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1、2017北京高三英语一模完形填空汇总朝阳区An Effective CommercialI have to admit that I rarely watch commercials, since most of them are boring and stupid. When watching commercials, we are “learning” that consumption makes us happy and that we need to buy everything. This really makes me 36 . So when I watch commercial

2、s I usually start thinking of other things, and dont hear a 37 . Recently, however, a commercial for a major retail (零售) store got my 38 . It gave me a deep impression, and 39 me of the best things about Christmas.A young lady is talking over the phone to her family right before Christmas. She is ob

3、viously living away from her family and 40 them. She is upset because she wont be with them for the holidays. I believe she is talking to her mother, who asks her if she has received the 41 that were sent to her. The young lady 42 that she hasnt, and the mother expresses 43 that they should have arr

4、ived by now. The mother suggests that she 44 the doorstep. At this point, the young lady opens her front door, and 45 there is her family on the doorstep. They have come to 46 the Christmas with her.This is where I got 47 . What a surprise! This has happened to me, but I can 48 how wonderful it woul

5、d be. The holidays are a good time to 49 connections and renew relationships among family members. People can communicate with each other and 50 a sense of belonging. So once again I am reminded that the best Christmas gifts are not the ones you buy in the retail store. They are gifts of 51 , family

6、 and time spent together happily.Commercials can 52 the audience if they are made effectively. What makes a commercial 53 is human interest, and usually there are some common 54 . A good commercial for me is when I can forget it is a commercial for something I have to buy and instead 55 it with an e

7、xperience in my own life or the lives of others. It can make me think and pass on a few of those thoughts to other people.36. A. relaxed B. annoyedC. nervousD. curious37. A. view B. story C. noiseD. word38. A. attentionB. way C. ideaD. trouble39. A. warnedB. informedC. remindedD. cured40. A. missing

8、B. supportingC. comfortingD. inviting41. A. materialsB. repotsC. messagesD. presents42. A. arguesB. respondsC. mentionsD. proves43. A. sympathyB. sorrowC. concernD. desire44. A. check B. followC. passD. clear45. A. practically B. fortunatelyC. successfullyD. surprisingly46. A. arrangeB. celebrateC.

9、occupyD. approach47. A. improvedB. confusedC. affectedD. stressed48. A. imagineB. approveC. rememberD. promise49. A. suggestB. confirmC. identifyD. strengthen50. A. acceptB. shareC. admitD. judge51. A. prideB. honorC. loveD. respect52. A. moveB. controlC. protectD. encourage53. A. helpfulB. memorabl

10、eC. believableD. relevant54. A. symptoms B. conditionsC. originsD. themes55. A. promoteB. updateC. associateD. discover36-40 BDACA 41-45 DBCAD 46-50 BCADB 51-55 CABDC东城区The Broken Lantern On a wild July night, the storm was getting worse and worse. Kate Shelley, who lived between Honey Creek(小溪) and

11、 Des Moines River, was _36_ looking out of the window, wondering _37_ it would wash away the bridges over them, when suddenly came the loud _38_ of breaking wood, then followed by a great splash(飞溅的水花). She realized the bridge over the creek was _39_. At that time, the midnight train was almost due.

12、 If no one told the engineer to _40_ the train, it would fall into the creek with a hundred or more _41_ . The situation was so urgent that Kate _42_ to go to Moingon Railway Station to get help. Immediately she _43_ out into the storm with her fathers railway lantern. Moingon lay on the far side of

13、 Des Moines River. The only way to get there was to cross a long wooden railroad bridge. Even in the daytime, it was _44_ to walk on it because there was no foot walk or railing(栏杆) except only rails and ties. The ties were _45_ enough apart for the girl to fall through. Kate stopped when she came t

14、o the _46_. She had never seen the river rising so high that she was _47_ . Her father had been killed in a train accident by that river and her brother had drowned there. But she soon managed to_ 48_ thinking more of the past happenings for she knew that train had to be stopped _49_ it was too late

15、. She started to step on that dangerous bridge, knowing she might fall into the rush water at any moment. Whats worse, she broke her lantern while making her way, exposing herself to the _50_ . She had to climb on her hands and knees It seemed like a long time. At last she _51_ the other side. She s

16、topped just long enough to catch her breath. Then she ran _52_ to the railway station. When she finally got there, she was out of _53_, wet all over, her hat blown away, her hands and knees still bleeding and her eyes looking _54_. She told the station man what had happened to the Honey Creek Bridge

17、 before her fainting. Finally, the passengers were saved. The girls heroic deed was rewarded. For her _55_ act, Kate enjoyed a right of getting on or off the train at her door when she wanted. 36. A. angrilyB. eagerlyC. anxiouslyD. hopefully 37. A. whetherB. thatC. when D. how 38. A. crash B. cry C.

18、 blowD. voice39. A. removedB. blockedC. completedD. broken40. A. changeB. stopC. catchD. leave41. A. conductorsB. customersC. passengersD. engineers 42.A. decidedB. tried C. expectedD. agreed43.A. fellB. rushed C. climbedD. rode44. A. harmfulB. foolishC. dangerousD. strange45. A. longB. wideC. thick

19、 D. far 46. A. bridgeB. stationC. trainD. rail47. A. movingB. shakingC. escapingD. running48. A. forget B. admit C. avoidD. risk49. A. thoughB. because C. unlessD. before 50. A. darknessB. calmnessC. emptinessD. coldness51. A. selectedB. reachedC. foundD. passed52. A. cautiouslyB. slowlyC. disappoin

20、tedlyD. desperately 53. A. breathB. mind C. sight D. favour54. A sharpB. watchfulC. wildD. bitter55. A. honestB. modest C. generous D. courageous 36-40:CAADB41-45: CABCD46-50:ABCDA 51-55:BDACD西城区In Thanks for What We Have I sat nervously and waited for Kathleen to speak. Being called to the human re

21、sources department is a little like being called to the principals office. “Annie,” she said, “A food bank in our town that serves the elderly is asking for 36 . Id like you to organize the event and see it through.” “Well, um, errrsure. I guess so.” As I stuttered(结结巴巴地说) through my 37 , all I coul

22、d think was, “What? Why me?”I walked back to my office without any idea as to where to 38 . This was a time when the economy was 39 . The rise in unemployment forced the families of many of my coworkers to 40 to survive. How could I ask my coworkers for more? That evening I drove home filled with ne

23、gativity. Then I remembered a time long ago when my father was out of work. Mom wrote a note to Jim, the milkman, asking him not to 41 any more milk. Two days later Jim picked up the 42 and left four liters of milk. He wrote his own message on the back side of Moms. It read, “Kids need milk.” The mi

24、lk delivery 43 as usual and Jim left four liters of milk every other day, never collecting a cent 44 us. The memory of Jims 45 fired my enthusiasm. Perhaps Id be in for a pleasant surprise.The next morning I 46 signs about our food drive all over the cafeteria and on every notice board I could find.

25、 Each sign read, “Food drive to support the elderly poor of our town! 47 of non-perishable(不易腐的) foods are greatly needed.”Within a few days I had to locate empty office space to 48 the massive number of contributions we had 49 . One of my coworkers, Maggie, made the rounds with me every day from on

26、e department to another to pick up the canned goods and other 50 . Maggie was over sixty but pushed our food trolley around with the 51 of a woman half her age.As we were making our rounds one day,I asked her where she got all the energy and enthusiasm. “Annie,” she said, “with the unemployment rate

27、 touching 10 percent, I cant think of a better way to be 52 for keeping our jobs when so many have 53 theirs. Sure money is 54 . But when isnt it? People need food.” As I listened to Maggie, the milkmans words 55 in my ears, “Kids need milk.”36. A. advice B. help C. pity D. medicine37. A. response B

28、. comment C. explanation D. complaint38. A. sit B. stay C. begin D. work39. A. growing B. fading C. recovering D. booming40. A. drive B. attempt C. refuse D. struggle41. A. spare B. drink C. deliver D. sell42. A. keys B. kids C. cents D. empties43. A. returned B. continued C. stopped D. delayed44. A

29、. for B. to C. with D. from45. A. kindness B. happiness C. patience D. politeness46. A. designed B. noticed C. marked D. posted47. A. Bargains B. Demands C. Donations D. Purchases48. A. check B. store C. separate D. clear49. A. collected B. bought C. found D. selected50. A. clothes B. books C. foods

30、 D. gifts51. A. satisfaction B. quality C. energy D. motivation52. A. lucky B. proud C. delighted D. grateful53. A. lost B. deserved C. abandoned D. wanted54. A. available B. tight C. enough D. powerful55. A. rang B. disappeared C. hid D. fell36-40: BACBD 41-45: CDBDA 46-50: DCBAC 51-55: CDABA海淀区A C

31、ommitment to LifeThe snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my 36 wasnt canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my 37 . Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my sch

32、eduled donation at the local 38 center. When I got there, I discovered I wasnt 39 . Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines 40 to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to 41 their lifesaving gifts. Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I r

33、ealized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never 42 .To be honest, Id never really thought about why I donate. I just do it. But a few months ago, during one of my 43 donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer

34、 patient and for a newborn babyboth patients needed what I would give in order to live. Ive viewed my visits to the blood center 44 ever since. My wife Karen is a 45 , too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髓) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone mar

35、row to a kindergartner with leukemia(白血病). That little girl died before Karens bone marrow could help her, 46 Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential 47 for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to becom

36、e a bone marrow donor. “Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was a race 48 time.I wish I could say that this 49 was won. It wasnt. The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questionsincluding w

37、hether or not shed 50 on the donor list. “Of course, “Karen answered. Last week Karen gave blood and next week Ill make my usual donation. Ill 51 an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment. I dont know whose life my donation may 52 . Most likely it will be a 53 , but on any day the person

38、 needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to 54 our time to donate. I really do feel 55 every time I donate. And I like the feeling. 36. A. appointment B. classC. meetingD. flight37. A. secretB. balanceC. shapeD. word 38. A. serviceB. shoppingC. blood D. care

39、39. A. aloneB. welcomeC. lateD. lucky40. A. exposed B. attachedC. applied D. added41. A. examineB. produceC. collect D. clean42. A. meetB. forgetC. miss D. recognize43. A. regular B. unexpected C. specialD. pleasant44. A. wisely B. differently C. hesitantlyD. carefully 45. A. receiverB. doctor C. pa

40、tient D. donor 46. A. or B. butC. andD. for47. A. riskB. customerC. matchD. partner48. A. beyond B. withC. against D. of49. A. honor B. testC. prize D. race 50. A. rankB. signC. appearD. remain 51. A. clearB. separateC. loseD. remove52. A. touchB. affectC. create D. enrich53. A. child B. stranger C.

41、 heroD. friend54. A. wasteB. saveC. kill D. take 55. A. emptyB. gratefulC. proudD. nervous36-40:ADCAB 41-45:CAABD 46-50:BCCDD 51-55: ABBDC 丰台区Looking UpI can still remember the way my tennis shoes looked as I stared down at them, feeling anxious about what was about to take place. It was time for th

42、e weekly eleventh-grade volleyball game. I knew I would never be the best 36 on any team. But every week, I stared at my shoes and simply wished I wouldnt be picked 37 . And yet I was last almost every time. No team wanted the girl who always 38 the ball, and missed the easy serves.Years later I rea

43、lized how much those moments of 39 had affected me. I began to expect the 40 in every situation, repeatedly telling myself that I just wasnt good enough. I grew up staring at my 41 .All that began to 42 during the summer vacation in high school. My moms sister Aunt Karen, offered me a part-time job.

44、 I had always admired Aunt Karen 43 she was successful and led such an exciting life. Her good manner and warm smile were totally different from the 44 way I approached the world. But that summer she taught me to look at things 45 .Aunt Karen said that the secret 46 success comes from the inside, no

45、t the outside. I was shocked to learn her experience had been similar to mine. She hadnt been good at 47 , either! Aunt Karen said she finally realized what other people thought of her didnt 48 as much as what she thought of herself. She told me when she started noticing her own good qualities, she

46、49 being so self-critical.So that summer I took her 50 to heart. I listened to what I was saying to myself and decided to focus more on the good. For example, when I misfiled an important paper, I 51 myself of all the other ones I had filed correctly. And when I was shown the dirty closet, I said to

47、 myself that I would be great at 52 it. Before long I had learned a valuable lesson. 53 thinking actually works! By the time school started that fall, I was much more 54 . I went along with people around me with a totally different attitude. When my chemistry teacher announced that we should each fi

48、nd a lab partner, 55 looking down at my shoes, I looked up and smiled. And do you know what happened? A very nice girl immediately asked me to be in one group!36.A. playerB. teacher C. worker D. manager37.A. fastB. soonC. onlyD. last38.A. likedB. droppedC. soldD. studied39.A. relaxationB. celebratio

49、nC. rejectionD. discussion40.A. worstB. bestC. latestD. least41.A. handsB. shoesC. shortsD. legs42.A. changeB. continueC. settleD. grow43.A. ifB. unlessC. untilD. because44.A. properB. nervousC. carelessD. comfortable45.A. kindlyB. seriouslyC. carefullyD. differently46.A. toB. withC. fromD. at47.A.

50、chemistryB. languageC. sportsD. computer48.A. standB. matterC. costD. expect49.A. mindedB. practicedC. stoppedD. suffered50.A. stepsB. plansC. timeD. advice51.A. remindedB. ridC. warnedD. accused52.A. repairingB. cleaningC. designingD. decorating53.A. CriticalB. DeepC. PositiveD. Creative54.A. confu

51、sedB. carefulC. cautiousD. confident55.A. in charge ofB. in spite of C. instead ofD. in case of36-40: ADBCA41-45:BADBD 46-50:ACBCD 51-55:ABCDC石景山区A Man and His WordIn a used furniture business, unlike new, you cannot order stock (存货) from a catalogue. People call in, and you have to go out and make

52、an offer. “You cant 36 what you dont have.” my father would say. When I was aged thirteen, my father lost his store 37 , a one-armed guy who could do more with his one arm than many will do with two. With his manager gone, my father came to me. “Will you come in while I go out to 38 the days calls u

53、ntil I find the 39 person?” he asked. The store has tens of thousands of 40 . “People like to bargain,” he told me, “So I dont 41 prices. You just have to know a 42 .” He took me around. “A quarter-horse motor you can sell for four dollars. For a refrigerator, depending on the 43 , you can sell for

54、thirty-five dollars to sixty dollars. However, if it has a freezer that goes well, sell it for eighty dollars, in 44 condition, maybe one hundred dollars. Dishes come in with a houseful of furniture, and I dont even 45 them in when I give a price. You can sell them for a cent to a dollar. Something

55、really nice.”Every day after 46 , I would ride to the store. Soon after, I was writing up a sales slip(纸条)for an attractive plate when my father walked in. I had asked a dollar and the guy did not 47 . I was very pleased. My father glanced down at what I was doing, 48 to the customer and said, “You

56、sure got a bargain today. My employee gave you the 49 and thats the price.”Afterward, I asked my father, “what was that all about ?”It turned out that it was an antique plate, worth a few hundred dollars. I was 50 . Here I was 51 to help my father in the business and instead I was losing money for h

57、im.He said, “I couldve 52 the sales if Id wanted to. You were just writing up the slip and hadnt yet taken the money. Besides, by civil law, youre under 53 . But, a man stands by his word and the word of his 54 .”The deal cost my father a small amount of money, but I learned a 55 lesson in integrity

58、(正直).36. A. buy B. sell C. order D. store37. A. salesman B. friend C. boss D. manager38. A. ask B. return C. answer D. buy39. A. able B. honest C. right D. hardworking40. A. items B. customers C. plates D. instruments41. A. raise B. decide C. create D. mark42. A. range B. name C. variety D. catalogue43. A. price B. situation C. condition D. quantity44. A. ordinary B. unexpected C. special D. excellent45. A. bring B. call C. figure D. force46. A. school

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