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1、 高考英语易错动词总结、适合高中生学习、复习及备考,请同学们转载收藏。同时奇速英语提醒大家好的资料请与同学共享!第一组: spend/ take /costspend的主语通常是“人”,即“某人在花多少时间或金钱。”例句:1)The boy spends a lot of money.(in) playing computer games.(那个男孩花了很多钱玩电子游戏。)2)She spent lots of money on books last year.(去年她花费很多钱在书本上。)take前常以it作形式主语,作“做某事需要花多少时间。”It takes (人)时间 to do st

2、h.1)How long does it take you to finish the work?(你需要多少时间才能完成那工作?)2)It took me an hour to repair my bike.(我花了一个小时修理自行车。)3)It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth.(说真话需要很大的勇气。)cost的主语通常是事物,即指 某物值多少钱需要多少时间某人花了多少钱使(某人)(丧失)(事/物)cost(人)时间/金钱 1)The watch cost me two hundred yuan.(这块手表花了我200块钱。)2)Writi

3、ng a novel cost plenty of time.(写本小说要花很多时间。)3)The girls bad behavior cost her parents many sleepless nights.(那个女孩的不良行为使得她的父母许多夜晚睡不着。)注意:cost的过去式,过去分词都是cost。 第二组:speak/say/tell/talkspeak说某种语言,说某人好、坏话是及物动词;发表讲话,对某人说话,是不及物动词。1)The students speak English very fluently.(这些学生英语说得非常流利。)2)The Prime Minister

4、 spoke on the international situation.(首相就国际形势发表了演说。)3)She always speaks ill of others.(她总是说别人的坏话。)speak的习惯用语:Generally speaking 一般而言Frankly speaking 坦白地说Strictly speaking 严格地说not to speak of 且不说;更不用说1)Generally speaking, man is stronger than woman.(一般而言,男人比女人强壮。)2)We can speak English, not to speak

5、 of Chinese.(我们会读英语,汉语更不用说了。) tell说谎;讲故事;说实话1)Dont tell a lie.(不要说谎。)2)She likes to tell stories.(她喜欢讲故事。)3)We should always tell the truth.(我们应该永远说实话。) tell辨别;叫某人做某事;接“间接”与“直接”宾语;tell宾语that从句1)Sometimes we cant tell right from wrong.(有时我们无法辨别是非。)talk连续地说话;习惯用法1)What are the girls talking about ?(那些

6、女孩们讲什么?)2)Young people like to talk politics.(年青人喜欢谈论政治。)3)I talked over the matter with her.(我与她谈论了那个问题。)say说出某句话或某件事;后接从句,(但say与从句之间不能直接接人称代词或名词);说明时间;书信、布告报纸上的“说”,习惯用法1)She said ,“I love you.”(她说:“我爱你。”)2)Say goodbye to them.(跟他们说再见。)3)She says she is busy.(她说她很忙。)4)My watch says 10:00 sharp.(我的表

7、是十点整。)5)The paper says that there was a big fire in Shanghai.(报上说上海发生了一场大火)。6)It is said that she has been away for a month.(据说她已走了一个月了)7)It goes without saying that education is important.(不用说,教育是重要的。)8)Tom is a good student, that is to say, he gets good grades in school.(Tom是个好学生,也就是说,他在学校的成绩很好。)

8、第三组:take /bring/carry/fetchtake作“带去”“拿去”解;从近处把东西送到远处例句:1)Shell take her children to the park.(她要带孩子去公园。)2)Its raining, youd better take an umbrella with you.(下雨了;你最好把雨伞带上。)bring“拿来;带来”;从远处把东西拿到近外1)Bring the dictionary to me.(把字典拿给我。)2)Please bring your report with you when you come tomorrow.(明天你来的时候

9、,请把你的报告带来。)carry作“携带,带去;搬运”解1)She always carries a red handbag.(她总是带一个红色手包。)2)Please carry this TV set upstairs.(请把这台电视搬到楼上去。)fetch作“去取来,拿来;叫某人来”解1)The football is over there. Fetch it please.(足球在那边呢,请把它拿回来。)2)Fetch the police at once. Weve found the robber.(马上去叫警察来,我们已经发现那个抢劫的人。) 第四组:wear/put on/ d

10、resswear穿着,戴;留,表示“状态”是及物动词需加宾语例句:1)She always wears a pair of glasses.(她总是戴着一副眼镜。)2)He wears a black jacket today.(今天他穿着一件黑色的夹克。)put on穿上,戴上,表示“动作”例句:1)The teacher put on his hat and went out of the office.(老师戴上帽子然后走出办公室。)2)Put on the gloves .Its cold outside.(戴上手套外面很凉。)dress作“穿着的衣服”解;给某人穿衣服不用写衣服例句:

11、1)She is dressed in red.(她穿着红衣服。)2)The mother dresses the child every day.(那位母亲每天给孩子穿衣服。)此句不能加衣服。3)She dresses herself in red.(此句等于第一个例句。) 第五组:do /makedo“做”主要是用来表示“行动”“行为”,如do omelets是“把蛋卷煎好”。在do后面常加一些抽象名词,如do wrong(犯错)。“wrong”是抽象名词常与do搭配的短语有:do ones do (the) some do sb. a favor帮人忙do with利用;忍受;需要do

12、away with废除do without用不着;不需要have do sb. do nothing but do除了做以外什么也没做do business做生意例句:1)Ill do the dishes today.(今天我来洗盘子。)2)Ive done my homework.(我已经做完了作业。)3)Crying does harm to you.(哭对你没有益处。)4)Will you do me a favor?(能否帮我一个忙?)5)We cannot do without a telephone in our business.(我们做生意没有电话是不行的。)6)The ne

13、w teacher didnt know what to do with the class.(新老师不知道如何对待他班上的学生。)7)I did nothing but watch TV last night.(昨晚我除了看电视以外什么也没有做。)8)Who does your hair?(平常是谁给你做头发的?)make“作”,表示“制造”,其后的宾语是make的产品。如make clothes 制做衣服;make后常跟一些可数名词常与make动词搭配的短语有:make a make an make make例句:1) They have make great progress in le

14、arning English.(在学习英语方面他们已经取得了很大的进步。)2)Who is going to make a speech today?(今天谁来演说?)3)Dont make a noise.嘘!(不要出声。)4)She makes her living as a teacher.(她作教师来维持生计。)第六组: lie/lay/lie1)lie不及物动词,躺;位于lielaylainlying例句:Shanghai lies to the south of Beijing.(上海位于北京的南方。)She has lain in bed for three days.(她已经在

15、床上躺了三天了。)2)lay及物动词,放置;下蛋laylaidlaidlaying例句:These hens lay eggs every day.(这些鸡每天下蛋。)He laid his hand on my shoulder.(他把手放在我的肩上。)lie不及物动词,说谎lieliedliedlying例句:Dont lie to me.(别骗我。)She lies about her career.(她编造她的经历。)第七组:hear/listen to hear听;是一种“自然无意的动作。”hear of听说过hear from得到消息例句:The deaf cannot hear.

16、(聋子听不见。)listen是一种“有意的动作。”如后面有宾语则需加to;如没有宾语,listen后不可加to。例句:Listen, somebody is crying.(听,有人在哭。)I listened but heard nothing.(我注意听了,但没听见什么。)Listen to me.(听我说。)第八组:sit/set/seat sit不及物动;坐;就座;sitsatsatsitting例句:He sat at the table writing a letter.(他坐在书桌旁写信。)Sit here until she comes back.(坐在这里等她回来。)set安

17、置;下沉;点燃;出考题;定时;树立(榜样)setsetsetsetting例句:Tom, set the table for dinner.(Tom,摆好桌子准备吃饭。)He set the alarm for 6:00 in the morning.(他把闹钟定在早晨6点钟。)My teacher set very difficult questions for the exam.(我们老师试题出得非常难。)The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(太阳从东方升起从西方落下。)seat使坐;容纳seatseatedseatedseatin

18、g例句:)The theater can seat at least 2000 people.(这家戏院至少能容纳2000人。)Please be seated.(请坐下。)此句等于Sit down please.He seated himself next to her.(他坐在她的旁边。)第九组:rise/raise/arise/arouse/rouse 1)rise(太阳、月亮)升起,起来;(物价)上涨;(水)高涨riseroserisenrising例句:Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.(每人都知道太阳是从东方升起。)Pric

19、es have risen quickly.(物价快速上涨了。)She rose to her feet.(她站了起来。)2)raise举起;养育;募款raiseraisedraisedraising例句:Raise your hand please.(请你把手举起来。)The farmer raises a lot of sheep on his farm.(这位农民在农场养了许多绵羊。)They are raising founds for the expedition.(他们正在筹募探险的基金。)arise(问题、困难)发生、产生、出现;起(风、雾)arisearosearisenari

20、sing例句:A strong wind arose this morning.(今天早上刮起强风。)A different problem has arisen.(不同的问题发生了。)A mist arose from the lake.(湖上起雾了。)arouse通常表示比喻或情绪方面的“激发”arousearousedarousedarousing例句:The book aroused my interest in learning English.(这本书引起我对学习英语感兴趣。)The speaker aroused the anger of the audience.(演讲者激起了

21、听众的怒气。)rouse通常表示比较具体的“叫醒”或“唤醒”rouserousedrousedrousing例句:The sound roused him from reflection.(声音使他从深思中惊醒。)The lies he heard about his friend roused his anger.(听到有人对他朋友造谣,使他怒火中烧。)第十组:lend/借出borrow1)lend人物lend物to人例如:Please lend me your dictionary.Please lend your dictionary to me.(请把你的字典借给我。)I will l

22、end you $200, but I cant lend money to him.(我借给你200美元,但我不能借钱给他。)borrow借入borrow物from人She has borrowed a lot of books from the school library.(她已从学校的图书馆借了很多书。)He often borrows money from me.(他经常从我这儿借钱。)第十一组:fall/feel/fell/fail/ fallfellfallen落下;跌倒fall asleep睡着/fall behind落后例句:An apple fell to the grou

23、nd.(一个苹果落在地上。)Be careful on the ice or you will fall.(在冰上要小心,否则你会跌倒。)feelfeltfeltfeel likedoing sth.想要;feel sleepy.想睡例句:Can you feel your heart beat violently?(你能感觉到你的心在猛烈地跳动吗?)Both my legs didnt feel.(我的双腿没有感觉。)I suddenly felt a pain in my back.(我突然感到背部疼痛。)Do you feel like taking a walk?(你想不想去散步?)f

24、ellfelledfelled砍伐例句:A lot of trees were felled last night.(昨晚很多树被人伐倒了。)failfailedfailed失败例句:He has failed in English exam again.(他英语考试又没及格。)第十二组:win/beat winwonwonwin a prize得到奖品win a war打了胜仗win a game赢得比赛win an election选举获胜例句:Our team won the same 3 to 2 last night.(昨晚我们队以3比2赢了比赛。)Who do you think

25、will win the beauty contest?(你认为那场选美谁会获胜?)beatbeatbeatenbeat是打败了对手例句:He beat me in the race.(他在赛跑中赢了我。)We have beaten their team for 3 years.(我们已连续3年打败他们的球队。)My heart beat fast at the sight of her.(一看见她,我的心跳就加快。)第十三组:cure/recover/restore/heal1)curecuredcured 治疗(疾病)物cure人of病人be cured of病例句:This medic

26、ine will cure your headache.(这种药会治好你的头痛病。)The doctor cured her of a cold.(医生医好了她的感冒。)She was cured of her disease.(她的痛被治好了。)2)recoverrecoveredrecovered恢复(健康);痊愈;复元与from连用例句:After a few days rest, she has recovered her health.(休息几天后,她已恢复健康。)They havent recovered from the shock yet.(他们还未从那次打击中恢复过来。)3)

27、restorerestoredrestored使恢复健康;修复;重建例句:The doctor restored the girl to health.(医生恢复了那个女孩的健康。)The girl was restored to health.The workers have already restored the ruined temple.(工人们已修复了这座毁坏的寺庙。)4)healhealedhealed主要指伤口的治愈;消除;平息。例句:His wound is not yet healed.(他的伤口尚未痊愈。)Time heals all broken hearts.(时间可

28、以消除一切忧伤。)第十四组:reach/arrive/get to 1)reachreachedreached及物动词到达,不加to等分词。例句:They will reach Shanghai tonight.(今晚他们将抵达上海。)2)arrivearrivedarrived不及物动词到达,加介词in(大地方)at小地方。例句:Ill phone you when I arrive in New York.(我到纽约后会给你电话。)What time will they arrive at the airport?(他们什么时候会到达机场?)3)getgotgotten(got)不 及物动

29、词需加上to加上地点表示到达,但接地点副词时不加to。本空间名为腾讯认证(蔡章兵主编QQ757722345)空间,本空间每天都有5篇左右资 源更新,你只须点击空间顶部“关注”并设置为特别关心,就会收到每天更新的信息,欢迎加微信czbqsyy收听更多信息。例句:What time does the train get to Beijing?(火车什么时间到达北京?)When I set to Japan, Ill write to you.(我到了日本就给你写信。)They got home safely.(他们平安到家。)注:此处home是副词不能加to。注:“到达”reacharrive a

30、t (in)get to到达上海 到达家/这里/那里第十五组:hang/hang1)hanghangedhanged及物动词吊死;处(人)绞刑;上吊。例句:He hanged himself last week.(上星期他上吊自杀了。)The man was hanged for murder.(那个男子因谋杀罪被处绞刑。)hanghunghung及物动词把挂上;把吊起。例句:She hung curtains over the windows.(她把窗帘挂上窗上。)A picture is hung on the wall.(墙上挂着一幅画。)第十六组:affect/effect1)affe

31、ctaffectedaffected及物动词对影响,感动(人的)心,使感动例句:The noise from the street affected our study.(马路上的噪音影响我们学习。)Her story affected us deeply.(她的故事深深地打动我们的心。)2)effecteffectedeffected及物动词使产生;实现(目的),造成(结果)effect很少作动词用,通常只跟change连用。例句It will effect, no change of importance.(不会引起重大的变化。)第十七组:thank/appreciate 1)thankt

32、hankedthanked感谢,后接人例句:You dont have to thank me.(你不必向我道谢。)She thanked me for my help.(她感谢我帮忙。)appreciateappreciatedappreciated感激;欣赏,后接事或物例句:I greatly appreciate your help.(我很感激你的帮助。)She doesnt appreciate good English poetry.(她不会欣赏好的英语诗歌。)第十八组:choose/select/elect/pick out 1)choosechosechosen挑选;选拔;选择,

33、指凭自己的判断力在人或物中进行挑选,而不强调精选。例句:Id like to choose a new tie for me.(我想给自己挑一条新领带。)I want to choose her a nice present.(我想要挑选一份精美的礼物送给她。)The football players chose him as their team leader.(足球队员们选他当队长。)2)select精选;挑选;选定,强调慎重考虑后的选择。例句:The farmer taught us how to select seeds.(这位农民教我们如何选种。)She was selected f

34、rom among many applicants.(她是从许多报名者中选拔出来的。)Have you read selected works of Lu Xun?(你读过鲁迅选集吗?)3)elect选举;推选例句:We elected her monitor.(我们推选她为班长。)We elected him mayor.(我们选他为市长。)pick out 认出;挑出;挑选;多用口语例句:I picked out an old friend in a crowd.(我从人群中认出了一位老朋友。)She picked out the shoes that match the dress.(她

35、选出搭配那件衣服的鞋子。)第十九组:join/join in/take part in/attend1)join及物动词加入(团体,组织,参军)、同一起干或玩、连接例句:I joined the Party in 1975.(我1975年入党。)His brother joined the army two years ago.(两年前他哥哥参军。)They are planning to join the two towns by a railway.(他们在计划用一条铁路把两个镇连接起来。)2)join in 参加(某些活动)例句:May I join in your discussion

36、?(我可以参加你们的讨论吗?)Many people join in the game every year.(每年许多人参加这个游戏活动。)He joined in the work without a second thought.(他未加思索地参加了那项工作。)3)take part in 参加(群众性活动,会议等)参加者持积极态度,起一份作用。例句:A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday.(昨天许多学生参加大扫除。)A lot of college students took part in the

37、movement last year.(去年很多大学生参加了那个运动。)4)attend 出席,参加,到场;上学例句:Did you attend the meeting last week?(上星期你出席会议了吗?)He was ill so he didnt attend his classes.(他生病了,所以没上学。)注意:attend的词语搭配attend a ceremony 参加典礼attend a funeral 参加葬礼attend a lecture 听演讲attend a concert 听音乐会attend church 上教堂第二十组:beat/hit/strike1

38、)beatbeatbeaten(连续地)打;击败;(心)跳动例句:My heart is beating fast.(我的心跳得很快。)They beat us in the match.(在这次比赛中,他们把我们击败了。)The rain was beating on the windows.(雨点敲打着窗子。)2)hit 打;击中;想出(后接on)例句:The football hit him in the eye.(足球打在他的眼睛上了。)He hit on a good idea.(他想出了一个好主意。)He hit his head hard on the floor when he fell down.(当他倒下时,头重重地碰到地板上。)3)strikestruckstruck打;敲;打动(心);擦(火柴);报时;突然想到,用途较广。例句:Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁。)Dont strike the man with a stick.(不要用棒子打那个男人。)更多英语资讯

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