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1、word-1-/10 蚌埠二中 20112012 学年第一学期期中考试高三英语试题 试卷分值:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟 命题人:朱正军 本试卷分第 I 卷选择题和第 II 卷非选择题两局部。注意:所有选择题的答案必须用 2B 铅笔涂在答题卡中相应的位置,否如此,该大题不予计分 第 I 卷选择题 共 115 分 第一局部 听力共两节,总分为 30 分 第一节 共 5 小题;每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 7.5 分 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最优选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下

2、一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the woman doing?A.Looking for her daughter.B.Buying some vegetables.C.Asking about the price.2.What does the man ask the woman to do?A.Wait for two days.B.Work out a problem.C.Lend him a book.3.What does the woman mean?A.She has no time.B.She will come.C.She dislikes Mexican f

3、ood.4.Who will send the drunken man home?A.The police.B.One of his friends.C.A member of the club.5.What can we know about the woman?A.She had fun in New York.B.She likes taking pictures.C.She never goes traveling.第二节共 15 个小题;每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 22.5 分 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最优选项,并标在试卷的

4、相应位置。听每段对话前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每一小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第六段材料,回答 6 至 8 题。6.Why didnt the man take an umbrella?A.He had no umbrella B.He didnt hear the forecast C.He thought there was no rain.7.What season is it now?A.Summer.B.Autumn.C.Winter.8.How can we describe the rain?A.Quiet.B.Rapid.C.Sl

5、ightly.听第七段材料,回答 9 至 11 题。9.What does the man think causes his stomachache?A.Pizza.B.Salad.C.Vinegar.10.What can we know about the woman?A.She ate too much pizza.B.She dislikes eating a salad.C.Shes fine after eating a salad.11.What will the man do?A.Have a rest.B.See a doctor.C.Take some medicine.听

6、第八段材料,回答第 12 至 14 题。12.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Lawyer and customer.C.Mother and son.word-2-/10 13.Why is the regulation made?A.To ensure the mans right.B.To keep a good relationship.C.To give the woman more chances.14.What does the regulation mean?A.The man

7、 isnt allowed to make any mistakes.B.The man has more chances to do the housework.C.The woman will be punished because of her mistakes.听第九段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。15.Why does the woman call Mr.Summer?A.To give him her wishes.B.To invite him to get together.C.To inform him of a conference.16.What time will

8、the speakers meet?A.At 7:30 this evening.B.At 7:00 am on Thursday.C.At 7:00 pm on Thursday.17.What can we know about Dave Kennedy?A.He is excellent in his work.B.He doesnt know Mr.Summer.C.He has never been to New York.听第十段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18.Who is the passage meant for?A.Teachers.B.Students.C.Pare

9、nts.19.What should be done to get some information about some inactive children?A.Surf the Internet.B.Contact with parents.C.Read different books.20.Which is one of the tips given by the speaker?A.To be active.B.To set up the room.C.To work hard at lessons.第二局部英语知识运用共两节,总分为 45 分 第一节单项填空共 15 小题;每一小题

10、1 分,总分为 15 分 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最优选项。21.If a person can always carry out his promises,_ person will be_ success.A.the;a B.the;/C.a;a D.a;/22.Set high goals and have _ getting there.The serious student doesnt forget how to smile.A.funB.faithC.energy D.power 23.-I wish you would tell me sometim

11、es.-I _.A.would B.will C.do D.did 24.How many times have you picked something you wanted only_,sadly,that you really didnt know what to do with it?A.discovering B.to discoverC.discovered D.have discovered 25.It wasnt until later_ I was riding my bike home_ I realized what it was.A.that;that B.that;w

12、henC.when;that D.when;that 26.Rivera Street is dark_ the light from 14-year-old Lona Zhaos upstairs bedroom.A.besides B.except C.except for D.but for 27.Safety?There is _thing as safety here and now!A.not such B.no such C.not a such D.no such a 28.I just want to know.Please tell me,how much do you m

13、ake an hour?word-3-/10 If you_ know,I make$20.00 an hour.A.will B.shall C.must D.need 29.Wonderful things were a part of these trips,wonderful sunshine,wonderful breezes,wonderful colors and most importantly,the _ slide.A.big wonderful silver B.wonderful big silver C.silver wonderful big D.big silve

14、r wonderful 30.All of Kyles studying _,and he got a perfect score on his exam.A.paid for B.paid back C.paid outD.paid off 31.Ansaldo loved her very much and did everything he could _ in return.A.love B.to love C.be loved D.to be loved 32.Laura _ a heart attack alone in her room the night before.A.ha

15、d B.had had C.was having D.would have 33.Dont hesitate to discuss your plans with_ you believe can be of great assistance to you.A.who B.whom C.whomever D.whoever 34.Usually,_ there is a dog,there are people.A.when B.where C.in which D.since 35.I beg your pardon._.A.You are right.B.You are all right

16、 C.Its right D.Its all right.第二节完形填空共 20 小题;每一小题 1.5 分,总分为 30 分 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C 和 D中,选出可以填入空白处的最优选项。Chinese people are caring and friendly people.They show that it is easy for them to be your _36_ neighbor,to be like a brother,a sister,a mother or a father.They smile easily,and laugh and _

17、37_ with honest emotion.In contrast,my visits to England,Germany,Canada,and _38_ in my own home,the United States _39_ me with the impression that people there _40_ to be left alone.Their attention is _41_ to those whom they know.Possibly eight out of 10 would not _42_ a smile to a stranger,and they

18、 _43_ even frown(皱眉)at your forwardness.One of my Chinese friends,_44_,said to me recently,“Chinese people who visit the United States think Americans are kinder and more helpful than Chinese.Probably being friendly with foreigners is a(n)_45_ characteristic of human beings.In Europe,it is difficult

19、 to _46_ between Americans and the locals by facial features(特征),so they _47_ you as one of their countryman-not very warmly!Actually,I have found that the people of European countries,such as Germany and Holland,do not _48_ much time to recognize an American by certain mannerisms or dress,even if w

20、e do not _49_ and show our _50_ of English.I am not sure if the _51_ or coolness I often encounter(遇到)in Europe is _52_ I am an American,or whether they are the same with a _53_ of their own country.However,it seems to me that the Chinese are friendly and _54_ to strangers regardless of _55_ they ar

21、e their own countrymen or from other countries.266W 36.A.nearby B.close C.new D.old 37.A.answer B.reply C.deal D.react 38.A.living B.staying C.traveling D.going 39.A.left B.made C.offered D.created 40.A.like B.hate C.enjoy D.prefer 41.A.drawn B.shown C.focused D.fixed word-4-/10 42.A.return B.force

22、C.exchange D.turn 43.A.can B.will C.should D.might 44.A.therefore B.thus C.however D.too 45.A.common B.ordinary C.average D.strange 46.A.tell B.distinguish C.recognize D.know 47.A.treat B.think C.look D.accept 48.A.spend B.cost C.require D.request 49.A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell 50.A.pronunciationB.k

23、indC.wayD.style 51.A.reserveB.shynessC.rudenessD.manners 52.A.sinceB.asC.forD.because 53.A.personB.nativeC.strangerD.friend 54.A.generous B.helpfulC.honestD.faithful 55.A.whenB.ifC.whetherD.either 第三局部阅读理解共 20 小题;每一小题 2 分,总分为 40 分 阅读如下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C 和 D中,选出最优选项。A Team:I am looking forward to the

24、 amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative(创新)company in the world.Joining Apple was the best decision Ive ever made and its been the privilege(荣耀)of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years.I share Steves optimism for Apples bright future.Steve has been an unbelie

25、vable leader and mentor(导师)to me,as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing employees.We are really looking forward to Steves ongoing guidance and inspiration as our Chairman.I want you to be confident that Apple is not going to change.I cherish and celebrate Apples unique principles an

26、d values.Steve built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world and we are going to stay true to thatit is in our DNA.We are going to continue to make the best products in the world that delight our customers and make our employees unbelievably proud of what they do.I love Apple and

27、 I am looking forward to diving into my new role.All of the unbelievable support from the Board,the executive team and many of you has been inspiring.I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is.Tim 56.The letter is writt

28、en to_.A.Apple Administration B.Apple Board C.Steve Jobs D.Apple employees 57.Tim is confident about Apple and himself because of the following EXCEPT _.A.Steves ongoing guidance and inspiration.B.All of the unbelievable support from the staff.C.The customers unchangeable trust and support.D.The com

29、panys deep-rooted and unique culture 58.What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?A.Apple will not hire new people.B.Apple will not abandon its culture.C.Apple will not change customers D.Apple will not create new products.B Hows your relationship with your dad?It can be easy to

30、let walls build up between you during the teen years.But by doing a little preventive maintenance(措施),you can help things good and growing between the two of youeven without a wilderness expedition.Here are a few quick tips.word-5-/10 Talk it out.Communication is key to any friendship.Open your mout

31、h and let your dad know whats on your mind.Give him a chance to get to know you.Listen up.Your dads lived more life than you have.Believe it or not,hes probably been there and can help you get through the pressures and struggles.Ask how he handled school,girls or temptations.Then pay attention.Take

32、some time.It can be hard for us guys to talk about what really matters.But spending time together can build the relationship,and create opportunities to talk.Go for a hike or a game.Work on the car.Whatever youre into,ask your dad to do it together.Fight fair.Family disagreements are unavoidable.Whe

33、n temperatures rise,keep your mouth respectful and cool off before you let out a large amount of negative words.Talk it out when you can do so calmly.Realize respect.Face it:Your dads been given authority(权威)to help guide you as you know.Hes going to make mistakes,but so are you.Forgive him when he

34、blows it,and honor his decisionseven if you dont agree.59.The main purpose of the passage is to advise teenagers on how to _.A.respect and obey their fathers B.communicate with their fathers C.ask their fathers for advice D.get along well with their fathers word-6-/10 60.According to the writer,_.A.

35、fathers have the right to guide teenagers.B.Respect means never fighting with fathers.C.conflicts can be avoided through efforts D.always keeping your mouth closed really matters.61.“When temperatures rise means_.A.When it is too hot.B.When teenagers have a fever C.When fathers fall ill.D.When disag

36、reements get fierce.62.From the passage we can infer that_.A.fathers play an important role in teenagers growth.B.communication can prevent all the disagreements.C.talking everything out immediately always helps.D.teenagers should never get angry with their fathers.C Sitting is an art that isnt gett

37、ing passed along.People these days feel as though they have to be doing something.If theyre not working,theyre running slowly,or playing tennis or golf,or taking course to improve their minds and bodies-or theyre parked in front of the TV.Sitting in front of the TV isnt sitting-its watching.People u

38、sed to sit a whole lot.Youd walk down the street or drive down the road,and there theyd be,out of the porch(有顶的入口处、门廊),sitting.You could go down to the store and sit on the bench in front in the summer or around the potbellied stove in the winter.There were sitting on benches out on the courthouse l

39、awn(草坪).At the garage there were straight-backed chairs.There among the oil cans and windshield-wiper blades,you could kick back and sit.Houses used to have sitting rooms,where the grownups would go after Sunday dinner.Mom and Dad,Grandpa and Aunt Ruby would sit and digest the fried chicken and talk

40、ed about Aunt Ethels gallstones,and how good the preacher did today.Outside,the children would play,and the afternoon would drift by in a comfortable haze(烟雾).That sort of thing looks like doing nothing.A recharging battery doesnt look as if its doing anything either.Sitting restores your soul.If yo

41、u want to enjoy a truly full life,dont just do something-Sit there.63.Whats the best title of the passage?A.Sitting is an art.B.Please be seated.C.The advantage of sitting.D.Not used to sitting nowadays.64.According to the writer,which of the following can be called sitting?A.Watching TV.B.Attending

42、 classes.C.Listening to lectures.D.chatting after dinner.65.What does the underlined word“dinner refer to?A.breakfast.B.lunch.C.supper.D.meal.66.What is the function of sitting according to the author?A.enriching ones minds and hearts.B.building up ones body.C.giving people a complete rest.D.helping

43、 people get rid of tiredness.D The personal computer has overtaken the family dog as mans best friend,according to a study.Researchers found that just 6 per cent of us believe that“most people rely more word-7-/10 on their dog than they do on their PC,while 67 per cent think the opposite to be true.

44、Even 38 per cent of dog owners admitted to relying more on their PC than on their dog,although 36 per cent disagreed.And 71 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old dog owners said they relied more on their computer.Paul Allen,editor of Computeractive magazine said:“These days you can even take your PC for a w

45、alk,provided you have a laptop or tablet.“Its only a matter of time until the first PC that fetches your slippers.Researchers questioned 2,000 British adults to find out about the change modern technology has brought to their home life.They found that male dog owners are almost twice as likely as fe

46、male owners to rely on their computer than a canine companion.Mr.Allen said:“With broadband bringing them global news and newspaper sales falling,the family dog even misses out on the pleasure of taking the paper to his owner.But its not all bad news for obedient dogs.“The family PC has given dog ow

47、ners access to a wealth of resources and information that can help with the long-term care that a dog needs,Mr.Allen said.67.According to the passage,people in their early_ are most likely to rely on computer.A.teens.B.twenties.C.thirties.D.forties.68.The general idea of the passage is that _.A.The

48、personal computer has replaced the dog as mans best friend.B.Opinions are different about the computer and the dog as mans best friend.C.Modern technology has brought changes to peoples home life.D.The dog as a pet will disappear completely from peoples life.69.The advantage of dogs as pets over the

49、 personal computer now is that_.A.the dog can go out for a walk with people.B.the dog can help people fetch something.C.the dog can bring people more pleasure.D.the dog is more likely to follow its owners orders.70.What does the underlined word“canine mean?A.human B.pet C.family D.dog 71.According t

50、o Mr.Allen,the personal computer_.A.wont have effect on newspaper sales.B.cant help people take better care of the dog.C.will drive the dog as a pet out completely D.will be able to help people fetch something.E Expositions(博览会)Shanghai Shanghai New InternationalExpoCenter 2345 Longyang Road Pudong

51、New Area,Shanghai The 11thChina Clean Expo Website:Dates:March 29-31,2010 Hours:Mar 29-30 from 9:30 am to 5 pm Mar 31 from 9:20 am to 3 pm word-8-/10 Entrance is free of charge!18th EXPO BUILD CHINA 2010 Premium Solutions for Ceramics(陶器),Building&Design Dates:March 29-31,2010 Jewelry Shanghai 2010

52、Dates:April 9-12,2010 Transport Logistic(物流)China 2010 Dates:June 8-10 For the fourth time since 2004,the Shanghai New International Expo Center will host Transport Logistic Chinathe International Exhibition for Logistics,Telematics and Transportfrom 8-10,2010 Conference will allow famous experts fr

53、om the industrial,transport and logistics sectors to comment on and answer questions about successful air,land and sea logistics in China and Asia.ShanghaiExhibitionCenter No.1000,Yanan Road Middle No.1333,Nanjing Road West China International Machine Vision Exhibition 2010 Dates:March 31-April 2,20

54、10 The leading exhibition of its kind in China known as MV China ever since it was founded in 2006,is well recognized by various industries applying machine vision technology and equipment.This annual event serves as the meeting place of professionals and the showcase of the latest technology to use

55、rs/buyers from China and neighboring regions.The show co-organizers are the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and Shanghai Tycoon Exhibition Service Company.China(Shanghai)International Boat Show 2010 Opening Ceremony April 8,2010(Thursday),09:30 Show Period April 8-10,2010(Thursday-Saturday),1

56、0:00-18:00 April 11,2010(Sunday),10:00-17:00“Realize Your Nautical Dreams China(Shanghai)International Boat Show celebrates 15th Anniversary.72.After reading the ads,you can get further information about_ through the Internet.A.Jewelry Shanghai 2010 B.YRD Luxury Property Show 2010.C.Transport Logist

57、ic China 2010 D.The 11thChina Clean Expo 73.You can visit three Expositions on_ if time permits.A.April 11 B.April 9 C.Mar 31 D.Mar 29 74.Which of the following persons would probably go to Transport Logistic China 2010?A.Tom,a businessman transporting goods worldwide by plane.B.John,a doctor travel

58、ing worldwide by ship.C.Jane,a professor who likes collecting jewelry.D.Mary,an expert doing research on medical equipment.word-9-/10 75.Which of the following statements is FALSE?A.You dont have to pay to visit The 11th China Clean Expo.B.MV China has been founded for almost 15 years.C.You can atte

59、nd lectures at Transport Logistic China 2010.D.You can learn something about sailing at China(Shanghai)International Boat Show.第 II 卷非选择题共 35 分 第四局部写作共两节,总分为 35 分 第一节任务型读写共 10 小题;每一小题 1 分,总分为 10 分 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Finding a way to feed a world population that does not make

60、climate change worse,nor otherwise do lasting damage to the environment,is arguably the single greatest collective(集体的)challenge the world faces.Working out how to feed a world population that is projected to top 7 billion this month is a huge task.A sixth of the current global population already go

61、es hungry-another billion is malnourished(营养不良).And the global population may grow to 9 billion within the next 40 years.A report,recently published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization,the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Program,entitled The State of Food I

62、nsecurity in the World 2011,found that 32 countries are already in need of external aid due to crop failures,conflicts or insecurity,natural disasters and high domestic food prices.The UN reports that about 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes,the majority children.It is hi

63、gh time to make it clearer what can be done to lessen the effect of rising food prices on the vulnerable(易受影响的)and World Food Day is designed to increase awareness,understanding and spread information about global hunger.“Food prices from crises to stability was chosen as the theme for this years Wo

64、rld Food Day,which is held every year on Oct 16.Upswings in food prices represent a major threat to food security in developing countries.According to the World Bank,rising food costs in 2010-2011 pushed nearly 70 million people into extreme poverty(贫穷).And the United Nations is predicting rising fo

65、od prices over the next decade.Volatile food prices make more people vulnerableto food shortages and poverty,especially those in small,import-dependent countries.Meaningful long-term alleviation(减轻)of hunger is rooted in the alleviation of poverty,as poverty leads to hunger.World hunger is a terribl

66、e symptom of world poverty.Title:76._ Hunger.77._ of world hunger A(n)78._ world population.Rising food prices.79._ of food due to crop failures,conflicts or insecurity,natural disasters.Poverty.80._ to world hunger Make people more 81._ of and better understand the problem.Offer people 82._ to information about global word-10-/10 hunger.83._ food prices and enrich people.Strengthen international 84._ and cooperation.Requirements for the ways to feed a world population Dont worsen climate change

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