Analyze CAP

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《Analyze CAP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Analyze CAP(28页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、CAPOverview加速变革加速变革 Change Acceleration Process群策群励群策群励 Work-Out/Town Meetings:empowerment,bureaucracy busting,actionProductivity/Best Practices:looking outside GEProcess Improvement:continuous improvement,re-engineering 加速变革加速变革 Change Acceleration Process:increase success and accelerate changeKey

2、Strategic Initiatives:QMI*,NPI*,OTR*,SP*,Productivity,GlobalizationhighlowIntensityofChangeTimeAction Work-OutsCustomized Work-Outs*New Product Introduction Quick Market Intelligence Order to Remittance Supplier PartnershipGE 变革之旅变革之旅 Stages of GEs Culture Change Making Customers Winners:GE Tool-Kit

3、r 6/3/96六西格马六西格马 Six Sigma QualityBest Practice SharingDefine the Problem BrainstormProblems/Barriers CategorizeProblems/Barriers Define“Headers”for Categories Prioritize Categories210916votes Brainstorm Potential Solutions AssessPotential SolutionsPay-offEase Implementation Develop Action PlansTeam

4、:Topic:Problem/BarrierActionsWho isResponsibleMgmt SupportRequiredTiming Share Action Plans Report-Out Action PlansTeam:Topic:Problem/BarrierActionsWho isResponsibleMgmt SupportRequiredTimingTeam:Topic:Problem/BarrierActionsWho isResponsibleMgmt SupportRequiredTimingTeam:Topic:Problem/BarrierActions

5、Who isResponsibleMgmt SupportRequiredTimingTeam:Topic:Problem/BarrierActionsWho isResponsibleMgmt SupportRequiredTimingKick-OffGround Rules,Introductions,Roles,etcMission群策群励 的流程 Work Out(WO)PROCESS Q x A=E实施改变实施改变 Implementing ChangeImplementing ChangeACCEPTANCE(Cultural Strategy)QUALITY(Technical

6、Strategy)Change InitiativeCAP Complements the Technical Strategy withCultural Change Tools to Achieve the Change Initiative工作品质接受度变革成功思考一项在你的组织里曾经成功的变革例子思考一项在你的组织里曾经成功的变革例子Consider a change effort that was successfully implemented in your organization.说明该项变革:组织对该项变革的要求(绩效、人、等等)?DESCRIBE THE CHANGE:W

7、hat did your organization want to change(performance,people,structure,etc.)?为什麽你认为这是一次成功的变革?Why do you think the change was successful?_思考一项在你的组织里曾经失败的变革例子思考一项在你的组织里曾经失败的变革例子Consider a change effort that was unsuccessfully implemented in your organization.说明该项变革:组织对该项变革的要求(绩效、人、等等)?DESCRIBE THE CHAN

8、GE:What did your organization want to change(performance,people,structure,etc.)?为什麽你认为这是一次失敗的变革?Why do you think the change was unsuccessful?_变革变革 Implementing Change加速变革加速变革 Change Acceleration Process:A Model For Change领导变革领导变革 Leading Change变革组织架構变革组织架構 Changing Systems&StructuresCurrentStateTran

9、sitionStateImprovedStateRev.2/3/93创造共需创造共需 Creating A Shared Need塑造願景塑造願景 Shaping A Vision激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment監控进度監控进度 Monitoring Progress持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last加速变革加速变革 Change Acceleration Process领导变革领导变革 Leading Change:由盟主发动变革 Having a champion who sponsors the change.改变组织架構改变组织架構 Ch

10、anging Systems and Structures:使变革成为在组织中正常运作的一部分使变革成为在组织中正常运作的一部分 Making changes to organizational systems and structures that help make the change a natural part of individual and team behavior LeadingChange创造共需创造共需 Creating A Shared Need必须变革的理由必须变革的理由?在组织中逐渐贯输在组织中逐渐贯输、广泛沟通广泛沟通。务必使对变革的需求大於阻力务必使对变革的需

11、求大於阻力。The reason to change,whether driven by threat or opportunity,is instilled within the organization and widely shared through data,demonstration,demand or diagnosis.The need for change must exceed its resistance.塑造願景塑造願景 Shaping A Vision:对变革的结果有共同的期待对变革的结果有共同的期待。愿景必须清晰愿景必须清晰、合情理法合情理法、广泛的理解广泛的理解、

12、分享分享。The desired outcome of change is clear,legitimate,widely understood and shared.激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment:激发主要成员对变革的承诺并且热情参与激发主要成员对变革的承诺并且热情参与,创造成效创造成效,从而吸引从而吸引/获得高层领导重视获得高层领导重视There is a strong commitment from key constituents to invest in the change,make it work,and demand and receive man

13、agement attention.持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last:变革一旦展开变革一旦展开,势必在组织中衍生出持续的辛苦势必在组织中衍生出持续的辛苦、荣耀荣耀、学习学习、Once change is started,it endures,flourishes and learnings are transferred throughoutthe organization.監控进度監控进度 Monitoring Progress:设立进度指标并指定负责人确保进度设立进度指标并指定负责人确保进度。设立标竿并予以实现设立标竿并予以实现。Progress is real;be

14、nchmarks set and realized;indicators established to guarantee accountability.Systems&Structures加速变革流程 评分表Profile on Change ProcessesLeadingChangeCreatinga SharedNeedShapinga VisionMobilizingCommitmentMakingChangeLastMonitoringProgressChangingSystems&Structures0255075100加速变革 Change Acceleration Proce

15、ss领导变革领导变革创造共需创造共需塑造願景塑造願景激励承诺激励承诺持續变革持續变革監控进度監控进度改变组改变组织架構织架構Integration of CAP&Six SigmaTeam Definition/PerformanceVisionMobilizing CommitmentSystems&Structures Monitoring Progress/Making Change LastRespon-sibility GridGRPIARMICustomer Focus AlignmentElevator SpeechKey Constituents MapCommunicatio

16、n PlanStakeholder AnalysisResistance AnalysisStakeholder AnalysisResistance AnalysisInfluence StrategyKey PhrasesBackwards ImagingMore of/Less ofElevator SpeechCommunication PlanSystems&Structures Asst.Measures&RewardsMaking Chg Last ChecklistCAP ProfileCAP-O-GramProject DefinitionIncludes/ExcludesI

17、n Frame/Out of FrameSIPOC15 WordsCritical Success FactorsProject Scope ContractLEADINGCHANGE Shared NeedThreat vs.Opportunity Matrix3 Ds著眼点著眼点 What are we after?使改革团队和重要成员对变革的必要性和合理性产生共识 A shared recognition,by both the team and key constituents,of the need and logic for change.清楚的界定出倘若不进行变革所将遭遇的危机

18、People have identified and clearly see the threats that exist if change does not occur.清楚的界定出进行变革所将得到的转机 People have identified and clearly see the opportunities that exist if change does occur.吹奏起床号吹奏起床号 Creating A Shared Need produces the“WAKE-UP CALL”,building early momentum for the change initia

19、tive创造共需创造共需 Creating a Shared Need何必多此一举何必多此一举 WHY BOTHER?使得变革出轨的潜在原因Teams working on change initiatives can potentially derail when they:误以为变革的必要性是显而易见的 Assume the need for change is obvious.未把变革的必要性做合理的阵述Fail to frame the need for change in a meaningful way.误把”未能体认变革的重要性的人”当成是其各别的问题 Assume that w

20、hen others fail to appreciate the need for change its“their”problem.创造共需创造共需 Creating a Shared Need短期短期ShortTerm长期长期Long Term1234Threats:if we dontOpportunities:if we do威脅 vs.机会 矩阵 Threat and Opportunity Matrix创造共需创造共需 Creating a Shared Need:工具工具 Tools&Techniques使用时机使用时机 Used for:把变革的必要性以威脅 vs.机会 和

21、短期 vs.长期 来阵述 Framing the need for changeas some combination of threatand opportunity,over the shortor long term威脅 如果不变机会-如果变方法方法 Variety of Approaches.策略策略 Our Strategy.数据数据/诊断诊断(标竿企业标竿企业,競爭者競爭者)Data/Diagnosis:内部资讯 Internal Sources 外部资讯 Cultivating external networks 参访 Visiting other organizations示范

22、示范 Demonstrate:优良范励 Leading by example 典范工作典范工作 Best Practices高层的要求高层的要求 Demand:Dynamic Leadership 树立高标准 High Standards创造共需创造共需 Creating a Shared Need:工具工具 Tools&Techniques3D 矩阵 Three Ds Matrix使用时机使用时机 Used for:建立”沟通变革的必要性”的策略Building a strategy for communicating the need for change through demand,d

23、ata/diagnosis,and demonstration.著眼点著眼点 What are we after?对期望的变革结果做清晰陈述 A clearly articulated statement about the outcomes of the project.陈述应该 The statement should be.简单而直接 simple and straightforward.以行为语言撰寫 in behavioral terms.激励打气 motivating and energizing.组织整体共同体会、彼此分享/担 shared and understood acro

24、ss the business.塑造願景塑造願景 Shaping a VisionStating the VISION in actionable,behavioral terms helps the team gaincommitment and identify sources of resistance多一些什麽/少一些什麽 (More of./Less of)使用时机使用时机 Used for:陈述对变革的期许 在变革之後希望看见的结果 Clarifying what the team expects from the new state in behavioral terms.塑造願

25、景塑造願景 Shaping a Vision:工具工具 Tools and TechniquesMore of.Less of.使用时机使用时机 Used For:协助成员以清楚、简单、合理的方式来说明变革的必要性和愿景Helping team members practice framing the need and articulating their project vision in a clear,simple and meaningful way.1.试想在电梯中遇到重要成员而你们有试想在电梯中遇到重要成员而你们有90秒钟秒钟 Imagine a chance meeting of

26、 a team member and a key stakeholder in an empty elevator with 90 seconds to ride.2.说明变革的必要性说明变革的必要性、陈述愿景陈述愿景、并回答并回答以下问题以下问题 “我们为何做此变革我们为何做此变革?”,“此此变革究竟是何物变革究竟是何物?”Describe the need for the project and the vision of the new state,as one might respond to the questions,Why are we doing this project?”“

27、What will the change look like?”3.大家共同练习这篇大家共同练习这篇90秒讲演秒讲演 Team members practice this speech so they can convey a uniform message to others.电梯讲演 Elevator Speech塑造願景塑造願景 Shaping a Vision:Tools and TechniquesDue to increased competition,quality is the only differentiation in our marketplace.If we star

28、t with quality and do things right the first time,every time,all else will fall into place.Six Sigma is a standard,data driven methodology that concentrates on reducing variation in all processes.It is widely accepted in our business,that as we reduce variation in all facets of our business,quality

29、improves and satisfaction increases.When we have attained Six Sigma,we will:be the preferred supplier of aircraft engines in the world have widened the gap on our competition be the benchmark for everyone else our daily jobs will be more proactive and less reactive|We need you to be open minded and

30、share in the commitment to be a supportive and active participant in driving the change.塑造願景塑造願景 Shaping a Vision:Tools and Techniques电梯讲演 Elevator Speech:范例 Example激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment著眼点著眼点 What are we after?结合支持者 Coalition of committed supporters 确定潜在的障碍 Identification of potential resi

31、stance 转换角色 由障碍转为支持 Conversion of key stakeholders主导运作方向主导运作方向Mobilizing commitment positions the team for pro-active interventions每个人对变革的赞成或反对都有不同的理由每个人对变革的赞成或反对都有不同的理由People resist or support change for a variety of reasons激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment:工具工具 Tools and Techniques重要成员对变革的支持度分析 Stake

32、holder Analysis for ChangeSteps:1.头脑风暴头脑风暴,列出重要成员列出重要成员,并且并且“出目前的支持情形出目前的支持情形 Plot where individuals currently are with regard to desired change(=current).2.“X”出目标出目标 Plot where individuals need,at the minimum level,to be(X=desired)in order to successfully accomplish desired change-identify gaps bet

33、ween current and desired.3.计画执行计画执行 Plan action steps for closing gaps with influence strategy.使用时机使用时机 Used for:Identifying stakeholdersand their position onthe change initiativeNamesStronglyAgainst ModeratelyAgainstNeutralModeratelySupportiveStronglySupportive重要成员对变革的支持度分析 范例 Stakeholder Analysis

34、ExampleNamesStronglyAgainst(-2)ModeratelyAgainst(-1)Neutral(0)ModeratelySupportive(+1)StronglySupportive(+2)XXXXXSam SitekingSteffie PeddlerJackie P.AgentSue CostoutMary Chief-EngrJuan CuidadoBill FixitJim Vendor激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment:Tools and Techniques重要成员Stakeholder考量Issues/Concerns影响策略

35、InfluenceStrategy使用时机使用时机 Used For:依个人的不同考量而厘定影响策略Identifying what issues/concerns stakeholders mighthave that would prevent theircommitment and determininghow they can best be influenced.激励承诺激励承诺 Mobilizing Commitment:工具工具 Tools and Techniques影响策略 Stakeholder Influence Strategy每个人对变革的赞成或反对都有不同的理由每个

36、人对变革的赞成或反对都有不同的理由 People resist or support change for a variety of reasons著眼点著眼点 What are we after?持续的、高见度的、有形的强化变革Consistent,visible,tangible reinforcement of the change initiatives.把新变革项目和原有的工作整合An integration of the new initiative with ongoing work patterns 改变组织架構改变组织架構,使变革成为在组织中正常运作的一部分使变革成为在组织中

37、正常运作的一部分 Changes to organizational systems and structures that help make the change a natural part of individual and team behavior 持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last唯有把持續变革的工作完成之後变革才得以持續唯有把持續变革的工作完成之後变革才得以持續Sustained change occurs when change leaders and agentsbuild and implement strategies for making chan

38、ge last改变组织架構改变组织架構 Changing Systems and Structures to Support the Changes持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last1.考评和奖励考评和奖励 Measures and Rewards-Using the right measures for results and providing the right rewards for the right actions.2.用人用人 Staffing and Development 適才適所適才適所 Having the right people in the ri

39、ght roles with the right skills.3.有效的沟通有效的沟通 Effective Communication-Communicating the right information to the right people at the right time.4.资讯系统资讯系统 Information Systems-Technology and Information Systems that support the change.5.资源分配资源分配 Resource Allocation System-Sufficient resources have bee

40、n devoted to supporting the change.6.组织架構组织架構 Organizational Structure What behaviors/actions are required?什麽樣的行为/作法是 持續变革持續变革所必须的所必须的?What behaviors/actions are required for sustained change?後果为何?A.正面的B.負面的C.无影响D.不可测What is the consequencefor the individual/groupif they engage in the specified acti

41、on/behavior?A=Positive ConsequenceB=Negative ConsequenceC=No ConsequenceD=Cant predict如果答案是A 或B,陈述其後果If A describe the ConsequenceIf B describe the Consequence是否纳入量测、考评?Is it being measured?Yes/No考评和奖励考评和奖励 正确的行为和作法 Measuring and Rewarding the Right Actions持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last:工具工具 Tools用人流程

42、Flow Chart of Staffing and Development勝任Competencies?外部 Place?内部 Develop?Move SecureHire permanentOut-sourceTrainDevelopCoach订定变革策略Change Strategy?持續变革持續变革 Making Change Last:工具工具 Tools谁来做?要一个成功的团队来做,成功的团队会带你走向成功。監控进度監控进度 Monitoring Progress著眼点著眼点 What are we after?对变革效果以可观查、可量测的方式评核 Agreement and u

43、nderstanding on what the change effort will produce,in measurable and observable terms.初始以及各阶段变革结果都纳入追踪考评并广泛告知 Baseline data and milestone results of the change process tracked and widely shared.增加造势 当成果逐渐展现 Increasing momentum as people begin to see progress and results are being realized.監控进度監控进度

44、Monitoring Progress:工具工具 ToolsMonitoring Progress Checklistq确保对变革目标认同的一致性 Make sure that all team members know and agree on the key objectives of the project(in concrete terms).q把目标转化为简箪、直接、可量测的结果和行为 Translate each objective to simple,straightforward measurable results and behaviors.q认同对目标所设的里程碑 Agr

45、ee on the milestone for each key objective.q指派負责人 Assign/validate individual and/or team accountability for key objectives and milestones.q确认目前所搜集以监控进度之数据之適用性 Identify existing measures that will generate data to track progress;agree on baseline data.q确定新数据之搜集 Identify new measures that will need to be put in place to pick up critical additional data.

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