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1、2023年剧本中英文版 吐槽帝 第一幕 开场白 人物:报幕者A 报幕者走上舞台,银屏随之移到舞台中央。 报幕者A:大家好,这里是922影院,我们正在为影迷们播放年度最热电影。现在啊,越热门的电影,就越会被人吐槽,观众们一个个都是“吐槽帝”,无论是什么电影都会被说成一堆垃圾。下面,就让我们看看这些“吐槽帝”的精彩表现吧。 Hello everyone , welcome to our 922 movie theatre , we are showing Annual hottest movie for our film fan .Nowadays, The hotter a movie is,t

2、he more borak it will get.Each single audience is specialist at sarcasm.The movies are bound to be belittled to be trash despite their type.Next, lets have a look at the fabulous performance of these Tucao God . 第二幕 小时代 人物:报幕者B,甲,乙,顾里,林萧,唐宛如,南湘 银屏后,时代姐妹花围坐在一起。 报幕者B:欢迎收看2023年最热电影小时代 Welcome to the ho

3、ttest movie in 2023Tiny Times 1 顾里:(上前一步,绕银幕走一圈)女士们,我是顾里,今天是我的生日会。(走到另外三个人身后,指尖拂过她们三个的座椅)瞧瞧你们三个,林萧,你穿这身衣服是来端盘子的吗?唐宛如,你拿这么大一个包来是要掳个男人回家吗?噢,南湘,你还是这么美,不过,你们今天的表情为什么都那么奇怪? Ladies and gentleman , Im Lily ,and this ,is my birthday party.Look at yourselves , Lin Xiao ,let me gue , are you going to be a wai

4、tre here since you have dreed yourself like this ? Tang Wanru ,I belive its enough to bring a man home by such a big bag .Oh , Nan Xiang , you are always so beautiful.But wait ,why are your faces so strange.林萧:顾里,你快别说了。(站起来,凑到顾里耳边低声说)南湘已经知道你跟她男朋友上床的事了。 Lily,just stop talking.Nan Xing has already kno

5、wn what happened between you and her boyfriend.顾里:(惊讶,走到一边,瞪着林萧)是你告诉她的? Is that you who telling her? 林萧:顾里你有病吧,你怀疑我?我什么都没说。38:05 Lily,whats wrong with you ? you suspected me? I havent said anything.顾里:你拿什么证明? 2 How can you prove your innocency? 林萧:顾里!从小学,到初中,高中,大学,这么多年了,我有一次背叛过你吗?没想到在你心里我是这么不值得信任。 L

6、ily , we know each other for many years,I cant believe that you dont really trust me in your heart.顾里:(大声)那会是谁说的? Then who did? 甲:(从座位上站起来,抢话)让我来告诉你吧,(指着唐宛如)告密者就是她唐宛如! Let me told you ,Its sheTang Wanru ,she is the informer.唐宛如:(惊讶,跳出银屏,捂胸)你怎么知道的? How did you know that? 甲:因为我早就看过小时代那本愚蠢的小说了,她跟她的男友上了

7、床,她又抢了她的男朋友,讲的无非就是这些愚蠢的事情。 I have already seen this stupid novel before .She slept with her boyfriend and she got her boy friend .All this novel is about these stupid things.南湘:(跳出银屏)愚蠢?这样痛苦的事在你眼里是愚蠢?难道你没有被人背叛过吗?你们知道被人背叛的感受吗? Stupid ? Such a painful thing is stupid in your position? Have you ever be

8、en betrayed? Do you know the feelings Have been betrayed by your close friends. 3 乙:停停停!真是一部垃圾电影!我再也无法忍受这种女人之间的无聊戏码了,按我的说法,小时代这部电影就是一部宣扬拜金主义的低俗爱情片,在浮华的物质背后,人们拥有的只是空虚的灵魂。 Stop!I cant stand any more ! From my point of view Tiny Times is a vulgar romance story talks about money worship, behind the flas

9、hy material, what people have is only the empty soul.甲:(嘲笑)所以她们就只能不断地争抢男人。 So what they can do is just constantly argue for men.唐宛如:(捂胸)我受到了惊吓!垃圾?我们花了几个月的时间不休不眠拍出的电影,在你们眼里就只是垃圾?我们的导演连续熬了多少个通宵,人都熬成了干,你们就不能给他一点尊重? Oh, Im scaryed ! rubbish? We spent several months on a movie and merely sleep, but in yo

10、ur eyes ,it is just rubbish? Our director didnt sleep for several days and even become shorter , cant you just give him some respect. 南湘:就是,你们实在是太不尊重我们了,我们的电影再怎么不好,你们也不该说它是垃圾。既然如此,我们也没有继续演的必要了。 Thats right ,you are so rude, No matter how bad our film is , you can not name it as rubbish.Since it is s

11、o, we have no neceary to continue.时代姐妹花离开了舞台,观众们也随之离座。 第三幕 哈利波特与死亡圣器 4 人物:报幕者B,丙,丁,戊,哈利波特,伏地魔 报幕者B走到银屏旁,银幕之后,哈利波特站在中央,周围都是尸体。 报幕者B:好吧,毫无疑问,上一波“吐槽帝”已经激怒了演员们,演员们认为“吐槽帝”们的吐槽是对制片方的不尊重。现在请大家都消消气,让我们再看看下一部电影会迎来怎样的吐槽吧。请欣赏电影哈利波特与死亡圣器。 Well, no doubt, a wave of Tucao God has been angered the actors, actors t

12、hink Tucao God does not respect the producers.Now please calm down, let us have a look at the next film will usher in what spit.Please enjoy the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Alright,it is abvious that 伏地魔(Voldemort):(画外音)哈利波特,如果你不想再让无辜的人因你而死,就到密林来与我决一死战吧。 Harry Potter , If you dont want

13、 anyone innocent to die for you again ,join me in the Forbidden Forrest and confront your fate.哈利:(看着天空)我已经准备好迎接死亡的到来了。 Im ready for my death.场景变化,哈利波特走在密林里。 丙:等等,这就是传说中的密林?这特效也做的太假了了吧。 5 Wait , wait ,this is what you said that Forbidden Forrest? Its too ridiculous , Oh , the special effect is just

14、complete rubbish.哈利:不然呢?你难道要我们去亚马逊丛林拍电影?那制作成本也太高了吧! Or else it ? You think we should go to Amazon ? That is really ridiculous , none movie company can afford it.丙:你们赚了那么多票房,还舍不得这点儿投资? Are you kidding me ? you really make a killing , man ! you just dont want to make it better.哈利:拜托,何必这么较真呢! Come on !

15、 dont be so mean! 这时,伏地魔在银幕另一端出现了。 伏地魔:哈利波特,你终于来送死了。我等这一天已经很久了。(将魔杖指向哈利)阿瓦达索命! Harry Potter , I wait such a long time , finally , you are here , come to die .Avada Kedavra ! 哈利应身倒地。 丁:等等,这就完了?原著里的巅峰对决、精彩一幕,就在这丑陋的场景、虚假的特效里结束了?不得不说,这部电影太让我失望了。 What , Its over ? Is this what the book called the duel ?

16、Im so disappointed .I feel just like I was teased . 6 戊:是啊,哈利波特系列电影真是越拍越烂,这最后一部简直就是垃圾。Me too , Every one in this series of movies is worse than the previous one , So it is some reason that this is the worst.伏地魔:(拉起哈利波特)你给我起来!如果你们能拍得好,那你们来拍啊,我倒要看看你们能拍出个什么名堂来。 Harry,get up ! What you guys can do is ju

17、st keep saying and saying ,you can you up! 伏地魔将三个观众推进了银幕,三个人慌乱地四下张望。 丙:(大手一挥)如果是我来拍,这一切场景都用不着特效!我们要在真正的古堡和森林里拍摄。 If I were director ,I would never use special effect .I will finish this part in the real forrest and castle.哈利:(怒)投资人不可能给你那么多钱的,你这样说简直是在做梦,你们 Seriously ? How can you get such a ton of mo

18、ney ? you 伏地魔:(打断哈利的话)听他说下去。 Go ahead.戊:(语气颤抖)我认为,哈利和伏地魔的对决,应该更加摄人心魄。 I think the final battle between Harry and Voldemort should be more , how to say it , more dramatic.伏地魔:怎么摄人心魄? Then how to make it , you say , dramatic ? 7 戊:(声音低下去)我不知道,或许应该增加人物特写。 I dont know ,maybe more close-up.丁:(指着伏地魔)你,你的眼

19、神应该更加凌厉一些。就像这样(抛出一个自以为凌厉的眼神,众人大笑)。 And your eyes should be more fierce .Just like this.伏地魔:(回到银幕内,把三个观众摔出银幕。)我明白了,你们这些“吐槽帝”其实就只会说,真要让你们来拍电影,你们拍出来的恐怕比谁都差,我倒要问你们一句,你们拿什么资格在这里颐指气使? 伏地魔挥袖而去,众人随之离开。 I got it , What your specialist of sarcasm can do is just Spitslot .You cant make better movies at all .I

20、just want to know What qualifies you to satirize here? 第四幕 暮光之城 人物:报幕者C,贝拉,爱德华,己,庚,辛,导演Bill Conton,作者Stephenie Meyer 报幕者C走到舞台中央,观众就坐,银幕后是贝拉和爱德华。 报幕者C:(往后看了一眼)刚才那部电影里,观众是不是和演员们打起来了?好吧(咳了两声),我们言归正传。相信大家都听说过一种叫做“吸血鬼”的奇特生物吧,不管你相不相信它的存在,接下来这部电影,讲的就是人和吸血鬼相爱的故事,请欣赏电影暮光之城。 Do the audience have a conflict wi

21、th the actors in the las 8 t film? Alright, lets get to the point.I believe all of you have heard of a singular creature-vampire.Whether or not you believe in its exitence, the story the following movie narrates is just about romance between human and vampire.Please enjoy the movieTwilight 银幕中,贝拉和爱德

22、华正在对峙。 贝拉:Youre impoibly fast and strong.Your skin is pale white and ice-cold.Your eyes change color.And sometimes you speak like youre from a different time.You never eat or drink anything.You dont go out in the sunlight.贝拉:How old are you? 爱德华:Seventeen.贝拉:How long have you been 17? 爱德华:A while.贝拉

23、:I know what you are.爱德华:Say it out loud.Say it.贝拉:Vampire.爱德华:Are you afraid? 贝拉:No. 9 爱德华:Then ask me the most basic question.What do we eat? 贝拉:You wont hurt me.己:(忍无可忍地大笑)真是一部垃圾。 This is just complete rubbish.爱德华:你说什么是垃圾? What do you mean by saying this.己:原著小说,电影,全部都是垃圾。 The novel , the movie ar

24、e all rubbish.爱德华:(作势就要扑上去)你怎么敢 How dare you 贝拉:(拉住爱德华)你凭什么这样说? What qualifies you to satirize here? 己:(站起来)首先,我并不相信世界上有“吸血鬼”这种生物的存在,把不存在的东西当真,本就是愚蠢至极。其次,吸血鬼不伤人,还和人类谈恋爱?我想说,是何等幼稚的作者才会幻想出这样可笑的情节。 First of all ,I dont think there are real vampire in our world ,Dont you think its stupid to believe in s

25、omething imaginary.Whats more, as a vampire he wont hurt any people and fall in love with a girl .How can this be poible ? 作者:我就是这部书的作者,Stephenie Meyer。吸血鬼的确是传说中的东西,但世界上还有很多小说和电影讲的东西也是假的,比如美 10 国英雄系列,比如鬼片,比如中国的武侠片你能说它们都是垃圾吗? I,Stephenie, am the author of this book.It is true that vampire is a legend

26、ary creature, but there are many things portrayed by novels and films are fake, such as the series of American Hero, ghost films and martial arts films.can you call them trash? 爱德华:况且,你有什么资格说出“垃圾”这两个字?换你来拍,你拍的出来吗? In addition, what qualifies you to say that our movie is “rubbish”? If you are the dir

27、ector ,can you finish this movie like this? 庚:这是什么神逻辑?(亮出手中的电影票)我们花钱买了这张电影票,就有评论它的资格,换句话说,你们拿了我们的钱,就得挨我们的骂! Whats your point ? we paid money for this ticket so we have the rights to expre our thoughts.In other words, you take our money and you deserve our abuse.导演:这话我不同意。(款款走出)大家好,我是暮光之城的导演Bill Cont

28、on。 Im not agree with you , hi everyone , Im Bill Conton the director of Twilight. 11 庚:怎么了,我说的话有错吗? 导演:我们投入资金和劳力拍摄电影,你们花钱观影,你们只是在支付我们的劳务费而已,并没有买走我们的尊严。我认为我们和你们之间不应该仅仅只是生产商和消费者的关系,我希望我们能成为朋友。我们用诚意拍出电影,你们发现了它的缺点,可以心平气和地告诉我们,我们必然会吸取教训,但是我希望你们不要一开始就说它是“垃圾”或“烂片”,这是对我们的不尊重。 We devoted our money and labor

29、 to shooting this film.What you paid for is our work instead of our dignity.Our relationship should be more than producer and consumers.I hope we can become friends.Our movie is made out of sincerity, so when you find its flaws, you might as well inform us rationally.I aure you that well draw the co

30、nclusions.But what I expect the least is that you label it as trash or poor movie, which is disrespectful to us.所有的观众被导演的话吸引,慢慢聚集到一起。 辛:我同意你的说法,但是,这一切的前提是你们必须拿出诚意。我承认,今天上映的三部电影,导演的确是用诚意来拍的,所以我们为我们的出言不逊道歉,从今以后,我们的“吐槽”一定会更加文明。 I agree with you Mr.Conton , but you have to show your sincerity.I admit th

31、at we behave rudely today and I apologized for this.I promise that we will show our thoughts in a polite way but 12 I also require you to keep your word that your directors should make movies by heart instead of think its just a tool to make money.导演:好的,我们拿出诚意拍电影,你们采用文明的方式“吐槽”。所以,我们达成交易了? Director:

32、well, we take out sincerity movies, you use civilized way vomit tank.Therefore, we make a deal? 己庚辛:是的,我们达成协议了。 Of course , deal! 导演:(看了看其他观众)你们呢? Whats about your guys.丙:那我们要怎么鉴定一部电影是否是用诚意拍出的呢?哪个导演会站出来说:拍这部电影时我没有诚意。 But how can we identify whether a movie is capture with sincerity? Is there any dir

33、ector will stand up and say:I make this film without any sincerity.报幕员C:(来到舞台中央)好吧,我来说一句吧。是否用诚意拍片是导演和演员的良知问题,是否文明吐槽是观众的素质问题,这二者不必达成交易,因为这些都是做人的自觉。我相信,如果我们每一个人都能严于律己,规范自己的行为,那么我们的电影业一定会一片和谐的。我说的对吗,“吐槽帝”们? Well, me a sentence.Whether to use the sincerity is the 13 conscience of film director and actor

34、, whether civilization here is quality problem of the audience, these two do not have to deal, because these are the life consciousne.I believe that, if every one of us can be strict with ourselves, regulate our own behavior, then our film industry should be harmonious.am I right? Tucao God? 丙:你说的对,

35、我心服口服。 You are right,I agree with you.报幕员C:好吧,那么大家都不吵了,今日的电影已经演完,咱们明日再会。 Ok, so everyone is cool, todays films is finished , See ya.谢幕 因为时间关系及译者水平问题,剧本翻译的比较粗糙,如果那里翻译错了,还请大家海涵,在保持原意不变的情况下如果自己有更好的翻译可以自行修改,不要吐槽译者哈,会影响团结的,合作愉快。 剧本中英文版 中英文版临沂 节日(中英文版 中英文版在职证明 资信证明中英文版 实习证明(中英文版) 中英文版实习证明 中英文版实习证明 在校证明中英文版 商务旅游(中英文版)

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