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1、Psychologists say successfulentrepreneurs have these 4 personality traits(Justin Sullivan / Getty) Steve Jobs.The Steve Jobses of the world have somethi ng in com mon.In fact, accord ing to orga ni zati onal psychology research, they share at least four pers on ality traits :Theyre generalists rathe

2、r than specialists.A 2013 Swiss-German study found that while employees are specialists, en trepre neurs are gen eralists.Foun ders have a diverse set of skills 一 after all, they have to man age the many ten drils of a bus in ess. Plus, they tend to have a diverse n etwork of relati on ships, one th

3、at they can call on when launching compa ni es.It is the jacks-of-all-trades across a whole portfolio of in dividual resources and not the masters-of-one who are likely to become entrepreneurs, write authors Uschi Backes-Gellner and Petra Moog. The mere social butterflies or the mere computer n erds

4、 are not likely to become en trepre neurs because they are both too imbalaneed and thereby less likely to be successful as en trepre neurs.Sta nford Un iversity econo mist Edward P. Lazear first proposed the jack of all trades theory. He found that Stanf ord MBAs who took a broader range of classes

5、and had held a wider range of jobs were more likely to start their own thing. A follow-up German study replicated those results.Theyre outrageously self-c on fide nt.A third of America n small bus in esses collapse within their first five years. Two-thirds fail within 10.Accord ing to Nobel Prize-w

6、inning psychologist Daniel Kahn ema n, it takes a special breed to take on that kind of risk.A lot of progress in the world is drive n by the delusi onal optimism of some people, he told Inc . The people who ope n small bus in esses dont thi nk, Im facing these odds, but Ill take them any way. They

7、think their bus in ess will certa inly succeed.The data backs this up: In a 1988 Purdue Uni versity study, 33% of 3,000 en trepre neurs thought that theyre bus in esses had a 100% cha nee of success. A 1997 Uni versity of Houst on study found that en trepre neurs are biased to think they can preve n

8、t any thi ng bad from happe ning to theirbus in esses. A 2013 study from Erasmus Un iversity Rotterdam found that en trepre neurs think they will live lon ger tha n everybody else.Sometimes, that con fide nee lapses into n arcissism.Theyre disagreeable.In his book David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell

9、 argues that innovative people are disagreeable They dont really care what other people think of them.He argues:Inno vators n eed to be disagreeable . They are people willi ng to take social risks 一 to do things that others might disapprove of.That is not easy. Society frow ns on disagreeable ness.

10、As huma n beings we are hardwired to seek the approval of those aro und us. Yet a radical and tra nsformative thought goes no where without the willi ngn ess to challe nge conven ti on.He provides compelli ng examples: Steve Jobs did nt sweat steali ng the graphic user in terface from Xerox PARC, an

11、d IKEA foun der In gvar Kamprad gladly outsourced from Swede n to Pola nd while the coun tries were hostile to one ano ther.Its redeemed in the research. A University of Illinois-University ofPenn sylva nia study found thatdisagreeable people are bett er at decli ning requests on their time, giving

12、them better control of calendars.Theyre con scie ntious.In a 2003 study led by Penn sylva nia College of Tech no logy man ageme nt professor Mark Ciavarella, researchers asked 111 people that had started their own bus in esses betwee n 1972 and 1995 to take pers on ality tests. The researchers were

13、looking for any founders personality traits that correlated with companies making it past the adolescent stage, or over eight years.The only significant predictor was conscientiousness, or the propensity to pla n, orga ni ze, and take care of resp on sibilities.The results suggest that an en trepre neur n eeds to evolve into a man ager to shepherd a new venture to long-term survival, Ciavarella and his colleagues write.But conscientiousness isnt just good for founders: The trait is linked with earning more, feeling more satisfied with your job, and living longer.

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