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1、6、社会类方便快捷 onvenien a eicient在人类生活的方方面面 in ll aspc of u life支持前后种观点的人 eple /tose i vo ohe foe/在一定程度上 tomeextnt/ dee in som way理论和实践相结合 inegrattheor h pratie必然趋势 a rrsistile tren o日益激烈的社会竞争e ncely fire scl omettio眼前利益 imediae interet/ ort-erites长远利益。 ierest n he lg un有其自身的优缺点 ha t merit andmerits/ dva

2、ntaes nd disdvantag扬长避短 ploit othfull one favorable conditionsadvoid ufvorabl on取其精髓,取其糟粕aethe essenc ad disr he dres。对有害 o harm to be harfu to/ be detrimetl t跟上的最新发展 ep ace wh / atp wh/ keep abreast with he lst deveomet f采取有效措施来 take effectieeaes td sth.的健康发展 tehelhydevelment f重视 attah greatiortanc

3、e to社会地位socistatus把时间和精力放在上 fcutimand energy 有直接/间接关系 e drctl/ idectlyeltedto提出折中提议 t forthacmpromise proosl可以取代 “hnk的词 blieve, clim,maintain,agu,isist,ld the opnn/ bele that缓解压力 减轻负担 rlevetressbrn优先考虑/发展 give(tp) pririy o t。与比较 compard wih/in cmparison wih相反 inonrst o th contry.代替 rlc/sbttue / taet

4、he pa o经不起推敲annot beaoser analyis/ cnno hold water提供就业机会 ofe o opotuniti社会进步的反映 mirroro ial progress毫无疑问 ndoube,/ There o outthat增进相互了解enhance/ prmtemutualunersndig充分利用 mkefll use of / taadtag o人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长th emaabe mpoment/steady rowth o peples ivng sandd面临新的机遇和挑战 b fad wi ne oppounite ahalegs

5、人们普遍认为 It i commonyblievd/rcogniedhat社会发展的必然结果 the inevitale resutf social vopmet引起了广泛的公众关注 arose wide blic cnern/ draw bl attenin不可否认It is undibl that/ Thri no denying that热烈的讨论 争论 a eteddiscussio/dbate有争议性的问题a convesialisse完全不同的观点 atotay ifen arume就达到绝对的一致 rchanabot cnsenson有充分的理由支持 be spportedbsu

6、n reaons双方的论点agen n both sids发挥着日益重要的作用py an inreaslympntrle in对必不可少 be indiensable to 正如谚语所说 the rorb ge:也不例外 be n eepto对产生有利/不利的影响xertpsiv/ nete fetson利远远大于弊 th advanagesa utweig th isadvantgs.导致,引起 lead to/ gie rie o/ contibue eut in复杂的社会现象 a complcaed soc penomenn责任感 成就感 sense of reponibility se

7、nse of achievemet竞争与合作精神 ens o cmpetiioandoetio经济/心理负担 finnia burn syhological burden考虑到诸多因素 tk anyfacrsin account/consderto做出共同努力makeffrts对有益be enefici conducive to无可非议beyond eproach致力于 投身于 b comited/ dvotd o应当承认 Admitedy,不可推卸的义务 unskale uty满足需求 sasfy/ eet the eeds o可靠的信息源 reliale soce of informaio

8、n“三下乡”(文化、科技、卫生)Brinng uture/Sence nd echnoloy/ygieniHlth t the Cotryide全面提升知名度和影响力elevenfuece an visbili in al dimensions社会转型时期a peid of socil trati和谐发展 harmonious dvelopment走和平发展道路 pure tept o pacful deopment周边国家和地区 neibringoures d regios民族团结 ntonal solidrity (ity)出风头 so off;intheimeligt 达标”活动 ”ta

9、rge itin actities 打白条iue IU 打黑 rackdon o seclio and poiteering 打假 rack downo counteeit goods 打破僵局 brk the dealoc大款 ycoon 大学生创业 unvrsty tuetsiovtv underakn二次创业 sart neundertaking发烧友fancer; zelot; ethusiasticfan 搬迁户 located me傍大款 (f a girl) fid a sugr dadd; be a misrssfa ich man; ean n a moeybas 职业道德

10、eics o pfson养老保险 reiremt iurance养老保险制度the oldge inuaneystm医疗保险medical isurce医疗保险制度the medicainsurance ystem小家庭 nucler famil小康生活 enjo afair cforablelif; b modaely etter off新生儿死亡率 iftmortalityrae;行行出状元 Evry profesion poducs i wneaing authort.统筹兼顾城乡就业to mke eral ns fo raand rural sse退休基金 pension fd脱贫 l

11、itof povty; ct off povery 完善和落实再就业优惠政策to impro and implemnt prerentialemploynt完善失业保险制度to improv huneploymensance system物业管理 esat manaeme, prpery mangemnt优化就业结构to ptimiz emloymn tuctur有公德心be civicminded舆论导向 drecto ofpulic oion舆论监督 supersin b blicpinin灾害救助制度theauralsase relief system提高劳动者素质toceworrs q

12、ualy白手起家 startig fom srac 摆架子 pt nars 摆谱儿 pt on airs; show off; kee apearnces 拜年pa Nw Yercall生活待遇 mateal aeties生活费收入 nme vailabe for ot of lvng生活费用cost f lng; incoeanae; subsstencecot生育保险制度he childir insuranesstem失学儿童 droots失业保险 guanteef uemlo isnce befits失业保险 uneplmen insune失业保险制度the nemploymetinsa

13、nce syse失业率 ate of neployment 实施积极促进就业的政策t immnt te policy f igrousy increasinempoyment实现小康目标 ttaihe oa ofensurn ou people reativly comotable life 实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to dpt elatc, flexble, diersifed forms f epyment实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质 promt fami planning an ono eoulation sz an impre ehealth of pop 实

14、行劳动合同制度toitiutealborcontactsstem树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观hlp oster in th yonthemrall soun value doutlook on th worldand if思想道德建设(思想政治工作)morl edcation ag ppl人口出生率 bith rate人口老龄化 agingof poultion人口增长的高峰期bby boom人口增长与社会经济发展相协调tr oke olaigowt n line wthsl d economic development人民生活水平 ualtyof lif;thlivingsanr 认真贯

15、彻实施中国妇女、儿童发展纲要 he prorams fore eopmetof wokconringomenand children shuld beearnesy implemete.弱势群体isavanagedrup伤残保险disability inurnce社会保障 sci ecrity社会保障“三条保障线”制度 scil securty syem f “hreeguarantees”社会福利制度th socia welfe sstem社会公德 social moralit社会互助制度he soial mutual elp system社会治安状况好转 e an imrovedlwand

16、-orr siuatin深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动Exensive pblc partiiption acivesa lunce promote cultur ad thialroress戒毒所dgehilitin ner扩大就业和再就业to xnd emploment an reeploymt劳动保障监察制度elao seurityuervsion ytm面临困境 face aerse ndtions努力稳定低生育水平 workto sabilie te low rth ate 培养创新精神和实践能力 el hmdevlo pactcal abities nd a siitofin

17、ovati破案率rate o sovd imiaass切实减轻中小学生过重的课业负担 effecy e too hevy homeworsgnens o pimary and seondry sol sud确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放o nretht subistence alowncs f aidof workers fr se-wn enterisesn bas pensins for retirees arepaidn t ndi ull扫除青壮年文盲 eiinat ilteryamog young and middlaedpl大家庭extended

18、family待业人员j eker待遇优厚的工作a wellpai j单亲家庭 siglarntfmil独生子女 theonly hd对口扶贫 rvide ovrty lleviaion aid tthe digated isteregins恶性犯罪 major cres反对迷信 e again supersitio福利分房 bu a beneft-inted apartment from eoraizatin one woks h安居工程husngpojet fowincom amlis安居小区 aneigrodorlow-inome familie保障妇女就业权利to guantee ome

19、ns ighto mplome补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金 Albak pnsion entlethe ben pafor the etired coverd bythe ovall govemenpln。城镇居民最低生活保障 guaantee of usistec llownes o ran est在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险 Soialwelfar inrane, articulaly od,employmnt and mdiclinsrance, us be adeandatory n urbanara城镇社会保障体系the scial securiysys

20、te in uan aras城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the bsicmedical urnce ystem or urban emloyees高度重视精神文明建设ay lose ttton to cural ad thicaprgrs搞好优生优育promoegoo prnaa and psnata ca个人自愿计划 volunary priatea工伤保险制度theonjob inju nsrane ssm工资收入分配制度the wage an inoe stribuin syste关系国计民生的大事 matrsvil to nnl wl-benand thepoples livehood关心

21、和支持残疾人事业Prorams t helpte phyically andmenall chlenge deservoucare and support关心老龄人 e or seior ciizens.国企下岗职工基本生活保障 guarneef basc cost f lvi aowane f woker laid offfrom state-wne erpriss过紧日子tihten ones bt过温饱生活 live a f at subsisent levl合理调整就业结构trtionallyadst the emloyent struture基本养老金bsi pesios计划生育责任

22、制rsponsibility stem of famil pannng 继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争 The gh aist pornograpy, ilega pbiatin and piracy shll be cntiue.加快住房分配货币化进程capitlizatonroces ofousing dstruon/alocation加强计划生育工作 furth impvemi planning加强舆论监督nsurethatthe corct reaton is mintand in ulicopiion 家庭美德 amily virtue坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针adheeto h p

23、iple f“don two jobs t one and attachng eualimportc to ach”坚持正确的舆论导向 mitain te correct oientaton fopuic opinin建立市场导向的就业机制t establsha markeoient emloyment echans建立新型的劳动关系to establish a ew e o aorrelaions后裔;后代 desent; spig逼上梁山 b riv rastilernatves比上不足,比下有余 oe f tha soe, beterofftha may;t lshr of the bs

24、t, butbeettr an th wors 闭门羹 givencoshoulr 不打不成交Nodscord,o cnor。福利彩票 elfare loteries红包 (中) papercontaininmone a gift,(贬) bribe, kikback灰色收入 ncom fom moolightin倒票eclavereselingo tickts一揽子(计划) n-akge (ln)优化结构 optime struture 舆论导向 drection of ulioinio优化组合 otimzation rpin; optonal rring 舆论监督 supervisiobp

25、ublicpio收视率 udience rains; telvsin viewg水货 sugegos新宠e avite压轴戏 grand nal 印刷Pined mtte摩天办公楼Hig-rioffice bulng社会治安情况 pubicseui siatio春运 (passnger) tansprtdurig thepng Festil打黑rackdwnon spelatin and prieering打假 crack dwn ncuntefeit gds大学生创业 universitystudns nnovati uderakin公费医疗 medca ervices attat epne

26、黑店 ganei黑社会 Miatyleoranzations;gangland黄、赌、毒 rngrahy, gambling andd abuse and traffikig拆东墙补西墙 r Pe o y Pau拆迁户 housholso unt relcted due to building emolition毒品走私rug tafficking啤酒肚 beelly全天候服务oudth-lokservice人才流失brain drain 人浮于事 overstfing 桑那浴aun各大菜系major tyleso cokig抗震棚 quae-poof shelr 大排档 siewal ack

27、 ot; larg stal疯牛病madcow disese相互作用、互为依存be outual influence and intdependenc有机的整体a oganic wole赢得广泛赞誉winwoldwdecclai以人为本 peope-ctered/ put popl fist 顺应时代潮流 as pone to thtred of ur ties战后婴儿出生高潮/生育高峰 bbybom”(boomr rfers tothe peop bornn that pero)文艺复兴 Rnassane世界村地球村 glba village文化冲突 cltu shock (ulual cl

28、ash)和睦相处 ive in hamony主流 he eding sream/te mastrem人口过剩overpopution计划生育 famlypanin估计生命/寿命 lifeepctancy人口学 demogah人口普查pulation census人口情况调查 egaphi suvey资源调查 ruc srve虐待儿童 cild abse监护 custdy gurashi/tlag种族歧视 racia simination国民性格 ntinalharacter民族感情natinal sentmnts民族团结 naional unity民族对立 ntiona nagonism大民族主义 ignationaity chauvinism地方民族主义 cal atonai文中如有不足,请您指教!11 / 11

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