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1、三国故事:马跃檀溪(中英文对照)-英文故事-幼儿故事- 三国故事:马跃檀溪中英文对照 A Leap Over the Tanxi RiverLiu Bei captured an excellent horse in a battle. When Liu Biao marveled at the steed, Liu Bei gave it to him as a gift. Under Liu Biao, there was a horse expert who said, “This horse, though excellent, tends to harm its owner; you

2、d better return it to Liu Bei. Following the experts advice, Liu Biao returned the horse to Liu Bei. Liu Biaos wife Cai and her brother had long wished to Xiangyang to meet some officials. Cai and her brother decided it was an good opportunity. They sent troops to guard every city gate except the we

3、stern one, for outside that gate, the wide Tanxi River, with its rapid water, blocked the road. At the banquet for officials, a man hinted to Liu Bei that Liu Biao planned to kill him. Liu Bei followed the man to the back garden, where he whispered into his ear the details of plan Cai and her brothe

4、r had set. “Every gate but the western one is heavily guarded, the man added. “The western gate is your only chance. Alarmed, Liu Bei mounted the horse and fled. Outside the gate the river blocked his way. Soldiers were fast approaching. Liu Bei whipped the horse like mad, the animal moved forward,

5、but after just a few steps into the river it stumbled. “Surely you harm your master, Liu Bei cried in despair. At this, oddly, the horse made a vigorous leap to the other side of the river, leaving the soldiers behind.Note: Liu Biao was a governor of Jingzhou and a Han royal family member.马跃檀溪有次打仗,刘

6、备缴获一匹名叫“ 的卢的千里马。荆州刺史刘表看后禁不住连声称誉。刘备见刘表如此喜欢,将此马送给了刘表。刘表手下有一人颇懂相马术,言此马有妨主之相,劝刘表将马还给刘备。刘表的夫人蔡氏和其兄蔡瑁早有杀害刘备之心。一次,刘表请刘备代替他到襄阳去会见百官,蔡氏兄妹觉得这是杀害刘备的好时机。该城西门外有一条檀溪河,河宽水急,不易通过。蔡氏兄妹在东、南、北门派重兵扼守,只留西门,等待下手。席间,一个叫伊籍的人来到刘备面前暗示,刘备假借更衣来到了后花园,伊籍附耳告诉刘备:“蔡瑁设计害你,已在东南北三个门派人扼守,你只能出西门,快逃!刘备大惊,策马跑出西门,行数里被檀溪河阻住去路,这时追兵赶来,刘备急打马过溪,没走几步,马失前蹄。刘备大呼:“的卢,的卢,今日果然害我!话音刚落,只见马从水中一跃数丈,飞身上了西岸,摆脱了追兵。

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