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1、上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Book I应 用 型 大 学 英 语 系 列 教 程应 用 型 大 学 英 语 系 列 教 程 Application-oriented College English Course 2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextLanguage Skills DevelopmentLanguage in UseUnit FourTable of ContentsEnhancement of Cross-cultural Communication Abilities3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 HighlightsS:A poem:

2、a red,red rose L:LoveR:The powerful gift of loveW:Complex sentences(1)Internet work:Finding out the difference in gift-giving between China and the United States Part 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackA.Read the following love poem by Robert Burns.Till a the seas gang dry,

3、my dear,And the rocks melt wi the sun;And I will luve thee still,my dear,While the sands o life shall run.And fare thee weel,my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again,my luve,Tho it were ten thousand mile!O my luve is like a red,red rose,Thats newly sprung in June;O my luve is li

4、ke the melodie,Thats sweetly played in tune,As fair art thou,my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still,my dear,Till a the seas gang dry.A Red,Red RoseNext1.Starter5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.Starter B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for each question you hear

5、.1.We can judge from the dialogue that _.()A.Mark and Susan work in the same company B.Susan is blind C.Susan is concerned about Marks safety D.Mark is getting tired of Susan 2.Mark asked Susan to take bus by herself because _.()A.he wanted to help her gain confidence B.Susan was confident enough C.

6、Susan has already had her eyes cured D.Mark gets tired of her3.How did Susan go to work before?()A.By taking Marks car.B.By foot.C.By subway.D.By bus.BDA6上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Susan:Honey,I think Im ready to return to my job.Mark:Fabulous!But how can you get to your office?Susan:Thats my big concern.Yo

7、u see,I used to take the bus and you know how easy it was!Now Im too frightened to get around all by myself!Mark:No worries,sweetheart.I can drive you to work every morning and pick you up in the afternoon.Susan:But its not convenient for you to go to work.Your company is at the opposite end of the

8、city.Mark:Im fine.Its my pleasure to protect you.(Two weeks later)Mark:Dear,I think you need to learn to take the bus by yourself.Susan:What?Take the bus on my own?Im blind!Mark:You must learn to be independent.Only in this way can you gain your confidence and courage for life in the real sense.Susa

9、n:You know how horrified I am at the idea of going out by myself!I feel like you are tired of me!Mark:Oh,my dear,how could I possibly get tired of you!You know how much I love you!Susan:But how am I supposed to know where Im going?Mark:I can ride the bus together with you in the first few weeks and

10、help you to adapt to the environment on the bus until you get the hang of it.Susan:OK,I think I can have a try.BackNext1.Starter 7BackNextText Lead inWarm up1.What gift do you normally choose for your mother,farther or your boy/girl friends?Why?2.What do you think is the greatest gift we can give an

11、other?In which way?8BackNextText Lead inEnjoy the lyrics of a song Love Is The Gift Are you sending meSome kind of sign tonightTrying to tell me you long for meTo be alrightI can feel you in this roomLike the sun lights the moonMemories touching meAs if youre here with meAre you sending this magicOf

12、 what used to beCan I send youSigns then too?Cause my hearts missing youLove is a gift,that I give you tonightUnder the stars to wherever you areLove is a gift,that I promise I will give youMy heart to yours forever more9Text organizationBackNextText Lead inText organization10上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Back

13、Next 1 The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.She paid the driver and,using her hands to feel the location of the seats,walked down the aisle and found the seat hed told her about was empty.Then she sett

14、led in,placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.Translation 爱的礼物力量无穷在全车乘客同情的目光下,那位拄着白色盲杖的年轻漂亮的女人,摸索着上了车。她把车钱付给司机,用手摸索着座位的位置,沿着过道往前走了几步,找到了司机说的那个空座位。然后她坐下来,把公文包放在腿上,把拐杖靠在腿边。make ones way:(艰难)前行,(独自)向前make your way to/through/towards,etc.e.g.The mountain climbers slowly made

15、 their way back to the base.settle in:安顿下来,习惯于(新居),适应(新工作)e.g.She has settled in her new job.Once weve settled in,you must come round for dinner.rest:vt.使依靠,支撑 e.g.The policeman rested the ladder against the tree trunk.2.Text:The Powerful Gift of LoveMeaning:She paid the driver and tried to find out

16、 where the seats were on the bus.Questions about Para.1111.How did the young woman find her seat on the bus?She used her hands to feel the location of the seats,walked down the aisle and found the seat the driver had told her was empty.BackNext2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love12上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Bac

17、kNext 2 It had been a year since Susan,34,became blind.Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless,and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness,anger,frustration and self-pity.And all she had to cling to was her husband,Mark.Translation34岁的苏珊失明已经有一年了。由于一次误诊,她失去了视力,一下子跌进了黑暗的

18、世界,愤怒无奈,自悲自怜。现在她所有的依靠就是她丈夫,马克。Meaning:She became blind because of a medical mistake,and suddenly felt hopeless,angered,disappointed and pitiful.misdiagnosis:n.误诊,错诊 render:vt.1)使(某人或某事)处于某种状况 e.g.The young man was rendered disabled by the accident.Your military action has rendered our diplomatic rel

19、ationship worse.2)给予某物作为报偿或用以交换,回报,归还 e.g.Dont render good for evil.We should render help to disaster victims.throw into:使处于,使陷于(某种状态)e.g.We were thrown into panic by the news.The opposite of throw into is throw out of.e.g.Thousands of people were thrown out of work overnight during the war time.fru

20、stration:n.灰心,沮丧,不满 e.g.Frustrations always come from dissatisfaction and loathing of your very own existence.Frustration always links to inability to change or achieve something,thus some people regard it as bad luck.cling to:1)感情上依靠(某人);贴近(某人);依恋 e.g.The little girl clings too much to her mother.2

21、)紧抓住或抱住(某人/物)e.g.The three survivors clung to a raft,shouting for help.3)舍不得拒绝或放弃(某事物)e.g.The rescue crew clung to the hope that there were still some survivors under the ruins.due to:因为,由于e.g.The relationship between risk and the relatively low return due to competition is unfavorable.Owner-occupie

22、rs could afford higher house prices with less difficulty due to the higher prices obtained for the houses that they were selling.Self-pity:自怜e.g.Of course,we have to separate self-pity from depression and grief and sadness.People who regularly engage in self-pity are miserable,and they tend to make

23、others quite unhappy,too.Questions about Para.22.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love132.How did Susan become blind?BackNextShe became blind due to a medical misdiagnosis.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love14上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 3 Mark was an air force officer and he loved Susan with all his

24、 heart.When she first lost her sight,he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to become independent again.sink into:陷入或堕入(某状态,尤指绝望或沉思)e.g.sink into sleep,a coma,etc.入睡,陷入昏迷 He sank deeper into depression.。confidence:n.1)自信e.g.“Y

25、ou gain strength,courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”Eleanor Roosevelt 2)信任,信赖e.g.The survey reveals a lack of confidence in the police.independent:a.1)独立的,自立的e.g.You are old enough to be independent of me and your dad.She never asked money f

26、rom her parents;shes far too independent for that.2)不相关联的,单独的,独自的 e.g.Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions.dependent:a.(on/upon sb./sth.)需要某人支持的,依靠的,依赖的e.g.You cant be dependent on your parents all your life.despair:n.绝望 e.g.“Despair is perfectly compatible with a good dinner

27、,I promise you.”William M.Thackeray be determined to do sth.:决心做某事,坚决做某事 e.g.The soldiers were determined to get to the quake-stricken area before daybreak.determine on doing/to do sth.:决心要做某事 e.g.The mother determined on proving/to prove his sons innocence.be determined to do sth.:决心做某事,坚决做某事 e.g.T

28、he soldiers were determined to get to the quake-stricken area before daybreak.determine on doing/to do sth.:决心要做某事 e.g.The mother determined on proving/to prove his sons innocence.BackNextTranslation马克是一位空军军官,他深深地爱着苏珊。当初她失去视力时,他眼看她跌入绝望之中,就决心帮助妻子重新拾回力量和信心,重新独立起来。Question about Para.32.Text:The Powerf

29、ul Gift of Love153.Why did Mark decide to help Susan gain the strength and confidence?Mark decided to help Susan gain the strength and confidence because he watched her sink into despair,darkness,anger,frustration and self-pity and was worried about her.BackNext2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love16上海交通

30、大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 4 Finally,Susan felt ready to return to her job,but how would she get there?She used to take the bus,but was now too frightened to get around the city by h e r s e l f.M a r k volunteered to drive her to work each day,even though they worked at opposite ends of the city.frightened:感到害

31、怕的e.g.Piglet was so excited at the idea of being useful that he forgot to be frightened any more.get around:1)(能)各处走动e.g.We had to use public transport to get around.2)消息传开,传播e.g.News of the new oil reserve soon got around.Word got around that the company might be merged.3)回避,躲避e.g.I dont think we s

32、hould get around these problems.A clever lawyer might find ways of getting round that clause.volunteer:vi./vt 自愿地或无偿地给予或提供(帮助、建议等)e.g.She volunteered(her services)as a nurse.When volunteer is used transitively,it is limited to such collocations as follows:volunteer information,advice,financial suppo

33、rt(自愿提供情况、意见、资助).volunteer can also be used as a noun,meaning“a person who offers to do sth.without being compelled or paid(志愿者)”.e.g.No volunteers came forward.没有人挺身而出。BackNextTranslation最后,苏珊觉得自己可以重新回去工作了。可她怎么去呢?她以前都是乘公交车去的,可现在她太害怕了,不敢一个人在城里走动。马克主动提出每天开车送她上班,尽管他们工作的地点在城市的两端。2.Text:The Powerful Gif

34、t of Love get around:1)(能)各处走动e.g.We had to use public transport to get around.2)消息传开,传播e.g.News of the new oil reserve soon got around.Word got around that the company might be merged.3)回避,躲避e.g.I dont think we should get around these problems.A clever lawyer might find ways of getting round that c

35、lause.17上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 5 At first,this comforted Susan,and fulfilled Marks need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.Soon,however,Mark realized the a r r a n g e m e n t w a s n t working.Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again,he adm

36、itted to himself.But she was still so fragile,so angryhow would she react?Meaning:But Mark soon found that his plan could not really solve the problem(or was not really beneficial to Susan),and he himself came to realize that Susan must learn how to take the bus by herself again.fulfill:vt.1)满足(某事的)

37、要求,符合e.g.He totally fulfilled the conditions of entry to the key universities.Does your job fulfill your expectations?2)履行,使实现e.g.He fulfilled his assignment as bodyguard to the singer.insecure:a.1)缺乏安全感的,感到无保障的 e.g.The little girl always feels very insecure about her growing environment.2)不安全的;不牢固的

38、;不可靠的e.g.He knew well that he was doing an insecure job and was searching for another one now.arrangement:n.1)安排,布置e.g.The doctor has made arrangements for surgery.2)同意,约定e.g.Our dog will be looked after by arrangement with a neighbor.fragile:a.1)脆弱的,虚弱的e.g.The old lady looks very fragile.2)易碎的,易损的e

39、.g.Glasses are fragile and must be handled with great care.Meaning:At first this made Susan feel good and Mark felt relieved to be able to protect his blind wife who had no confidence at all in doing even very easy things.Work:对某人/某事产生预期的结果或作用e.g.Did the cleaning fluid work(on that stain)?Her beauty

40、 doesnt work on me.BackNextTranslation起初,这样做使苏珊很安心,马克也履行了保护失明妻子的职责,因为她对乘公交车这么微不足道的事儿都没有安全感。不久,马克就意识到这样做不行。他告诉自己苏珊必须开始自己乘坐公交车。可她还是这么脆弱不堪,自怨自艾她会有什么反应呢?Questions about Para.52.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love184.Why did Mark soon realize that his wife had to start taking the bus again?BackNextMark soon r

41、ealized that his wife had to start taking the bus again because if he accompanied Susan to work every day,Susan would cling to him and never learn to regain her confidence and strength for life.2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love19上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6 Just as he predicted,Susan was horrified at the ide

42、a of taking the bus again.“Im blind!”she responded bitterly.“How am I supposed to know where I am going?I feel like youre abandoning me.”Meaning:He told Susan that he would take the same bus with her to work in the morning and back home in the evening.He would do this for as many days as necessary u

43、ntil she had learned how to go to work by bus alone by herself.predict:vt./vi.预料,预言 e.g.No one can really predict to what heights you might soar.The existence of such a type of car had been predicted just a few years earlier.horrify:vt.使(某人)恐惧或受惊吓;使(某人)震惊e.g.The state of my room will absolutely horr

44、ify my mother.She was horrified to learn that her favorite dancer used drugs.respond:vi.1)(以口头或书面方式)回答e.g.Do you expect the President to respond personally to your letter?You cannot listen to someones tale of woe without responding with a description of your own.2)(对某事或对他人的行动)反应,回应,响应e.g.A bystander

45、 responded to the victims need for help.abandon:vt.1)遗弃,抛弃e.g.He never abandons a friend in trouble.The school has been abandoned for more than 20 years.I might have some slight inaccuracies.2)完全放弃(尤指已开始的某事)e.g.Development of the plan for a Disneyland in this city has been abandoned.3)完全屈从于(某种情感或冲动)

46、e.g.She abandoned herself to grief after her mothers death.1)e.g.Like I said,I dont mind helping out on the day.Im sorry,but,like I said,shes not here at the moment.2)e.g.He looked at me like I was mad.It looks like its going to rain.This meat smells like its gone bad.3)e.g.I feel like going out ton

47、ight.Do you feel like steak for dinner?果然不出所料,一提起独自乘坐公交车苏珊就惊恐不已。“我可是个盲人!”她痛苦地说,“我怎么知道往哪儿走?你想抛弃我吧?”2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love1)e.g.Like I said,I dont mind helping out on the day.Im sorry,but,like I said,shes not here at the moment.2)e.g.He looked at me like I was mad.It looks like its going to

48、rain.This meat smells like its gone bad.3)e.g.I feel like going out tonight.Do you feel like steak for dinner?TranslationBackNext20上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7 Marks heart broke to hear these words,but he knew what had to be done.He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her

49、,for as long as it took,until she got the hang of it.Meaning:He told Susan that he would take the same bus with her to work in the morning and back home in the evening.He would do this for as many days as necessary until she had learned how to go to work by bus alone by herself.get the hang of sth.:

50、熟悉某物的用法,掌握做某事的窍门 e.g.Mark found it easy to eat with chopsticks,once he got the hang of it.BackNextTranslation听了这些话,马克心如刀绞。但他知道他该怎么做了。他答应苏珊每天早晚陪她一起坐公交车,直到她自己能乘车为止。Questions about Para.6-72.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love215.How did Susan initially react to Marks suggestion that she go to work alone?Sh

51、e was horrified at the idea and felt that Mark was abandoning her.6.How did Mark persuade Susan to go to work alone?Mark promised her that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her for as long as it took,until she got the hang of it.BackNext2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love22上海交通大上海交通大学

52、学出版社出版社 8 And that was exactly what happened.For two solid weeks,Mark,military uniform and all accompanied Susan to and from work each day.He taught her how to rely on her other senses,specifically her hearing,to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment.He helped her befriend

53、the bus drivers who could watch out for her,and save her a seat.military uniform and all:穿着全套军装and all:诸如此类e.g.The only thing they seemed to have in common was their cowboy gear,ten-gallon hats and all.rely on:1)指望,依赖 e.g.Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.2)信任,信赖 e.g.Tak

54、e more clothes.You cant rely on the weather report.specifically:ad.1)特别地e.g.Specifically,the department wanted answers to the following questions.2)明确地,具体地e.g.I specifically asked you not to do that!adapt:vi./vt.1)适应 e.g.Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.She adapted quickly to the new climate.2)使适

55、应,使适合e.g.This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use.The taste can be adapted to suit individual tastes.befriend:vt.友好对待 belittle(小看,轻视).“bespectacled(带眼镜的)”;bemoan(为而悲伤,抱怨),bewail(因而悲愁;悲哀).bespattered.watch out for:密切注意,戒备,提防 e.g.The staff were asked to watch out for shoplifters.mili

56、tary uniform and all:穿着全套军装and all:诸如此类e.g.The only thing they seemed to have in common was their cowboy gear,ten-gallon hats and all.for two solid weeks:连续两周连续两周 e.g.There is a solid line of people.I slept for 14 solid hours.for two solid weeks:连续两周连续两周 e.g.There is a solid line of people.I slept f

57、or 14 solid hours.save:vt.保留,保存e.g.Lets save the best for last.BackNextTranslation他真的这么做了。整整两个星期,马克每天穿着全套军装,陪着苏珊一起上下班。他教她如何依靠她的其他感官,特别是听力,来确定方位和适应新的环境。他帮她和司机熟悉起来,以便司机能够关照她一下,并给她留个座位。Questions about Para.82.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love watch out for:密切注意,戒备,提防 e.g.The staff were asked to watch out

58、for shoplifters.adapt:vi./vt.1)适应 e.g.Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.She adapted quickly to the new climate.2)使适应,使适合e.g.This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use.The taste can be adapted to suit individual tastes.watch out for:密切注意,戒备,提防 e.g.The staff were asked to watch out f

59、or shoplifters.237.How did Mark help Susan get accustomed to taking the bus on her own?He taught her how to rely on her other senses,especially her hearing and helped her befriend the bus drivers.BackNext2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Love24上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 9 Finally,Susan decided that she w

60、as ready to try the trip on her own.Monday morning arrived,and before she left,she threw her arms around Mark,her temporary bus riding companion,her husband,and her best friend.Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty,his patience,and his love.She said good-bye,and for the first time,

61、they went their separate ways.Translation最后,苏珊觉得可以自己试试了。星期一早晨,离家之前,她双臂勾着马克,她临时的公车乘伴,她的丈夫,同时也是她最好的朋友。她眼里充满了感激的泪水,感激他的忠诚,他的耐心和他的爱。她说了再见后,两人便首次分手各自上班去了。on ones own:独自 e.g.The little boy was left at home on his own today.Ninety years old as she is,the old lady lives on her own.temporary:a.暂时的,临时的 e.g.“I

62、 object to violence because when it appears to do good,the good is only temporary;the evil it does is permanent.”Gandhi fill with:充满e.g.As we got closer to the ground,my wife started coughing and the entire plane filled with smoke from the pressure.e.g.The smell of perfume filled the air.gratitude:n

63、.感激,感谢e.g.Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,but the parent of all the others.loyalty:n.忠诚,忠诚行为e.g.The concept of loyalty is an important part of ethics.patience:n.耐性,忍耐力e.g.Have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yourself.Our patience will achieve more than our force

64、.go their separate ways:分道扬镳e.g.After a terrible quarrel the couple went their separate ways.2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Lovefill with:充满e.g.As we got closer to the ground,my wife started coughing and the entire plane filled with smoke from the pressure.e.g.The smell of perfume filled the air.patien

65、ce:n.耐性,忍耐力e.g.Have patience with all things,but chiefly have patience with yourself.Our patience will achieve more than our force.on ones own:独自 e.g.The little boy was left at home on his own today.Ninety years old as she is,the old lady lives on her own.25上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext10 Monday,Tuesd

66、ay,Wednesday,Thursday.Each day on her own went perfectly,and Susan had never felt better.She was doing it!She was going to work all by herself.Translation周一,周二,周三,周四每天她自己走得都很好,苏珊从未有过这么好的感觉。她做到了!她现在能自己去上班了。Meaning:Every day Susan went to work without encountering trouble by taking the bus herself,and she felt perfectly all right.Meaning:She was making progress in learning how to take the bus to work by herself.(She was well on the way to being an independent woman!)2.Text:The Powerful Gift of Lov

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