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1、兰州女子中专一年级B班英语期中试卷( 所有答案一律写在答题卡上, 只交答题卡)一. 将以下每组单词中划线局部发音不同的选择出来,将选择结果填入括号中。(5分)( ) 1. A. fear B. dear C. earth D. near( ) 2. A. harm B. area C. farm D. hard( ) 3. A. blind B. ink C. kind D. wind( ) 4. A. education B. effort C. e-mail D. emperor( ) 5. A. threaten B. beat C. mean D. lead二单项选择. (20分)1.

2、In order _ her husband with his work ,she learnt typing.A. to help B. helping C. help D. helped2. All the boys in this school enjoy _ football.A. to play B. play C. playing the D. playing3. It is dangerous _ a little boy _ alone in the river.A. of, to swim B. for, to swim C. of, swimming D. for, swi

3、ms4. He _ her beauty at the first sight.A. attracted by B. was attracted by C. attracted at D. was attracted into5. The great man _ in this house with his wife.A. used to living B. used to live C. was used to live D. was used living6. I _ the quarrel between Tom and Jack.A. be involved in B. got inv

4、olved in C. am involved at D. got involved on7. He _ a job in New York and the family followed.A. succeed in find B. succeeded in finding C. succeeded finding D. successful in finding8. _ Johns kind help, we finished early.A. Thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank to D. Thanks to9. Ill _ what youve done.A

5、. be proud with B. be proud of C. proud of D. proud with10. We have got some trouble _ the silk clothes.A. wash B. washed C. do some washing D. washing11. He pretended _ everything the teacher said, but in fact he didnt.A. to understand B. understanding C. understood D. understand12. _ hands with ea

6、ch other _ a gesture of friendship.A. Shake , is B. Shaking, are C. Shaking ,is D. To shake, are13. Life _ ups and downs, my friend.A. is fill of B. is full of C. is filled of D. is full with14. He _ having failed.A. was ashamed of B. was ashamed because C. ashamed of D. ashamed because of15. She _

7、the weekends cleaning the windows and floors.A. spends B. costs C. lets D. pays16. John is _ to Susan _ having kept her waiting. A. apologized, for B. apologizing, because C. apologized , of D. apologizing, for17. _ the teacher, I have made great progress.A. To the help of B. With the help of C. Hel

8、ped D. Giving help by18. The old photos _ the past old days.A. remember me B. remind me of C. say me D. remind me to19. She _ the house and knows everything in it very well.A. is a stranger to B. is familiar with C. is similar to D. familiar with20. Tom doesnt study hard. _, he often tells lies.A. E

9、xcept B. Beside C. In addition D. Too三. 完型填空. (15分)When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人) was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he 1 the Irishman, “The 2_ are very clever, are

10、nt they? They are going 3_ some men to the moon. It is a long _4_ from the world.”“Oh, thats _5_,” the Irishman answered quickly. “The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months. Thats _6_ away from the moon, you know.”“Yes, it is.”The English man said, “_7_ it is too _8_ for the pe

11、ople to go to.”The Irishman laughed and said, “Well, the Irish arent stupid, you know, we _9_ go to the sun during the day, of course, we will go there _10_.”1.A. said to B. told C. talk to D. spoke to2.A. Englishmen B. Americans C. Irish D. Frenchmen3.A. to reach B. to send C. to give D. to rest4.A

12、. time B. street C. road D. way5.A. Good B. Nice C. true D. nothing6.A. long B. far C. farther D. much farther7.A. and B. but C. or D. because8.A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool9.A. dont B. cant C. wont D. mustnt10. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the eveningD. during the night四. 阅读理解. (40分

13、) AOne day when a thief was stealing an old ladys money, a policeman caught him. “Where do you live?” the policeman asked.The thief shrugged(耸肩) and answered, “Here and there.”“Whats your job?” The policeman went on.“This or that.”In this way, the policeman didnt get any information about him. At la

14、st he decided to take the thief to the police station.The thief was afraid and asked, “Sir, when can I come back?”“Soon or later(迟早),” the policeman answered.判断正误,请在准确的陈述前标明T(True),错误的陈述前标明F(False).1. ( ) The thief told the police his address.2. ( ) The thief didnt want the policeman to know anythin

15、g about him.3. ( ) The policeman was satisfied(满意)with the thiefs answers.4. ( ) The thief didnt want to go to the police station.5. ( ) The policeman told the thief when he would be set free.BJane was spending her holiday in Scotland. Two days ago, Mary received a letter from her. Today Mr. and Mrs

16、. Black received a postcard.What does Jane say in her postcard, mum? Let me have a look, Mary said. Jane said in her postcard, I visited lots of places. How are you all? I miss (想念) you very much.Mary stopped reading the postcard and said, The postcard is much shorter than the letter she sent to me.

17、 Her letter was full of interesting things. Let me read it to you.I went to Edinburgh (爱丁堡) by train. I stayed there for three days and then went to the mountains. I met a lot of young people there. They climbed some of the mountains. I went to many famous lakes. I find Scotland is much more beautif

18、ul than England. By the way, the restaurant in the hotel is very nice and I have made many new friends. I am having a wonderful time here.6. Mary received a letter from Jane .A. today B. the day before yesterday C. yesterday D. three days ago7. Mary was .A. Mrs. Blacks daughter B. Janes daughterC. M

19、rs. Blacks mother D. Janes mother8. Janes letter was .A. long and interesting B. short but interestingC. long but not interesting D. short and interesting9. Jane said that she .A. had visited many lakes B. was visiting some lakesC. did not want to visit any lake D. would soon visit some lakes10. Fro

20、m the postcard and the letter we know that .A. Jane didnt like Scotland B. Jane didnt make any friendsC. Jane was enjoying herself very much D. Jane wasnt very happyCJohn found in the newspaper that its easier to find a job in the south of England. So he went into a train which was going to London.

21、He was the only passenger in his car when another man burst in with a gun and said to him. “Your money ,or your life?” “I havent got a penny(便士).” John answered in fright(惊骇).“Then why are you trembling (发抖) so much?” the man asked him angrily. “Because I thought you were the ticket-collector and I

22、had not even a ticket(票) .” answered John.11. John lived in _ of England when he was out of work. A. the south B. the north C. the middle D. we dont know12. John became very frightened at the sight of the man because _. A. he was afraid of the mans gun B. the man was tough-lookingC. he had lost his

23、ticket D. it might be found out that he didnt any ticket13. The man carrying a gun was a _. A. policeman B. passenger C. ticket-collector D. robber(抢劫犯)14. According to this passage, we can see that _.A. the man was kind to John B. B. the man took much money away from John C. John was rather poor D.

24、 in England it is easy to find a job15. “Your money or your life?” means _ .A. Either your money or your life will doB. Do you prefer to give me your money or lose your lifeC. Give me your money and then Ill kill you D. Which do you like better, your money or your life?DThe pandas (熊猫) face looks li

25、ke a cats, but its fat body and short tail is like a bear s. So people call this animal “bear-cat”. But scientist call it “cat-bear.” The panda is very lovely. The panda is an animal usually in China. The southwestern part of Chinas Sichuan Province and southern part of Gansu Province are its native

26、 home. Pandas like most to climb trees. They live in the thick forest of high mountains there, eating bamboo shoots and drinking spring water. In the past, pandas were killed at will. Some people used pandas fur to sleep or to make fur coats. So they became fewer and fewer. Today our government made

27、 a law to protect unusual animals. There where pandas live hunting is not allowed. Special people are sent there to do panda protection work and now pandas are not afraid of seeing people. They often go to farmers houses to eat their food and then they walk slowly to their mountains.16. A panda is _

28、. A. a cat B. a bear C. either a cat or a bear D. neither a cat nor a bear17. Wild panda can be found in _ of China. A. the eastern part B. the western part C. the northwestern part D. the southeastern part18. Which of the following statements may be true? A. Pandas drink water only in the season of

29、 spring. B. Pandas drink water coming up from the ground or the small rivers in the mountains. C. Pandas drink is the water in bamboo. D. The water from the tree leaves is pandas drink.19. Now pandas are not afraid of people because _. A. there is a law to protect them B. people have enough food and

30、 don t kill them any more C. people become friendly to them D. where there are farmers there is more food for them20. Choose the best topic for the passage.A. The Panda B. An Unusual Animal C. Protecting Pandas D.A Lovely Animal五. 选词填空。(10分) serious in a good mood as long as asking for available cou

31、ldnt afford tends to had an opportunity more or lesshave some trouble learning1.You may use my dictionary_ you dont keep it too long.2. Da Li and Xiao Li are twins. They _ look the same.3. We like our English teacher. We are always _ in her class.4. Driving after drinking is _ trouble.5. My English

32、vocabulary is not large. I have some _ it.6. They walked all the way because they _ to take a taxi.7. Last summer I _ to learn driving, but my mother didnt allow me to learn it.8. In summer it _ to rain a lot in this area.9. As he told us the bad news, her face looked_.10. The shop assistant will ca

33、ll me when the book becomes _.六.英汉互译. (10分) 1. 幸亏 2. 换句话说 3. 丢脸 4. 忙于做某事 5. 阅览室 6. in doubt 7. for instance 8. show off 9.by means of 10. as a matter of fact.兰州女子中专一年级B班英语期中试卷答题卡 班级 姓名 成绩 一.语音知识:5分 1 2 3 4 5二.单项选择(20分)1234567891011121314151617181920三.完形填空(15分) 1 23456789101112131415四.阅读理解(40分) 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920五.词汇(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六. 英汉互译(10分)1. 2. 3.4 5. 67. 8. 9. 10.

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