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1、吃饺子的习俗英语句子 Jiaozi is a common Chinese dumpling which generally consists of minced meat and finely chopped vegetables wrapped into a piece of thin and elastic dough skin.“饺子”是一种常见的中国食物,它一般是把肉末和切碎的蔬菜包进薄且有弹性的面皮而做成的。Popular meat fillings include ground pork,ground beef,ground chicken,shrimp and even fis

2、h.常见的馅料有绞碎的猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、虾仁或者鱼肉。Popular mixtures include pork with Chinese cabbage,pork with garlic chives,pork and shrimp with vegetables,pork with spring onion,garlic chives with scrambled eggs.受欢迎的饺子馅儿有猪肉白菜馅、猪肉韭菜馅、三鲜馅、猪肉大葱馅、韭菜鸡蛋馅。Filling mixtures vary depending on personal tastes and regions.饺子馅的种类还因个

3、人口味和地区差异而不同。In northern China,dumplings are commonly eaten with a dipping sauce made of vinegar and chili oil or paste,and occasionally with some soy sauce added in.在中国北方,吃饺子常佐以酱汁,这种酱料一般由醋、辣椒油或辣椒酱配制而成,偶尔添加点酱油。Jiaozi is usually boiled or steamed and continues to be a traditional dish eaten on Chinese

4、 New Years Eve,the evening before Chinese New Year,and special family reunions.饺子通常煮着或蒸着吃。它是中国人在除夕夜吃的一道传统菜肴,尤其在家庭团聚时更是如此。Extended family members may gather together to make dumplings,and it is also eat.大家族的成员们也会聚在一起包饺子、吃饺子。Legend has it that Zhang Zhongjing,who lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty 1

5、800 years ago,invented Chinese dumplings.传说,于 1800 年前的东汉时期,张仲景发明了饺子。One day in winter,Zhang noticed that many poor villagers ears were frostbitten when he returned to his hometown.冬季的某一天,张仲景回到家乡,发现许多穷苦村民的耳朵被冻伤。He decided to wrap mutton,chili and some warming medicinal herbs in dough skin.Folding the

6、m into the shape of an ear,he boiled them in water before giving them to the poor.他就用面皮包羊肉、胡椒和一些中草药,制成耳朵形状,放入水里煮,给这些村民吃。The villagers soon fully recovered from their illness.村民的冻疮很快被治好。This food was originally called“Jiaoer”for its shape,and later the name slowly became“Jiaozi”.这种食物因其形似耳朵,刚开始被称为“娇耳”

7、,后来慢慢变成“饺子”。Zhang used to distribute them from the day of Winter Solstice to New Years Eve,and Chinese dumplings became popular.张仲景常常于冬至到除夕期间分发饺子,饺子就流行起来了。Today,Jiaozi is still a must in winter in most parts of northern China,especially during the Spring Festival.如今,饺子成为中国北方冬天里人们必吃的一道美食,尤其是春节的时候。No words can precisely describe Chinese peoples affection for dumplings,as the food has already become a symbol of home and warmth.中国人对饺子的情感无法用言语形容,饺子已经成为家和温暖的象征。Chinese dumpling is also popular in other Chinese holidays,so it is a part of the Chinese culture or tradition.饺子在其他节日里也非常受欢迎,已成为中国文化传统的一部分。

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