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1、2023年B级作文总结 B级作文总结 1.通知 格式要求: 1 正文上面正中地方写“NOTICE”作为题目。 2 正文下面写发出通知的单位名称。(可省) 3 发通知的时间写在NOTICE的右上方(可省)。 Sample 1 Notice NOTICE All teachers and students of the Education Departmentare requested to meetinthe auditorium at 2:30 p.m.on Wednesday, May 5, to hear a report on “ Computer Aisted Language Lea

2、rning ”.(通知需包含的要素:活动时间、地点、内容或主题、有关要求与安排等)。 2.电子邮件 Sample 2 E-mail meage To: (收件人邮箱地址) From:(发件人邮箱地址) Date:(日期) Subject:(主题) Dear Sir or Madam, Yours, 3.内部通知 Sample 3Memo MEMO To: (被通知人员) From:(发通知部门或人员) Date :Subject: 4.求职信 求职申请基本格式: a.写信的目的或动机: b.个人情况简介。包括年龄,学历,工作经历,个人能力,专长等。 c.请求面试并I 约定可能参加面试的时间。

3、可套用句型: a.I am interested in the post which you advised in .(用于句子开头) b.I would like to apply for the post(用于句子开头) c.Thank you in advance for your concern and consideration.(用于句子末尾) d.Your early reply will be very appreciated.(用于句子末尾) 根据下列汉语提示,写一封求职信。 李丽:现年25岁,毕业于文秘学校,打字速度为每分钟120字。已 做了三年的簿记员工作。现欲求打字员一

4、职。自信可以胜任贵公司所需的工作。 求职信须包含如下内容: 1.Position Sought2.Education3.Experience 4.References5.Request for Interview Sample 4Application letter Dear sir, I would like to apply for the position of a typist advertised in todays China Daily. I was born in 1980 and graduated from a secretary school .My typewritin

5、g is at 120w.p.m.I have been handling most of the bookkeeping for the past 3 years and I trust I can cope with the job you required. If more detailed information is needed, I shall be glad to give upon request. I look forward to hearing from you soon and appreciate your consideration of my applicati

6、on.Yours faithfullyLiLi 5.简历填写 根据下列汉语提示,填写个人简历表。 王丽,1979年3月19日出生于中国山东省济南市,未婚,身体健康。爱好阅读、音乐、运动。曾于1998-2023年在北京大学计算机系学习,获理学士学位。2023-2023年在北京光明软件公司做程序员。欲申请计算机软件开发工程师工作。 联系地址:中国北京市前门大街53号,邮编:100012联系电话:010-89324733 Resume(Curriculum Vita) Name: Wangli Addre: 53 Hepin Street, Beijing, The peoples Republic

7、 of China,100012 Tel:_ Job Objective: An engineer in computer software development Work Experience: 2023-2023, Beijing Guangming Software Co., Programmer Education: 1998-2023,Bachelor of Science Degree Major:Computer Science Personal Data:Date of Birth:March 19,1979 Place of Birth: Jinan, Shandong P

8、rovince, China Marital Status: Single Health: Excellent Interests: Reading, music and sports 6.投诉信: 请根据下述内容写一封投诉信:请根据下述内容写一封投诉信: 你在某家商店买了一双皮鞋,穿了不到一个月就坏了, 你写信要求退货赔款。Sample 6A letter of complaint 10thAugust, 2023 Dear Sir, I am writing to you about the leather shoes which I bought from your shop while

9、 I was in your area last month. Yesterday morning I was about to put on the shoes when I found that the heel of the left shoe came off.As you will realize, I am really annoyed at this.At your price, I expect top quality. I am returning the shoes by separate post.I also enclose the receipt.I am looki

10、ng forward to receiving a full refund of 500 yuan. Yours faithfully, Wang Lin 一封投诉信须包括三个最基本的方面: 1)投诉内容。一般放在信的开头。常用的表达语有: I am writing to you about which wereceived / bought I am going to complain about 2)投诉原因。一般讲述对产品或售后服务不满意的地方。常用的表达语有: When we checked we noticed it did not work 3)希望得到的结果。 Please le

11、t me/us know what you intend to do in this matter. I am returning under separate post and look forward to receiving a full refund of 7.请求信 内容:给出版社写一封信,请求索取该出版社最近出版的有关英语学习方面的书刊目录。 July 5, 2023 Dear Sir, I am interested in the books your company has published.I want very much to get the information ab

12、out the various books on English learning that you are publishing. I should feel much obliged if you will kindly send me some catalogues of your latest books on this subject. Sincerely yours,Wang Xiaoling 请求信应包括两方面的内容: 1).请求内容。常用的句型有: I wish Wed like to We would ask you to take the trouble of 2).无论结

13、果如何,都应表示感谢。常用的句型有: We would fell much obliged would be greatly appreciated.8.感谢信 就下述内容写一封感谢信: 你是王微,暑假到你一位家在上海的同学白雪家做客,受到了热情款待,写信表示感谢。 Sample 8A thank -you letter Dear Bai Xue, Im writing to thank you for those wonderful days in Shanghai this summer vocation.I will always remember this visit.You and

14、your family gave me a very warm welcome and I felt at home.Thank you for arranging me so many interesting things.The visit to the Oriental TV Station was unforgettable.I will never forget your kindne and hospitality. I appreciate it more than I can say. Yours faithfully, Wang Wei 受到别人赠送的礼物,或得到别人的某种帮

15、助后,都应写信表示感谢。感谢信的特点是:时间及时、简明扼要、着重事由、感谢真诚。 以下句型仅供参考: Thank you very much for I am so grateful to you for It was kind and generous of you to Many thanks to you for 9.请假条 Sample 9Request for Leave 写一张因牙痛而不能去上课的请假条 April 10, 2023 Ms.Smith, Owing to a severe toothache, I am unable to attend claes today.I

16、now submit a medical certificate iued by the doctor / I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor。 Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. Yours respectfully, Li Ming 10.道歉信 你的一位朋友昨天来看望你,你正巧外出未遇,对此你写信表示歉意。 July 7, 2023 Dear Mr Ma, I am very sorry that I was out when you called yesterday.Could

17、you come again tomorrow afternoon as I have something important to talk with you? Yours truly, Chen Nan 常用表示道歉的句型有: Im very / terribly / awfully sorry for / that / to Please accept our apologies for I regret that / to say that B级作文总结 B级作文 B级作文 B级考试 作文 英语B级作文格式 B级作文及答案 英语b级考试作文 大学英语(B级)英语作文 英语B级常考作文 英语B级作文22道

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