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1、智能远程水位检测仪 XLG-1103 使用说明 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportunities,st

2、rive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthrough;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening t

3、he construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system,increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels

4、,strengthen the not Winds of special treatment,treatment of laid-back luxury and arrogance and three-pronged problem,non-gang,national public officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitali

5、ty,luxury and waste,emptied the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot will be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace to create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry

6、 out the big reception,big tour campaign,petitioning for the cadres of the 目 录 1 概述.3 1.1 功能描述.3 1.2 使用环境.3 1.3 主要技术参数.4 2 信号处理模块说明.4 2.1 SIM 卡接口.4 2.2 信号天线.4 2.3 配置端口.4 2.4 供电和传感器接线端子.5 2.5 外形尺寸.5 3 传感器说明.5 4 应用说明.6 4.1 数据中心程序.6 4.2 参数配置程序.6 4.3 数据监控程序.6 -back luxury and arrogance and three-day sup

7、ervision of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen the not Winds of special treatment,treatment of laid-to-iew system,increase the leadership and the dayntervcorruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption i ing par

8、ty building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight againstroots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasp-;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grassities,strive to explore new ways of development of village

9、 collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthroughroots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportun-roots party organizations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activitie

10、s of grass for more than 60 yearsr campaign,petitioning for the cadres of theig touo create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,bll be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is

11、to strengthen peace tmptied the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot wistandard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,e-c officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,abovegang,national publi-pronged probl

12、em,non2 北京中通柯翔科技有限公司 用户手册 1 概述 1.1 功能描述 XLG-1103 型水位检测仪主要用于水井 液位检测,也适用于其它液体的液位检测。分 布于各地的检测仪采集到数据直接通过 GPRS 无线网络、以太网送到远程数据中心,实现与数据中心管理系统进行实时的交互与 更新。主要特点有:,高精度,量程大 ,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强 ,安装方便,使用简单 ,单一供电,无线远程接收 ,多数据中心智能切换 传感器 信号处理模块 数据中心 监控中心 1.2 使用环境 ,传感器室外使用,信号处理模块室内使用 ,海拔?2500 米 ,工作温度-20?,60?,相对温度?90%for more

13、 than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organ3/7 izations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportunities,strive to explore new ways of

14、development of village collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthrough;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construction of clean and

15、 honest Government and fight against corruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system,increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen the not Winds of

16、 special treatment,treatment of laid-back luxury and arrogance and three-pronged problem,non-gang,national public officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,emptied

17、the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot will be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace to create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,big t

18、our campaign,petitioning for the cadres of the,使用地点可以接入中国移动 GSM 网络 ,周围介质无导电尘埃、无腐蚀性气体、无爆炸危险 1.3 主要技术参数 测量深度 150(其它范围可选)m 测量精度 0.1%(0.2%可选)测量分辨率 0.05%长期稳定性?0.1FS/年 工作电压 DC 24 V 使用功率 Max.5 W 无线工作频率 900/1800 MHZ 无线通讯速率 40-80 kbps 传感器外壳材料 316 不锈钢 2 信号处理模块说明 信号处理模块负责采集传感 天线 器过来的模拟量信号,并经处理 配置串口 转换、计算得到液位高度

19、,然后 SIM 卡接口 定时把数据发送到远程数据中心。2.1 SIM 卡接口 供电和传感器 用于安装 SIM 卡,目前 接线端子 默认设置为使用中国移动 GSM 卡,并需要开通 GPRS 功能。2.2 信号天线 为了保持良好的通讯性能,处理模块不能安装在带屏蔽的控制柜内,安装在柜内时需要使用延长天线并将天线放置于控制柜外。2.3 配置端口 配置端口使用标准 RS-232 串口,可以连接电脑使用配置程序进行参数设置(如数据中心、检测仪标记等)、监控水位实时数据。day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen

20、 the not Winds of special treatment,treatment of laid-to-iew system,increase the leadership and the dayntervcorruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption i ing party building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construc

21、tion of clean and honest Government and fight againstroots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasp-;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grassities,strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthr

22、oughroots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportun-roots party organizations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activities of grass for more than 60 yearsr campaign,petitioning for t

23、he cadres of theig touo create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,bll be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace tmptied the rating special rectification

24、work.Adhere to the rot wistandard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,e-c officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,abovegang,national publi-pronged problem,non-back luxury and arrogance and three-4 北京中通柯翔科技有限公司 用户手

25、册 2.4 供电和传感器接线端子 +24V+24V 0V 0V In1 In2 DC24V 蓝 供电 红 传感器 备用 2.5 外形尺寸 120 136 155102 150 3 传感器说明 传感器在液体中会受到压力,压力大小为 P=*g*H+Po,其中变量 H 为液体的深度,其它是常量。将传感器固定在特定的深度位置,通过测出压力P 就可以计算得到液面高度。传感器为二线制电流输出,红线接 DC24V 正端,蓝线接到信号处理模块输入口,外形尺寸如下:106 29 131 for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds;

26、System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organ5/7 izations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportunities,strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy,rural collect

27、ive economy achieve breakthrough;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasping party building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption.Serious

28、ly implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system,increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen the not Winds of special treatment,treatment of laid-back luxury and ar

29、rogance and three-pronged problem,non-gang,national public officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,emptied the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot

30、 will be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace to create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,big tour campaign,petitioning for the cadres of the 4 应用说明 数

31、据从处理模块出来后,首先送到数据中心处理程序,然后随时等待监控程序通过以太网进行读取。4.1 数据中心程序 数据中心程序安装在能连接到以太网的服务器上,并且要能被外部客户端通过IP 地址直接访问。数据中心程序以系统服务程序方式运行,在启动后将打开两个服务 TCP 端口,一个用来侦听各个水位检测仪的连接,另一个用来侦听监控程序的连接,默认的检测仪侦听端口为 400,监控程序的侦听端口为 401。数据中心除了提供检测仪提供的水位数据外,同时提供数据的相应记录时间,检测仪的连接状态、通讯流量等,也可以通过监控程序经由数据中心来设置各个检测仪的数据更新时间。4.2 参数配置程序 检测仪使用前需要进行参

32、数配置,设定数据中心地址、端口号、检测仪唯一一标记等,其中检测仪唯一标记就是身份标记,用于确定检测点的位置。4.3 数据监控程序 数据到达数据中心后,将缓存到数据库中,等待数据监控程序读取。数据中心与监控程序之间的通讯协议可以根据实际需求而定,从数据中心可以读取或设定的信息有:设备 ID(检测仪唯一标记、出厂设定可现场修改),以及检测仪相应的别名(由监控程序设定)、当前活动状态、在线时间、数据更新次数(用于 day supervision of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen the not Winds of special

33、treatment,treatment of laid-to-iew system,increase the leadership and the dayntervcorruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption i ing party building,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construction of clean and honest G

34、overnment and fight againstroots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasp-;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grassities,strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthroughroots party members;Ho

35、ld fast to implement red credit,red stake two major project opportun-roots party organizations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activities of grass for more than 60 yearsr campaign,petitioning for the cadres of theig touo cr

36、eate a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,bll be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace tmptied the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot wis

37、tandard equipped with buses and cars for private purposes,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,e-c officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,abovegang,national publi-pronged problem,non-back luxury and arrogance and three-6 北京中通柯翔科技有限公司 用户手册 判断数据稳定性)、最近的水位高度读数、采样时间、

38、数据更新间隔(可由监控 程序设定、默认 30 秒)、检测仪历史使用的 GPRS 发送和接收总流量(未计算 IP 包封装字节)。for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds;System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organ7/7 izations,and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members;Hold fast to implement red credit,r

39、ed stake two major project opportunities,strive to explore new ways of development of village collective economy,rural collective economy achieve breakthrough;A progress review by the Secretary of the party work of grass-roots party organizations,strengthens the responsibility of grasping party buil

40、ding,Party Secretary.Second,strengthening the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption.Seriously implement the honest responsibility,actively carry out the independent Commission against corruption interview system,increase the leadership and the day-to-day supervisio

41、n of party members and cadres at all levels,strengthen the not Winds of special treatment,treatment of laid-back luxury and arrogance and three-pronged problem,non-gang,national public officers,serving in leadership positions is not land,above-standard equipped with buses and cars for private purpos

42、es,and recreational city of gifts,hospitality,luxury and waste,emptied the rating special rectification work.Adhere to the rot will be punishing,corrupt Su,and 1 village,4 disciplinary administrative cadres and workers.Three is to strengthen peace to create a work.Strengthen source management,adhere to prevention,focusing on prevention.Carry out the big reception,big tour campaign,petitioning for the cadres of the

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