新标准大学英语3 unit1课件

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《新标准大学英语3 unit1课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新标准大学英语3 unit1课件(36页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Difficult sentencesInformation relatedWords to noteLanguage in usePreview Difficult sentencesNo one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class,so the peer group pressure like medals proving their diligence.(Para 1,Line 11 to the end)Trans2.Why were libraries standing room before early morning

2、?The library was crowded with students,so there were no more seats available.click3.When do we wear bags under our eyes?Do you feel proud to have such bags?When we have not had enough sleep,we will get loose dark areas of skin.We will feel proud because such tired appearance shows how hard we have b

3、een studying,and the bags under our eyes are like medals.click1.What does“peer group”mean?Those around us who are of the same age or statusclickDifficult sentencesNo one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class,so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong.Libraries which were once emp

4、ty after five oclock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning,and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their sleepy faces with pride,like medals proving their diligence.(Para 1)我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午五点以后,图书馆就空无一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了

5、眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。MoreDifficult sentencesIt wasnt always the high flyers with Quite often it was the quieter,less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mapped out.(Para 2,Line 3-7)2.What do the quieter,less impressive students refer to?Those who do not have th

6、e best grades.click1.What kind of people will be called high flyers?Those who have achieved a lot and have the ability and determination to continue to be successful in their studies or job.click并不总是那些心怀抱负、成绩拔尖的高材生才清楚自己将来要做什么,常常是那些平日里默默无闻的同学早早为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划。TransDifficult sentencesOne had landed a

7、 job in his brothers advertising firm in Madison Avenue,another had got a script under provisional acceptance in Hollywood.(Para 2)2.If you have got sth.under a provisional acceptance,will you put your mind at rest?No.Provisional acceptance refers to an acceptance which is arranged(in principle),but

8、 is not yet definite.It is temporary and could be changed.click1.If you land a job,will you feel happy?Yes,because I get a job that I want.click有位同学在位于麦迪逊大道他哥哥的广告公司得到了一份工作,另一位同学写的电影脚本已经与好莱坞草签了合约。TransMoreDifficult sentencesThe most ambitious student among us was going to work as a party activist at

9、a local level.We all saw him ending up in the Senate or in Congress one day.(Para 2)2.Whats the final aim of a party activist in his career?He hopes to be a member of the Senate or Congress,as a result of making career progress.click1.What activities does a party activist attend?Activities that are

10、intended to achieve political change.click我们当中野心最大的一位同学准备到地方上当一个政党活动家,我们都预料他最终会当上参议员或国会议员。TransWords to noteNew WordsExpressions 1.impressive 2.ambitious 3.mortgage 4.criticize 5.surf6.brim7.defy8.productive 1.at/in the back of ones mind2.brace sth.for3.map out4.figure out mortgage n.a legal agreeme

11、nt in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a houseTranslate the phrases.1.申请贷款2.获得贷款3.发放抵押贷款4.归还抵押借款5.土地抵押1.apply for a mortgage2.get/obtain a mortgage3.issue a mortgage4.pay back a mortgage5.a mortgage on land criticize v.to say what you think is wrong or bad about sth.1.Plans for the

12、 new road have drawn fierce _ from local people.2.His father was a very _ man.3.She is a very discerning art _.4.The book presents a _ of the Governments policies.5.Social services were strongly _ for not taking more action to protect children at risk.Complete the sentences with the words in the col

13、umn.criticismcriticalcriticcritique critic critical criticism criticize critiquecriticizedsurfn.the waves of the sea as they move onto a beachv.(1)to ride on waves in the sea (2)to look at various places one after another on the internet or on televisionAnswer the questions.1.How do we call a person

14、 who rides on waves in the sea?2.What is used to ride on waves in the sea?3.What do you think of surfing the Internet?a surf rider/a surfer a surf board It is usually seen as fun,dangerous,or a tremendous waste of time,depending on who you ask.brim v.to be full of1.If you fill the cup to the brim wi

15、th wine,what will happen?The cup will brim over.2.If you hear a sad story,how will you feel?I will be brimming over with sympathy.3.Which one helps to prevent severe sunburn,a hat with a narrow brim,or a hat with a wide brim?a hat with a wide brim.4.What does the proverb Better spare at brim than at

16、 bottom tell us?To avoid want later,wed better save early.Answer the questions.brace sth.forAnswer the question:Translate the sentences.1.I braced myself for some resistance to my idea.我做好了遭到反对的心理准备。我做好了遭到反对的心理准备。2.我认为对未来我们应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后我认为对未来我们应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备。可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备

17、。I think we should have a definite goal and detailed plan,so as to brace ourselves for any challenges.If you brace sth.for sth.unpleasant,do you(a)try not to think about it,or (b)prepare yourself for it mentally and physicallymap outAnswer the question:Translate the sentences.1.Quite often it was th

18、e quieter,less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mapped out.常常是那些平日里默默无闻的同学早早为自己下几个阶段的人生常常是那些平日里默默无闻的同学早早为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划。做好了规划。2.对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are sti

19、ll at university.When you map out your future,do you(a)plan it carefully,or (b)draw a sketch of it on paperfigure out to be able to understand sth.or solve a problemListen to the recording and write down the sentences.1.I cant figure out the rules of football.2.I cant figure out how to break the new

20、s to them.3.I cant figure out what color to paint the house.Figure out how to dress for interview success.n Conservative two-piece business suit,conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse&clean,polished conservative shoes n Well-groomed hairstyle n Clean,trimmed fingernails n Minimal cologne(古龙水古龙水)or p

21、erfume n Empty pockets no bulges or tinkling coins n no visible body piercing(eg:nose rings)or tatoos(纹身纹身)Language in use Useful expressions It is/was not just that butUseful expressions 1.课堂出勤率2.同学们之间的竞争压力3.谁都不想那也太丢人了4.熬夜熬出了眼袋5.脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪6.在某人的心里7.心怀抱负、成绩拔尖的高材生8.为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划1.attendance at clas

22、ses 2.peer group pressure 3.No one wanted the humiliation of 4.wear the bags under ones eyes 5.pale,sleepy faces 6.at the back of ones mind7.the high flyers with the top grades 8.have the next stages of ones life mapped outMoreUseful expressions 9.追随的人生足迹10.做好了遭到反对的心理准备11.加入一个暂时报酬高的行业12.沿海水域没什么风浪13.

23、挤满了14.被拽下来15.放弃了漫长的逃亡之战9.follow sbs path through life10.brace oneself for some resistance to11.go into a career which pays well just at the moment12.no surf on the coastal waters 13.brim with14.be pulled back15.give up ones lengthy struggle to escapeIt is/was not just that butLook at the sentence.Mo

24、re Not only did they crawl into such an obvious trap,it also seemed as if they couldnt be bothered to crawlout again._ they crawled into such an obvious trap,_ it seemed as if they couldnt be bothered to crawl out again.It wasnt just thatbutIt wasnt just that butRewrite the sentences using It is/was

25、 not just that but More1.Not only was the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people,it was also often a figure of fun.It wasnt just that the Grim Reaper was intended to frighten people,but it was often a figure of fun.2.Not only did she spend all her time at college going to parties,she also took the

26、time to gain a first-class degree.It wasnt just that she spent all her time at college going to parties,but she took the time to gain a first-class degree.It is/was not just thatbut1.感恩节那天,不仅仅是商店关了门,而且街上一个人也没有。It wasnt just that the shops were all closed for Thanksgiving,but there was no one in the

27、streets.2.对他所说的话,他们不仅不听,而且根本就不感兴趣。It wasnt just that they werent listening to what he said,but it seemed as if they werent at all interested.3.我不仅难过,而且觉得自己就要哭了。It wasnt just that I was upset,but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.Translate the sentences using It is/was not just thatbutIt i

28、s/was not just thatbutInformation related Sayings Ambition Choosing a career 6 Job Hunting Myths Debunkeddefy v.(1)to refuse to obey sb.or sth.(2)resist or confront with resistance 1.Why are pine,bamboo and plum considered as symbols of the lasting friendship?Because they can defy severe cold.2.What

29、 is the general idea about the Four Beauties of ancient China?Their beauty defies description.Answer the questions with defy.productive adj.achieving good resultsTranslate the sentences.1.Our soil is fertile,our agriculture productive.我们的土地肥沃,农产也很富饶。我们的土地肥沃,农产也很富饶。2.Relations of production must conf

30、orm to the level of productive forces.生产关系必须适合生产力。生产关系必须适合生产力。3.在她创作生涯中最多产的时期在她创作生涯中最多产的时期,她写了五本小说。她写了五本小说。During the most productive time in her career,she wrote five novels.4.双方都认为,他们共事的经历是令人满意,富有成效的。双方都认为,他们共事的经历是令人满意,富有成效的。Both acknowledged that their working together had been a satisfying and p

31、roductive experience.at/in the back of ones mindnot thinking about sth.directly now but knowing that it exists or is true1.You must be out of your mind to want to see him again.2.Im in two minds about accepting the job.3.Er,let me think.Sorry,my minds gone blank.4.The old lady can still see in her m

32、inds eye every piece of furniture in the house where she lived as a child.Discuss the meaning of expressions.to be crazyto have difficulty in making a decisionto be unable to remember or think anythingto imagine or remember what it looks likeimpressive adj.Complete the sentences with impressive or i

33、mpressed.1.I was very _ by the efficiency of the staff.2.There was something _ about Julias quiet dignity.3.She looked suitably _ when I told her about my new jobs.4.Its an _ ceremony.very good,large or showing great skillimpressiveimpressedimpressedimpressiveambitious adj.determined to be successfu

34、l,rich,famous etc.Read the quotations and exchange your understandings.1.Dont bite off more than you can chew.2.Every French soldier carries a marshals(元帅元帅)baton(指挥棒指挥棒)in his knapsack(背包背包).(Napolon Bonaparte)clickIt is often used to advise people against agreeing to more than they can handle.brac

35、e sth.forAnswer the question:Translate the sentences.1.I braced myself for some resistance to my idea.我做好了遭到反对的心理准备。我做好了遭到反对的心理准备。2.我认为对未来我们应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后我认为对未来我们应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备。可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备。I think we should have a definite goal and detailed plan,so as to brace ourselves

36、for any challenges.If you brace sth.for sth.unpleasant,do you(a)try not to think about it,or (b)prepare yourself for it mentally and physicallymap outAnswer the question:Translate the sentences.1.Quite often it was the quieter,less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mapped out

37、.常常是那些平日里默默无闻的同学早早为自己下几个阶段的人生常常是那些平日里默默无闻的同学早早为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划。做好了规划。2.对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生们意见不一。Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university.When you map out your future,do you(a)plan it carefully,or (b)draw

38、 a sketch of it on paperfigure out to be able to understand sth.or solve a problemListen to the recording and write down the sentences.1.I cant figure out the rules of football.2.I cant figure out how to break the news to them.3.I cant figure out what color to paint the house.Figure out how to dress

39、 for interview success.n Conservative two-piece business suit,conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse&clean,polished conservative shoes n Well-groomed hairstyle n Clean,trimmed fingernails n Minimal cologne(古龙水古龙水)or perfume n Empty pockets no bulges or tinkling coins n no visible body piercing(eg:no

40、se rings)or tatoos(纹身纹身)Language in use Useful expressions It is/was not just that butUseful expressions 1.课堂出勤率2.同学们之间的竞争压力3.谁都不想那也太丢人了4.熬夜熬出了眼袋5.脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪6.在某人的心里7.心怀抱负、成绩拔尖的高材生8.为自己下几个阶段的人生做好了规划1.attendance at classes 2.peer group pressure 3.No one wanted the humiliation of 4.wear the bags under

41、ones eyes 5.pale,sleepy faces 6.at the back of ones mind7.the high flyers with the top grades 8.have the next stages of ones life mapped outMoreUseful expressions 9.追随的人生足迹10.做好了遭到反对的心理准备11.加入一个暂时报酬高的行业12.沿海水域没什么风浪13.挤满了14.被拽下来15.放弃了漫长的逃亡之战9.follow sbs path through life10.brace oneself for some resi

42、stance to11.go into a career which pays well just at the moment12.no surf on the coastal waters 13.brim with14.be pulled back15.give up ones lengthy struggle to escapeIt is/was not just that butLook at the sentence.More Not only did they crawl into such an obvious trap,it also seemed as if they coul

43、dnt be bothered to crawlout again._ they crawled into such an obvious trap,_ it seemed as if they couldnt be bothered to crawl out again.It wasnt just thatbutIt wasnt just that butRewrite the sentences using It is/was not just that but More1.Not only was the Grim Reaper intended to frighten people,i

44、t was also often a figure of fun.It wasnt just that the Grim Reaper was intended to frighten people,but it was often a figure of fun.2.Not only did she spend all her time at college going to parties,she also took the time to gain a first-class degree.It wasnt just that she spent all her time at coll

45、ege going to parties,but she took the time to gain a first-class degree.It is/was not just thatbut1.感恩节那天,不仅仅是商店关了门,而且街上一个人也没有。It wasnt just that the shops were all closed for Thanksgiving,but there was no one in the streets.2.对他所说的话,他们不仅不听,而且根本就不感兴趣。It wasnt just that they werent listening to what he said,but it seemed as if they werent at all interested.3.我不仅难过,而且觉得自己就要哭了。It wasnt just that I was upset,but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.Translate the sentences using It is/was not just thatbutIt is/was not just thatbut

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