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1、Unit 3Celebration.单项填空1I have been convinced that the print media are usually more_and more reliable than television.Aaccurate Bridiculous Curgent Dshallow 答案A句意:我确信印刷媒体常常会比电视更准确、更可靠。accurate “精确的”;ridiculous “荒唐的”; urgent “紧急的”;shallow “浅的”。2. The Nobel Literature Prize winner Mo Yan said on Friday

2、 _ prize the Swedish Academy had awarded to him was _ victory of literature, but not a victory of politics.A. the; the B. the; aC. a; a D. a; the答案 B 考查冠词。句意:周五诺贝尔文学奖的获得者莫言说,瑞典文学院授予他的该奖项是文学的胜利,而不是政治的胜利。the Swedish Academy had awarded to him是定语从句,修饰先行词the prize,表示特指;而“a victory of literature”泛指“文学的胜利

3、”,与后面的“a victory of politics”相照应。故选B。3Ive watched the womens individual archery gold medal match.Zhang Juanjuan is really somebody.Yes,she is_.Atiresome BhandsomeCtroublesome Dawesome答案D形容词辨析。awesome “令人惊叹的,了不起的”。上一句中的somebody意思是 “了不起的人”。句意:我看了女子射箭决赛。张娟娟真是了不起。是啊,她确实是太棒了。handsome “英俊的”; tiresome “令人厌

4、倦的”;troublesome “令人烦恼的,讨厌的”。4In Beijing Olympics,Michael Phelps(迈克尔菲尔普斯)swam into Olympic history,_the first athlete_the most gold medals ever.Abecame;to win Bbecoming;to winCbecoming;winning Dto become;to win答案B非谓语动词的用法。第一空作状语,第二空所修饰的名词前有the first,所以要用动词不定式作后置定语。句意:在北京奥运会上,迈克尔菲尔普斯 “游” 进了奥运史册,首次成为奥运

5、史上获得金牌最多的运动员。5The visiting expert_giving lectures to students_invited to meeting at times.Apreferred;to beingBpreferred to;rather thanCpreferred;than beingDpreferred;to be答案A句意:这位来访专家宁愿给学生上课,也不愿时常被邀请去参加会议。prefer doing A to doing B是固定句型,意为“宁愿做而不愿做”。6. Plastic bags are provided for our convenience but

6、 they have also _ the pollution of the environment.A. adapted to B. turned toC. contributed to D. looked forward to答案 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:塑料袋为我们提供方便,但是它们也造成了环境污染。adapt to“适应”;turn to“转向;求助于”;contribute to“促使;有助于”;look forward to“期待;期望”。根据句意选C。7As is known,the customs and culture of America_very much like_

7、of England.Ais;that Bare;thoseChave been;the ones Dhas been;the one答案B考查动词时态、主谓一致及代词辨析。句意:众所周知,美国的传统与文化和英国的很相似。由于传统与文化是两个概念,因此本句话的谓语动词应该用are;在后面出现代词时应该用those代替。8As a result of the terrible rainstorm,the highway has been closed up,so you have to wait for further_.Aintroduction BattentionCnotice Dadvi

8、ce答案C名词辨析。高速公路是否开放要根据天气情况等进一步的通知。notice “通知”;introduction “介绍”;attention “注意”;advice “忠告,劝告,建议”。故选C项。9Wake him up at 6 oclock tomorrow morning if he_.OK,I will.Asleep Bis sleepingCwill sleep Dwill be sleeping答案B考查动词时态。题目中有明显的表示将来进行时的时间状语at 6 oclock tomorrow morning。在if引导的条件状语从句中,要用现在进行时表示将来进行时。10She

9、 was a strong woman who_a rough childhood,but she_to overcome hardships and improve her life.Ahad;always stroveBhad had;was always strivingCwould have;would always striveDhad had;had always striven答案C考查交际用语。从Yes来看,答话人很同意说话者的观点,只有Great minds think alike.“英雄所见略同。” 符合语境。No pains,no gains.“不劳无获。”;Early

10、birds catch worms.“笨鸟先飞。”;Facts speak louder than words.“事实胜于雄辩。” 体会语境,积累常用谚语是解决该题的关键。11Swimming is my favorite sport.There is_like swimming as a means of keeping fit.Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything答案C句意:游泳是我最喜欢的运动。作为保持健康的方法,没有什么能比得上游泳了。根据上文可知,空格处需要一个表示否定意义的词,所以C为答案。12. Institutions of hig

11、her education _ two major sources of income to keep them functioning: tuition from students and funds from the country.A. refer to B. stick toC. depend on D. deal with答案 C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:高校依靠两个主要收入来源以保持运转:学生的学费和国家的资金。refer to“指的是”;stick to“坚持”;depend on“依靠”;deal with“处理”。只有C符合句意。13Tom is so joyful that

12、 he smiles at everyone.So_you if you get the first in the exam.Ado Bare Cwould Dwill答案D句意:“汤姆如此高兴以至于见人就笑。”“如果你考试得了第一,你也会这样。”条件状语从句(if.)若用一般现在时,则主句要用一般将来时;此句相当于:You will also be joyful if you get the first in the exam.14. Although he is doing a good job and earns a salary of 8 000 yuan a month, he do

13、esnt have enough time to _ his old parents.A. attend to B. lead toC. refer to D. devote to答案 A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:虽然他有一份好工作,月工资8 000元,但他没有足够的时间照料他年老的父母。attend to“照料”;lead to“导致”;refer to“提及;查阅”;devote . to“将奉献给”。根据句意选A。15Sarah,hurry up.Im afraid you wont have time to_before the party.Aget changed Bget chan

14、geCget changing Dget to change答案A句意:Sarah快点,恐怕你在晚会前没有时间换衣服了。“get过去分词”是常见的一种表达方式。又如get drunk喝醉;get hurt受伤;get paid领工资。get changed在这里的意思是“换衣服”。在特定的情境中把握词汇的特定意义是高考考查的重点之一。.完形填空I was 11:40 at night when we finished hairdressing._16_ to miss the time of our school closing the door,we quickened our steps.

15、As we _17_ the door of the apartment building,we saw our headmaster standing outside._18_ smiles on our faces,we rushed towards the door guarded by a teacher._19_ the teacher could clearly see us.She shouted,“Where have you been?Why are you not answering my calls?Your _20_ have gone out to look for

16、you.Now please call them back immediately!”Just then,in the dim moonlight,we saw two familiar _21_ moving slowly towards us.By their stature(身高),we _22_ they were our roommates.Finally,Linda,and Rosemary came back with a group of strangers.“What happened to you?Are you OK?”Linda asked eagerly and _2

17、3_.Seeing Linda and Rosemary in pajamas and slippers,we all felt _24_,bowing our heads for our mistake.At the same time,we were _25_ the pure love we owned and the faithful friends we had.We were feeling very _26_.“We did not do this _27_.Maggie and Wendy didnt take their cellphones and my cellphone

18、 was uncharged._28_,we couldnt make any calls,”I _29_.The teacher cut me short,“It is too _30_.Please go back to your dormitory now.”As we were approaching our dormitory,we all tiptoed in order not to _31_ others sleep.But to our _32_,none of our roommates were asleep.They were all sitting up worryi

19、ng about us.Before closing my eyes,I thought a lot about this little _33_.It suddenly dawned on me that we are actually part of one big family.Whatever we do may _34_ others lives.I felt safe and satisfied,_35_ I knew my friends would always be there for me.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者和几个同学晚上外出很晚才回学校,这让老师和其他室

20、友都很担心。这件事情让作者认识到,学校是一个大家庭,每一个人的行为都会影响到其他人的生活。16A.Deciding BFailing Cchoosing DFearing答案D考查具体语境中的动词辨析。根据下文中的“we quickened our steps.”可知,此处表示作者她们“担心”学校关门之前回不去。fail是“失败”之意,不符合语境。17A.approached BclimbedCopened Dlocked答案A考查具体语境中动词的用法。根据语境可知此处选A。当我们走近公寓楼的时候,我们看到校长站在门口。18A.Forgiving BIgnoringCForcing DDisc

21、overing答案C考查具体语境中动词的用法。作者她们在门口遇到了校长,所以她们脸上勉强露出微笑。19A.Strangely BGraduallyCObviously DSimilarly答案C考查具体语境中副词的辨析。老师就在门口,所以很“明显”,她能够清晰地看到作者她们。20A.parents BroommatesCteachers Dsisters答案B考查具体语境中名词的选择。根据第二段中的“they were our roommates.”等信息可以推知,此处指“室友”出去找作者她们了。21A.officials Bforeigners Cfigures Drelations答案C考

22、查具体语境中名词的辨析。由于晚上她们看不清楚,所以她们只能是看到两个熟悉的“人影”向她们走过去,也就是下文中提到的室友。22A.guaranteed BdeclaredCinsisted Drecognized答案D考查具体语境中动词的用法。通过判断身高,她们认出来那两个人是她们的室友。23A.fluently BanxiouslyCslowly Dfaithfully答案B考查具体语境中副词的辨析。根据语境和信息词“eagerly”可知此处应选B。anxiously意为“焦虑地”。24A.ashamed Bexcited Cpuzzled Drelaxed答案A考查具体语境中形容词的用法。看

23、到室友穿着睡衣和拖鞋出来寻找作者等人,作者她们感到很“羞愧”。25A.advancing BappreciatingCsacrificing Dexpressing答案B考查具体语境中动词的用法。根据语境可知应选B。看到眼前的一幕,作者等人因为她们所拥有的爱以及真诚的朋友而感到“感激”。26A.warm BangryCsoft Dconfident答案A考查具体语境中形容词的辨析。根据上文中提到的“pure love”和“faithful friends”等信息可以推知,作者等人都感到很“温暖”。27A.for free Bat riskCin vain Don purpose答案D考查具体语

24、境中介词短语的选择。作者在向Linda和Rosemary说明情况,表明她们不是故意的。for free意为“免费”,at risk意为“冒风险”,in vain意为“白费力气”。28A.Therefore BHoweverCBesides DMeanwhile答案A考查上下文的逻辑关系。Maggie和Wendy没有带手机,而作者的手机又没电了,“所以”她们不能打电话。29A.paused BansweredCexplained Dshouted答案C考查具体语境中动词的辨析。根据上文作者所说的话可知,此处作者在解释自己的行为。30A.short Blong Cboring Dlate答案D考查

25、具体语境中形容词的选择。根据文章第一段中的“It was 11:40 at night”及“the time of our school closing the door”等信息可知,此处表示很晚了。31A.burst Bdisturb Ccatch Dget答案B考查具体语境中动词的辨析。作者等人蹑手蹑脚地走路,目的是不“打扰”其他人睡觉。32A.joy Bhope Csurprise Drelief答案C考查固定短语。根据下文中的“none of our roommates were asleep”可知答案。to ones surprise的意思是“出乎某人的意料”。33A.gift Bp

26、rogress Cincident Dproblem答案C考查具体语境中名词的辨析。在睡觉之前,关于这件小事作者想了很多。34A.affect Bsave Cimprove Dlead答案A考查具体语境中动词的选择。作者等人夜间晚归,惊动了老师、校长、室友等,所以作者认为:我们所做的任何事情都可能会影响到别人的生活。35A.for Bor Cso Dbut答案A考查上下文的逻辑关系。作者感到安全和满足,因为作者知道朋友总是和自己在一起。.阅读理解Product FeaturesHardcover15.956.75 “ 6.75”143 pages Full color throughoutSe

27、e Inside BookHeart of a MotherBy Paula FoxTake a walk through an enchanted(心醉的)garden and explore the characteristics of 31 beautifully painted flowers and how they remind us of the beauty of a mothers love and strength.This book makes a thoughtful gift for any occasion or just to say, “Im thinking

28、about you Mom.”This “bouquet” of flowers will forever bloom and delight.In her newest book for Simple Truths, The Heart of a Mother, author Paula J. Fox celebrates all that makes mothers so special. Paula is no stranger to Simple Truthsreaders. Her poetry and quotes have brought joy to millions in t

29、he Heart of a Teacher and the Heart of a Caregiver.Now, she pairs the beauty of a mothers love with quotes inspired by the unique bond between mothers and children. A mothers love is portrayed in a beautiful floral design thats a feast for the eye as well as the soul. Each flower represents a differ

30、ent characteristic of mothers. For example, the Gladiola is compared to mothers as follows:It takes a lot of strength to be a Mother, illustrated by the Gladiola . a strong powerful flower that is a favorite in large arrangements because of its size. The name Gladiola comes from a Greek word meaning

31、 “sword”, reminding us that a mother is a powerful force for her children. She is their advocate(拥护者), always on their side, and is willing to fight for them against all adversity.【语篇解读】 本文为一篇广告,主要介绍了一本书名为The Heart of a Mother的书,此书以引言的形式把母亲的爱与各种花联系起来。36. This passage is probably _.A. an introduction

32、 to a bookB. a readers attitude towards the authorC. a good example of a motherD. an advertisement for flowers selling答案 A 推理判断题。综观全文可知,本文主要介绍了一本叫The Heart of a Mother的书,故选A项。此文并不是有关卖花的广告,故不能选D项37. What can we learn from The Heart of a Mother?A. How to understand mothers love.B. How to appreciate th

33、e flowers.C. How to remember the famous quotes.D. How to improve the bond between mothers and children.答案 A 推理判断题。由本文第一段中的“. they remind us of the beauty of a mothers love and strength.”可知,阅读此书后可以让我们理解母亲的爱。38. The passage most probably appears _.A. in a newspaper B. in a magazineC. in a report D. on

34、 the line答案 D 细节理解题。由左边图片中的“Click here to”可知,这篇文章应该是来自网络。39. The underlined word “adversity” in the last paragraph probably means _.A. life B. difficultyC. pleasure D. power答案 B 词义猜测题。由划线词所在句“She is their advocate(拥护者), always on their side, and is willing to fight for them against all adversity.”可知,母亲是孩子的拥护者,总是在他们身旁,愿意为他们战胜所有的困难。写作素材集锦单词suggest表明短语1just as正如一样2tell apart区分,识别句子Led by biologist Geraldine Wright,the scientists exposed collected worker honeybees to two different odors based on natural floral compounds.以生物学家Geraldine Wright为首的科学家,让收集来的工蜂接触由天然花香化合物散发出的两种不同的气味。

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