初三英语教案范文-Unit13 Rainy days make me sad.doc

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1、初三英语教案范文:Unit13 Rainy days make me sad初三英语教案范文:Unit13 Rainy days make me sad。9. However,some advertising can be confusing or misleading.然而,一些广告会混淆或误导你。(1)confuse v. 使迷惑例如:Waking up in strange surroundings confused her.她醒来时看到一片生疏的环境,这把她搞糊涂了。confusing a. 令人迷惑的例如:The instructions are very confusing and

2、 I cant understand them.这些指示莫名其妙,我没有方法理解confused adj. 迷惑的,糊涂的例如:He gets confused easily. 他很容易被弄糊涂。(2)mislead v. 使某人想错 / 做错,误导misleading adj.例如:a misleading description / advertisement 误导人的描绘广告10.but dont really tell you anything about the quality of the product.但没有真正告诉你有关产品质量的任何问题。tell sb. about sth

3、.“告诉某人有关某事”,tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”。例1The granny told us about a thief breaking into her house.老奶奶告诉我们她家失窃的事。2The old man told us about his sufferings in the old days.老人告诉我们他过去受的苦。3He told the happy news to everybody.他把好消息告诉了大家。f132.更多教案编辑推荐初三英语教案设计:Unit11 Could you please tell meThe First periodTeach














17、ingtheprogressofthepairsandofferinghelpasneededAskoneortwopairstosaytheirconversationstotheclassAsktherestoftheclasstolookatthepictureastheylistenStepHomeworkAskthestudentstowritethreesentenceswiththestartersofthestructures高中英语说课稿:Unit13 healthy eatingUnit13 healthy eating学生情况分析p 本单元的设计与施行是建立在学生经过高一


19、谱,自己动手制作来解谗。语言技能分布 当我们沉浸在第一单元五颜六色的美味佳中的时候,我们除了流口水之外,英语语言的各项技能-听说读写也不知不觉的被品味被消化。教学理念本单元在授课形式上尝试采用TBL任务型教学形式,其实用step 1.2.也没什么两样,问题是无论是那种形式,都要围绕所要达成的既定目的而设置任务或步骤,在本质上力争到达形散而神不散。在课堂教学中倡导多层次多形式的对话,根据教育心理学家Kolb的体验式学习理论,高中学生的逻辑思维才能日益增强,同时具有了一定的社会阅历和知识根底。体验式学习更能达成有效的知识迁移。在课堂教学中尝试进展对话的时候,尝试着关注以下三方面:师生对话中关注班级

20、中最薄弱的那个学生。生生对话中关注团队协作互助的精神。通过这两点,试图促进知识的落实。书本与生活的对话关注激发学生的学习兴趣,实现知识和技能的提升。注重学习的绩效分享,以增强学生的自信心和社会责任感,分享形式可以是多角度的。如学生之间,师生之间,学生与家庭之间,朋友之间等。以上所涉及的教学理念并非非用不可,或是最先进的。本人觉得在这个话题下可以尝试着浸透一些。操作理念 在详细操作过程中重视学生个性和创新意识,给予学生充分表达的时机。例如在warming-up局部,让学生界定healthy food and junk food的概念,完全允许他们有不同的界定标准,我们英语课的主要目的还是想着招数


22、励学生的积极性。教学任务 教学任务请大家自己看,20秒。教材上没有课外学习任务,但我觉得这个内容可以尝试。Warming-up由于昨天有些老师没有教材,特提一下教材内容:1 教材给出了一些食物图片,要求界定垃圾食品还是安康食品2给出一个空白饮食调查表教学建议:1。由于学生刚过完春节回校,添一下嘴唇,还很能回味到过年时的美味佳肴,因此何不充分利用这一事实。实现学生从压迫学习向主动学习的转变。激发他们交谈的兴趣,不仅实现了良好的过渡,而且借机呈现大量有关食物和饮料的词汇,实现知识的有效迁移。Brainstorm 是方法之一。2。在回味美食的同时,引出话题healthy food,junk food

23、,由学生给出不同的定义。允许众说纷纭,但尽量让英语作为课堂工作语言。3。课堂上的学生饮食调查可作为更广泛的家庭饮食情况调查的铺垫 ,拟增加安康状况一览,使学生能直观的发现饮食对安康的影响,为后来的安康食谱的制定提供根据。Listening1.教材分析p :听力材料分为两局部:1母亲与Mike关于Mike胃痛与他一天饮食情况的对话2Mike前去就医与医生的对话2。教学建议:1。建议在听力开场前做pre-listening.针对第一局部对话,可让学生以小组的形式互相询问一日三餐以及点心等。因为听力一是母亲与儿子有关一天饮食的询问式对话。2。针对第二局部对话,由于就医问诊是大家共有的体验,让学生进展

24、pair-work,根据以有的就医经历和听力一所获得的信息,假象Mike与医生的对话和医生可能给出的建议.比一比猜中率。3。1&2的目的是为了训练学生听力中集中注意力的才能,同时进展文化背景知识的铺垫,从而能在听的过程中准确定位,捕捉到问题所需的信息点。4。听力任务完成后建议复听,尝试再现听力中的情景多种形式,如表演,单句复述,take notes然后完好复述或spot dictation等,为下一步的speaking做好务实而有效的准备。Speaking1.教材分析p :教材给出三种就医情景,和一个范例。目的是使学生能在常见的就医场景中运用英语进展交流。尤其是常用的表达方式。2。教学建议:1

25、 前面听力模块中通过听力训练得到了相关表达方式的输入,同时在最后的稳固性复述中对就医情景作了充分的铺垫,在这里speaking模块开场前让学生精彩回放Mike的就医情景。为接下来的情景会话热身。2。然后分别罗列病人和医生的常用的表达方式。 3。在有了热身对话和常用表达方式的支持,可以鼓励小组活动,创设更多的情景进展会话表演,让学生接触更多有关疾病的词汇无意识的在情景中承受了词汇扩大。 4。对根底薄弱的学生可以尝试:A.: 听力再现。B:范例复述或表演 5。时间允许,还可将对话落实到笔头。供选择Reading阅读局部1.教材分析p :教材在读前给出了4个有关饮食习惯的常识性调查问题,阅读材料是有

26、关饮食习惯的议 论文体的文章,读后给出了5个拓展性的问题。2。教学建议:1。建议阅读局部的教学侧重学生对文章的整体性构造把握,培养他们的阅读技能。利用本文可突出学生3个方面的才能:A:文章中心把握才能:设及高考题中作者意图推测,标题选择,段落大意确定。B:信息归类,寻找规律:Eg.不同食物-不同的营养,给出未提及的食物作营养成分推测C: 生词猜想。Eg.organic,eco-foods,supplement为了更有效地进展以上3方面的技能训练,我个人不主张让学生对本文进展课前的预习。2. 也在进展读前问答的时候,不仅关注他们的答复内容还可引出课文中或相关的新词,尤其是营养成分类的词汇以扫清文

27、化背景障碍和语言障碍。3。读后的发散性问题,假如时间紧迫,建议学生以小组任选一话题讨论,由小组发言人做汇报。建议敢于大胆取舍,调整教材,那出一点大家风范来,毕竟我们至少读了4年大学,在一线拼了那么多年。再说有新大纲明文规定,支持我们。4。其它的语言难点可随机处理,假设时间来不及,也可放到language study 模块中处理。Language studyLanguage study1.教材分析p :这一局部包括单词释意,had better,should and ought to表示给出建议的用法。教材给出单句补全,和根据2个情景给建议两种训练方式。这是本单元主要语法点。2。教学建议:1。在

28、学生掌握情况比拟好的情况下,可将word study大胆修改成:听老师读解释,学生写单词,而不是进展简单的搭配,事实上,在实际教学中,不少同学提早完成了,因此就需要根据学情及时调整内容或变换检测角度。2。假如前面阅读模块中仍有局部语言问题未解决,可在这里弥补。毕竟语法和句型仍是测试的重要内容之一。说实在的,考试分数就是我们饭碗中的大米饭的颗粒数,领导可知道,我的碗中饭,粒粒皆辛苦。3。澄清这些Modal Verbs 的否认形式。可以将SEFC II中first aid一课中提及的各种急救场景做为情景,训练学生运用这些Modal Verbs给建议。供程度较好学生分成dos and donts 呈

29、现给学生,要求学生用本单元所学的情态动词来给出建议。不仅使学生在详细情景中体会了这些语法工程的功能,同时也学会了一些生存技能。4 根据所给情景写出可能性的建议这一任务中,可以创造性地尝试让学生以小组的形式编写更多的情景,然后互相交换,针对情景给建议。以便进一步开掘教材的内在价值。Integrating Skills1.教材分析p :提出了snacks这个话题,同时给出了两个snacks的recipes,要求学生能模拟写recipe.教材也给出了4条writing tips.2。教学建议:1)。建议从常规的三餐或我们实际的饮食习惯导入snacks时,进展头脑风暴,呈现我们国家丰富的小吃文化。通过

30、文章的阅读和前面所学的知识,对所罗列的小吃进展判断bad-good-better-best简要说明理由,这个建议的设计其实是针对学生的阅读理解才能,因为小吃一文中提到了几种食物,并且作了优劣判断,那么可以利用这一素材培养学生的归类,推理才能,这也是学生在考试中主要的失分点。例如:文章信息:orangebreadchocolate,我们可推出strawberrydumplingicecream2)。建议不同小组写不同的recipe, 在模拟范文写recipe之前,须经过讨论,用丰富的体态语言表演制作过程。通过活动的形式熟悉这些有关烹饪的词汇。因为本文中出现了大量的烹饪有关的词汇。例如:A学生做一

31、个动作,B学生说出对应的单词。或者表演一种SNACK的制作过程,有另一学生描绘。3)最后的recipe进展展示共享。有实物投影的可书面让学生和老师点评,没有的话,可口头表达点评课后整理配上图片更佳,全班展示分享。初三英语教案范文:Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed教学目的1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:stay up(2) Target Language2. Ability ObjectTrain students integrating skills.3. Moral ObjectStudents may thin

32、k parents should allow them more freedom. In fact, they are weak in telling the right from wrong. So accept parents advice.教材分析p 1.Teaching Key pointsTalk about what oneself is or isnt allowed to do using the target language.Ask for what someone is or isnt allowed to do using the target language.2.

33、Teaching Difficult pointTrain students integrating skills by task-based activities.教学过程Step Revisionplay a game to review the structure be or be not allowed to.Divide the class into groups. Each group is asked to make a list of school rules.The group which writes down the most rules within five minu

34、tes wins the game.Step 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.point to the picture and ask students to describe it.Invite a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Call students attention to the chart. Say, You are to read the conversation agai

35、n and write Sun Feis and Wu Yus rules in the chart. Ask a student to read the sle answers to the class.Get students to plete the chart inpidually. Remind them to use Dont and You can.As they are working this, move around the room answering any questions students raise about the conversation and offe

36、ring language support as needed.Check the answers.AnswersSun Fei: You have to be home by 10:00 p.m.Wu Yu: You have to stay at home on school nights.You can choose your own clothes.Dont get your ears pierced.Step _This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language. Focus

37、 attention on the conversation. Ask a pair of students to read it to the class, pleting the last sentence.SA: What rules do you have at home?SB: Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?Write the conversation on the blackboard.Say, please cover the conversation in Activity 3a.

38、Using the information in the chart, make new conversations in pairs.Get students to plete the work in pairs. Move around the room checking progress and offering any help students need.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step part 4This activity provides reading, writing, li

39、stening and speaking practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call students attention to the chart. Set a time limit of one minute.Students read the headlines at the top and at the sides.Demonstrate how to fill in the chart with a student.T: Do you have to go home after

40、school, Wei Ming?W: Yes,I do.T: Are you allowed to stay up until 11 : 00 p.m.?W: No, Im not.T: Tell students where to write Wei Ming in the chart.Say, You are to ask different students in the class and find three people who have to followeach of the rules in the chart.Ask students to plete the chart

41、. Allow them to stand up and move around the room. Walk around the room checking progress and offering help with pronunciation and writing.Ask several students to tell the class what they learned. For exle, a student might say, Wei Ming has to go home after school. Liu Chang is allowed to stay up un

42、til 11:00 p.m. and so forth.Review the task. Ask, who has to go home after school? Count the hands and let students keep a record. Do the same approach with the other items. Discuss the results with the class.Optional activityAsk students to create a chart similar to the one in Activity 4. Then make

43、 a different list of rules from the ones in the book. Get them to plete the activity by going around the class and filling in the chart.Step Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve learned to talk about oneself is or isnt allowed to do and ask for someone is or isnt allowed to do.幼儿小班英语教案Show M

44、e活动目的:1、鼓励幼儿大胆学说句子Show me your (book).Here it is.2、通过游戏活动,引导幼儿在理解含义的根底上学习单词book,bag,cup,hankie,发音根本准确.3、培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。活动准备:book,bag,cup,hankie的实物。活动过程:一、Warm Up 热身复习point at your eyes 老师带着唱唱跳跳学过的歌曲,激发幼儿参与英语活动的愿望。二、根本局部1、老师逐一出示book,bag,cup,hankie的实物,引导幼儿大胆学说,注意纠正幼儿的发音。师:What is it?生:Its a (cup). (幼儿答不

45、出来,老师就带读几遍)2、老师设计情境,帮助幼儿理解Show me your (book).Here it is的含义。请某幼儿拿着一本书,老师伸出双手同时说Show me your (book)。另一名老师在旁边引导幼儿把书递给她同时说Here it is。请其他幼儿练习对话,注意纠正幼儿的发音。表扬大胆学说的幼儿。3、引导幼儿类推,理解并学说Show me your (book,bag,cup,hankie).Here it is。4、 A game游戏 : 瞎子摸象请一名幼儿并蒙上眼睛到台前来,老师准备book,bag,cup,hankie的实物放在地上,老师说:Show me your

46、 (book),幼儿就摸取该物并说Here it is。摸不对的就换另一名幼儿玩。三、完毕局部Song : show me幼儿跟唱歌曲。活动评价:1、教学方式灵敏,整个活动过程可以激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,幼儿能在轻松活泼的气氛中愉快的学习和使用英语。2、整个活动在内容和形式上符合幼儿认识才能和心理特点,具有活泼、轻松、有趣的特点。冀教版初三英语教案:Unit_1同步练习初三英语教案:冀教版(Book_5)Unit_1同步练习根据句意和所给的中文提示写出单词1. I havent what to write about.(决定)2. The poem gives a good of the be

47、auties of nature.(描写)3. Its two Oclock.(刚刚)4. You idea like a good one.(听起来)5. This tea sweet.(闻起来)7. Have you finished your poen ?(已经)8. Her face great joy when she heard about her sons successin business.(表示)9. I was about to fall asleep when I a loud noise.(听见)10. We were all that Wang Nan lost t

48、he game.(感到惊讶的单项选择1. He taught me to write an English letter.A. what B. whether C. which D. how2. THe teacher told Bill a cat on the blackboard.A. draw B. to draw C. drew D. drawing3. Would you like some fruit?No, thanks. I dont feel like anything now.A. to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having,

49、eating D. to have, eating4. He felt very tired, so he stopped under a big tree.A. to rest B. resting C. to going D. going5. Dont forget the door when you leave.A. closing B. close C. closed D. to close6. Did you see him out?A. to go B. go C. went D. gone7. Youd better . I think the plane is going to

50、 take off in a moment.A. sitting down B. sit down C. to sit down D. sat down8. Would you like me with you?A. to run B. running C. run D. runs9. He stopped with me, beacuse there was a call for him.A.talk B. talks C. talking D. to talk10. Im too busy to my family often.Why not call them instead.A. wr

51、iting B. to write C. written D. write选择适当的词填空1. The ice is as (clear, clearly ) as glass.2. The sun (soft, slftly) kisses the earth.3. I like to walk (slow, slowly)in the warm sunshine.4. Use your (imagine , imagination) and have fun.5. I sat in the garden and the (warm, warmth) of the sun made me feel sleepy.6. The classroom is usually very (noise, noisy)after class.7. Lucy has (gold, golden) hair.8. That (listens , sounds) a good idea.9. They were greatly (surprising, surprised) at the news that he didnt pass the exam.10. The water running (swift, swiftly) uncler ice第 28 页 共 28 页

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