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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!B&Q CHINAVENDOR/FACTORY ASSESSMENT QUESTIONAIRE百安居(中国)供货商及工厂评估问卷PLC*请务必在受到此问卷后3个工作日内, 填好后交回BV. 谢谢您的配合SECTION 1 / 第一部分VENDOR PROFILE供货商简介VENDOR DETAILS / 供货商详细资料1.1 Vendor Name and Address / 供货商名称和地址:Tel/电话:Fax/传真:E-Mail/电子邮箱:1.2 Date Established/公司成立时间:Is Company?: Private/Publ

2、ic/State /JV 公司是: 私人/上市/国有/合资Main business/主营业务:Parent Company / 母公司 : Relate with factory/与供货工厂的关系: 隶属( )代理( )股份制( )OEM/ODM( )How to prove the connection/如何证明上述关系?1.3 Company Turnover/公司年营业额: Turnover with B&Q与百安居发生的年营业额:1.4 Number of sites currently used / 现有营业网点的数目?1.5 B&Q Account Manager / 负责百安居

3、(中国)业务的经理?1.6 CEO/MD/Chairman / 总裁/执行董事/董事会主席?1.7 Person responsible for Quality / 质量负责人 ?1.8 Number of Employees / 员工人数?1.9 Products currently or proposed to be supplied including own brand and surrogate / 目前或将来所供应的产品, 包括拥有或代理的品牌? 1.10 Has the Vendor supplied product to any Kingfisher company/ 供货商是

4、否曾提供产品给翠丰旗下公司或百安居?1.11 Does the vendor hold any character merchandise licenses ?If yes please give details / 供货商是否拥有某一产品的许可证,若是请列明:YESNO是否1.12 Please list all other major customers and % of business / 请列明其它主要客户和营业额占有百分比:SUPPORT SERVICES / 支持服务1.13 Customer Helpline Number / 客户求助电话 ?1.13.1. Please in

5、dicate if this helpline is 24hrs and backed up by answerphone / 请注明求助电话是否24小时服务, 并配备答录功能?1.14 Emergency out-of-hours contact / 营业时间外的紧急联络方式?Name/ 姓名 :Number / 电话:1.15 Are merchandisers available, if yes please indicate the agency used / 是否使用代理商, 若是, 请注明所用代理商名称?YESNO是否1.16 Does the vendor provide any

6、 of the following support services ?供货商是否提供以下支持服务?P.O.S. (Point of Sale) Material商店推广资料Staff Training人员培训Customer Workshops客户研讨会Exclusive Promotions专项促销活动 1.17 Does the vendor have a documented Disaster Recovery Plan ?/供货商是否有书面的灾难恢复计划(应急预案)?YESNONA是否不适用1.18 Can product safety data sheets be provided

7、 for all products containing hazardous materials / 对含有有害物质的产品, 是否能提供产品的安全数据报告 ?YESNONA是否不适用1.19 Does the vendor hold product liability insurance ?If yes, please give details of value and attach certificate: /供货商是否持有产品责任保险? 若是, 请注明保险价值并附上证书:YESNO是否1.20 Does the vendor hold product recall insurance ?I

8、f yes, please give details of value and attach certificate:/供货商是否持有产品退货保险? 若是, 请注明保险价值并附上证书:YESNO 是/否 VENDOR供货商SUPPLY CHAIN FLOW DIAGRAM供应链流程图This page should be completed with all critical stages of the supply chain highlighted. It should include details of all subcontractors, critical raw material

9、 vendors, and indicate any control stages that are deemed necessary for the management of consistent quality. / 本页应标明供应链的所有关键阶段, 包括分包商的详细数据, 关键的原料供货商及为保证产品质量的一致性所需的所有控制阶段B&Q China(Client) (Factory)Sub-supplier 1Sub-supplier 2Sub-supplier 3 (Vendor) (Factory) (Factory)Sub-supplier 1Sub-supplier 2Sub-

10、supplier 3Sub-supplier 1Sub-supplier 2Sub-supplier 3THE SUPPLY CHAIN FLOW DIAGRAM供应链流程图REFERENCE SHEET参考表This sheet refers to critical stages highlighted in the previous flow diagram including subcontractors and factories. / 本页请参考前页流程图标明的关键阶段,包括分包商和工厂.No. 1 Sub-supplier 1NAME / 名称:STATUS / 性质:ADDRES


12、Y若有需要继续分列SECTION 2 / 第2部分FACTORY PROFILE工厂简介2.1 Factory Name /工厂名称:2.2 Factory Address/ 工厂地址:Tel/电话 :Fax/传真:E-Mail/电子邮箱:2.3 Factory Status/工厂性质:Private/Public/State 私人/上市/国有Parent Company/母公司:2.4 Factory Manager/ 工厂经理:2.5 Quality Responsibility/ 质量负责人:2.6 Name of Quality Assurance contact at factory

13、工厂质保问题联系人姓名:2.7 Environment Responsibility/ 环保负责人:2.8 Number of QA team / QA人数 :2.9 Please enclose copies of any certificates held for the attainment of international standards ISO9000 and ISO14000 or SA8000. 工厂如果曾通过国际标准ISO9000、ISO14000或SA8000认证,请附上证书复印件。2.10 Manufacture licence/ pollutant letting l

14、icence/生产许可证/排污许可证2.11 Please give a brief description of the range of operations undertaken at the factory/请简要描述工厂运作范围_2.12 Please give details of the current capacity at the factory: /请详细描述工厂现有的生产能力 :_2.13 Obtain what kind of honoror certifacate?/工厂取得何种其它荣誉或证书? _ _2.14 What punishments are you get

15、 within the lastest year ?/工厂在最近一年内受到何种处罚?_ _2.15 Do you know what kind of chemistry materials enjoin to use or confine to use?If yes, do you have any alternative products?/工厂生产的产品中是否含有国家命令禁止或限制使用的化学制品成分?如有,是否有替代品或替代方案?_ _2.16 Do you have opportunities to incorporate recyclability into product range

16、s and/or to identify specific product ranges where opportunities exist?B&Q will work with suppliers on this./是否能在目前产品生产过程中使用可回收利用的部件和/或在产品中特别指出哪一部分是可回收利用的?百安居将与供应商一起为此做出努力。 _ _2.17 Does you think over the recycle factor in your packaging design? What recycle materials be used in your product? /产品包装是

17、否考虑易于再回收利用的因素?是否在包装品中使用可重复使用的材料?_ _2.18 Does you have the plan for re-use and recycle end-of-life products?/是否有产品报废后可再回收利用的计划? _ WORKFORCE & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT /劳动力 & 环境管理Answer回答1.How many workers are employed , Number of living in emloyee dorm/工厂工人人数?居住在员工宿舍的人数2.What is the age of the younge

18、st worker in this factory /工厂里年纪最轻的工人多少岁?3.How is age of workers verified /工厂是如何鉴别工人的年龄的?4.What are the normal working hours per week for factory workers (excluding all breaks and including overtime) /工人每周的正常工作时间是多长(不包括休息,但是包括加班时间)?5.What is the minimum monthly wage in this factory /工厂内最低月薪是多少?6.Are

19、 all workers given written contracts of employment (If so, please attach a specimen copy) /是否所有的工人都有书面的劳动合同(如果是,请附上样本供参考)?7.Describe any part of the production process that is performed by homeworkers or sub-contractors /如果生产过程中有部分程序是由家庭工人或分包商承担的,请详细描述。8.If workers are housed in dormitories, are the

20、 dormitories in buildings separated from the factory/ 如果有工人生活在工厂提供的宿舍中,是否宿舍区与工厂的生产区分隔开来?9.If workers are housed in dormitories, how much living space is afforded to individual workers /如果有工人生活在工厂提供的宿舍中,每个工人的住房面积是多少?10.If workers are housed in dormitories, do they have access to hot and cold running

21、water /如果有工人生活在工厂提供的宿舍中,工厂是否给工人提供冷热生活用水?11.Describe any protective / safety equipment such as gloves, eye and hearing protection or masks provided to factory workers. Also include details of which part of the production requires such equipment /请描述工厂给工人的劳防用品的发放情况,例如手套、护目镜、护耳套、防护面具。请同时描述,哪一部分的生产步骤需要用

22、到以上的劳防用品。12.Are workers given access to drinking water in all parts of the factory /是否在工厂的每一个区域都为工人提供了饮用水设备?13.Give describe any factory processes that involve the release of the following into the environment 请详细描述工厂向当地环境排放下列物质的程序: Fumes 烟雾 Dust 灰尘 Water discharge 废水Hazardous waste 有害废弃物SECTION 3 /

23、 第3部分ENVIRONMENT AND ETHICAL SCORE CARD 环境与道德管理CRITICAL FAILURE POINTS 关键不足点SECTION 4 / 第4部分 ENVIRONMENT AND ETHICAL MANAGEMENT 环保和社会伦理管理 YES / NO符合/不符合1The factory only employs workers who are over the local legal minimum age. Where this is less than 15, or where there is no legal minimum age, work

24、ers should not be less than 15 years old.(In China, all workers should over the legal minimum age -16 years old)工厂的所有员工年龄均需达到法定最低工作年龄。如果当地法定最低工作年龄低于15岁,或者那里没有法定最低工作年龄的规定,工人不应小于15周岁(在中国,工厂所有员工年龄须在法定最低工作年龄-16周岁以上)2The factory does not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour.工厂没有被强迫、受约束或不自愿的劳工;3Worker

25、s are not forced to lodge unreasonable deposits, or their identity papers with their employers.工厂没有向工人征收不合理的押金或扣押工人的身份证件;4Workers are not subjected to physical abuse, the threat of physical abuse, verbal abuse or any other forms of intimidation.工厂没有对工人施加体罚,辱骂,体罚的威胁,或任何其它形式的恐吓;5There must be an adequ

26、ate number of safe, unblocked fire exits, escape routes and fire fighting equiment accessible to workers from each floor or area of the factory and accommodation ( if provided).工厂生产区域和宿舍(若提供)每层的防火出口、疏散通道须充分、安全、畅通,消防设施应充足,适用;6The factory is a safe and hygienic place to work.工厂是一个安全的、卫生的工作场所;7Accommod

27、ation, if provided, is safe and hygienic, and is segregated from the factory or production area and from material storage areas.工厂提供的宿舍必须安全、卫生,并和生产区和仓库分离;8The factory does not knowingly contravene local and national environmental legislation without being able to demonstrate a plan of action to impr

28、ove.工厂没有蓄意违反当地和国家的环境法律要求,若有,应能提出改进的行动计划;9The factory management demonstrates a willingness to improve on any significant areas of concern identified and is committed to working towards meeting the standards of the Code of Conduct.工厂的管理层愿意改进任何发现的重大问题,并负责努力达到行为准则的标准。 QUALITY MANAGEMENT质量管理YES / NO符合/不

29、符合1.Are all necessary specifications and requirements communicated to and/or agreed with the factorys component/raw material suppliers? 是否与工厂的件/原供应商就所有必需的规格和要求进过沟通和/或认可? 2.Are reject products and components suitably segregated and their re-use/disposal suitably controlled/authorized? 合格品(包括原材,半成品及成品

30、)是否有效隔离,它们的使用或处是否经过授权? 3.Are the storage areas for components, semi-products and final products big enough, suitably clean, dry, with appropriate illumination and temperature? And Are goods suitably handled? 在生产过程中,原材,半成品及产品存放区域是否足够大,干净、整洁、安全、干燥并且环境光线 和温都适宜? 并且货物的搬运是否恰当? 4.Is there an effective posi

31、tive release process before goods leave the factory?在货物离开工厂以前,是否建有效的确定的出货程序? SECTION 5 / 第5部分CONFIRMATION MATERIAL证实性材料 注:以上所列资料将证明您的实力,请务必如实提供,您可以采用邮寄、传真或电子邮件的方式送到百安居(中国)或百安居指定的检验机构。u 必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas)上海公司地址:上海市闵行区颛桥镇光中路368号 工厂审核部 联系人:张娜 电话: 021-24166934 传真: 021-64893811 邮编:201108电子邮件:Flora.

32、zhangPls OFFER THEREINAFTER CONFIRMATION MATERIALS /请提供下列证实材料1.Mait manufacture fixture list and environment protecting list 主要生产设备、环保设备清单2.Main inspection instruments list 主要检测仪器清单3.Main raw materials/fittings list 主要原材料和配件清单4.Process flow chart or QC engineering chart 生产流程图或QC工程图5.Main SOP list 所提

33、供产品的主要加工过程作业指导书清单6.IQC/IPQC/FQC inspection instructor/criterion list所提供产品的进料检验、过程检验和出厂检验的检验规范/检验作业指导书清单7.All kinds of certificate of control systems and productions各类体系/产品认证证书复印件或扫描件8.Danger chemistry productkeeping state(photos).危险化学品保存情况(照片)9.Timben & wood floor products need source certificate木材类

34、产品还需提供木材来源证明10.Other certificate helpful material其它您认为对证明您的实力有帮助的资料11. Please enclose photographs that show, All parts of the factory involved in production (inc. incoming and outgoing QC, storage and any testing equipment) 请提供包含以下内容的图片:工厂内所有生产过程中涉及的部分(包括入厂材料和出厂货物的质量控制点、仓库及任何测试设备):12. Please enclose photographs that show, All accommodation and facilities, i.e. canteen and living spaces provided by the factory for its workers请提供包含以下内容的图片:所有的工人宿舍及生活场所,例如工厂为工人提供的食堂、生活区。 我 作为供应商代表, 保证上述提供信息的真实性和准确性,并愿承担相关责任。供应商代表: 时间: 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!

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