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1、关于坚持的英文名言 关于坚持的英文名言 精选100句 由大文斗会员“beautywinnie”投稿精心推荐,希望对你的学_工作能带来参考借鉴作用。1、Genius only means hard-working all ones life 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。-Mendeleyev(俄国化学家门捷列耶夫)2、Learning proficiency for officialdom, one 学而时_之,不亦说乎?3、People lack the willpower, rather than strength- Hugo 世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。雨果4、Once they star

2、t they can always continue to cause people is happy- Herzen一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。赫尔岑5、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。6、Pataking effort, three words, a name, a hard, a called function, must keep up your spirits, work hard. 下苦功,三个字,一个叫下,一个叫苦,一个叫功,一定要振

3、作精神,下苦功。7、To learn to be just and constant, not just is sui Hui, not constant retreat. 为学须刚与恒,不刚则隋隳,不恒则退。8、We should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidence especially! We must believe, our talent is used to do something. Mrs. Curie 我们应有恒心,尤其要有自信心!我们必须相信,我们的天赋是要用来做某种事情的。居里夫人9、Tell you t

4、hat I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit- Pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。巴斯德10、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。11、Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and ke

5、ep chipping a way, gold and stone can be carved. Xun Kuang 锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。荀况12、The great becomes ridiculous is only a step, but one more step, funny and will become great. 伟大变为可笑只有一步,但再走一步,可笑又会变为伟大。13、Persistence will enable us to succeed, and perseverance of the source is to do not waver in th

6、e least, we should take to achieve the necessary means to success. Chernyshevsky 只有毅力才会使我们成功,而毅力的来源又在于毫不动摇,坚决采取为达到成功所需要的手段。车尔尼雪夫斯基14、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy.Herzen 朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。赫尔岑15、To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn. 要看日出必须守到拂晓。16、Heaven revo

7、lves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. Wen Tianxiang 天行健,君子以自强不息。文天祥17、Retreat into acute fast. 进锐退速。18、Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way , gold and stone can be carved. 锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。19、Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery,

8、I only power is my persistence spirit- Pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。巴斯德20、No human can repel a firm hope- Kingsley 永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。金斯莱21、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy- Herzen朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。赫尔岑22、As long as the continuous efforts, unremitting strug

9、gle, there is no things that can not be conquered. Seneca 只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。塞内加23、Determined to not firm, with nothing. Zhu Xi 立志不坚,终不济事。朱熹24、With strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings. Bailey 有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。贝利25、Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-imp

10、rovement- Wen Tianxiang天行健,君子以自强不息。 文天祥26、One day, the ten day of ten money, money. Little strokes fell great oaks. Dripping water wears through a stone. 一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。27、Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you the benefits. 忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐地为你带来好

11、处。28、Dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits- Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果-钱学森由整理29、A person who acts, in hands, of course are considered; but the plan or policy already was decided, to that goal, cannot again be uncertain attitude, this is the indomitable attit

12、ude. 一个人做事,在动手之前,当然要详慎考虑;但是计划或方针已定之后,就要认定目标前进,不可再有迟疑不决的态度,这就是坚毅的态度。30、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition- Wang Bo穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。 王勃31、Little drops of water finally can wear stone, not because it is strong, but due to circadian wont drop pendant. 涓滴之水终可以磨损大石,不是由于它力量强大,而是由于昼夜不舍的滴坠。32、Achiev

13、ed unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important. 取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。33、Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement- Wen Tianxiang天行健,君子以自强不息。 文天祥34、Little drops of the reservoir, integrated with a large warehouse. 点点滴滴的藏,集成了一大仓。35、Nothing is im

14、possible to a willing heart心之所愿,无事不成。36、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。37、No patient who, who has no wisdom- he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。萨迪38、Just because someone doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt me

15、an they dont love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。39、It is dogged does it. The days of easy, but careless people. Yuan Mei 天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕粗心人。袁枚40、One day, the ten day of ten money, moneyLittle strokes fell great oaksDripping water wears through a stone一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木

16、断,水滴石穿。41、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。42、Learn and well made, the deeper soil more difficult, if not quickly heart, would see fountain. 为学犹掘井,井愈深土愈难出,若不快心到底,岂得见泉源乎?43、No matter what time, no matter what may happen, I will

17、never allow yourself a little get disheartened. 无论什么时候,不管遇到什么情况,我绝不允许自己有一点点灰心丧气。44、No human can repel a firm hope- Kingsley永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。金斯莱45、Artists all free and lively things, are great oppression and get, is the great effort. 艺术家的一切自由和轻快的东西,都是用极大的压迫而得到的,也就是伟大的努力的结果。46、One day, the ten day

18、of ten money, moneyLittle strokes fell great oaksDripping water wears through a stone一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。47、To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn要看日出必须守到拂晓。48、Rome wasnt built in one day伟业非一日建成。49、Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way, gold and stone can

19、be carved- Xun Kuang锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。荀况50、Dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits- Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果-钱学森51、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you cant have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。52、Once you choose yo

20、ur way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return. Zola 生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。左拉53、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step 千里之行,始于足下。54、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。55、No patient who, who has no wisdom. he di 谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。萨

21、迪56、Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。57、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy- Herzen一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。赫尔岑58、Cease to struggle and you cease to live- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 卡莱尔59、As long as a person strongly

22、 unremittingly in pursuit, he will be able to achieve the purpose of. 一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。60、Dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits- Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。钱学森61、People lack the willpower, rather than strength.Hugo 世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。雨果62、One day, the ten

23、day of ten money, moneyLittle strokes fell great oaksDripping water wears through a stone一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。63、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。64、Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will ,rather than of means, that man fails to succeed. La Rachef

24、orcauld 事情很少又根本做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是由于决心不够。罗切福考尔德65、It is dogged does it. All day, but careless man. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕粗心人。66、Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit. Pasteur 告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。巴斯德67、With strong will, is equivalent to the

25、feet to a pair of wings- Bailey有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一对翅膀。贝利68、The day will fall so big people, first Zhi, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger, tough, line whisk it was chaos, so the spirit, increasing it not beneficial. 故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增 益其所不能。69、Tell you that

26、I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit- Pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。巴斯德70、Have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important- Laroche, French writer取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 拉罗什夫科,法国作家71、No patient who, who has no wisdom-

27、 he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。萨迪72、Great works are performed not by strength , but by perseverance 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。-Samuel Johnson(英国作家和评论家约翰逊)73、Repetition is the mother of success. 重复是学_之母。74、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。75、Daily

28、 good, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not do things. 日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事76、Read the five drum in the middle of the night, but the play fast and loose. 读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。77、Have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important. Laroche, French writer取得成就

29、时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。拉罗什夫科78、People lack the willpower, rather than strength- Hugo世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。雨果79、Never say die 坚持到底。80、Where there is a will, there is a way 有志者事竟成。81、No patient who, who has no wisdom- he di谁没有耐心,谁就没有智慧。萨迪82、Poor and stronger, not falling Albatron ambition- Wang Bo穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。王勃

30、83、People lack the willpower, rather than strength- Hugo世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。雨果84、No human can repel a firm hope. Kingsley 永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。金斯莱85、Dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits- Tsien Hsueshen不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果-钱学森86、Once you choose your way of life, be brave t

31、o stick it out and never return- Zola生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。左拉87、Haste makes waste. 欲速而不达。88、Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement- Wen Tianxiang天行健,君子以自强不息。 文天祥89、Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy- Herzen一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。赫尔岑90、Rome wasn

32、t built in one day.伟业非一日建成。 Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably. 不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。91、No difficulty is urmountable if one sets ones mind on it. 精诚所至,金石为开。92、Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you good. Ovid 忍耐和坚持虽是痛苦的事情,但却能渐渐

33、地为你带来好处。奥维德(.)93、Taishan let the soil, so it can become bigger and bigger; river is not the small streams, so it can be so deep. 泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。94、Just persevere, knowledge, finally discovered the secret. 只要持之以恒,知识丰富了,终能发现其奥秘。95、Toward a day finally to achieve the ultimate goal of moving

34、enough, but every step as the goal, to make it as a step function. 向着某一天终于要达到的那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使它作为步骤而起作用。96、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪

35、的人时,便应当心存感激。97、Daily good, not afraid of thousands of miles; often do, not do things日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事98、Have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failure is more important- Laroche, French writer取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 拉罗什夫科,法国作家99、Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit- Pasteur告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我唯一的力量就是我的坚持精神。巴斯德100、Dont waste your time on a manwoman, who isnt willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。关于坚持的英文名言 精选100句如果还不能满足你的要求,请在大文斗搜索更多其他关于坚持的英文名言。坚持的名言关于坚持的名言坚持梦想的名言坚持到底的名言关于坚持不懈的名言

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