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1、2023年湖南大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(9)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.At first everything went well with the project but recently we have had a number of _ with the machinery.AdisturbancesBsetbacksCoutputsDdistortions 2.The relatives of those killed in the crash got togeth

2、er to seek_.ApremiumBcompensationCrepaymentDrefund 3.The old couple now still _for their beloved son, 30 years after his death.AcherishBgroanCimmerseDmourn 4.He tried to hide his_ patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.AbarrenBbareCbaldDbleak 5.Coffee is the _of this district and brings local f

3、armers a lot of money.AmajorityBstapleCspiceDelite 6.Before we move, we should _some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in the new house.AdiscardBdissipateCcancelDconceal 7.You cannot imagine how _ I feel with my duties sometimes.AoverflowedBoverthrownCoverwhelmedDoverturned 8.Anyon

4、e not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _ to have withdrawn from the program.AcontemplatedBdeemedCacknowledgedDanticipated 9.Although he was on a diet, the delicious food _ him enormously.AdistractedBstimulatedCinspiredDtempted 10.The police are trying to _ what really hap

5、pened.AascertainBassertCavertDascribe 11.He said that ending the agreement would _ the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.AventureBexposeCjeopardizeDlegalize 12.As we know, computers are used to store and _ inform

6、ation efficiently.AreclaimBreconcileCreassureDretrieve 13.His illness first _ itself as severe stomach pains and headaches.AexpressedBmanifestedCreflectedDdisplayed 14.The _ they felt for each other was obvious to everyone who saw them.AaffectionBadherenceCsensibilityDsensitivity 15.When constructio

7、n can begin depends on how soon the _ of the route is completed.AconvictionBidentityCorientationDsurvey 16.The government _ a heavy tax on tobacco, which aroused opposition from the tobacco industry.ApronouncedBimposedCcompliedDprescribed 17.Years after the accident he was still _by images of death

8、and destruction.AtwistedBdippedChauntedDsubmerged 18.The boxer _and almost fell when his opponent hit him.AstaggeredBshatteredCscatteredDstamped 19.In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is _ into ice.AdispersedBembodiedCcompiledDcompacted 20.These continual _ in temperature make it imp

9、ossible to decide what to wear.AtransitionsBtransformationsCexchangesDfluctuations 21.The post-World War II baby _ resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers in the 1960s and 1970s.AboostBboomCproductionDprosperity 22.Elisabeth did not enter the museum at once, but _ in the courtya

10、rd.AresidedBdwelledClingeredDdelayed 23.Henry went through the documents again carefully for fear of _ any important data.ArelayingBoverlookingCdeletingDrevealing 24.The bank is offering a _ to anyone who can give information about the robbery.ArewardBbonusCprizeDcompliment 25.It is a(n) _ that the

11、French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease.AanalogyBparadoxCcorrelationDillusion 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a

12、quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merel

13、y by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. Whether 60 or 16 years old, there is the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite

14、 and the joy of the game of living in every human beings heart. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your s

15、pirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 2.Some students at X University get professionals to clean their dorms, which has aroused wide

16、concern in our society. Is this a good new form of efficiency or just an excuse to get out of work Please deliver your opinions on this issue. Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: My View on Students Hiring Cleaners 3.This lakeside city, _ (因其美食而被知晓), enjoys a great popularity a

17、mong travelers. 4.The journalists tried to predict_(哪个政党会在大选中取胜). 5.Only a few people_ (享有使用的权利) the full facts of the case. 6._(在某种意义上) , she should be responsible for the accident. 7.His business was very successful, but it was _ (以他的家庭生活为代价的). 8.美国加利福尼亚大学Smith教授应邀来你校做报告,内容为:如何选择自己喜欢的职业。下面是一份校方拟好的

18、通知单。请你根据通知单上的内容写一份英语通知。 英语讲座内容: 如何选择自己喜欢的职业 报告人: 美国加利福尼亚大学Smith教授 时 间: 6月10日 (星期五)晚6:008:00 地 点; 图书馆第一报告厅 要 求: 准时出席,欢迎提问 9.From March 20th, The Sunday Times Appointments section will enhance its reputation as being first choice for executives on the move, carrying even more premier positions with sa

19、laries in excess of 85 000 per annum. See the front page of this weeks section or, for further information, please telephone 071 481 4481. 10.S1. To generate far-fetched ideas helps to _. 11.S2. Michael Patterson wants us to come up with How and What instead of Why questions because he considers the

20、y are more practical than _. 12.S4. According to the article, when one has difficulty developing his favorite idea, he should _. 13.S3. The purpose to practice yes and instead of yes but is to make yourself more _. 14.S5. One should not only generate far-fetched ideas but also _ because the latter s

21、tep is the nearest to reality. 15.The pass of the act giving the legal status to ethanasia some countries has again aroused great concern to this question. Some are stongly against it because it violates the traditional concepts of life, ethics, morality, etc. Some are for it beacuse mercy killing r

22、elease patients prom being afflicted from incurable diseases. Write an essay about 400 words, approve of with one of the above mentioned two opposing ideas. Requirements: In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis s

23、tatement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composit

24、ion on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 16.爬山虎总是野心勃勃地企图占领每一寸墙。在那无数枝卷向上的藤蔓中,有一枝几乎攀上了那尖尖的屋顶,这时有一阵,风刮来,把它悬在半空中。 刘川从窗口望出去,看到了对面墙上的这个镜头,下意识地笑了起来。 你是藤,我是墙。有一天他对小梅说。 他眼中的那枝藤蔓化成了她的形象,在他向她说了这句话之后,她撅起了嘴巴转身走了。“我没有模仿电影中的男方角,加快了脚步去追她。”他想。他俩也像所有年轻的情侣那样天生好赌气,可末了,总是她来找他,一般不出一个星期。他很有自信心。 17.But the worst of it isnt societys work-

25、ethic morality; its your own, which you never knew you bad. You find out how much serf-satisfaction was gained from even the most simple work-related task: a well-worded letter, a well-handled phone call-even a clean fire. Being useful to yourself isnt enough, But then almost everyone has heard abou

26、t the need to be a useful member of society. What you didnt know about was the loneliness. Youve spent your life almost constantly surrounded by people,in classes,in dorms and at work. To suddenly find yourself with only your cat to talk to an day distorts your sense of reality. You begin to worry t

27、hat flights of fancy might become one way. But you always were, and still are, stronger than that. You maintain balance and perspective, mainly through resorting frequently to sarcasm and irrevence. Although something going wrong in any aspect of your life now seems to push you into temporary despai

28、r much more easily than before, you have done very important things to hang on to-people who care, your sense of humor your talents, your cat and your hopes. And beyond that, youve gained something-a little more knowledge and a lot more compassion. Youve learned the valive of the rolitime your scorn

29、ed and the importance of the job you took for granted. But most of all, youve learned what a 7.6 per cent unemployment rate really means. 18.Sending e-mail is relatively cheap and quick. For example, a short message can be sent around the world in less than a minute. When you send an e-mail, the mes

30、sage waits in the persons mailbox which is located on the service provider s server. The message waits there until the person cheeks his or her mailbox and downloads the message from the server to his or her computer. 19.假设你名叫王平,是某公司的一名职员。用英语写一篇关于推迟约会的留言。要求:文字简洁;概念清楚;中心突出。时间:2005年6月13日星期二内容:张经理事先约好你

31、今天晚上见面,可是公司派你去机场接一位来自澳大利亚的朋友,因而你不能按时赴约。为此,你发了这个电子邮件,希望张经理发来一个email再另约一个时间,或告诉你的其他的同事他何时有空。To:From:Date:Subject: 20.Its my pleasure this evening to welcome all the guests to this celebration of Chinese New Year here. I extend a special welcome to all guests from the Chinese community, many of whom ha

32、ve traveled from other parts of New Zealand to be with us at this moment. For that reason it is a great pleasure to me to be hosting this Chinese New Year celebration and to wish the Chinese community a very happy New Year. 21. Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to

33、you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed a

34、gain and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. 22.Japanese managers do not view themselves as having all the answersWhen a subordinate brings in a proposal,the manager neither accepts nor rejects itRather,he tactfully,poli

35、tely asks questions,makes suggestions,and provides encouragementIn this way,the employees are encouraged to think independently and activated to work more hardSo the atmosphere of the company plays a very important role in its development 23.说明 你是一家公司的秘书赵梅,这次负责填写公司的会议记录。 会议于2009年5月9日举行,应出席30人,无人请假,无

36、人缺席,全部出席。会议由公司董事长蔡文斌提出了一项廉政建设的提议,全票通过。会后需要做的事情有制定廉政法规,发放到各部门,并组织学习。此次会议取得了很大的成果,将会对公司的廉政建设起到进一步的推动作用。 Words for reference: 廉政建设construction of a clean and honest administration Date:_ Number Present:_ Excused(Names):_ Absent(Names):_ Things to do after meeting: 1_ 2_ 3_ Motion:_ Made by:_ Vote for:_

37、 Against:_ Abstentions:_ Summary of Discussion:_ Taken by:_ 24.Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passag

38、e will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. 25.许多年轻人热衷于流行音乐。 2流行音乐受欢迎的原因。 3你的观点、态度。 BPopular Music/B

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