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1、2009年英语高考考前讲座 北京四中 李俊和 09年2月一 给学生的复习建议1不变 ( 词汇, 题型,难度,评分)8个特点: 依据,能力, 基础, 阅读, 语篇, 思维, 文化, 稳定2做题 (每天,能力,练会,少说)3高考题,(04-08,84套,本地,07年题)4基础题 (352,中低档,上课难度,针对性,反复做)5阅读 ( 关键,40+30,2-4篇,精读和泛读,6月7日晚, 四级)6完形 (听+单+写+阅+完, 4种,后期,不带,或一半答案)7词汇表 (依据,课本,认识,4200700500,辨析)8四个小本 ( 错题,好句子,语言,随笔)9背 (少思考,背诵量,错题,好句子,语法句型

2、,六篇范文。 高考作文:议论,人,事,地,数字,活动)10有信心,多弄(数理化),兴奋点,一句话。11自己找事干 (六要素:愿望,目标,安排,克服,学习,控制) 教师少说话,三分之一。包办代替。二 高三教师应该做到的几件事1 词汇表 2 学生学过练过3 84 4 语法5 500 6 100个小包装7 个人做题,听力,阅读 (每日15分钟, 8 题库 9 会编题 10 会组织活动 ( 重点, 难度, 层次, 形式, 参与, 指令, 节奏, 合作, 趣味) 11 会调动积极性 (表扬好句子,阅读学生说0 12复习原则,主要任务,重点(练,讲,知识,词,安排,学生)13. 会搞科研 好懂, 好用.1

3、4大境界 三 高考六大题型具体应试指导 一 听力 (20题,what, 120, 贴近, 背景, 男女,用语man, 9+1)1 6月8日中午10-20分钟。2 2:30 入场,背诵小短文。3 抢先看题,试听要真听。4. 边听边推测.5 猜答案,平均分布,无D。6 重点问题:题、态、顺、算、原、结、关。7 记录,电话,重点词(order, flight, trouble, question, price, reception)8 短文首尾句.9 Bryan Cindy Edward Monica Ike, Sandy. Justin Amy10 1-5 不慌, 6-8 不走神,第二遍, 9-1

4、0 使劲跟,听到什么。问题顺序。11及时填涂,就地回查。12. 10分钟,精泛结合. 听写. 录音机。(看附录3)听力重点问题(1)具体细节1. Who cleaned the room? 2. Why did he come late?3. What will he do tomorrow? (2)判断主题4. What are they talking about?5. What are the two speakers interested in?6. Which of the following topics are they talking about?7. What is the

5、best title of the talk?(3)推理判断8. What does the man think of it? 9. How does the woman find it?10. How do they like it? 11. Do they agree with each other?掌握以下常用单词,以便迅速准确判断1 exam grade marks lecture paper pass the exam, 2 father cousin grandfather niece nephew parent-in-law 3 address telephone number,

6、 postal code credit card, ID number 4 bargain brand counter price on sale, cash register 5 porter check in, check out, a double room, reception 6 order waiter meal go Dutch, dessert salad fruit 7dentist ward operation check-up, X-ray, 二 单选 ( 15,四项, 一题多项,两空,动词,对话,753 )1 单选,10 分钟。2 审题,两个空,意图。3 个别傻题,多想

7、无用。第一感觉。(附录4-5)415个题:冠、交、代、情、形、介、倒、动辨、短、从、时语3、非2。 5还原法(被动,强调,倒装,虚拟,疑问,省略,插入,感叹)6单选辩别方法:语法,搭配,语境,短语句型,增词减词,固定用法。7 3个it is, 4个there is, 美小圆旧黄,disco8 重视ago, since, before, by, while,now, when,这类表明时间的词。9 单数复数clothes, cattle, police, glasses, goods, newspaper, dress10 suggest, admit, delay, consider, ris

8、k, advise, burst out, fancy 11 none, no one, nothing, nobody12. And 的作用13 句子成分动词时态常考点:1 I have lived here since he came.2 Have been to, have gone to3 Ever since, so far, up to now4 By the end of last year Before he came5 Where have you put my pen? I put it on the table.6 I had hoped, I had thought7

9、I wasnt listening, We were building a school last year.8 I dont know if he will come.9 条件句: if, unless, when, until, before,as soon as, so long as, the momentimmediately, in case10 He is always standing there11 Be about to do 12 Its going to rain. I will be 18.13 Sell well 14 have been doing15 Hardl

10、y. when, no sooner. than16 He got up, cleaned the room and went out.非谓语:1 He is said to do ( to be done, to be doing, to have done, to have been done)2 I like the hospital built last year ( being built, to be built next year)3 unless invited, be afraid of being seen4 hearing the news, her face lit u

11、p. ( she)5 do or to do : get sb, cause, allow sb, encourage, advise sb, ask sb, force sbSee, hear, watch, feel, have, observe, notice, ( find sb)6 ing remaining, breaking voice, English-speaking, missing boy, trembling with fear, judging from, weather permitting7 finish doing, enjoy, practice, consi

12、der, risk, delay, waste, have trouble, Have a hard time, 动词填空:1) Though , they wouldnt like to go. ( invite) 2) I found the book on the table. ( lay )3) in red , the girl stood there. (dress )4) The teacher came in, _ the students .(follow)5) I like the hospital _ next year. (build)6) What is _ next

13、 ? ( do )7) The boy is said _to the hospital last week. ( send )8) Half of the work _ so far. ( do )三 完形填空 (记叙, 四项,7643,250,9-10, 单个,不重复)1完形填空用时20-25 分钟。2 粗读, 第一句, 最后一句,第一遍,第二遍,边读边猜。3. 连接词, 脉络(豁然开朗,雾里看花)4 原句上句下句,后线索。5 顺序,时间,同义词,反义词,逻辑。6 最佳,5A5B5C5D7 搭配 动名 名介。8 42-50题。9 不带选项的完形填空。后期集中练。 做完形填空题判断的依据:1

14、、环境线索Im tired of sea food, so I didnt eat much _ that day.A. vegetablesB. flounder(比目鱼)2、因果线索He was badly ill, so he was _.A. presentB. absent3、转折线索He was badly ill, however, he was _.A. presentB. absent4、让步线索He didnt _ the test, though he worked hard.A. passB. fail5、顺序线索After he wrote the letter, s

15、he _ it and then _ it.A. posted/ signedB. signed/ posted6、用途线索I like my _, which gives me great help in the rain.A. umbrellaB. bikeC. pot7、反义词线索He used to be lazy. But now he is quite _.A. hardworkingB. handsome8、同义词线索He made a lot of mistakes in the last test This time we can still find _ a few in

16、his paper.A. quiteB. only9、比较线索We are shorter than he, so he is the _ among us.A. tallestB. shortest10、一般个别线索He is very clever, so he _ get the answer.A. canB. cant 从高考试题看完型填空判断手法的应用:1 根据具体词义判断:例1 From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I 21 a not

17、e. (2008年全国卷)21. A. carried B. found C. included D. held答案:C 便条是放在包装袋内,而不是我拿着(held),发现(found)或带着(carried)。例2my wife did not want me to collect it 25(on my own) so we went together to 26 it. (2007年全国卷)26. A. receiveB. bringC. orderD. fetch答案:D,此处指定好了买车,两人去取车,而fetch 符合这个意思。 2. 根据时间关系判断:He had spent th

18、ose years well, graduating from college, 30 two internship (实习) in Washington, D.C., and 31 , becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento, (2008年全国卷)30. A. organizing B. planning C. comparing D. completing31. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly 答案:30题 D 31题 B 此处应特别注意finally. Mark是先

19、毕业,然后实习,最后当了技术员,而不是相反。3. 根据同义词判断: 例1 In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a 43 :” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.” (2005年北京高考卷)43. A. note B. notice C. word D. sign 答案:A 键盘的边上放的是便条,从下文的句子就可看出。而notice是通知,word是消息或命令,sign是标识或手势.例2 Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, an

20、d suggested we ask each one their _48_ about the band and the extra cost. (2007年北京高考卷)48. A. knowledge B. instruction C. opinion D. information答案:C,校长让征求的是意见(ask sb for opinion),而不是知识,说明或信息。4、根据反义词判断:I learned how to accept life as it is from my father. 36(However) , he did not teach me acceptance w

21、hen he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was 37 and ill. (2006年北京高考卷) 37. A. tired B. weak C. poor D. slow 答案: B 此处为什么选weak,因为前边是strong,在but后用它的反义词。5、根据短文内容判断:She told May that her pay would be very low and that the work would be 31 . However, May said that hard work did not frighten her. (

22、2006年陕西高考卷) 31. A. easyB. difficultC. joyfulD. disappointing 答案:B 从下文的hard work 可断定此工作很难。6、根据常识或常理判断: 例1 a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of 23 for the coming test or sporting event. (2008年全国卷)23. A. congratulation B. improvement C. explanation D. encouragement 答案:D 一般情况下孩

23、子有考试或体育比赛,家长都要鼓励。 例2 She was 37 jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just 38 , a pile of papers spread around her. (2006年辽宁高考卷) 37. A. hangingB. makingC. wearing D. changing 38. A. cleaned B. washedC. swept D. brushed 答案:37是C, 38是A 根据生活常识,jeans and a sweater 是穿的,而清洗不一定是washed,所以38题选cleane

24、d 更好。7、根据前后线索判断 例1 We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to 21 a car because we had sold the one we had in England before 22(leaving) home. 21. A. borrowB. driveC. buyD. choose (07年全国卷)答案:21题C,此处如何知道是买车,要看下文去车行买车就明白了。 例2 On her way to the station, half of her _39_ was sto

25、len.39 A. fare B. possession C. money D. wealth ( 2008年重庆卷)答案:39题C,此处关键是39的答案从何而来,是从下文50题后的原文中找到的,该词是money。此类现象在每年高考中都可见到。8、根据词语的固定搭配判断 例1 Angela was all smiles and _54_ the news to Amy and Daniel.54. A. showedB. wroteC. brokeD. read (07年北京高考卷)答案:C 向别人泄露消息是broke the news,而其他三个词是让人看,写和读消息。此处只有broke t

26、he news合适。 例2 She ordered the old man to _43_ the bus. (08年高考重庆卷) 43. A. get off B. start C. get on D. stop 答案:A, 下车有固定用法,只能用get off。9、根据句型意义判断连接词语 例1 Would you mind telling me 39 you are thinking of leaving? 40 are you going to sit in your car all day? (2007年全国卷)39. A. whenB. whyC. howD. what40. A.

27、 ForB. OrC. ButD. So 答案:39A,40题B. 后面人的意思是准备何时离开,或是整天都呆在车里? 10、根据连接词语判断 But as children grow older they become self-conscious(有自我意识的), and 25 he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer 26 my daily notes. (2008年高考全国卷)25. A. lately B. by the way C. by the time D. gradually26.

28、A. received B. understood C. enjoyed D. collected答案:25是C ,26是C . 25处表示到那时候如何,而26处确定答案的决定因素是前边的But. 完形填空中的连词可以表示因果关系、条件关系、让步关系、转折关系, 比较关系和顺接关系等, 它们使文章成了一个整体.四 阅读理解 1阅读理解用时35-40 分钟。到4:30 务必结束阅读,开始写作。2 五篇 20题 2000-2200,3 第1篇,旧词新意,英美文化,4 435215 57536 七大难点(长、词、连、代、后、非、省)7 不改变平时做题习惯。广告之类应用文可先看题。8 主旨题干扰项的特

29、点是太大太小太胡说。(标题,主题,目的,态度)9 首尾句,首尾段。标题。后做.10 判断(作者,依据主流)11 infer没明说,有痕迹。(作者态度,身份,写作对象,出处,下文)12 猜词又回到原文中:解释法,举例法,同类列举等。13 回读,点读,出声14 句子成分 (1) Decision-making is not unlike poker- it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.(2) It

30、 is probably not by chance that young people in different parts of the world today try to start a movement of struggle and pressure which is shaking governments and attempting to put new values in practice in a world which they consider as unfair or even as horrible as the rule by Hitler.阅读重点问题汇编(1)

31、考查主要思想或段落大意1. The story mainly tells us _.2. From the passage we know that _.3. The writer wants to tell us _.4. The best title of this passage should be _. (2)推理判断测试题1. We can infer from the passage _.2. From the passage, we can tell _.3. We can conclude from the passage _. (3)考查文章细节理解的测试题1. The ri

32、ght order which tells the story is _.2. Choose the right order of the events given in the following.3. Which of the following maps shows the right position of .?4. Which statement is true?(4)考查理解作者写作意图的测试题1. This article is particularly written for _.2. When the writer says he really means _.3. The

33、authors attitude to is that _. (5)猜测词义,常见的题干有1. The word in paragraph refers to _.2. The underlined word “” means _. 构词法知识 prefix前缀 dis- dislike,disagree,disappear,disbelievein-informal, independent, incorrect, incompletere-remarry, retell, rewrite, reconsiderun-unable, uncertain, unsafe, unfairnon-

34、non-smoker, non-violent, non-stopsuffix 后缀-ableacceptable, suitable-alnational, natural, arrival-anAmerican, Australian-fulhopeful, forgetful, mouthful-ivecreative, effective-erfarmer, writer, villager-eseChinese, Japanese-istpianist, socialist-mentmovement, excitement, equipment-nesshappiness, illn

35、ess, carelessness-tioncollection, liberation, explanation-fybeautify, simplify-ianmusician, Asian-ingfeeling, exciting, building-ise/-izeapologise, realize, modernize-lycarefully, truly, completely-teenthirteen, fifteen, fourteen附:阅读表达 依据天津考试说明 题型特点 1 难度 2 议论应用 3 长度 300 4 问题 3+1+1 5 英英释义 6 词数限制 应试要领

36、 1 读完全文 2 中心与结构 3 先3后2 4 贴近原文 5 完整句, 小词, 字数 6 一题两问 why 备考措施 1 阅读练概括与分段 2 写作练限制性写作 3 练写得一针见血,开门见山。 4 英英词典 5 找山东,广东题练 6 开阔眼界,勇于创新,积极向上。 五、短文改错(一) 考什么(1)110词 (2)第一人称(3)十行,11词(4)分布(一三六)(5)逻辑(6)记叙文(7)重点错误10条1、and与but2、名词单复数3、人称代词乱用4、逻辑推理错5、动词加s6、动词加ed7、sothat8、which与where9、because, though10、careful与caref

37、ully(8)次重点错误20条1、性别2、2与33、不定代词4、a与the5、被动6、主谓一致7、what与that8、介词in, at, of, to from9、省略10、I want go11、make sb. to do12、be afraid of go13、with与without14、tall与taller15、because of16、as与like17、when与while18、ago与before19、neithernor20、fortunately, unfortunately(二) 应试要点(1)粗看(2)一行看三行(3)一行想全文(4)一个词(5)画线(6)结构(7)

38、 二定一 (8)复核(三) 备考措施(1)语法知识(2)词语(3)观察 (4)写作(5)后期练六 书面表达 ( 6类,贴近,署名,交际对象,交际目的,格式,书写,图画或图表) 高分作文标准:内容,4大错误,连词,地道,交际要求,书写)1 30分钟。2 词数情景120个。3 书写,正反面。4 写作步骤:审题-内容要点(细节) 时态-草稿-抄写-复核(动词)。5 写作主要考察:内容,逻辑,语言。6 参考词汇。积极向上。格式。7 对比类(新旧事物,正反观点,数据)8 精彩首句。尾句易错。9 四大重点错误:s, s, ed, is(are)。10 准确,常用。抽象变具体,复杂变简单。兼顾闪光。11 句

39、型多变(长短,单句复合句,词性,主动被动,成语,名言)12 复杂结构(定、强、倒、被、虚、非、so、with、比、无)13 常用连词:last but not least, that is, in addition, 14 完形、阅读中选句子改编。15 每日写三句。课上5句话。16 参考答案。17 背诵6篇范文。 53个句子(附录)。 开放作文7条1. 5篇 100元, 镜子, 女子与旧人物, 小鸟, 圆规2. 审图 主题3. 重点主题10个 保护环境, 乐于助人, 知恩图报, 谦虚谨慎, 刻苦学习 自主创新, 精益求精, 勤俭节约,遵纪守法, 文明礼貌.4. 图变文 要点与细节5. 三分之一

40、描写, 三分之二议论6. 积极向上7. PDCSS写作中的30个关联词语:1. to tell the truth 2. last but not least3. on the contrary 4. that is5. rather than 6. after a while7. later on 8. in the end9. at first 10. by the side of11. in the middle of 12. next to13. in addition 14. in general15. in short 16. so long as17. to begin with

41、 18. in case19. whats more 20. on one hand21. on the other hand 22. as a matter of fact23. as a result 24. believe it or not25. in a word 26. in other words27. as well as 28. generally speaking29. in my opinion 30. so far as I know复杂结构举例:1. The man was very disappointed. He didnt know what to say.2.

42、 This is the room. I used to stay there.3. I picked up the book in the shop at the corner .4. This is the best film I have ever seen.5. They realized it only after they got the news.6. I am sorry I missed the train last night.7. When he stayed indoors, the door was closed.8. After he had finished hi

43、s homework , he went out to have a rest.9. The teacher asked everyone to hand in homework on time.10. New China was founded in 1949. 高三作文基础句型53个 一 对比议论:1、我同意这个计划。I am _ the plan. 2、首先,建工厂会给人们提供不同的工作。_ , the building of the factory will provide people with different jobs.3、其次,它可以省许多钱。_ , it can save

44、a lot of money. 4、最后,它不会对环境有太大危害。_ , it wont do much harm to the environment.5、我反对这个计划。I dont agree _ the plan.(be against) 6、总之,我们认为这不是个好计划。_, we dont think it a good plan.7、在我看来,它不值得做。_ that it is not worth doing. 8. 学生的观点不一致。 Opinions are _ among the students. Some think it is good, _ believe it

45、is poor. 二 图画图表说明1、这幅图画描写了我们的学校生活。This is a _ of our school life.2、有一个男孩站在那儿。There is a boy _ there.3、有一些学生在打篮球。_ are playing basketball.4、百分之八十的学生喜欢校服。Eighty percent _ like school uniforms.5、三分之一的学生住得离学校近。_ of the students live near their school.6、一半多学生要花50分钟才能到学校。_ of the students spend 50 minutes

46、 on the way to school.7、2008年,这个城市将会有三百万辆汽车。There _ 3 million cars in the city in 2008.8 自从1990年以来汽车的数量翻了一番。The number of cars has _ since 1990.三 地方介绍1、学校的中央有一座教学楼。There is a teaching building in _ of the school.2、楼的南边有一个游泳池。A swimming pool _ the south of the building.3、楼的后面有许多树。There are many trees

47、 _ the building.4、楼的前边有一个小花园。_ the building is a small garden.5、楼的对面是宿舍。_ the building is a dorm. 四 人物介绍1、他被认为是最好的学生之一。He is _ as one of the best students.2、他闲暇时经常听音乐。He usually listens to music in _ _ time.3、他毕业于第八中学。He _ from No. 8 Middle School.4、他曾获英语竞赛第一名。He once got the first _ in the English

48、competition.5、他友善并且随和。He is kind and easy-_. 五 活动安排1、我们早上7点在校门口集合。We will _ at the school gate at seven in the morning.2、我们将参观那儿的工厂和学校。We will visit the factories and schools _.3、然后,我们将和当地的农民聊天。After that, we will _ with the farmers there.4、我激动地哭了。I was so excited that _ came to my eyes.5、我们下午5点才能回到

49、学校。We wont return to our school _ 5:00 p.m.6、我将全程陪同。I will be in your _ all the way. 六 叙述事件 1、故事发生在伦敦。The story _ in London.2、起初,他没看见那个人。At _, he didnt see the man.3、然后,他走到汽车那儿。Then he went _ to the bus.4、过了一会儿,他上了小汽车。After a little while, he _ on the car.5、后来,他掏出了枪。Later on he took out his _.6、最后,他

50、被捕了。At _, he was arrested. 七 通知与信件及其他1、先生们,女士们,请注意!Ladies and gentlemen, _ please!2、我有重要的事告诉你们。I have _ important to tell you.3、今天下午3点在图书馆有一个讲座。We are going to _ a lecture in the library at 3:00 this afternoon.4、我写信是要告诉你一个好消息。I am _ to tell you a piece of good news.5、希望早日收到你的回复。I am looking _ to you

51、r early reply.6、我特别地感谢你。I can never thank you _. 7、他还没回家呢。He is not _ yet. 八 对比议论:1、我同意这个计划。I am _ the plan. 2、首先,建工厂会给人们提供不同的工作。_ , the building of the factory will provide people with different jobs.3、其次,它可以省许多钱。_ , it can save a lot of money. 4、最后,它不会对环境有太大危害。_ , it wont do much harm to the envir

52、onment.5、我反对这个计划。I dont agree _ the plan.(be against) 6、总之,我们认为这不是个好计划。_, we dont think it a good plan.7、在我看来,它不值得做。_ that it is not worth doing. 8. 学生的观点不一致。 Opinions are _ among the students. Some think it is good, _ believe it is poor. 6篇必背范文1、对比议论类(05全国I)假设你是李华,最近国内一家英文报纸正在讨论北京动物园是否应迁出市区。 2、图表类(

53、04北京) 某学校对中学生课余活动进行了调查 3、地点介绍(06全国)假定你是李华,应英国朋友Bob要求,写一封短信介绍你校图书馆 4、人物类(06北京) 假设你是王珊,请根据下列信息写一篇个人简介。 5、活动安排(05北京) 到北京,住我家,参加学校活动。 6、夹叙夹议类 北京07年开放作文 小鸟飞走。 高考范文佳句摘抄( 74个)每空只填一词,注意斜体字的用法。一 写人1 Im Li Hua, a student _ Sichuan. ( 08全国一)2 Im Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently _ Beijing Yangguang Middl

54、e School. (06北京)3 I am _ at English and I can talk with foreign tourists in English freely. (06全国I, II)4 I get along _ others easily, which is especially useful for a volunteer. (06全国I, II)5 Im ready to give help whenever it is _. (06全国I, II)6 My promise is to offer the best service _ to the people

55、at the games. (06全国I, II)7 Among all my teachers, Mr. Moore is the one who impresses me most. Though he is 34, he looks very young _ his age. And hes one of the most popular teachers in our school.(06湖南)8 He is _ a learned person that we all admire hem very much. (06湖南)9 I think Im fit _ the job.(05山东)10 Im fond of English and do _ in both speaking and writing.(05山东)11 Im also interested in photography because it allows me to _ the beautiful moments in my life. (06北京)12 I will take trouble to adjust myself _ the new college life.( 08

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