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1、专题三 建议信廖泽凯Yesterday Once More专题三 建议信模板 Dear Jim,Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to _(引出主题引出主题).Here are a few suggestions.First,it is important to _.Besides,it should be a good idea to _.You can also _.(此此三句不同的句式提出建议三句不同的句式提出建议).As to _,I suggest _(有时根据需要有时根据需要,具体到某一反面具体到某

2、一反面).In addition,_(其他建议其他建议).Im sure _(预预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心).Im looking forward to _(表达愿望表达愿望).Sincerely yours,XXWhat is the letter of proposal?概念:提出建议,让对方接受自己的想法,主张,解决有关问题。注意:礼貌,简洁,理由充足 要点:1.说明写信的目的。2.提出建议与改进措施。3.表达希望采纳建议并期盼回复。常用语块 1.给某人提建议 give sb.some advice on 2.如下 as follows

3、 3.在做某事时遇到困难 have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.4.利用 make use of 5.向某人征求意见 ask sb.for advice 6.制定计划 make a plan 7.认为.有用 find.helpful/useful/beneficial 8.参加 take part in/participate in 9.听从某人的建议 follow ones advice 10.把.考虑在内 take sth.into account/consideration 11.得到改善 get improved 12.有所好转 change for

4、 the better 13.依我看来 in my opinion/in my view/from my point of view 14.我已收到你的来信,得知你.I have received your letter saying that you.15.我建议 I would like to suggest that.I would like to make a recommendation that.16.我正向你写信,建议.I am writing to advise you of.17.如果我是你,我将 If I were you,I would.18.我能建议.吗?May I s

5、uggest that.?19.我想提出建议 I would like to put forward the suggestion that.套用句式 1.你就.向我寻求建议,我会尽力提一些建设性的建议。You have asked me for my advice with regard to.,and I will try to make some constructive suggestions.2.我觉得如果能够.将会很有帮助的。I feel that it would be beneficial if.3.我希望这些建议会对你有所帮助。I hope you will find the

6、se suggestions helpful/useful.4.我相信你会考虑我的建议的。I trust youll take my suggestion into account./I trust youll take good consideration of my suggestion.5.如能看到.我会非常开心的。I would be more than happy to see.6.很遗憾听说你在适应新学校方面有困难。这样的问题是很正常的。可能下面的建议会有一些帮助。Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble fitting in you

7、r new school.Such problems are quite normal.Perhaps the following suggestions are helpful.课堂练习 假定你是李华,最近你们班从英国转来了一名新生Jenny。这是他第一次远离家乡,他很想念父母及家人,有时候思念至深,常常一个人哭泣。对此,请你给Jenny写一封建议信,要点如下:1.鼓励Jenny坚定求学信念,志存高远,四海为家。2.就Jenny的目前状况,提两到三个建议。注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Jenny,I am so glad

8、 to have a talk with you._ Wish you happy every day.Yours faithfully,Li Hua 对比一下你的作文和参考范文,并做出修改。参考范文 Dear Jenny,I am so glad to have a talk with you.I understand your present situation for I have had a similar experience before.People often miss their parents the first time they leave home.Most peop

9、le do have to leave home for higher education or employment.I think you should realize that present separation will help with your academic development and your improvement of personal ability.Try to male friends on your school campus,and share ideas with your classmates who are physically closet to

10、 you now.Maybe you will still miss your parents,but your new friends will bring happiness and joy to your new life.Also I suggest you take an active part in different kinds of activities in school.You will get much pleasure from it.Wish you happy every day.课外作业 Lora 来信说他想利用暑假打工,但父母不同意。假定你是李华,请给Lora写

11、一封回信。要点如下:1.Lora打算利用暑假打工。Lora父母不同的理由。你给Lora的具体建议。注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。Dear Lora,I have just read your letter in the magazine._ Anyway,I would be more than happy to wish you a pleasant summer.Yours faithfully,Li Hua建议信参考范文(二)Dear Lora,I have just read your letter in the magaz

12、ine,knowing that you want to work part-time this summer.But your parents dont allow you to do so.I understand your situation.Your parents may regard learning as the most important task for you.Perhaps theyd like you to make use of this summer holiday to study.Besides,they may think you are too young

13、 to work.I think youd better have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents.Before doing so,make a detailed plan for your study and work,which can tell them you are old enough to manage things properly.If they agree,ask your friends to work together with you,and keep your parents informed.Anyway,I would be more than happy to wish you a pleasant summer.Yours faithfully,Li Hua

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