国际水稻研究所课件:Unit 6 Breeding Technologies to Increase Crop Production in a Changing World

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1、Unit 6 Breeding Technologies to Increase Crop Production in a Changing World Although more food is needed for the rapidly growing human population,food quality also needs to be improved,particularly for increased nutrient content.In addition,agricultural inputs must be reduced,especially those of ni

2、trogenous fertilizers,if we are to reduce environmental degradation caused by emissions of CO2 and nitrogenous compounds from agricultural processes.Words to remember 1、nitrogenous naitrdns adj.氮的氮的,含氮的含氮的 nitrogenous fertilizer 氮肥氮肥2、environmental degradation 环境退化(恶化)环境退化(恶化)Furthermore,there are n

3、ow concerns about our ability to increase or even sustain crop yield and quality in the face of dynamic environmental and biotic threats that will be particularly challenging in the face of rapid global environmental change.The current diversion of substantial quantities of food into the production

4、of biofuels puts further pressure on world food supplies.Words to remember 3、crop yield and quality 作物的产量和品质作物的产量和品质4、biotic threat 生物威胁生物威胁5、biofuel baiufju:l n.生物燃料生物燃料 Breeding and agronomic improvements have,on average,achieved a linear increase in food production globally,at an average rate of

5、32 million metric tons per year.However,to meet the recent Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security target of 70%more food by 2050,an average annual increase in production of 44 million metric tons per year is required,representing a 38%increase over historical increases in production,to be

6、sustained for 40 years.Words to remember 6、breeding 育种、繁殖育种、繁殖7、agronomic ,rnmik 农事的;农艺学的农事的;农艺学的 agronomy rnmi 农学;农艺学农学;农艺学8、Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security 世界粮食安全峰会宣言世界粮食安全峰会宣言 This scale of sustained increase in global food production is unprecedented and requires substantial cha

7、nges in methods for agronomic processes and crop improvement.Achieving this increase in food production in a stable environment would be challenging,but is undoubtedly much more so given the additional pressures created by global environmental changes.Words to remember 9、agronomic processe 农艺农艺方式(流程

8、)方式(流程)10、crop improvement 作物改良作物改良11、given 考虑考虑 Global Environmental Change Alters Breeding Targets Certain aspects of global environmental change are beneficial to agriculture.Rising CO2 acts as a fertilizer for C3 crops and is estimated to account for approximately 0.3%of the observed 1%rise in g

9、lobal wheat production,although this benefit is likely to diminish,because rising temperatures will increase photorespiration and nighttime respiration.Words to remember 12、photorespiration futu,resprein 光呼吸光呼吸13、nighttime naittaim n.夜间夜间 adj.夜间的夜间的 nighttime respiration 夜间呼吸夜间呼吸 dark-respiration 暗呼

10、吸暗呼吸 A benefit of rising temperatures is the alleviation of low-temperature inhibition of growth,which is a widespread limitation at higher latitudes and altitudes.Offsetting these benefits,however,are obvious deleterious changes,such as an increased frequency of damaging high-temperature events,new

11、 pest and disease pressures,and altered patterns of drought.Negative effects of other pollutants,notably ozone,will also reduce benefits to plant growth from rising CO2 and temperature.Words to remember 14、alleviation,li:viein n.缓和;镇痛物缓和;镇痛物15、latitude ltitju:d n.纬度纬度 altitude ltitju:d n.海拔海拔16、offs

12、etting:fseti 抵消;弥补抵消;弥补17、deleterious,delitiris adj.有毒的,有害的有毒的,有害的18、pest and disease 病虫害病虫害19、drought 干旱干旱20、ozone uzun n.化学化学 臭氧;新鲜的空气臭氧;新鲜的空气 Particularly challenging for society will be changes in weather patterns that will require alterations in farming practices and infrastructure;for example,

13、water storage and transport networks.Because one-third of the worlds food is produced on irrigated land,the likely impacts on global food production are many.Along with agronomic-and management-based approaches to improving food production,improvements in a crops ability to maintain yields with lowe

14、r water supply and quality will be critical.Put simply,we need to increase the tolerance of crops to drought and salinity.Words to remember 21、weather pattern 气候模式气候模式22、farming practice 农业种植方式农业种植方式23、infrastructure nfrstrkt n.基础设施基础设施24、irrigate rget vt.灌溉灌溉25、drought drat n.干旱;缺乏干旱;缺乏26、salinity

15、slnti n.盐碱、盐度;盐性盐碱、盐度;盐性 In the context of global environmental change,the efficiency of nitrogen use has also emerged as a key target.Human activity has already more than doubled the amount of atmospheric N2 fixed annually,which has led to environmental impacts,such as increased water pollution,and

16、 the emission of greenhouse gases,such as nitrous oxide.Words to remember 27、in the context of 在在情况下;在情况下;在背景下背景下28、efficiency of nitrogen use/nitrogen use efficiency 氮肥利用率氮肥利用率29、greenhouse gas 温室气体温室气体30、nitrous oxide 一氧化氮一氧化氮 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮二氧化氮 nitrous natrs adj.氮的氮的 oxide ksad n.化学化学 氧化物氧

17、化物 Nitrogen inputs are increasingly being managed by legislation that limits fertilizer use in agriculture.Furthermore,rising energy costs means that fertilizers are now commonly the highest input cost for farmers.New crop varieties will need to be more efficient in their use of reduced nitrogen tha

18、n current varieties are.Therefore,it is important that breeding programs develop strategies to select for yield and quality with lower nitrogen inputs.Words to remember 31、legislation ledsle()n n.立法;法律立法;法律32、crop variety 作物品种作物品种33、breeding program 育种计划育种计划Current Approaches to Crop Improvement Arg

19、uably,increased yield in conditions of abiotic stresses,such as drought and salinity,could be best achieved by selecting for increased yield under optimal production conditions:Plants with higher yields in good conditions are more likely to have higher yields in stressed conditions.Such an approach

20、will also increase yield in high-yield environments.Words to remember 34、abiotic stress 非生物逆境非生物逆境35、stressed condition 逆境条件逆境条件 However,it is becoming increasingly apparent that specific selection strategies are needed to enhance yield in low-yield(stressed)environments.Given that average global yi

21、elds of wheat are less than 3 metric tons/ha and given there are many areas with yields as high as 10 metric tons/ha,the majority of land cropped to wheat delivers yields below 3 metric tons/ha.Therefore,by virtue of the much larger areas of low-yielding land globally,low-yielding environments offer

22、 the greatest opportunity for substantial increases in global food production.Increasing yield by 1 metric ton/ha in a low-yielding area delivers a much higher relative increase than does the same increase in high-yielding environments.This increase can be achieved by tackling major limitations on y

23、ield in poor environments(termed yield stability);for example,by protecting plants and yield from factors such as salinity and heat or drought periods.The local social benefits of supporting farmers on low-yielding lands would also be great.Words to remember 36、by virtue of 由于,凭借由于,凭借37、tackle tkl v

24、t.处理;抓住;固定处理;抓住;固定38、yield stability 产量稳定性产量稳定性 It is often thought that concentration on yield stability may come at the expense of high yields in good years;however,yield penalties in more favorable conditions do not necessarily accompany drought tolerance.Yield stability is harder to select for t

25、han improved yield is,because selection in breeding programs requires many years and many sites for evaluation.However,there is evidence for a genetic basis for yield stability and,hence,an opportunity for gain.Transgenic approaches are also likely to improve yield stability.Words to remember 39、yie

26、ld penalty 产量损失产量损失 penalty pen()lt n.罚款,罚金;处罚罚款,罚金;处罚40、transgenic approach 转基因技术转基因技术 There are several clear examples where single genes have been able to substantially increase yield,notably to drive domestication(to control tiller number,branching,and seed number)and the green revolution(for dw

27、arfing).Initial results suggest that a gene conferring increased drought tolerance may also have a widespread impact on yield.Words to remember 41、domesticationd,mstken n.(动物)(动物)驯养驯养;(植物);(植物)驯化驯化 42、tiller til 分蘖分蘖43、green revolution 绿色革命绿色革命 This is not to say that efforts to maintain yield shoul

28、d be reduced.In particular,maintaining resistance to rapidly evolving pests and pathogens is an essential mainstay of breeding programs.Interactions between breeders,pathologists,and agronomists must be maintained to ensure that crops and cropping systems change coordinately.Words to remember 44、pat

29、hogen pd()n n.病原体;病菌病原体;病菌45、mainstay menste n.支柱;主要的依靠支柱;主要的依靠 46、breeder 育种家育种家47、pathologist pldst n.病理学家病理学家48、cropping system 种植制度、农作制度种植制度、农作制度 No-till farming,in which plowing of the soil is avoided,for example,has changed the spectrum of diseases and pests attacking crops,to the extent that

30、a change in breeding targets was needed.The development of multiple cropping systems will also demand interactions between agronomists and breeders.However,it is clear that more is required than can be provided by traditional breeding approaches.Words to remember 49、spectrum spektrm n.光谱;频谱光谱;频谱 spe

31、ctrum of disease and pests 病虫害病虫害谱谱50、multiple cropping system 多熟制种植制度多熟制种植制度Emerging Technologies for Crop Breeding The production and evaluation of genetically modified(GM)crops is an active area of research,but the access of growers to this technology in many countries is currently restricted pri

32、marily because of political and bioethical issues.Nevertheless,GM technologies permit the generation of novel variation beyond that which is available in naturally occurring(or even deliberately mutated)populations.Words to remember 51、emerging technology:新兴技术新兴技术52、genetically modified(GM)crop 转基因作

33、物转基因作物 53、bioethical,baieikl adj.生物伦理学的生物伦理学的54、mutated 突变、变异突变、变异 gene mutated 基因突变(变异)基因突变(变异)Classic applications of GM include the use of proteinaceous toxins to control insect pests and“golden rice,”which is biofortified with vitamin A.Crucial to the future deployment of GM crops are the discov

34、ery and characterization not only of genes but of promoters that provide accurate and stable spatial and temporal control of the expression of the genes.Words to remember 55、proteinaceous,pruti:neis adj.蛋白质的蛋白质的proteinaceous toxin 蛋白蛋白毒性毒性56、golden rice 黄金大米黄金大米57、biofortify 生物强化生物强化58、promoter激活子激活

35、子59、spatial and temporal 空间和时间上空间和时间上 spatial speil adj.空间的空间的 temporal temprl adj.时间的时间的 Development of cis-genic vectors and marker-free transgenic plants may help to ease some of the political concerns about GM technologies.Nevertheless,the widespread application of GM technologies will remain li

36、mited while regulatory demands impose high costs on releasing GM crops.Although it is likely that most of the important contributions to crop improvement in the coming 5 to 10 years will continue to be from non-GM approaches,we consider that transgenic technologies will inevitably be deployed for mo

37、st major crops in the future.Words to remember 60、cis-genic vectors 顺式基因载体顺式基因载体 cis-sis 顺式顺式 genic denkadj.基因的基因的61、marker-free transgenic plant无(选择)标记转基因植株无(选择)标记转基因植株 选择标记基因是转基因植物中最常见的外源基因,也是转选择标记基因是转基因植物中最常见的外源基因,也是转基因食物安全的关注对象,其中多数为抗生素和除草剂抗基因食物安全的关注对象,其中多数为抗生素和除草剂抗性基因,这类基因一般与目的基因共转化到受体植物中,性基因,这

38、类基因一般与目的基因共转化到受体植物中,使转化细胞获得抗生素或除草剂抗性。然而,在获得转基使转化细胞获得抗生素或除草剂抗性。然而,在获得转基因植株后,该标记基因在多数情况下是多余的,甚至有害。因植株后,该标记基因在多数情况下是多余的,甚至有害。因此,选择标记基因的剔除和无标记转基因植物成为解决因此,选择标记基因的剔除和无标记转基因植物成为解决上述问题的途径。上述问题的途径。Methods of crop breeding have undergone major changes,and a range of technologies is improving the rate and succ

39、ess of crop improvement in some breeding programs,but these have yet to be widely adopted.Contributions are being made through new selection strategies that are informed by sophisticated genetics,the use of computers to track and manage field trials,and biometric methods for field-trial design and a

40、ssessment of interactions between genotype,environment,and management.Words to remember 62、sophisticated sfistikeitid adj.复杂的复杂的 sophisticated genetic复杂遗传学复杂遗传学63、field trial 田间试验田间试验64、biometric baomtrkadj.生物计量的生物计量的 biometric methods 生物统计方法生物统计方法65、genotype 基因型基因型 Marker-assisted selection(MAS)tec

41、hniques are free of the political issues that have plagued the application of GM technologies.MAS involves using variation at the DNA level to track and monitor specific regions of the genomes during crossing and selection.The greatest benefit of MAS occurs where the target traits are of low heritab

42、ility,are recessive in nature,and involve difficult and costly phenotyping,and where pyramiding of genes is desired for results such as disease and pest resistance.Words to remember 66、Marker-assisted selection 分子标记辅助选择分子标记辅助选择67、plague pleg vt.困扰,折磨困扰,折磨 68、genome di:nm n.基因组;染色体组基因组;染色体组69、crossin

43、g krs杂交杂交70、target trait 目标性状目标性状 71、heritability遗传力遗传力72、recessive adj.隐性的;隐性的;n.隐性性状隐性性状73、phenotype fin()tap n.表型,表现型;显型表型,表现型;显型74、pyramid prmd n.金字塔金字塔vt.使使成金字塔状成金字塔状 gene pyramiding 基因聚合基因聚合 In these cases,MAS is likely to be more reliable,more convenient,or cheaper than phenotype-based select

44、ion,and MAS currently provides the only viable method for gene pyramiding.Molecular markers are also important in analyzing the mode of inheritance of certain traits and assessing genetic diversity.In cases where desirable traits are closely linked and in repulsion,markers can be critical in selecti

45、ng rare recombination events.Words to remember 75、Molecular marker 分子标记分子标记76、inheritance nhert()ns n.遗传遗传77、desirable traits 优良性状优良性状78、link lkt 连锁连锁79、repulsion rpl()n n.排斥;反驳排斥;反驳80、recombination ri:,kmbne()nn.复合,复合,再结合;再结合;遗遗 重组重组 In many cases,MAS provides an important alternative to phenotypic

46、 selection.However,the success of markers depends on their reliability in predicting phenotype.Many key stresses associated with rapid environment changes,notably drought and salinity tolerance,are complex and highly variable.For these types of traits,it is necessary to dissect tolerance into compon

47、ent contributory traits and to identify genetic regions encoding the traits,rather than overall plant tolerance.Words to remember 81、phenotypic,finotpk adj.表型的表型的82、variable adj.变量的;可变的;变异的变量的;可变的;变异的83、dissect dsekt vt.仔细分析,进行详细分析仔细分析,进行详细分析 However,this genetic approach requires high-throughput ph

48、enotyping(phenomics).Phenomics also allows screening of populations for particular traits and will facilitate the introgression of novel variation from wild germplasm.Phenomics will enable tighter definition of the properties of molecular markers,allowing introgression of appropriate combinations of

49、 tolerance traits into commercial varieties for particular target environments.Words to remember 84、high-throughput 高通量高通量 throughput ru:pt n.生产量,生产能力生产量,生产能力85、phenomics 表型组学表型组学86、screening 筛选筛选87、introgression,ntr()gre()n n.基因渗入,渐渗现象基因渗入,渐渗现象88、wild germplasm 野生种质野生种质89、combination,kmbinein n.结合;

50、组合;结合;组合;The combination of reliable phenotyping and MAS has been particularly important in transferring desirable alleles by simple backcrossing into elite germplasm.Although MAS has been used to track multiple independent loci,conventional breeding schemes become quite complex as the number of tar

51、get loci expands.Words to remember 90、allele lil n.遗遗 等位基因等位基因91、backcrossing回交回交92、loci locus的复数的复数 n.位点位点 gene loci 基因位点基因位点 To overcome the problems of dealing with multiple loci,in particular,multiple loci of small genetic effect,two relatively new methods involving MAS can be deployed:marker-as

52、sisted recurrent selection(MARS)and genome-wide or genomic selection(GWS).MARS involves crossing selected individuals at each selection cycle so that desirable alleles at the target loci are introduced one at a time or through the merging of multiple crossing and selection streams.Words to remember

53、93、marker-assisted recurrent selection(MARS)标记辅助轮回选择标记辅助轮回选择94、genome-wide or genomic selection(GWS)全基因组选择全基因组选择95、merge m:d vt.合并;使合并合并;使合并96、stream:流程:流程 A problem with this approach is that it is most effective for genes or quantitative trait loci(QTLs)of major effect.In contrast,GWS does not req

54、uire prior information on marker trait associations and can be used to select for multiple loci of small genetic effect.In this approach,populations are extensively genotyped to give full genome coverage and phenotyped.Subsequently,these data allow the prediction of phenotypic performance of an indi

55、vidual on the basis of whole-genome marker surveys.Words to remember 97、quantitative trait loci(QTLs)数量性状位点数量性状位点98、genotyped 基因型分型基因型分型99、phenotyped 表型分型表型分型 These new breeding and selection strategies rely on the availability of cheap and reliable marker systems.A serious limitation in marker appl

56、ication for some species has been the paucity of useful markers.However,the new sequencing platforms have allowed large-scale discovery of single-nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)for species where few markers were previously available.The new marker systems combined with the new marker-based selection

57、and screening strategies provide a base for a revolution in crop breeding and genetics.Words to remember 100、paucity p:st n.缺乏;少数;少量缺乏;少数;少量101、sequencing sikwns n.排序排序 sequencing platforms 测序平台测序平台102、single-nucleotide polymorphisms 单核苷酸多态性单核苷酸多态性 nucleotide nju:kltad n.核苷;核甘酸核苷;核甘酸 polymorphism,pl

58、m:fz()m n.多态性多态性103、crop breeding and genetics 作物遗传育种作物遗传育种Expanding the Germplasm Base for Plant Breeding The success of plant breeding over the past century has been associated with a narrowing of the available genetic diversity within elite germplasm,particularly for some species such as peanut a

59、nd soybean.New sources of variation include landraces and wild relatives of crop species,and although exploiting wild relatives as a source of novel alleles is challenging,it has provided notable successes in crop improvement.A particularly important example of the introgression of genetic informati

60、on from a relative was the use of the short arm of rye chromosome 1R in wheat.Words to remember 104、landrace lndreis n.地方品种地方品种 local variety、native variety105、wild relative 野生近缘种野生近缘种106、introgression,ntr()gre()n n.基因渗入基因渗入107、rye ra n.黑麦黑麦108、chromosome krmsm n.染色体染色体 In the early 1990s,this wheat

61、-rye translocation was used in 45%of 505 bread wheat cultivars in 17 countries.Increasingly easy gene discovery,improved enabling technologies for genetics and breeding,and a better understanding of the factors limiting practical exploitation of exotic germplasm promise to transform existing,and to

62、accelerate the development of new,strategies for efficient and directed germplasm use.Words to remember 109、translocation 易位易位110、enabling technology 使能技术。指一项或一系列的、使能技术。指一项或一系列的、应用面广、具有多学科特性的关键技术。这些关键技术应用面广、具有多学科特性的关键技术。这些关键技术能够被广泛地应用在各种产业上,并能协助现有科技作能够被广泛地应用在各种产业上,并能协助现有科技作出重大的进步,而且在政治和经济上产生深远影响。出重大

63、的进步,而且在政治和经济上产生深远影响。111、exotic iztik 外来的外来的 exotic germplasm外源种质外源种质 Most crop geneticists agree that enrichment of the cultivated gene pool will be necessary to meet the challenges that lie ahead.However,to fully capitalize on the extensive reservoir of favorable alleles within wild germplasm,many

64、advances are still needed.These include increasing our understanding of the molecular basis for key traits,expanding the phenotyping and genotyping of germplasm collections,improving our molecular understanding of recombination in order to enhance rates of introgression of alien chromosome regions,a

65、nd developing new breeding strategies that permit introgression of multiple traits.Recent progress has shown that each of these challenges is tractable and within reach if some of the basic problems limiting the application of new technologies can be tackled.Words to remember 112、gene pool 基因库基因库113

66、、capitalize kptlaz vi.利用,资本化利用,资本化 capitalize on 利用利用114、recombination 重组重组 115、alien eln adj.相异的,性质不同的;相异的,性质不同的;alien chromosome 外源染色体外源染色体116、tractable trktbl易处理的易处理的 117、within reach伸手可及的伸手可及的Limitations in Applying the New Technologies Several issues are likely to limit the application of these new methods,particularly for breeding programs in the public sector.Regulatory complexity and high costs have prevented the widespread delivery of GM technologies.Over the coming decade or so,however

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