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1、历年英语四级考试词汇选择部分74500字 2011英语四六级进入备考阶段,毕业编辑整理六级备考资料供大家参考,祝大家取得好成绩! 1995年6月 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ 21. I would appreciate _ it a secret. 简历大全 /html/jianli/ (A) your keeping (C) that you keep 毕业论文(B) you to keep (D) that you will keep22. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks t

2、raffic regulations.(A) having been fined (C) to have been fined 简历大全 /html/jianli/ (B) to be fined (D) being fined23. No matter how frequently _, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. 毕业(A) performing (C) to be performed 毕业(B) performed (D) being performed24. It is recommended that

3、the project _ until all the preparations have been made. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/(A) is not started (C) not be started 论文代写(B) will not be started (D) is not to be started25. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.(A) could have slept (C) might have slept 开题报告 /html/lunwenz

4、hidao/kaitibaogao/(B) slept (D) have slept 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/26. We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we _ him. 作文 /zuowen/ (A) would have telephoned (C) would telephone 作文 /zuowen/(B) must have telephoned (D) had telephoned 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/27. Turn on the television o

5、r open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy, balanced families. 论文代写(A) are often seeing (C) will often see(B) often see (D) have often seen 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ 28. While people may refer to television for up-to-minute news, it is unlikely that television _ the newspape

6、r completely. 毕业论文(A) replaced (C) replace 毕业 (B) have replaced (D) will replace 毕业 29. An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, _ approximately from Marathon to Athen. 论文代写(A) distance (C) the distance 毕业论文(B) is the distance (D) the distance is 毕业 30. You will want two trees about ten feet a

7、part, from _ to suspend your tent. (A) there (C) which(B) them (D) where 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 31. As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had _ to ask my boss. 简历大全 /html/jianli/(A) many (C) more(B) most (D) much 32. _ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the

8、home. 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ (A) Before (C) From 简历大全 /html/jianli/ (B) Until (D) Since 毕业论文33. The survival of civilization as we know it is _ threat. 毕业论文(A) within (C) towards 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/(B) under (D) upon 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ 34. Scientists say it may be five or ten years

9、_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ (A) since (C) after 总结大全 /html/zongjie/(B) before (D) when 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/35. In some countries, _ is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people. 简历大全 /html/jianli/(A) which (C) t

10、hat (B) what (D) one 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 36. I walked too much yesterday and _ are still aching now.(A) my legs muscles (C) my leg muscles 论文代写(B) my muscles of leg (D) my muscles of the leg 总结大全 /html/zongjie/37. Radio, television and press _ of conveying news and information. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ (A

11、) are the most three common means (C) are the three most common means 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ (B) are the most common three means (D) are three the most common means 论文代写38. Liquids are like solids _ they have a definite volume. 简历大全 /html/jianli/(A) in that (C) with that(B) for that (D) at that 总结大全 /

12、html/zongjie/39. When a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/(A) broke off (C) broke down (B) broke out (D) broke up 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/40. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for manki

13、nd that no amount of money could _.(A) stand up to (C) come up with 总结大全 /html/zongjie/(B) make up for (D) put up with 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 41. Then the speaker _ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.(A) went after (C) went into 毕业论文 (B) went for (D) went on 作文 /zuowen/42. The s

14、tudents was just about to _ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/(A) arrive at (C) work out 毕业 (B) submit to (D) give up 毕业论文43. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/(A) reach (C) h

15、old 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ (B) hand (D) place 毕业论文44. The _ of blood always makes him feel sick. 简历大全 /html/jianli/ (A) sight (C) look 毕业论文(B) view (D) form 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/45. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _ spring. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ (A) later (C) latter 论文代写(B) last (D) l

16、ate46. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sickness. 论文代写(A) normal (C) average 作文 /zuowen/(B) regular (D) ordinary 论文代写 47. This hotel _ $ 60 for a single room with bath. 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/(A) claims (C) prices 毕业论文 (B) demands (D) charges 思想汇报 /sixianghuib

17、ao/ 48. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _ to his confusion. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/(A) extended (C) added 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/(B) amounted (D) turned 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/49

18、. A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence. 作文 /zuowen/(A) arise (C) raise 简历大全 /html/jianli/(B) rise (D) arouse50. It took him several months to _ the wild horse. 论文代写(A) tend (C) breed 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ (B) cultivate (D) tame 作文 /zuowen/

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