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1、2023年企业文化外文参考文献 Corporate Culture The concept of enterprise culture Enterprise culture is formed in the long-term of the venture and development proce among the enterprise staf.They cultivate the common goal, the highest value standard, basic beliefs and behavior.It contains a very rich content, inc

2、luding busine philosophy, value concept, the spirit of enterprise, enterprise morality, group consciousne, enterprise image, enterprise system.Its core is the spirit of the enterprise and values.The value of enterprise culture 1.Enterprise culture affects the enterprises life Culture is informal.But

3、 it exist everywhere and every time.In the developing of an enterprise, things informal is more important than that of formal, software is usually more important the hardware.This is not only the character of modern economy, but also the outcome of enterprise cultures effect in long time. Enterprise

4、 culture is the spirit of the enterprise, is the power that drives the enterprise developing, and is the best way for the enterprise to get the growth of its economy.The development needs culture and the culture can support the development.In any case, there will be no long time development without

5、culture support. 2.Enterprise culture builds the enterprises core competence The 1960s the core content of enterprise competition is technology , in the 70 s, it is management, in the 80 s, it is marketing, in the 90s, it is the brand, and the 21st century the core competition between enterprises is

6、 the culture.Enterprises short-term prosperity can get in so many ways, but the enterprise long time growth can be only from the power of the excellent enterprise culture, the effect of suitable culture on the development and growth of enterprises is huge, because it has infinite driving force on th

7、e staff. The spirit and ideas is the core of the enterprises culture.When a good enterprise culture establishment, it brings the wisdom of the group, the spirit of collaboration, fresh vitality, this is equivalent to for enterprise with a powerful engine for enterprise innovation and development, an

8、d can uninterruptedly supply spiritual power for the enterprise. Culture the best way to mobilize the staff of an enterprise.It brings staff home feeling in their work.It is the resource of the cohesive power inside and the expansionary force outside of the enterprise. The concept of brand culture B

9、rand culture is the core of brand value, it include the value concept, grade, appeal, expre feelings of the brand, the value of the brand culture is that it brings items of the brand to the flourish spirit world of human being.Brand culture not only can bring people good feeling but also improve the

10、 core competence of the brand. Brand culture mainly has three level content: the first level is the brand value system, which is made up of a series of concept of brand owners and operators, including the pursuit of quality concept, management concept, service concept, social concept and so on; The

11、second level is the behavior model of the brand, including the operators management and marketing strategy, market development means, transmiion channels, service mechanism and attitude, etc.The third level is the brand in the visual image level.This aspect mainly includes the name of the brand, bra

12、nd appeal, brand identification, product external image and so on.The brand culture construction is the proce to adapt to the consumer demand, realize the brand image, maintenance for goals, and complete the heart contract between the brand and the consumer. The concept of culture marketing power Cu

13、lture marketing power is that enterprises, through the cultural marketing, get strong marketing idea, super marketing image, a new marketing model, and so get strong marketing power. 企业文化 企业文化的概念 企业文化是指企业全体员工在长期的创业和发展过程中培育形成,并共同遵守的最高目标,价值标准,基本信念及行为规范。它包含着非常丰富的内容,包括经营哲学、价值观念、企业精神、企业道德、团体意识、企业形象、企业制度,

14、其核心是企业的精神和价值观。 企业文化的价值 1、企业文化影响企业生命力 文化虽然是无形的,但他无处不在,无时不有。无形的比有形的重要,软件比硬件重要,这不仅是经济时代的特征,也是企业文化管理方式作为管理理论和管理实践长期发展和自然结果。 企业文化是企业的灵魂,是推动企业发展的不竭动力,是获得经济效益和经济增长的最佳途径,发展需要文化,文化支撑发展,没有文化底蕴的企业是不可能快速发展和长盛不衰的。 2、企业文化塑造企业核心竞争力 20世纪60年代企业竞争的核心内容在于技术,70年代在于管理,80年代在于营销,90年代在于品牌,21世纪企业竞争的核心在于文化。企业的短期繁荣可以通过许多方式获得,

15、但企业持续增长的力量只能从优秀企业文化中获取,适宜的企业文化对企业的发展壮大的作用不可估量,因为它对企业员工有着无穷的驱动力。 企业文化的核心是其思想观念,它决定着企业成员的思维方式和行为方式,能够激发员工的士气,充分发觉企业的潜能。一个好的企业文化建立后,她所带来的是群体的智慧,协作的精神,新鲜的活力,这就相当于为企业装上了一台功率强大的发动机,为企业创新和发展提供源源不断的精神动力。 文化是调动和组织员工最有效的手段,是员工归属企业的界限和标准,是企业产生内部凝聚力和外部扩张力的源泉,这就是企业文化所具有的强大力量。正是这这种无形的、深藏于人心的力量,正是这种不需文档传递,不用人为操作、监

16、督、检查不被复制的特点使企业文化成为企业的核心竞争力。 品牌文化的概念 品牌文化是品牌价值最核心的体现,品牌文化蕴涵着品牌超越物质使用价值的价值理念、品位、情趣、情感抒发等精神元素,是品牌价值内涵及情感内涵的自然流露,是品牌触动消费者心灵的有效载体。品牌文化最核心的价值就在于,把产品从没有情感的物质世界带到丰富多彩的精神世界。品牌文化不仅能增进消费者对品牌的好感和美好联想,更能使品牌形成核心竞争优势。 品牌的文化主要由三个层面构成:第一个层面是品牌的价值系统,它由一系列的理念所组成,包括品牌拥有者和运营者所追求的品质理念、经营理念、服务理念、社会理念等等,是品牌运营者企业文化所有精髓的完整体现

17、;第二个层面,是品牌的行为模式,包括品牌运营者所采用的管理方法、营销策略、市场拓展手段、传播渠道、服务机制与态度等等;第三个层面是品牌的视觉形象层面,这一个层面主要包括品牌的名称、品牌的诉求、品牌的标识、品牌产品的外在形象等等。品牌文化建设即是从以上三个角度出发,以适应消费者需求,实现品牌形象塑造、维护为目标,完成品牌与消费者“心灵契约”构建的过程。 品牌文化的概念 品牌文化是品牌价值最核心的体现,品牌文化蕴涵着品牌超越物质使用价值的价值理念、品位、情趣、情感抒发等精神元素,是品牌价值内涵及情感内涵的自然流露,是品牌触动消费者心灵的有效载体。品牌文化最核心的价值就在于,把产品从没有情感的物质世

18、界带到丰富多彩的精神世界。品牌文化不仅能增进消费者对品牌的好感和美好联想,更能使品牌形成核心竞争优势。 品牌的文化主要由三个层面构成:第一个层面是品牌的价值系统,它由一系列的理念所组成,包括品牌拥有者和运营者所追求的品质理念、经营理念、服务理念、社会理念等等,是品牌运营者企业文化所有精髓的完整体现;第二个层面,是品牌的行为模式,包括品牌运营者所采用的管理方法、营销策略、市场拓展手段、传播渠道、服务机制与态度等等;第三个层面是品牌的视觉形象层面,这一个层面主要包括品牌的名称、品牌的诉求、品牌的标识、品牌产品的外在形象等等。品牌文化建设即是从以上三个角度出发,以适应消费者需求,实现品牌形象塑造、维护为目标,完成品牌与消费者“心灵契约”构建的过程。 企业文化外文参考文献 外文文献 企业文化研究论文文献综述 建筑项目招投标外文翻译外文文献英文文献 机械设计制造及其自动化外文翻译外文文献英文文献普通钻床改造为多轴钻床 外文文献报告格式 财务风险 外文文献 4外文文献译文 1300外文文献翻译 外文文献注释规范

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