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1、广东省北大附中深圳南山分校2020届高三英语上学期期中试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ARedoxon Double Action Kids Chewable This product provides a unique combination of Vitamin C and Zinc, active ingredients which are suited for the growth and development of kids (2-12 years). Vit

2、amin C helps to speed up recovery from colds and Zinc is crucial for the normal cellular immune function. The tablets come in a heart shaped format with a delicious tutti frutti flavor. Sugar-FreeDosage:Children (2-3 years): 1 tablet dailyChildren (4 years and above): 1-2 tablets dailyOr as directed

3、 by a physician.Store below 25.Recommended to children who can thoroughly chew and safely swallow without supervision.A2Always wash hands with soap and water and dry using a clean cloth. Add two built-in level scoops of powder for each 100ml of water. Serve immediately or chill in refrigerator for 3

4、0 minutes. Prepare each drink as needed. It is safer to use freshly prepared drinks. Do not store drinks for more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. After months, water and milk should be your toddlers (学步的小孩) main drinks. These should be offered in a cup rather than a feeding bottle. Always close l

5、id immediately after use. Use contents within 4 weeks of opening. MFD 21/04/2019 20:26 USEBY 19/04/2020 Made In New Zealand21 Who may need Redoxon Double Action Kids Chewable most?A. A 3-year-old girl who often suffers from colds. B. A 2-year-old boy who likes a heart shape. C. A high school student

6、 who lacks Vitamin C. D. A baby who has a sweet tooth.22 Which of the following statements is true about A2?A. Unfinished drinks must be abandoned immediately.B. Its better to use this can of A2 before April 19, 2019.C. Wed better use up A2 within about 4 months.D. For a toddler a cup instead of a f

7、eeding bottle is recommended. 23 The information is most probably taken from _.A. a beauty magazine B. instructions of products C. a travel brochureD. a medical report BIn many countries, authority (权威) is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is feared. Because sta

8、tus has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. For example, children are not expected to question their teachers in school. It may be considered improper for young businessmen to suggest ideas that differ from those of olde

9、r, more experienced members of the business.In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they m

10、ay be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic accomplishments.This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people

11、 as bad for young peoples manners. This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have a different attitude toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business

12、situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the persons ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situati

13、on, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner possible.As was mentioned earlier, you may notice the same questioning in social conversations. Although some individual may think that Americans are rude because of the direct manner with people

14、, they are merely trying to learn more about your ideas.24 In many countries authority is seldom questioned for the following reasons EXCEPT that _.A. people show great respect for it B. people dont care about itC. people are afraid of itD. people are trained not to challenge those in authority25 Fr

15、om the text we can infer that _.A. young people lack respect for authority in America B. questioning a person is impolite and his ideas as wellC. American authority usually doesnt mind being questioned D. Young Americans always give the impression of being rude to others 26 What is the authors attit

16、ude towards questioning those in authority?A. Worried. B. Doubtful. C. Positive. D. Indifferent. 27 What is possibly the best title of the text?A. Bad Manners or Good WaysB. B. Rude or Honest?True AmericansC. Questioning the Authority Is ImpoliteD. Questioning: A Way to Learn and Develop New Ideas C

17、A few years ago, my husband Charlie and I had marriage problems. Growing family responsibilities and financial worries took a toll on us and we began arguing frequently, often late into the night.However, neither of us could take the step that would end our eleven-year marriage and bring heartbreak

18、to our three young children. Deep down we knew we still loved each other, so we determined to work it out. Through countless discussions, we began to close the gulf. The more honest we were, the closer we became.When I felt we were reaching solid ground, I asked my husband to give me an “eternity (永

19、恒) ring”. It was not so much the ring I wanted; it was the reassurance I thought it would bring.We went shopping on a beautiful summer day. We walked hand in hand along a row of jewelers shops. Finally I found a ring I liked. While waiting for it to be adjusted, the jeweler took my left hand and gla

20、nced at my engagement ring. “May I clean it for you?” he asked. “It really doesnt sparkle like it used to.” Charlie said as I slipped the ring off my finger. A few minutes later the jeweler was back. The ring shone like new!On the drive home, I didnt take my eyes off it. I forgot all about the etern

21、ity ring. I just couldnt believe how this old ring suddenly sparkled the way it had the day Charlie gave it to me. I had taken it for granted these past years, but with a little polish it could still make my heart beat fast.And thats the way it is with a marriage. You have to work at keeping it poli

22、shed and new, or else the grime (污垢) of the passing years will hide the joy. I put my hand on the seat between us and spread my fingers. Charlie covered my hand with his. I felt I was lucky to be able to see the sparkle in something old when I thought I needed something new.28 The author and her hus

23、band had marriage problems partly because _. A. they were lack of money B. they frequently argued late into the night C. they had countless discussions D. the author wanted to have an eternity ring29 What does the underlined part in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Free of trouble.B. Arriving at a squar

24、e.C. Wealthy and generous.D. In good relationship.30 Why did the author forget all about the eternity ring on their way back home?A. Her husband kept it for her. B. The old rings light attracted her attention. C. She was not satisfied with the eternity ring. D. The couple were talking all the way me

25、rrily.31 What does the author mainly want to express in the last paragraph?A. We tend to prefer new objects to old ones. B. One should remain thankful for what he has got.C. Marriage should be constantly polished. D. We should try to rediscover the use of old objects.DListen-and-Repeat Singing Metho

26、d Benefits Foreign Language LearningHave you ever found yourself in this situation:You hear a song you used to sing when you were a childa bit of nostalgia (怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them

27、all those years ago. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages. Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adu

28、lts and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listen-and-repeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing

29、the words. All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered. Why Hungarian, you may ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots

30、 with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two t

31、imes better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them. Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy or memorable tune. Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle t

32、o learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburghs website Dr. Ludke writes,“This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning,and opens the door for future research in this area.”32 According to the research, wh

33、ich of the following is true? A. The group singing the words can generally remember the words best. B. The findings can help all foreign language learners learn better. C. The 60 adults were divided into three groups according to their ages. D. Researchers studied the relationship between music and

34、remembering languages.33 Why was Hungarian used in the experiment?A. Because Hungarian is easy to learn. B. Because researchers are fluent in Hungarian. C. Because Hungarian is unknown to many people.D. Because Hungarian is rooted in Germanic language. 34 What can we infer from the passage?A. Foreig

35、n language teachers can use music to help with their teaching. B. Hungarian is very popular in the UK.C. People without music talent can never learn foreign languages well.D. The listen-and-repeat singing method is the best way to learn a language. 35 Whats the purpose of the authors writing the pas

36、sage?A. To compare different language learning methods. B. To introduce an experimental result. C. To call on people to do future research. D. To help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Everyone deals with discouragement a

37、t some point in their life. 36 Discouragement, disappointment, failure, and setbacksthese are all things that can help us if we maintain an empowering mindset. So next time you start to feel discouraged, here is what you should do:1. 37 Discouragement generally occurs when our expectations dont agre

38、e with reality. In many cases our expectations are unrealistic, and this often has to do with how long we think things will last. If we take a longer view, and relax our expectations a little, it can really help to decrease discouragement. So be patient! 2. Think of failure as education.When we feel

39、 like we have failed at something, discouragement often follows. However, failure doesnt really exist, except for the meaning that we give it. We can choose to think of failure as education, and therefore good, instead of thinking of failure as bad. When we view it this way we realize that failure i

40、snt something that is bad, or something to be avoided. It is simply feedback. 38 3. Stop comparing ourselves with others. No doubt, if we always compare ourselves with others, we will get discouraged easily. We generally see their victories, successes, and strengths. When we do this we get discourag

41、ed and we feel sorry for ourselves. 39 We are on a unique path. Then we need to just focus on our own path. 4. Consider who we are spending time with. If we spend all our time with people who are constantly negative, we can be influenced to see life through a similar lens. So what can we do? We cant

42、 simply cut loved ones out of our lives. 40 Start to surround ourselves with positive people as a balance. Over time we will start to take on their mindset and this will help with any feelings of discouragement we may have.36-40 EBDAF A. Take the long view.B. So dont compare. C. It may be a while be

43、fore it comes true.D. What we should do is simply expand our social network.E. We ease discouragement when we think this way.F. But it is not always a bad thing.G. Dont let our discouragement get in the way of our development.第三部分 两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中,

44、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was frustrated at not being entered into the national IT competition Id applied for. I sat in the car, lost in 41 , chewing my lip and staring outside.I went upstairs,42and desperate. Grandpas door was open for me as usual. There, he was waiting for my43with great excitement. I stoo

45、d silently, forcing a44to cover my sadness. He seemed to45me immediately, giving me a 46 . I was astonished that such a47body was full of so much energy.Only then did my emotions start 48out. I told him that all my49were for nothing, and that I was feeling discouraged. Grandpa smiled at me50and said

46、, “Dont worry. Youre far stronger than you think.” Then he 51, “Life can be full of ups and downs so what we need do is to still have our hopes and52, neglecting the anxiety that makes it easy to give up.”He53me on the shoulder, with a determined look, before saying, “Cheer up. Im firmly54that you h

47、ave the capability to succeed.” Grandpas encouragement soon made my sadness55 .The next day, I thought about all my problems and56a plan. Now, I believe that with a positive attitude towards failure, Ill57reach my goals.Looking back, I realize that we should share our setbacks and progress in life w

48、ith our58ones. As my grandpa showed, the59of our family members will benefit us60 .41.A. fearB. despairC. loveD. need42.A. weakB. strongC. sweetD. simple43.A. suggestionB. commentC. discoveryD. arrival44.A. tearB. sighC. signalD. smile45.A. ignoreB. inspectC. readD. order46.A. hugB. prideC. challeng

49、eD. wish47.A. fineB. fitC. thinD. healthy48.A. dyingB. turningC. checkingD. pouring49.A. offersB. effortsC. promisesD. profits50.A. generallyB. gentlyC. suddenlyD. freshly51.A. addedB. sharedC. helpedD. served52.A. decisionsB. respectsC. desiresD. pains53.A. pattedB. hitC. beggedD. picked54.A. convi

50、ncedB. believedC. expectedD. changed55.A. ariseB. preventC. continueD. disappear56.A. turned intoB. came acrossC. cared aboutD. worked out57.A. merelyB. actuallyC. eventuallyD. instantly58.A. deservedB. belovedC. determinedD. excited59.A. companyB. gratitudeC. supportD. blame60.A. neverB. foreverC.

51、howeverD. wherever第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,在空白处填入1个适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。Today, Mount Qomolangmas peak is not a lonely place any more. Over 3500 people have_61_ (successful) climbed the mountain over the past year. Meanwhile, climbers have complained about_62_(wait) for hours in the bottlenecks.In

52、fact, the dangerous_63_(crowd) arent the only problem. All those climbers need _64_(bring) a lot of gear (装置) and much of them ends up being left on the mountains. becoming the worlds_65_ (tall) rubbish dump.But the good news is_66_ some mountaineers are overtaking it to clean up Qomolangma. Mountai

53、neers Paul and Eberhard are part of Eco Everest Expedition which has been cleaning up rubbish since 2008.So far they_67_(collect)over 13 tons of garbage. Some of that rubbish is even being used for_68_ higher purpose. As part of the Mount Everest 8844 Art Project. a group of 15 artists Nepal collect

54、ed 1.5 tons of garbage. Theyve changed the cans and oxygen tanks _69_74 pieces of art that have been exhibited in Nepals capital. Part of the profit from sales_70_ (be) available for the Everest Pakeers Association which has helped ole rubbish of the mountain.第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分

55、,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。An opening week held in our school last week so that we could show a great achievements we made in

56、art education.The art works exhibition went on from Monday to Friday, exhibit the excellent art works, such as paper cuts, paintings and flower arrangements. Both of the art works were created by the students of our school. That attracted the public most was the singing and dancing performances in F

57、riday afternoon. All activities draw the close attention of the public and parents as well, receiving high praises from the public.Through these activity, the public has a better understanding of our school. As a result of ,we all think that the opening week was of great successful.第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)假

58、定你是李华,你的美籍留学生朋友John对中国传统文化很感兴趣,北京大学的王教授将来你校做主题为“中国传统节日”的报告。请写一封电子邮件,邀请John来听报告。内容包括: 1时间和地点; 2主要内容; 3注意事项等。 注意:1词数120左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear John,_ Looking forward to your participation.Yours,Li Hua阅读: A篇 A D B B篇 B C C D C篇 A D B C D篇 A C A B 七选五 F A E B D完形 41-45 BADDC 46-50 ACDBB 51-55 ACAAD 56-

59、60 DCBCB语法填空61successfully62waiting63crowds64tobring65tallest66that67havecollected68a69into70is 改错Dear John,I know that you are interested in Chinese culture, Professor Wang, well-known for his research into Chinese traditional festivals, will come to our school this weekend. He will make a speech o

60、n Chinese traditional festivals in the school lecture hall, which will start at 8:00 am on Sunday.The speech will last about two hours, including an ask-and-answer session before it ends, when any student can ask a question related to the speech topic. Youd better come a little earlier before the speech begins so as to take a seat in the front! Besides his speech, Professor Wang will also hand out some materials on Chinese traditional festivals.Im looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua

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