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1、英美著名儿童诗一百首 / 多人 著 SONGS OF INNOCENCE 天真的歌唱 1 THE BLIND BOYColley CibberO say what is that thing calld Light,Which I must neer enjoy;What are the blessings of the sight.O tell your poor blind boy !You talk of wondrous things you see,You say the sun shines bright;I feel him warm, but how can heOr make

2、 it day or nightMy day or night myself I makeWheneer I sleep or play;And could I ever keep awakeWith me twere always day.With heavy sighs I often hearYou mourn my hapless woe;But sure with patience I can bearA loss I neer can knowThen let not what I cannot haveMy cheer of mind destroyWhilst thus I s

3、ing, I am a king,Although a poor blind boy 一 盲孩柯莱西柏你们说的光,是什么东西,我永远不可能感觉出来;你们能够看,是什么福气,请告诉我这可怜的盲孩!你们讲到了种种奇景,你们说太阳光辉灿烂;我感到他温暖,可他怎么能把世界分出黑夜和白天?这会儿我玩耍,待会儿我睡觉,这样分我的白天和夜晚;假如我老是醒着,睡不着,我觉得那就是白天没完。我听见你们一次又一次为我的不幸而叹息:唉可我完全能忍受这损失损失是什么我并不明白。别让我永远得不到的东西把我愉快的心情破坏:我歌唱,我就是快乐君王,尽管我是个可怜的盲孩。屠 岸译柯莱西柏(16711757),英国演员、剧作家

4、,诗人。盲孩是他的名篇。 2 TO CHARLOTTE PULTENEYAmbrose PhilipsTimely blossom, Infant fair,Fondling of a happy pair,Every morn and every nightTheir solicitous delight,Sleeping, waking, still at ease,Pleasing, without skill to please;Little gossip, blithe and hale,Tattling many a broken tale,Singing many a tunel

5、ess song,Lavish of a heedless tongue;Simple maiden, void of art,Babbling out the very heart,Yet abandond to thy will,Yet imagining no ill,Yet too innocent to blush;Like the linnet in the bushTo the mother-linnets noteModuling her slender throat;Chirping forth thy petty joys,Wanton in the change of t

6、oys,Like the linnet green, in MayFlitting to each bloomy spray;Wearied then and glad of rest,Like the linnet in the nest: -This thy present happy lot,This, in time will be forgot:Other pleasures, other cares,Ever-busy Time prepares;And thou shalt in thy daughter see,This picture, once, resembled the

7、e. 二 致夏洛蒂普尔膝尼安布罗斯菲力普斯及时开的花,漂亮的女孩,幸福的爹妈心尖的爱,在每个清晨,每个良夜,你总是爹妈渴望的愉悦,睡着,醒着,自由自在,毫无机巧,却招人喜爱;咿呀说话,健康,欢欣,讲些个并不连贯的事情,唱多少歌子,全走了调,又说又唱,没完没了;单纯的幼女,天真无邪,把一片童心向外倾泻,你无拘无束,随心随意,不知道邪恶是什么东西,一派纯真,不懂得羞赧,就像红雀在矮树林间跟随着红雀妈妈的歌声,调整自己纤细的嗓音;咿呀唱出你小小的欢愉,调皮地变换着一件件玩具,又像金翅鸟迎来五月,轻捷地飞向鲜花嫩叶;要是累了就愉快地歇息,仿佛红雀休憩在窝里:这一切是你今天的好运道,这一切到时候会被忘掉

8、:匆匆的时间将为你准备好别的欢乐和别的烦恼;你将来在你的女儿身上会看到她同你多么相像。屠 岸译安布罗斯菲力普斯(16741749),英国诗人。著作有田园诗等。 3 THE ECHOING GREENW illiam BlakeThe Sun does arise,And make happy the skies;The merry bells ringTo welcome the Spring;The skylark and thrush,The birds of the bush,Sing louder aroundTo the bells cheerful sound,While our

9、sports shall be seenOn the echoing Green.Old John, with white hair,Does laugh away care,Sitting under the oakAmong the old folk.They laugh at our play,And soon they all say:Such, such were the joysWhen we all, girls and boys,In our youth-time were seenOn the echoing Green.Till the little ones, weary

10、,No more can be merry;The Sun does descend,And our sports have an end.Round the laps of their mothersMany sisters and brothers,Like birds in their nest,Are ready for rest,And sport no more seenOn the darkening Green. 三 荡着回声的草地威廉布莱克太阳升起,满天欢喜;快乐的钟声敲响,迎接春光;云雀和画眉,林中的鸟类,围着快乐的钟响唱得更加嘹亮,这时候我们游戏在荡着回声的草地。老约翰,

11、白发满头,笑着赶走了忧愁,坐在橡树下面老人们中间。他们笑看我们玩耍,他们都这样说话:当我们还是男孩女孩,欢度童年时代,我们也这样游戏在荡着回声的草地。孩子们乏了,再不能玩耍了;太阳落山,我们停止了游玩。多少小妹妹小弟弟绕着妈妈的双膝,像小鸟归巢,准备睡觉。再不见孩子们游戏在越来越暗的草地。屠 岸译威廉布莱克(17571827),英国杰出的诗人兼画家,浪漫主义诗歌的先驱。他对当时英国社会的腐败和罪恶给予无情的揭露。他的诗重想象、重灵感,怀有一片赤子之心。痛恨教会的黑暗,但鼓吹基督的仁慈,诗中有浓厚的神秘色彩。诗风特异,独树一帜。 4 A CRADLE SONGWilliam BlakeSleep

12、, Sleep, beauty bright,Dreaming oer the joys of night,Sleep, Sleep, in thy sleepLittle sorrows sit and weep.Sweet Babe, in thy faceSoft desires I can trace,Secret joys and secret smiles,Little pretty infant riles.As thy softest limbs I feel,Smiles as of the morning stealOer thy cheek and oer thy bre

13、astWhere thy little heart does rest.O the cunning wiles that creepIn thy little heart asleep!When thy little heart does wake,Then the dreadful lightnings break. 四 摇篮歌威廉布莱克睡吧,睡吧,漂亮的宝贝,整夜在欢乐的梦乡酣睡;睡吧,睡吧,在你的梦里,小小的悲哀坐着哭泣。可爱的宝贝,在你的脸上,我看到有一种温柔的渴望,秘密的快乐,秘密的微笑,小小的狡黠,婴儿的计巧。当我爱抚你柔软的脚和手,好象有早晨的微笑偷偷爬上你的脸,爬上你的胸,小小

14、的心呵就在你胸中。呵,在你熟睡的心底,有多少聪慧,有多少伶俐!等到你小小的心儿苏醒,可怕的黑夜就迎来黎明。屠 岸译 5 NURSES SONGWilliam BlakeWhen the voices of children are heard on the green,And laughing is heard on the hill,My heart is at rest within my breast,And every thing else is still.Then come home my children, the sun is gone down,And the dews of

15、 night arise.Come, come, leave off play, and let us awayTill the morning appears in the skies.No, no, let us play, for it is yet day,And we cannot go to sleep.Besides, in the sky, the little birds fly,And the hills are all coverd with sheep.Well, well, go and play till the light fades away,And then

16、go home to bed.The little ones leaped and shouted and laughd,And all the hills echoed. 五 保姆的歌威廉布莱克听到草地上孩子们叫,听到山头上孩子们笑,我的心中,充满安宁,世间万物一片静悄悄。孩子们回家吧,太阳落山了,夜晚的露水正来临。来来,已经玩够,让咱们走,等明朝天边太阳升。不不,让我们玩,白天还没完,我们不睡觉,不睡觉。你看蓝天上,小鸟在飞翔,还有羊群在满山跑。好吧好吧再玩一回,直到天全黑,再回家去上眠床。小家伙们又跳又叫又是笑,笑声在所有的山头来回响。屠 岸译 6 A CHILDCharles and

17、Ma ry LambA childs a plaything for an hour;Its pretty tricks we tryFor that or for a longer space -Then tire, and lay it by.But I knew one that to itselfAll seasons could control;That would have mocked the sense of painOut of a grieved soul.Thou straggler into loving arms,Young climber-up of knees,W

18、hen I forget thy thousand waysThen life and all shall cease. 六 一个孩子恰尔斯兰姆 玛丽兰姆孩子只是个片刻的玩意儿;我们让他逗着玩,玩会儿,或玩的时间长一些累了,就把他搁一边。可我认识个孩子不一样,他摆布一年四季;他能使遭受不幸的人儿一下子把痛苦忘记。你一头扎进亲爱的怀抱,爬上膝盖的小乖乖!我忘记你的千姿百态时万类将停止存在。屠 岸译 7 IT IS A BEAUTEOUS EVENINGWilliam WordsworthIt is a beauteous evening, calm and free;The holy time

19、is quiet as a NunBreathless with adoration; the broad sunIs sinking down in its tranquillity;The gentleness of heaven broods oer the Sea:Listen ! the mighty Being is awake,And doth with his eternal motion makeA sound like thunder - everlastingly.Dear child ! dear girl! that walkest with me here,If t

20、hou appear untouchd by solemn thoughtThy nature is not therefore less divine:Thou liest in Abrahams bosom all the year,And worshippst at the Temples inner shrine,God being with thee when we know it not 七 那是个美丽的傍晚威廉华兹华斯那是个美丽的傍晚,安静,清澈;神圣的时光,静如修女一样,屏息着在崇奉礼赞;阔大的太阳正在一片宁谧中逐渐沉落;苍天的安详慈悲君临着大海:听啊!那伟大的生命已经苏醒,用

21、他那永恒的律动发出了一阵阵轰雷一般的声音千古不改。跟我同行的孩子呵,亲爱的女孩!假如你仿佛还没有接触到圣念,你的天性不因此而不够崇高:你整年都躺在亚伯拉罕的胸怀,你在神庙的内殿里崇拜,礼赞,上帝在你的身边,我们却不知道。屠 岸译威廉华兹华斯(17701850),英国大诗人,浪漫派诗歌和浪漫派诗歌理论的创始者,“湖畔派”的主要代表。他主张摒弃十八世纪的陈腔滥调,提倡用民间清新朴素的语言入诗。早年向往法国大革命,后来转趋保守,转向大自然和发掘人的内心世界。 8 THERE WAS A NAUGHTY BOYJohn KeatsThere was a naughty Boy,And a naught

22、y Boy was he.He ran away to ScotlandThe people for to see -Then he foundThat the groundW as as hard,That a yardWas as long,That a songWas as merry,That a cherryWas as red -That leadWas as weighty,That fourscoreW as as eighty,That a doorWas as woodenAs in England -So he stood in his shoesAnd he wonde

23、rd ,He wonderd ,He stood in his shoesAnd he wonderd. 八 有一个淘气的男孩约翰济慈有一个淘气的男孩,淘气的男孩就是他。他一跑跑到苏格兰,把人情世故来观察于是他发现,跟英格兰比,那里的土地同样硬,那里的尺寸同样长,那里的歌唱同样美妙,那里的樱桃同样红艳那里的铅同样沉甸甸,那里三七同样是二十一,那里的门同样是木头制成于是他站着发呆,觉得真奇怪,真奇怪,他站着发呆,觉得真奇怪。屠 岸译约翰济慈(17951821),英国浪漫主义的杰出诗人,与拜仑、雪莱并称于世。他对当时的英国社会不满,一生追求真、善、美的的境界。他的诗优美,高雅,自然,抒发了对美的世

24、界的向往。 9 THE BABIEHugh M illerNae shoon to hide her tiny taes,Nae stockings on her feet;Her supple ankles white as snowOf early blossoms sweet.Her simple dress of sprinkled pink,Her double, dimpled chin;Her pucker d lip and bonny mou ,With nae ane tooth between.Her een sae like her mithers een,Twa ge

25、ntle, liquid things;Her face is like an angels face -Were glad she has nae wings. 九 婴 儿休米勒没鞋子套上她小小的脚趾,她脚上没穿丝袜;她两双柔软的脚踝雪白,仿佛初开的鲜花。她穿着粉红散点的便装,两个笑窝,双下巴;漂亮的小嘴,吮着嘴唇,嘴里还没有一颗牙。她的眼真像她母亲的眼呵,那么柔和,水汪汪;她的脸真像天使的脸呵幸亏她没有翅膀。方谷绣 屠 岸译休米勒(18021856),英国诗人,记者,古生物学家。 10 CHILDRENHenry Wadswort h LongfellowCome to me, O ye

26、children !For I hear you at your play,And the questions that perplexed meHave vanished quite away.Ye open the eastern windows,That look towards the sun,Where thoughts are singing swallowsAnd the brooks of morning run.In your hearts are the birds and the sunshine,In your thoughts the brooklets flow,B

27、ut in mine is the wind of AutumnAnd the first fall of the snow.Ah! what would the world be to usIf the children were no moreWe should dread the desert behind usWorse than the dark beforeWhat the leaves are to the forest,With light and air for food,Ere their sweet and tender juicesHave been hardened

28、into wood, -That to the world are children;Through them it feels the glowOf a brighter and sunnier climateThan reaches the trunks below.Come to me, O ye childrenAnd whisper in my earWhat the birds and the winds are singingIn your sunny atmosphere.For what are all our contrivings,And the wisdom of ou

29、r looks,When compared with your caresses,And the gladness of your looksYe are better than all the balladsThat ever were sung or said;For ye are living poems,And all the rest and dead. 十 孩子们亨利瓦兹华斯朗费罗到我这儿来吧,孩子们!我听见你们在嬉闹,那些使我烦恼的问题顿时云散烟消。你们打开东面的窗户吧,朝向升起的太阳,那儿,思念是呢喃的燕子,早晨的溪水流淌。你们的心中有小鸟阳光,思绪里有溪水流泻,我的头脑里却只

30、有秋风,加上初降的霜雪。啊!世界会变成什么样,如果没有了新一代?我们会害怕身后的荒漠比面前的黑暗更厉害。正如树叶把阳光和空气当养料给森林带来,树叶甜嫩的汁液还没有化为坚硬的木材,儿童对世界也是这样;世界凭儿童而感受比树干感受的气候更加明亮灿烂的光流。到我这儿来啊,孩子们!贴耳朵悄悄告诉我:在你们充满阳光的大气里风和鸟唱的是什么。我们的一切书本知识和一切发明创造,怎能比得上你们的爱抚,你们的一脸甜笑?你们胜过世界上曾经说唱的一切歌谣;你们是活的诗篇,而其他全都是死的曲调。屠 岸译享利瓦兹华斯朗费罗(18071882),美国诗人。一生创作甚丰。他的反对奴役歌颂自由的诗流传最广。他也从日常生活中发掘

31、人生真谛。两首描写儿童的诗是脍炙人口的名篇。 11 WE TWO BOYS TOGETHER CLINGINGWalt WhitmanWe two boys together clinging,One the other never leaving,Up and down the roads going, North and Southexcursions making,Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching,Armd and fearless, eating, drinking, sleeping, loving,No law

32、 less than ourselves owning, sailing, soldiering,thieving, threatening,Misers, menials, priests alarming, air breathing, waterdrinking, on the turf or the sea-beach dancing,Cities wrenching, ease scorning, statutes mocking,feebleness chasing,Fulfilling our foray. 十一 我们两个孩子在一起依附着瓦尔特惠特曼我们两个孩子在一起依附着,这一

33、个永远不离开那一个,在路上翻山越岭,向北方又向南方去旅行,享受着力量,伸张着臂弯,紧扣着手指,武装而无畏,吃着,喝着,睡着,爱着,绝不承认在我们自己以下的法律,航行着,作战着,偷窃着,威胁着,教守财奴、贱人、教士吃惊,呼吸着空气,饮着水,在草地上或海岸边舞蹈着,扭伤着城市,轻蔑着安逸,藐视着纪念像,追击着弱点,完成着我们的袭击。屠 岸译瓦尔特惠特曼(18191892),美国大诗人。1855年草叶集第一版问世,以其崭新的内容和崭新的风格震动诗坛。突破过去的格律框框,创造自由诗新风。以后每再版一次即增加新作,直至逝世。他以饱满的激情歌唱人民,歌唱劳动,歌唱祖国,歌唱自然;被誉为“民主之诗人”。 1

34、2 THE UNSEEN PLAYMATERobe rt Louis StevensonWhen children are playing alone on the green,In comes the playmate that never was seen.When children are happy and lonely and good,The Friend of the Children comes out of the wood.Nobody heard him and nobody saw,His is a picture you never could draw,But he

35、s sure to be present, abroad or at home,When children are happy and playing alone.He lies in the laurels, he runs on the grass,He sings when you tinkle the musical glass;Wheneer you are happy and cannot tell why,The Firend of the Children is sure to be by !He loves to be little, he hates to be big,T

36、is he that inhabits the caves that you dig;Tis he when you play with your soldiers of tinThat sides with the Frenchmen and never can winTis he, when at night you go off to your bed,Bids you go to your sleep and not trouble your head;For wherever theyre lying, in cupboard or shelf,Tis he will take ca

37、re of your playthings himself ! 十二 瞧不见的游戏伴儿罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森孩子们独自在草地上游玩,瞧不见的伴儿就悄悄来到身边。孩子们高兴,寂寞,又挺乖,儿童之友就从树林里走出来。谁也没听到他,谁也没见到他,他这幅肖像,你永远不会描画,可只要孩子们高兴,独个儿游戏,他准定在这儿,不管在屋外,屋里。他躺在桂冠里,他奔在草地上,你碰响好听的玻璃杯,他就歌唱;只要你快乐,又说不出理由,在你身边就肯定有儿童之友!他喜欢身子小,他不爱身子大,能在你挖的洞子里住下的,正是他,你让锡制的玩具兵上战场,也是他:总站在法国人一边,吃败仗。夜里,当上床的时候来到,那是他:不再打搅你,

38、叫你去睡觉;你的玩具,不管在橱里躺、架上站,那是他:会照料好每一样,每一件。屠 岸 方谷绣译罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森(18501894),苏格兰作家,诗人。其小说金银岛、化身博士等享有盛名,为十九世纪末新浪漫主义的代表。其儿童诗集一个孩子的诗园细致地刻划了儿童心理,为英国家喻户晓的儿童读物。 13 ESCAPE AT BEDTIMERobert Louis StevensonThe lights from the parlour and kitchen shone outThrough the blinds and the windows and bars;And high overhead an

39、d all moving about,There were thousands of millions of stars.There neer were such thousands of leaves on a tree,Nor of people in church or the Park,As the crowds of the stars that looked down upon me,And that glittered and winked in the dark.The Dog, and the Plough, and the Hunter, and all,And the s

40、tar of the sailor, and Mars,These shone in the sky, and the pail by the wallWould be half full of water and stars.They saw me at last, and they chased me with cries,And they soon had me packed into bed;But the glory kept shining and bright in my eyes,And the stars going round in my head. 十三 该睡的时候溜了罗

41、伯特路易斯斯蒂文森穿过窗格,窗栏,窗框,客厅和厨房里射出了灯光;几百万,几千万,几万万颗星星高高地旋转在我的头顶上。树叶儿几千张,比不上星星多,教堂里,公园里,人不如星星多,一群群星星啊,低头看着我,一群群星星啊,在夜空闪烁。天狼星,北斗星,猎户星,火星,指引水手们航海的星,在天上闪烁,墙边的水桶里装了半桶清水和星星。大人们看到我,边喊边追我,马上把我抱上了床;灿烂的光啊,还在我眼前闪烁,星星们,还在我脑子里游荡。屠 岸 方谷绣译 14 TRAVELRob ert Louis StevensonI should like to rise and goWhere the golden apple

42、s grow;-Where below another skyParrot islands anchored lie,And, watched by cockatoos and goats, LonelyCrusoes building boats; -Where in sunshine reaching outEastern cities, miles about,Are with mosque and minaretAmong sandy gardens set,And the rich goods from near and farHang for sale in the bazaar;

43、-Where the Great Wall round China goes,And on one side the desert blows,And with bell and voice and drum,Cities on the other hum; -Where are forests, hot as fire,Wide as England, tall as a spire,Full of apes and cocoa-nutsAnd the negro hunters huts; -Where the knotty crocodileLies and blinks in the

44、Nile.And the red flamingo fliesHunting fish before his eyes; -Where in jungles, near and far,Man-devouring tigers are,Lying close and giving earLest the hunt be drawing near,Or a comer-by be seenSwinging in a palanquin; -Where among the desert sandsSome deserted city stands,All its children, sweep a

45、nd prince,Grown to manhood ages since,Not a foot in street or house,Not a stir of child or rouse,And when kindly falls the night,In all the town no spark of light.There Ill come when Im a manWith a camel caravan:,Light a fire in the gloomOf some dusty dining-room.;See the pictures on the walls,Heroe

46、s, fights and festivals;And in a corner find the toys.Of the old Egyptian boys. 十四 漫游罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森我真想起身,抬腿就走。到金色苹果园里去漫游;去那儿:上面是异国的蓝天,下面是鹦鹉岛,横躺在海面,孤独的鲁滨孙们在建造木船,白鹦和山羊守候在旁边;去那儿:一座座东方的城镇,在阳光下,向周围几十里延伸,城里装饰着清真寺和塔尖,寺塔的四周是沙盖的花园,琳琅的杂货,来自四方,招徐顾客,悬挂在市场;去那儿:长城环抱着中国,在它的一边,是风沙,荒漠,另一边,是城市,一片嘈杂,钟声、鼓声和人声喧哗;去那儿:火焰般炎热的森


48、从墙上挂着的多少幅画图,看英雄,战斗,节日的欢愉;我最后还发现,在一角墙隅,古埃及儿童的一堆玩具。屠 岸 方谷绣译 15 MY SHADOWR obert .Louis StevensonI have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;And I see him jump before me, when I jump int

49、o my bed.The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow -Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,And he sometimes gets so little that there s none of him at all.He hasnt got a notion of how children ought to pla

50、y,And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.He stays so close beside me, hes a coward you can see;I d think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!One morning, very early, before the sun was up,I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;But my lazy little shadow, lik

51、e an arrant sleepy-head,Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed. 十五 我的影子罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森我有个小小的影子,进进出出跟着我,我可不大知道他到底有什么用场。他呀,从头到脚都非常非常地像我;我跳上床去,倒看见他比我先蹦上床。他怎样成长的呢,嗐,那才叫好玩全不像真正的孩子那样,慢慢地长大;有时候他长得那么高,象皮球,一蹦窜上天,有时候他缩得这么小,我完全看不到他。孩子应该怎样游戏,他可是完全不知道,他呀,只知道捉弄我,跟我开玩笑。他老是紧紧跟着我,真像个胆小鬼,你瞧;我像他跟牢我那样去跟牢保姆可

52、多害臊!一天早上,非常早,太阳还没有起身,我起来看到露珠在金凤花儿上闪耀;可是我那懒惰的小影子,真贪睡,还不醒,他在我身后,在家里床上,呼呼地睡觉。屠 岸 方谷绣译 16 THE SWINGR obert Louis StevensonHow do you like to go up in a swing,Up in the air so blueOh, I do think it the pleasantest thingEver a child can do !Up in the air and over the wall,Till I can see so wide,Rivers and

53、 trees and cattle and allOver the countryside -Till I look down on the garden green,Down on the roof so brown -Up in the air I go flying again,Up in the air and down ! 十六 秋 千罗伯特路易斯斯蒂文森荡呀荡着秋千上蓝天,上蓝天,你呀喜欢不喜欢?我想小孩儿最爱荡秋千,荡着秋千真好玩,真好玩!荡过围墙边呀荡上天,我看到天地这么宽,这么宽,我看到河流、树木和牛羊,我看到田野没有边,没有边我再往下看,绿色大花园,棕色的屋顶在眼前,在眼前

54、我重新又荡着秋千上蓝天,我在空中上下翻,上下翻!屠 岸 方谷绣译 17 SWING SONGA. A. MilneHere I go up in my swingEver so high.I am the King of the fields, and the KingOf the town.I am the King of the earth, and the KingOf the sky.Here I go up in my swing Now I go down. 十七 秋千歌阿亚米尔恩我抓住秋千往上荡,高高地往上荡。我就是田野的王,城市的王,我就是大地的王,天空的王。我抓住秋千往上荡荡完就下来到地上。屠 岸译阿兰亚历山大米尔恩(18821956),英国作家。作品甚丰,以儿童文学为主。他的儿章诗通过孩子的眼睛去观察世界,描摹儿童心理维妙维肖,已成为欧美家喻户晓的儿童读物。 18 INDEPENDENCEA. A. MilneI never did, I never did, I never did likeNow take care, dear!I never did, I never did, I never did wantHold-my-hand;I never did, I never did, I never did think mu

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