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1、屈臣氏之swot分析一、内部分析1、优势(Strenghs)作为一个全球知名的个人护理商店,屈臣氏有以下优势:(1) 产品多样化:在屈臣氏的店里,你可以选购到大部分你所想得到的化妆或 者个人护理用品,甚至包括零食等。而且,屈臣氏里还有国外原产的食品, 这更吸引了很多喜欢国外食品的消费者。(2) 店内品牌都是知名品牌:在屈臣氏的店内,你可以放心选购商品,因为商 品均是来自有名厂商,有保证性,而且作为一家全球知名的零售店,它的 信誉也值得保证,消费者可以不用担心买到假货。(4) 商家想法周到:屈臣氏每隔一段时间,就会在门口的架子放上近期主打推 销的商品或者降价打折的商品,消费者可以轻松了解近期的优

2、惠,促进消 费者的购买欲望。(5) 分布广:屈臣氏在中国各大城市都有分店,而且分店很多,几乎每个城区, 大商店里都有。(6) 理念积极:屈臣氏以“健康”“美态” “乐观”作为自己的理念,引导消 费者积极乐观的生活态度。1, advantage : (1) product diversification: in the store, you can choose the most you want cosmetic or personal care products, including snacks, etc. Moreover, Watson and foreign origin of fo

3、od, its more attracted many consumers like foreign food.(2) the store brand is well-known brands: in watsons store, you can rest assured the choose and buy goods, because the goods are all from famous manufacturer, guaranteed, and as a world famous retail stores, its credibility is that consumers ca

4、n buy fake goods dont have to worry about.(5) : widespread watsons in major cities have branches in China, and branches many, almost every city, has a big store.(6) philosophy actively: Watson to health beauty optimistic as a concept, guide the consumer a positive, optimistic attitude toward life劣势(

5、1)市场定位不明确:虽然屈臣氏在市场上定位为药妆店,但店内还贩卖一些食物和生活用品,导致有一些顾客对于屈臣氏究竟是买什么的并不清 楚。2无法满足顾客一次购买:店内的商品皆为生活用品或者零食,没有生鲜食品, 对于那些想要购买此类商品的顾客还要去其他商店寻找。3商品价格较高:相对于商场里的商品,在屈臣氏里面相同的商品价格要相对贵 一些,这也是一些消费者不愿去那里购买商品的原因。Disadvantages: (1) the market localization is not clear: although the watsons positioning in the market for medi

6、cine makeup shop, but the store is selling some food and daily necessities, lead to some customers for watsons buy what is not clear whether.2 cannot satisfy customer a purchase: the store of goods are necessities or snacks, without fresh food, for those who want to buy such goods should go to the s

7、tore looking for other customers.3 high commodity prices, relative to the goods, in the mall in watsons same commodity prices to be relatively expensive, which is why some consumers dont want to go there to buy goods机会(Opportunities) (1)爱美女性的增加:如今的女性消费者越来越注重保养,而屈臣氏正好 是销售此类物品的商店,因此这也让屈臣氏在市场上拥有一定的竞争力。

8、(2)网络购物:网络 购物已经成为人们购物的一种方式,尤其在年轻一代的消费者更是一种时尚。屈臣氏也开通网 络这一渠道,以销售自己的商品。3自有品牌的商品:屈臣氏内有很多自有品牌的商品,而且 大部分是物美价廉,这可以吸引很多对价格相对敏感的顾客(1) increase in beauty-females: female consumers today increasingly pay attention to maintenance, and Watson happens to be selling such goods store, so that gives Watson have a ce

9、rtain competitiveness in the market(2) . (2) online shopping: online shopping has become a way of shopping, especially in the younger generation of consumers is a cult. Watsons opened networks this channel in order to sell their goods.3 private label goods: Watson has plenty of its own brand of prod

10、ucts, and most of them are inexpensive, it can attract a lot of relatively price sensitive customers。威胁(1)所售物品商场上都有:屈臣氏里面所销售的商品在其他地方大部分 都能买到或者类似的商品,因此消费者没有必要一定要去屈臣氏购买。(2)相关企业威胁:台湾的康是美也是属于药妆店,而且近几年这在逐渐的赶 上屈臣氏。(1) items sold by marketplace: Watson sells merchandise can be purchased at most anywhere el

11、se, or similar products, so that consumers are not necessarily going to Watsons to buy.(2) the enterprise threat: Taiwan Kang is beautiful as well as belonging to the drug store, and in recent years it gradually catch up with Watson.建议1、在价格方面,可以稍微降低一些,这样更可以吸引一些对价格相对敏感的消 费者。2、屈臣氏可以增加一些适合与中年妇女(如:适合大龄或

12、者中龄的化妆用品和 护肤品)和男性(男性护肤品,保健用品)的用品,一次来增加客源。3、大力宣传自有品牌,使自有品牌更加受到消费者欢迎,从而增加一些忠实顾 客。Recommendations 1, in terms of price, can be slightly reduced, it can attract some relatively price sensitive consumers.2, which began to increase some popular with middle-aged women (such as cosmetics and skin care for older or age) and male (mens skin care products, health products), to increase the tourist.3, to give more publicity to its own brand, make the brand more welcomed by consumers, thus increasing number of loyal customers.

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