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1、1. consumer n.消费者,用户,为producer反义词,consumer goods消费品2. social adj.1)社交的;友谊的 skills 2)社会的 status/ rank 3) 群居的 animals3. product n. sth. produced by nature or by man产品,生产物4. likely adj. + to inf; that 很可能的he is not likely to succeed.5. system n. 系统;(思想、理论、原则等的)体系a system of philosophy哲学体系6. activity n.

2、所做或待做的事情;活动7. reward n. recompensate for service or merit 报酬;报答vt. sb. (for sth)给报酬You deserve a reward for being so helpful.8. stress n. 1) pressure压力;压迫 2) lay (a) stress on注重9. expert n. 专家an expert in economics10. concern v. be concerned about/ for使担忧;使烦恼as far as . is concerned就某人而言11. universi

3、tyn. 大学12. individual n. 个人(与society相对)adj. 个人的13. view n.1)视野,眼界2)personal opinion e.g. to have different/ conflicting/opposing views 3)in view of鉴于,由于14. opportunity n. 时机,机会(特殊的机会,含有期待的意味)chance多指偶然的机会,含有侥幸的意味在内15. hunt vi hunt for 寻找16. challenge n.挑战vt.向挑战,对质疑He challenged me to a game of chess

4、.挑战17. process n.进行,过程vt. 加工,处理18. project n. 1)(plan for a) scheme or undertaking方案,计划 2)工程19. amount n. 量 a large amount of money vi. amount to总计,等于20. ability n.(potential) capacity or power能力to the best of ones ability尽自己最大努力21. rate n. 1)比率birth rate出生率death rate死亡率2)速度at the rate of以的速度 3) at

5、any rate无论如何,至少22. radiationn.发射,放射,辐射23. feature n.特征,特色2)特写,专题24. February n. 二月25. environment n. 环境,周围状况,自然环境26. create vt.cause sth. to exist, make创造27. crash v./n.坠落、打击或破裂a car crash汽车撞车事故;(贸易、财政等之)毁灭、崩溃 His business plan crashed.28. advertise v. make known to people做广告,宣传29. writer n.作者,作家30.

6、 tend v. tend to倾向于,往往会,易于31. status n.地位;身份status symbol身份标志32. statute n.成文法;法规;条例by statute依据法规33.reader n.读者 a meter reader(水、电表的)抄表员34. per perp. 1) (比较两种数量或引述一种比率时)每一2)as per按照35. local adj.地方的,本地的,当地的 n.当地人36. highwayn. 公路,大道37. brand n. trademark商标 brand-new全新的38. assume vt. 1)假定,认为 2)承担,就职H

7、e assumed the premiership in 2000.承担总理之职39. physical adj.1)物质的,与moral/spiritual相对2)身体的,肉体的,与mental相对40. instant adj.1)立刻的2)速食的,即溶的41. focusn. in /out of focus v. focus on(使)集中42. fashion n. 1)a/ the fashion 样子,方式2)风尚,时髦43. expand v.扩大,扩展 expand the operation扩大业务44. effective adj. able to bring the r

8、esult intended有效地,奏效的45. decline v.1) continue to become smaller, weaker, lower下降,减少,衰退2)辞谢,拒绝46. benefit n.利益;益处;帮助 v. benefit from/ by得益于;自获益47. adult n.成人education for adults, adult education成人教育48. affect v. have an influence or impression on; act on影响49. compete vi. take part in a race, contest

9、, examination 竞争,比赛 to compete in a race(against/ with others)50. global adj.1)全球性的;2)总的 they have doubled their global output.总产量51. policy n. (尤指政府、政党、公司)政策,方针2)保险单contract policy合同保险单52. account n. 1)账目,账户open an account开户头2)take sth. into account, take account of sth.对某事物加以考虑 account for1)解释,说明2

10、)占比率53. foundation n.1)建立,创造2)(思想)基础,根据54. involve v.1) involve in使陷于(麻烦之中);使卷入2)牵扯;包括 +动名词55. lightning n.闪电 lightning-rod/conductor避雷针56. technology n.技术,工艺,工程,方法computer technology, science and technology57. leak n.1)漏洞;漏隙2)漏出的液体、气体v. leak (out) (to) the news has leaked out.58. competition n. in

11、competition with竞争59. behavior n.行为,举止;品行60. community n.社会,社区community singing大合唱61. range n.范围;幅度;差距 a wide range of interests广泛的兴趣 vi.(在某范围内)变动,变化range from .to.62. maintain vt. 1) assert as true坚持;主张2)保养,维修63. action n.take action开始行动Actions speak louder than words.行动胜过语言64. obvious adj.显而易见的;清楚

12、的;明白的it is obvious that .65. primarily adv. in the first place; essentially首先,主要地;及本地66. appeal vi.1) appeal to sb for sth呼吁,恳求2)attract有吸引力,有感染力67. detail n.细节,琐碎的事go/ enter into details; explain sth in detail详细说明68. decade n.十年的期间69. pollution n.弄脏;亵渎;污染environmental/ air / lead 铅污染70. advantage n

13、.益处;便利;优点;(尤指竞争中的)优势take (full) of sth利用71. culture n.1)文明,文化2)教养,教育a man of little culture没有教养的人72. auto n. automobile汽车73. autobiography n.自传74. leader n. 领袖;领导者;指挥者75. accordingly adv. 1)as the (stated) circumstances suggest照着,相应地2)因此,所以76. plastic adj.易塑的 n.可塑物;塑胶77. approve vi. of sth/ sb赞成;同意v

14、t.赞成;批准 The senate approved the bill.参议院通过了这一法案。78. performance n.成绩;表现2)戏剧的演出;展览;音乐演奏会79. recognize vt.1)认出;认明(某人或某物)2)acknowledge公认;赏识80. factor n. 因素an unknown factor未知的因素81. enormous adj.极大的;巨大的;广大的 economic advantages, amounts of information82. avoid vt. keep or get away from; escape +v-ing83.

15、shift n.1)转换2)换班on the day/ night shift上白(夜)班 v.1)转移2)改变84. source n. 来源;出处The news comes from a reliable source.85. fulfill vt. 履行(工作,任务等)fulfil ones duties/ expectations/ hopes尽职、满足期待、希望86. moral adj.concerning principles of right and wrong道德上的87. rank n.等级;阶层vi.把分等级She ranked first in the class.名

16、列前茅88. replace vt. replace sth with 以代替89. complex adj.made up of closely connected parts, difficult to understand or explain由许多部分组成,复合的90. injure vt.伤害,损害91. outcome n.结果;成果;结局92. insurance n.保险,保险费93. impression n.印象make an impression on94. household adj.be a household name/ word家喻户晓的95. claim vt.

17、/ vi.assert, say that sth is a fact声言,宣称He claimed to be the best tennisplayer in the school.他声称是学校最好的网球手。96. personality n. 1)个性97. personnel n.1)职员;人员(尤指公职和军职人员)2)人事98. employee n.受雇者;雇员99. reserve n.1)储备(物)a of food 2)自然保护区vt. 预定100. approach v. come near to走进;接近n.1)渐进,接近2)方法,方式 + to101. capacity

18、 n.1)容量seating 座位容量2)能力capacity to do sth. memory 记忆能力102. generally adv. 1)一般地;概括地generally speaking大致上说2)广泛地;普通地103. automobile n.汽车104. malen.男子;雄性动物adj.男性的,公(雄)的 a male tiger熊虎105. regardless adj. of不管;不注意106. contact n.接触;联系 be in/out of contact (with); contact lens(es) 隐型眼镜 vt. contact sb.与.接触

19、;联系(直接跟人)107. wealthy adj. 拥有大量财富的;富有的108. estimate v. 评定;估计 calculate the cost, value, size n.估算;价格 If possible, choose from three items or three estimates.109. incident n.事件(比较不重要的小事件)110. device n.1)装置;设备;器械 labor-saving device 2)手段,策略111. error n. a mistake (in a calculation or a decision) 差错;错误

20、 To err is human, forgive is divine.(adj.神的, 神圣的).犯错人皆难免,宽恕则属超凡。112. private adj. 私人的;私用的;私有的113. relationship n.=relation, connection 关系114. recently adj. lately; not long ago115. scale n.规模;相对的大小,程度 on a large/small scale大(小)规模地vt. increase/decrease by a certain proportion (n.比例,部分 ) scale up/down

21、增加(缩减)116. union n.(1)联合;合并(2)工会;联盟 trade union European union欧盟student union学生会117.climate n.(1)气候 (2)风气;气氛118. available adj.(指物)可用的;有效的;可获得的119.criticism n.u comments that show that you think sth. is wrong or bad批评120.diet n.(1)日常饮食(2)(病人或减肥者的)特种饮食;规定饮食 on a diet节食121.civilian adj./ n.平民(的)122.gr

22、ound n.(pl) reasons理由;根据 on the grounds of 根据,以.为理由123.liberal adj.开明的;大度的 the liberal arts文科124.establish vt.(1)建立,设立 (2)确定 Newton conclusively established the law of gravity.(conclusive adj.确实的, 最后的, 决定性的)125.indicate vt.指示,表示 He indicated that the interview was over.126.accomplish vt.实行;完成,成功地做完

23、mission(n.使命, 任务) accomplished127.finally adv.最后,终于128.spot n.地点,场所 on the spot 在场,到场 v.认出,发现 He was the first to spot the danger.129.potential adj.可能的,潜在的 n.潜力,潜能130.professional adj.职业的,专业的 n.专业人员131.ideal adj.理想的,完美的 n.理想 132.reflect vt.表达,反映 Her sad looks reflected the thoughts passing through h

24、er mind.133.considerable adj.相当大(多)的;相当重要的 a considerable amount of money134.influence n.影响(力) influence on /upon vt.影响,对.有作用135.trace n.(1)踪迹,痕迹 (2)微量;少许 traces of v.追踪,探索 trace (sth./sb.) back (to sth.)追究,追溯136.attitude n.态度,意见,看法 attitude to/towards137.chemical adj.化学的 n.(pl)化学药品;化学产品work n.网状组织1

25、39.positive adj.(1)确定的,无疑的 (2)积极的,肯定的 positive effect/side 作用(方面) negative 消极的140.territory n.(1)领土 (2)区域;领域141.engage v. engage in 从事,忙于 be engaged in 忙于,参加 be engaged to订婚142.witness n.目击者;证人 v.亲见,目击143.welfare n.(1)平安;福利 (2)社会安全,社会保障144.career n.生涯,职业145. attach v. attach sth to sth 认为有;使与.相关联. b

26、e attached to They attach great importance to quality in womens clothing.146. profit n. 1 )利益;裨益 2)利润147. musician n. 精于音乐的人;乐师;音乐家;作曲家148. purchase v. buy; n. 购买149. competitive adj. 竞争性的;比赛性的150. particularly adv. 特别的;显著的 particular about/over 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的151. assign v. assign sth(to sb/sth)分配;分派(工作.

27、任务等给某人) assignment 分配;任务;作业152. response n. 1)回答 2)C,Ureaction 反应153. pace n. rate of walking or running 走或跑得速度;(喻)进步的速度 keep pace with 同速前进154. complaint n. 1) 抱怨 2) 投诉155. identify v. 认出;认明;鉴定156. arise vi. 1)发生;出现;呈现 A new difficulty has arisen. 2)arise from产生(result from)157. victim n. 牺牲者;遇难者;受

28、害者158. sample n. 标本;样品 vt.取.的样品159. modify vt. 1)修改;变更 2)减轻;缓和160. property n. 1)(总称)财产;资产 2)特性;属性;性质; 3)地产161. structure n. 1)结构;构造 2)建筑物162. target n. 1)靶子 2)objective 目标163. belief n. belief(in)相信;信任;信仰 I havent much belief in his honesty.164. minority n. 少数票;少数(民族,宗教) minority population/student

29、s165. resistant adj. resistant(to)抵抗的;反对的166. theory n. 1)原理;理论(与practice相对) in theory, in practice 2)学说;论说167. signal n. 信号;暗号 v.向.发信号;做手势168. bloom n. 1)in bloom(花草)在开花中 2)青春;茂盛(时期) vi 开花 blooming开花的;旺盛的169. cheat v. cheat sb(out of sth) cheat sb out of his money骗取某人的钱 cheat in an exam 考试作弊170. in

30、stance n. 例;实例 for instance例如171. transfer v. 1)transfer (from)(to)迁移;移动;调动;转移 2)换车(船),转学172. bacteria n. 单数形式为bacterium细菌 173. threaten v. 1)恐吓;威胁 Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge.174. abroad adv. 在国外;到国外;出国 be/go/live/travel abroad175. audience n. (集合在一起的)听众;观众 (书的)读者 The audience was/

31、were applauding wildly.(集合名词+单数或复数动词)176. scan v. 匆促地略看;扫视 scanner扫瞄仪 People scan for news they are interested in.177. corporation n. 1)公司;社团 2)(美)有限责任公司 multinational corporations跨国公司178. threat n. 1) 恐吓;威胁 2)预示179. flash n. 1)闪光 lighting v.1)闪烁;2)闪现;掠过 flashlight手电筒,闪光灯180. gas n. 1)气体 2)煤气 3)(美口)

32、汽油 gasoline181. promote v. promote(to) 1)晋升;提升 2)促进;增进 3)宣传;推销182. style n. 1)风格,文体 2)时髦.气派 in style 高雅脱俗183. grant vt. 1)允许,准许 2)承认 take sth for granted184. apply v. 1)apply (to sb)(for sth),ask for请求,申请 2)apply (to sth)(使)与.有关系;适用185. extent n. 1)extent(of)长度;范围 2)degree程度 to a certain/to some ext

33、ent 在一定(某种)程度上186. install vt. 1)装设(器械) 2)安置于某处187. impact n. 1)碰撞;撞击 2)强烈的印象或影响 on188. function n. 职责;作用;功能 vi. 尽职尽责;其作用;有效用189. industrial adj.工业的,产业的190. user n. 使用者191. propose v. 1)提议;建议 propose a toast/sbs health 2)propose(marriage)(to sb)求婚192. alter v. 改变;变更;更改;修改 The ship altered course. 改变

34、航程 These clothes are too large; they must be altered.必须加以修改 表示建议的动词或相应名词,其后宾语从句或同位语从句用(should)+动词原形 It was proposed that the matter be discussed at the next meeting.193. agency n. (1)经销(处),代理(处) (2)through the agency of由于作用194. contribute v. (1)捐赠;捐助 (2)有助于,促成 (to) Exercise contributes to better hea

35、lth.锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。195. educate vt. 教育;训练196. absent adj. (1)缺席的,不在场的 (2)缺乏的,不存在的 (3)心不在焉的 absent-minded197. poison n. 毒药 vt 使中毒,毒害 They slowly poison themselves with their waste product.198. airline n. (1)航线(2)pl航空公司 United Airlines 联合航空公司 199. possibility n. 可能性200. nuclear adj. (1)核能的,核武器的 (2)核心的,中心

36、的 a nuclear family 核心家庭201. nucleus n. 中心;核心;原子核202. raw adj. (1)天然状态的,未经加工的the raw materials原料(2)未煮过的 203. extensiveadj. (1)广大的,广阔的(2)广泛的,大量的extensive reading in literature对文学作品的广泛阅读extensive knowledge广博的知识204. military adj. 军事的,军用的 n the military 军队205. directly adv. (1)直接地;径直地(2)立即,马上206. deny vt

37、. (1)否认;不承认 deny + n./v- ing, sb sth 拒绝给予 doing 否认做207. absorb vt. (1)吸收(液体、光热)(知识)(2)吸引的注意,使全神贯注 be absorbed in208. committee n. 委员会209. complain vi. complain to sb (about/of sth) They are complaining about the poor airport service.210. aid n. 援助(金钱、食物、救助)economic/medical aid foreign/international

38、aid v. aid sb in sth211. protein n. 蛋白质212. statement n. 声明,陈述,说法213. institution n. (1)社会公共机构(银行、医院、大学或监狱) (2)an important tradition制度;习俗214. route n. 路线,路程215. associate v. (在思想上)把联系在一起 associate sth with sb/sth; be associated with216. growth n. (1)增长,增加 (2)生长,发展217. convince vt. 使确信,使信服 convince

39、sb of sth, convince sb (that)I am convinced of the truth.我深信这件事的真实性。218. liberatevt. 解放,使获自由219. cell n. 细胞 nerve cells神经细胞220. publish v. 公布,发表221. youngster n. a child or a young person 孩子,青年222. failure n. 失败;不足,故障 power failure电源故障,program assembly failure程序组装故障223. faint adj (1)眩晕的 (2)(指察觉到的东西)

40、微弱的,模糊的224. rob v. (1)rob sb/sth(of sth)抢夺,盗窃 I was robbed of my watch (2)(非法)剥夺225. resident n. 居民 adj 居住的,居留的226. fund n.(pl)专款,基金 vt 为提供资金227. appearance n. 外表,外观,容貌,出现in appearance 就外表而言;外表上看起来228. portable adj. 可携带,手提式,能移动的229. efficient adj.(1)(指人)有能力的,能胜任的(2)有毅力的230. preference n.(1)喜爱,偏爱(2)偏

41、爱的物(人)231. solution n.(1)解决(2)解决办法232. confidence n.(1)信任(2)信心,自信 to have/lose confidence in sth.233. treatment n 治疗,疗法,对待,待遇234. adopt vt. 采纳;采取(意见,风俗等);采用235. skilled adj. 熟练的,有技能的 skilled in doing sth.236. cultivate vt. 培养,陶冶,发展237. respond vi. respond to 做出反应,响应 回答,答复238. vary v. 不同,改变,使不同,使有变化

42、You should vary your diet. 变换饮食239. exit n 出口,通道240. lest conj 惟恐,免得 lest, for fear that , in case引导的目的状从句语,谓语多用should +v241survey n. /vt. (1)调查 (2)全面审视 The buyers surveyed the goods offered for sale.顾客审视着促销的商品。242vehicle n.(1)陆上交通工具,车辆 (2)传播媒介,工具243constant adj. (1)经常的,不断的 (2)firm; faithful; unchan

43、ging 坚定的;忠实的a constant friend He has been constant in his devotion to studies.244speaker n. (1)说话者;演讲者(2)扬声器245atmosphere n. 大气;空气;氛围246latter adj. the latter (与the former相对)后者247reform v.改革,改造 n. the reform and open policy改革开放政策248. economy n (1)节俭,节省(2)经济制度(情况)249primary adj. (1)首要的,基本的,主要的 (2)最初的

44、,初级的250. differ vi. differ(from)不同;有异 Tastes differ. 趣味人各不同。251capable adj. be capable of (1)有能力(2)有可能The situation is capable of improvement.252distinct adj. (1)清楚的,明显的 (2)distinct from有区别的,不同的253define v.(1)给下定义,解释(2)规定,界定 The boundary is defined by the treaty (条约).254resist v.(1)抵抗,对抗resist the e

45、nemy/an attack (2)忍住,不屈服于 resist doing255. argument n. (1)争论;争吵(2)论据 It is beyond argument that 无可置辩的256transform vt. (1) transform sth. (into) sth. 改变(形状、外观、品质或性质) (2)转变257despite prep. in spite of 不管,不顾258strengthen v. 加强,巩固 strengthen ties between the two countries加强两国之间的联系259. distinguish v.(1)d

46、istinguish one thing from another;distinguish between two things辨别,区分(2)distinguish oneself使杰出,使扬名260emotional adj.(1)情感的,情绪的(2)感情易激动的,能表达情感的261data n.(1)数据;事实资料(2)供电脑程式使用的资料 data bank数据库 data processing数据处理262achievement n. (1)完成,达到 (2)成就,成绩263strategyn. 战略,策略264sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的 265ban vt. b

47、an from doing禁止 He was banned from attending the meeting.266poverty n. 贫穷,贫困267wage n. (pl)工资,报酬 vt. 进行,从事(战争,运动)268wisdom n. 智慧,睿智269assemble v. (1)集合,聚集Students assemble solemnly on the square.在广场上隆重集会。 (2)装配 assembly line装配线270predict vt. 预言,预测 Scientists predict that there will be an earthquake.

48、271accurate adj. (1)精确的(2)正确无误的Clocks in railway station should be accurate. 272risk vt. 冒的险risk doing sth. n. 风险 run/take the risk of doing sth. , at the risk of 273liquid n. 液体274thunder n. 雷(声)275virtue n. (1)德行,美德Patience is a virtue.(2)优点,长处 by virtue of 由于,因为276female n. 雌兽,女性 adj. 女性的,雌的277re

49、commend v. 推荐,介绍(用法)后接宾语从句时,从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”的虚拟语气,should可省略。278equality n. 相等,平等 equality between之间 equality with与平等279economic adj. 经济上的280economics n. 经济学,经济状况281emit vt. give or send out发出;放射 A volcano(火山) emits smoke and ashes.282bar n. (1)酒吧(台) (2)横木,栅栏 v. (1)barred window有栅栏的窗户(2) bar (fro

50、m)阻止 Dogs are barred from the store.狗不得进入那家店铺。283arrange v. arrange for sb to do sth; arrange to do sth; arrange that It was arranged that he would meet us at 9.284conference n. (正式)大型会议285improvement n. 改良,改善286previous adj. previous to在之前287sensible adj. 明智的,合情理的288exchange n. in exchange for 交换,互

51、换(1)exchange sth for sth with sb (2)交流 exchange ideas/views/information289. consumption n.消耗,消费290. intelligence n.智力,才智291.debate n/v.争论,辩论292. criticize vt. 批评,评论293. rail n.铁轨294. reveal vt. 显示,透露The curtain opened to reveal a darkened stage.幕拉开后呈现出光线暗淡的舞台。295.spray v.喷,使溅散296. investment n.投资,(时

52、间精力)投入297.reinforce vt. 增加,加强The good news reinforced my hope.这个好消息增强了我的希望。298. cope vi. with(成功的)应付299. exceed vt. 超过,超出exceed sb.s authority超越某人的权限/ exceed a speed limit超速300. confuse vt. 使糊涂,使混乱,弄混淆301. aware adj. 知道的,明白的,意识到的 of/that302. superior adj. 卓越的,超过一般水准的303. emphasize vt. put emphasis o

53、n ,give emphasis to 强调He emphasized the importance of careful driving.304. region n. 区域,地区 area or division with(out) definite boundaries or characteristics 305. popadj. popular 通俗的,流行的,大众的306. intensity n. 强度,深度307. appreciate v. 欣赏,了解 understand or realize 感激308. colleague n. 同事309. transportation

54、 n. 运输310. everyday adj. 每日发生的,日常的311. fame n. being known or talked about by all 名声,名誉312. familiar adj. with 熟悉313. span n 自始至终的一段时间,期间314. essential adj. 必要的,最重要的,基本的 “Its essential + that从句”结构中,that从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气形式,“should + 动词原形”,should可以省略。315.inhabitant n. 居住者 居民316.weapon n. 武器,兵器317.accumula

55、te v. 累积 堆积 By working hard, you may accumulate a fortune.318.eliminate v. from 除出,淘汰319.remarkable adj. 不平常的,值得注意的320.remedy n./vt. 治疗,矫正 The evil is beyond. 弊害无药可治321.mislead vt. 错误引领,使入歧途 The information is rather misleading.这个消息使人产生误解。322.whalen. 鲸323.cliffn. 悬崖,壁324.discard vt. 抛弃,放弃325.aspect

56、n. particular part 特殊部分、方面326.shortage n. 不足,缺乏327.mobile adj. 易动的,可迅速移动的328.crime n. 犯罪行为,严重的犯法 to commit a serious crime 犯重罪329.relax v. 放松 Hes feeling relaxed now. 330.fleet n. 舰队 Fleet Street 舰队街,新闻界331.display vt. 显露,表现n.332.mask n. 面具,vt. 隐蔽,遮掩333.reverse n. the reverse of 相对,相反v.反转,颠倒;废除,取消33

57、4.security n. 安全 the Security Council335.emphasis n. 强调special value or importance 特殊价值或重要性336.lucky adj. 幸运的 a lucky escape/guess/侥幸的逃脱(猜中)337. significant adj. 重要的,重大的338. aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 (单复数拼写相同) the commercial/military aircraft 商用/军用飞机 339. cease v. (正式)停止,中止 The music ceased suddenly. 音乐戛然而

58、止。340. transmit vt. 传送,传达,传播,遗传341. gasoline n. 汽油342. conduct v. direct, manage, control, 管理,指挥,处理343. abandon vt. 遗弃,放弃 abandon oneself to 沉溺于344. stimulate vt. stimulate sb to do sth 刺激,激励345. bind vt. bind sb to do /to sth (因契约,允诺或处于惩罚而)使负有义务,使应当346. pressure n. 压力 be/become under pressure 受到压力,在压力下347. characterize v. 以为特征,显示特征 be characterized by 特征是348. cycle n. 循环,周期349. enable vt. 使能够 enable sb./sth. to do350. craft n. 工艺,手艺 航天器,船,艇,舰351. consist v. consist

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