Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案

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《Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案(2页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、精品教案设计资料Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music 教案Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical musicTeaching plan forModule 5 Western music Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.ByHuang Qiaomei Longgang Middle School Oct.18,2011 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽Western music鍦板埄钁楀悕浣滄洸瀹垛曗曠害缈

2、簬闊充箰鐨勭埍濂藉拰鐞嗚勪紶璁般?閫氳繃 Unit 1殑闊充箰鏈夋墍浜嗚 锛岃兘杩愮敤鎻忚堪闊充箰鐨勪竴浜涘舰瀹硅瘝锛涘凡璁瘑鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙強鍏跺洖绛斻?Unit 2 瀛範鍏充簬钁楀悕闊充箰瀹剁害缈扳?鏂界壒鍔虫柉鍜岃帿鎵庣壒鐨勬枃绔狅紝骞朵?瀛儏鍒嗘瀽浜嗚 骞朵笉澶氥備絾宸茶繘鍏垵浜岄樁娈碉紝瀛敓浠庤杈惧拰鐭?Teaching aims 1)To master newwords:centre,drum,violin,elder,die 2)To understand the description of vienna andcomposers 3)To write about Xian Xi

3、nghai 4)To train the national feeelings of thestudents through the introdution of Xian Xinghai.Teaching important/difficult pointsTalk about composers and musicians Teaching aids:A recorder and a computer.Classtypes:Reading and writing Teaching procedures Step I Lead-in 锛圥 re-reading 锛夛紙 67min 锛?1.G

4、reetings 2.Ask the Ss some questions:1)Do you like music精品教案设计资料锛?2)What kind of music do you like?Why?3 锛塝 ou have heard of it,haven鈥檛you?4)It is called The Blue Danube,isn 鈥檌 t?5)The Strauss(younger)wrote it,didn鈥檛 he?3.Play some music and ask Ss to guess the instruments 鈥淚 t 鈥檚 played by 鈥?.锛圓ims

5、:using the vedio of the blue danube to activate the reading background.And it can make the ss very to read it.锛?Step II While-reading 锛?315min 锛?1.Ask ss to skim the text and decide which parathe pboto is talking about.(1min)锛圓 ims:Fast-reading to get the mainidea)WWW.ZK5U.COM 2.Listen and read the

6、text and check the truesentences.(3min)(Aims:Train the ss how to find the specific information)3.Read thepara.1 carefully and answer the two questions:锛?min 锛?1)Where is Vienna?2)Which family was the most famous family of musicians in Vienna?4.Read thepara2-3 and answer these two questions 锛?3min)1)

7、What sort of music did JohannStrauss the elder write 2)What was Johann Strauss the younger 鈥榮 most famouspiece of music?5.Read para.4 and fill in the form about Mozart.Teach them how towrite a bi ography.锛?min 锛?(Aims:Try to find more details,learn how to write abiography and prepare for writing)Ste

8、p III Post-reading 锛圵 riting 锛?15min)There are a lot of famous westerncomposers.But we still have lots of Chinese composers.Can you say some of them?1.Play a song written by Xian Xinghai.2.Ask them to choose 56 sentences to form apassage according to para4.3.Ask some of them to show their passages.(Aims:Trainthe ss 鈥檞 rinting ability)Homework 锛?Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Underline the difficultiesyou can 鈥檛 understand Write a passage about your favourite person.Design of Bb

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