose D. decided to help the writer23. How much did the writer pay for the repair?A. 5. B. 7. C. 20. D. 27.BIts a goal fo

16、r millions and millions of families every year to keep the Christmas spending within a certain amount, but can still afford the gifts that your loved ones will enjoy. Never has this concern been greater in recent years than right now. Even so, there are several things that you can do to help. Hit th

17、e sales. No one wants to get up at four oclock in the morning and fight to get the best deal on Black Friday, and its surely very tough to pick up the courage and get out there in the cold for a good deal, but sometimes it can be well worth. Many retailers(零售商) offer specials all through the day and

18、 some even offer online Black Friday specials, so you may still be able to get a great deal on Black Friday. Pay close attention to advertisements. Once the Christmas shopping season is coming, retailers hungry for business will do just about whatever to get you in the store. Pay very close attentio

19、n to weekly advertisements of sales among the major retailers and you may be lucky enough to find different prices for the same thing in different shops. Shop online. Some of us dont like running from store to store in order to get the best price on the perfect gift, and some of us dont like to go o

20、ut in the cold at allthankfully for us, we can do online shopping. The world of online shopping lets people visit all the major retailers as well as some specialty stores that could only be found on the Internet. Customers can find exactly what they are looking for, at the best possible price withou

21、t ever having to leave the house. With traditional Christmas shopping consumers are sometimes limited to whats left in stock if they wait too long to get to a particular store. 24. The first paragraph implies that_ . A. nowadays not many people can afford expensive giftsB. recently many people dont

22、want to spend money on giftsC. Christmas is a time to make our loved ones enjoy their giftsD. Christmas is a time to make us feel free to buy our loved ones gifts25. In the writers opinion, it is rewarding on Black Friday _. A. if the weather is not very coldB. if we dont have to fight for the best

23、dealsC. if we dont have to get up earlyD. if we get what we want at a good price26. The underlined word “specials” means._ A. some experts in shopping B. certain things for especially low priceC. some kind of help for a certain customer D. things that can only be found on Friday27. We can have more

24、choices _. A. on Black Friday B. in a particular store C. on the Internet D. from retailersCNeil Kerwin became American Universitys(AU) 14th president in September 2007. Kerwin joined AU in 1975 and has held numerous department and leadership positions, including head of the School of Public Affairs

25、. In this interview, he speaks about developing leadership among AU students and inspiring them to public service and the lessons he has learned as the president of American University.“The longer I do this kind of work, the clearer it is to me that leadership is a collective activity. This happens

26、here at American University hundreds of times every day at every level of the doing and managing hard work to reach those goals. Simply, leadership cannot be the field or responsibility of one person or a small group at the top. At its best, it is up to the organization.”“A presidents role is to mak

27、e that clear, ensure it happens, and provide space, ideas, encouragement and acknowledgment of accomplishments. Vision(有远见卓识) is important, but one that colleagues have not contributed to or are not widely shared will not serve the purpose. I have also learned delegation(授权) is also important to suc

28、cess and that it is a process of constant adjustment, not a single act. No one is perfect in the work we do, and by recognizing this, youre developing a healthy culture that supports reform. And, of course, none of this relieves the president of most responsibility for the institution, and the need

29、to be clearly and visibly accountable.”“Another lesson is that crises(危机) assume a life of their own. They are a great time to learn and a bad time to plan. It is when times are good and stable that you need to examine the things that are of the greatest risk to your organization in the long term. A

30、s a leader, you must be able to provide the energy and motivation among your employees to ask these difficult questions, because difficult times will come.”28. According to Neil Kerwin, leadership mainly depends on _.A. the president himself B. students in the universityC. small group at the top D.

31、the organization itself29. In the third paragraph, “ it ” means _.A. the management B. the leadershipC. the responsibility D. the institution30. What are the important qualities of leadership mentioned in the third paragraph?A. Vision and delegation. B. Adjustment and contribution.C. Responsibility

32、and accountability. D. Encouragement and acknowledgment.31. What does the author mean by saying,“.difficult times will come.”?A. Crises provide us with energy. B. Crises are quite likely to happen.C. Crises are the greatest risks. D. Crises help people make changes.32. What does the passage mainly t

33、ell us about?A. The lessons Neil learned in University. B. The difficulty Neil has in his office.C. Neils opinion on leadership. D. Neils motivation and organization.DBeauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have b

34、etter marriages and have more respectable jobs. Personal advisers give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants (被告). But in the executive (行政的;管理的) circle, beauty can become a liability. While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up th

35、e executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were considered as having more honesty than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to lead to their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less honesty than unattractive ones; their success was connec

36、ted not with ability but with factors such as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives. Interestingly, though, the rise of the unattractive overnight successes was connected more to personal relationships a

37、nd less to ability than that of the attractive overnight successes. Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is considered to be more feminine and an attractive man more manly than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally femal

38、e jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally manly position appears to lack the manly qualities required. This is true even in politics. When the only clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women differently, says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attract

39、iveness on political candidates. She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote f

40、or them.The results showed that attractive males completely defeated unattractive men, but the women who had ranked most attractive unchangeably received the fewest votes.33. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _. A. makes women look more honest and capable B. strengthens the qualifies requ

41、iredC. is of no importance to women D. often enables women to succeed quickly34. Bowmans experiment shows that when it comes to politics, attractiveness_. A. turns out to be a disadvantage to men B. is more of a disadvantage than an advantage to womenC. affects men and women alike D. has as little e

42、ffect on men as on women35. It can be inferred from the passage that peoples views on beauty are often . A. practical B. supportive C. old-fashioned D. one-sided第二节 七选五(每题2分,共5小题,共计10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两处为多余选项。 Is there anything more important than health? I dont think so. “Health is

43、 the greatest wealth,” wise people say. 36 If you have a headache, toothache, backache, or bad pain in the stomach, if you complain of a bad cough, or if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, I think you go to the doctor.The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your

44、temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed. 37 The only thing you have to do is to follow his advice. 38 An old gentleman came to see the doctor. The man was very ill. He told the doctor about his weakness, memory loss and serious problems with his heart and

45、 lungs. The doctor examined him and said there was no medicine for his disease. He told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and have a good rest. 39 In other words, the doctor advised him to follow the rule: “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.” The doctor also sa

46、id that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldnt smoke more than one cigarette a day.A month later the gentleman came into the doctors office. 40 He thanked the doctor and said that he had never felt a healthier man.“But you know, doctor,” he said, “its not easy to begin smoking at my age.” A

47、. He also advised him to eat a lot of meat, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks.B. You cant be good at your studies or work well when you are ill.C. After that he will advise some treatment or some medicine.D. All these will cost a lot of money.E. He looked cheerful and happy

48、.F. He was more worried about his illness.G. Speaking about doctors advice, I cant help telling you a funny story. 三单项选择(每题1.5分,共10小题,共计15分)41. -Do you mean that he should prepare for his exam one year in advance?-Sure. Anyway, _.A. actions speak louder than words B. better late than neverC. a good

49、beginning is half done D. the early bird catches the worm42. So difficult _ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask my teacher foradvice.A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found43. It is the third time that Susan _ late to work and its high time that she _the truth.A. has

50、 come; tell B. has come; told C. came; should tell D. had come; told44. The _ you make, the _ you will make.A. more efforts; more progress B. greater progress; greater effortsC. more efforts; more progresses D. many more efforts; much progress45. Its in Beihai Park_ they made a date for the first ti

51、me _ the old couple toldus their love story.A where; that B which; when C when; that D that; when46. He is _ as a leader but he doesnt have _in teaching.A. success; many experience B. a success; much experience C. success; an experience D. success; a lot of experiences47. _is known to us all is that

52、 the old writer, for _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties. A. What; whom B. As; whom C. It; whose D. What; whose48. _no point in beating around the bush. Lets _. A. Its ; come straight to the point B. Theres; come to the pointC. This is; get to the point D. That is; rea

53、ch the point49. -You couldnt have chosen any _ gift for me. -Im glad you like it so much.A. bad B. worse C. nice D. nicer 50. Please _ all the figures to see how much they _.A. add; add up to B. add up; add up to C. add up; add up D. add; add to四单词拼写(每题1.5分,共10小题,共计15分)51. In New Zealand, English is

54、 an _ language.(官方的)52. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond _. (recognize)53. Black people are born _to the whites so they should share the same rightas them.(平等)54. It is surprising that he_(幸存)the accident yesterday.55. This company is more concerned about _ than quantity. 56.

55、Little children often have difficulty _ themselves.(表达)57._(判断)by her last letter, they are having a good time.58. The teacher was very surprised by the boys _(智力).59. She was _(接纳)as a member of the club.60. He wanted someone else to take _ (责任) for his idea.五语法填空(每题1.5分,共10小题,共计15分) What defines a

56、 healthy city? Is it a place with a lot of open spaces 61 people can exercise and enjoy the fresh air? A place with little or no pollution? A place in which people can 62 (free) socialize and express their ideas? Perhaps, its all that plus more. Other considerations are the availability of health an

57、d fitness facilities, an excellent health care program and sincere efforts by 63 local government to actively promote health and wellness among its citizens. Of all the cities in the world, one of the top six 64 (healthy) cities is Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhageners love to walk. Foot traffic accoun

58、ts 65 80% of all traffic in the Copenhagen city center. Those who prefer can also bike. It is estimated that more than a third of all work trips in Copenhagen 66 (carry) out on a bike. As for the climate here, the city does not have the blessing of pleasant weather all year round. 67 everything star

59、ts to freeze, it turns several city squares into huge skating fields. The frozen parts of the city also make 68 easier for residents to skate around. The city also has museums and art galleries for the kids and 69 (grown-up). It has the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art and the Royal Library housed i

60、n a rather grand building 70 (call) the Black Diamond.六短文改错(每题1分,共10处错误,满分10分)Should students make the friends online? Some people say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chatted online, students can express their feelings and opinions more free, and even get help with their foreign language

61、studies.Others, however, think students should not. They say make friends online is waste of time, which should be spending more meaningfully on study. Moreover, some students get cheat when they try to meet the friend they made online.It is my opinion which students should place their study, health and safe before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find them in our cl

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