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1、(1) break the stalemate 打破僵局(2) be bound up with 与 联系在一起(3)be analogous to 与相似(4)on as dailybasis 每天(5) be validated by 被验证(6)it stands to reason that 理所当然(7)be at peace with与和睦相处 (8)on the sly 偷偷地(9) in accordance with 根据 (10) tothe purpose 中肯地 (11) of no avail 不起作用(12) boast of 吹嘘(13) be confronte

2、d with 面临(14) to sbscredit使某人感到光荣(15) to the effect that 大意是主要内容是(16)aroundtheclock 昼夜不停地 (17)atoneswitsend 无法可想,智穷计尽 (18)inthetwinkling ofan eye 眨眼,转眼间 (19) live from hand to mouth 勉强度日(20) none other that不是.正是.(21)in the vicinity of 大 约. (22) have a bearing on 与有关 (23) on the impulseof凭的冲动(24) equ

3、al stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备 (25)give incentive to 鼓励(26)bring vigorinto输入活力(27)give sb the edge使某人如虎添翼(28)plunge筋疲力尽(30)into sth一头扎在. (29)get burned outhold true for适用于.(31)race against the clock 争分夺 秒(32) stand ones grou nd 坚持立场 (33) climber the career ladder 为事业奋斗(34) reach a conse nsu

4、s 达成一致(35) fall out of use 逐渐不使用(36) see eye to eye with sb 与.看法致(37) a spoiled brat 宠坏的孩子(38) a black sheep 败家子,惹祸精 (39) lose sight of忽略,忘记 (40)hold water 合理,说得通 (41)a case in point 恰当的例子 (42) bosom friends 心腹之交,知己(43)for better or worse 不论好坏子(44)screen sb/sth out筛选出,淘汰(45)from all walksof life 来自各

5、行各业 (46)put sth above sth 重视甚于(47) a code of ethics 道德准则 (48)conjure upimages of sth.使人想到 (49)keep pace with sth 与.并驾齐驱(50)shake sth off 摆脱(51) fulfill ones potential 实现某人的价值 (52)a rosy picture of sth 对美好的印象 (53)buildupexpertise 获得专业技术 (54)sense of satisfaction 成就感 (55)a small price to pay 微不足 道的代价(

6、56)put sb at a disadvantage 使.处于劣势(57)awideselectionofsth各种各样地,广泛大量的的.(58)ontheverge of sth 在.的边缘 (59) stumbling block 绊脚 石 (60)toughnails 坚强的人(61)inflictpainon.使痛苦 (62)socialize with sb与.交往(63)bend therules 改变原则,通融 (64)weigh up the pros and cons 权衡利弊 (65)win-win situation 双赢 (66)frown upon sth不赞成.(

7、67)inanutshell 总而言之 (68)athorninones side眼中钉,肉中刺( 69 ) d os and donts 行为准则,须知 (70) count oneself lucky 自认幸运(71)shut sb out from. 将排除在外 (72)takepriorityover 比优先 (73)have the edge on.在方面有优势(74) give oneself the edge给予自己优势 (75)save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 (76) bridgethegap 缩小差距 (77)taketheblamefor为.承担责任(7

8、8) be a good bet 好法子 (79) give it a shot 尝试(80)jointheranksof.加入的行列 (81)berackedwith .备受.的折磨(82)a castle in the air 海市楼 (83)bringintofullplay充分发挥.的作用 (84)makeclearanideathat 弄清楚的是(85)alienatesbfrom.使某人疏远 .(86)grin and bear it 逆来顺受 (87) cast light on 有助于看清(88)pluck up courage 鼓起勇气 (89)ally oneself wi

9、th 与联合 (90)back sbup支持某人(91)talk sense 言之有物(92)cost sb an armand a leg 非常昂贵 (93)fair and square 正大光明的(94) relieve sb of sth 使某人摆脱(94)be under illusion that 误 以为(95)pin ones hope on 把希望寄托在.(96)add spice to sth 为增加趣味 (97) have fantasy about sth 对抱有幻想 (98)have a nodding acquaintance with 对略知一二 (99)keep

10、ontopofeverything 控制全局 (100)eradicate defect 根除缺陷(101)in all probalility 十有八九(102)in defiance of 违抗(103)on the threshold of 在.的开 始 (104)in a manner of speaking 在某种意义上说 (105)be quite feasible in sth/doing sth在.方面行得通 (106)becomeindulgent with sb 纵容某人(107)a chronic stateof 长期的 (108)be hooked on对.着迷(109

11、)come out of ones shell 不再羞怯 (110)ponder over 深 思(111)a vicious cycle 恶性循环 (112)not all doomand gloom并非一片黯淡 break the shackle of convention 打 破传统的束缚 (113)differentiatewith区别于.(114)standabetter chance of doing更有机会做.(115)translate into.转化为.(116)run with the crowd 随波逐流 (117) uncivilizedbarbarians 未开化的野

12、蛮人 (118)beincreasingly entangled in 越来越融入. (119)be inseparable to 不可或缺 的 (120)ontheincrease正在增加,不断增长( 1 21 ) p r ocur eidealjobs 得到理想的工作 (121)beunfavourableto 对. 不利 (122) be deprived of 被剥夺(123) be characterizedby以.为特征(124)in the corporate world 在商业界 (125)get accustomed to 习惯于,适用于 (126)temporary rem

13、edy 暂时的补救办法 (127)lay emphasis on 强调.(128)learn mountains of theories 学习 大量理论知识(129)to the detriment of对造成伤害(130)thepyramidofhigherlearningwillcrumble 高等教育的金字塔将轰然倒塌(131)give them an upper hand使他们具有优势 (132)in the vicissitudes of lives 世事变 迁 (133)reachsaturation 达到饱和状态 (134)drawscantattention 不受重视 (135

14、)get command of 掌握 (136) be vulnerable to 易于受到伤害的(137) get into the habit offrugality养成节俭的习惯(138) err in the same manner犯同样的错误(139)get away with the punishments 逃脱惩罚(140)take into ones confidence 向吐露心声(141)availeverymeanstodosth 利用一切手段做某事 (142)inline with 符合,跟.一致 (143)ranktopintheirpriorities 处 于优先处

15、理的位置 (144)transcendovertemporallimitations 超越时代的界限 (145)makecomplimentsto 称赞 (146)have an encyclopedic knowledge 有丰富的知识 (147)cultivate talents for our society 为社会培养人才 (148)the underlying reason 根本原因 (149)find its expression in 在有所体现 (150)tuition fees and living expenditure 学费和生活 费 (151)mortageloans

16、抵押贷款 (152)impoverishedcollege students 贫困大学生 (153)moreoftenthannot 往往, 多半 (154) get hand in hand密切合作 (155)a prevailing practice 一个普遍的现象(156)give up eating forchoking因噎忘食(157)give due weight to 充分重视(158)endowsbsth使某人具有(好资质,能力等)(159)wageearners 工薪阶层 (160)inprivate 私下 (161)play a crucial role 起关键作用 (16

17、2)the domestic bliss 天 伦之乐 (163) be conductive to导致,有助于.(164)lucrativeopportunities众 (166)domestic violence 家庭暴力 (167)fiscal andmonetary policy 财政和货币政策168)intangible culturalheritage 无形文化遗产 (169)ward off 避开,挡开 (170)staunch defender 忠实的守卫者171)give sb a dose of theirown medicine 给某人应有的惩罚172)gain celeb

18、rityovernight 一夜成名 (173)producers myopia 生产者的短视行为 (174)reap immediate profits立刻获得利润 (175)lay stress on experience 强调工作经验 (176)employeeattrition rate 人才流动率177)in times of ups anddownsof expertise 积累了系统的知识180)fake specialists冒牌专家 (181)give a fair shake给予公平待遇 (182)underauthorization of 在地授权之下183)have i

19、ntentions of在起伏波动的时候 (178)wrapped by an aura of179)accumulate a systemtrustable titles 被各类头衔所包围evading taxes 有意逃税 (184)tax deductible 可免 税的 (185)it is advisable to do使明智的 (186)from theperspective of 从方面来看(187) arts and erafts 工艺 (188)a time-honored brand 一个历史悠久的品牌 (189)extend the market share 扩大市场份额

20、 (190)take the shine off 黯然失色(191) pay ones way 勉强维持 (192) non-material cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产(193)theintangible assets 无形资产 (194)on the move of anunprecedented speed 以前所未有的速度在前进 (195) painstaking efforts 辛苦的努力 (196)by unscrupulous means 不择手 段 (197)standthetestoftime 经受得住时间的考验(198) binary opposit

21、ion 二元对立 (199)unshirkable responsiblity 不可推卸的责任 (200)rectifyandregulate 整顿和规范 (201)down-to-earth 务实的 (202)act ofmeager salaries(211) speculate in 在方omission不作为(203)teem with 充满 (204)surrender oneself to屈服于,投降于(205) succumble to屈服于(206) weigh sb down 使某人疲惫不堪(207) medicalpractitioners医师(208)in the cou

22、rse of history 在历史的长河中 (209)casualrelationship 因果关系 (210)earn面投机 (212) fend for oneself 照顾自己 (213)percapitaincome 人均收入(214)cross cultural communication 跨文化 交流 (215)adouble-edgedsword 一把双刃剑 (216)bustle and hustle 熙熙攘攘 (217)boost confidence and stimulate spending 提升信心,刺激消费 (218)pose threat to 给. 带来危险(

23、219)get acquainted with 与熟识 (220)drive forward the economy 拉动经济 (221)last but not least 最 后但不是最不重要 (222)market-oriented economy 市场经 济 (223) get out of the shadow of 走出.的阴影(224)get stuckto依附.黏住 (225)idle away time 虚度光阴 (226)boof opinion 认为 (227)fish for fame and scrab money 沽 名钓誉 (228)marked indicati

24、on 显著标志 (229)thriving in prosperity 兴旺发达 (230)laws and regulations 法律法 规 (231) big shot 有名的人物 (232) interfere in 打扰, 影响.(233)an all-round reward 全方位的收获 (234)shape onesinclination 塑造某人的爱好 (235)self-fulfillment 自 我实现 (236)interpersonalrelationship 人际关系 (237) run contrary to 与.相矛盾 (238)anxiety-laden 忧心

25、忡忡 的 (239)mental-handicapped 弱智的 (240)might-have-been outcome 可能的后果(241 )be driven to despair 限于绝望(242) requisite preparation 必要准备 (243)give a careful consideration 仔细考虑 (244) stick to ones position 坚守自 己的岗位(245) develop ones potential to the full 充分发挥某人的潜力(246) full of vim and vigor充满活力(247) fallin

26、to ones concern 引起关注 (248) corrupted bureauerats 腐 败的官僚(249) prone to易于的(250) marvel at 惊叹于.折服于.(251)pooling ideas from various channels 集思 广益 (252)put .at stake把.置于危险境地 (253)ever-accelerating 不断增加的 (254)give rise to 引起,导致(255) deliiberate layout 精心布局(256) not pleased by external gains, not saddened

27、 by personnal losses 不以物喜,不以己悲 (257)to foster the students ability to study on their own 培养学生自学能力 (258)to give scope to the students initiative and creativeness发挥学生的主动性和创造性(259)graduationdissertation 毕业论文 (260)annexedorforcedoutof business 被兼并或被挤掉(261)extramarital affairs 婚外情 (262)to be saddled with

28、 使负担 (262)to unshackle/liberate/release the productive force 解放生产 力 (263)socialism redevelopment社会主义改造(264)strenuousexercise 剧烈运动 (265)domestic household chores 家266)business recession经济衰退267)stockexchange证券交易所(268) invigorate enterprises 搞活企业 (269)ruuning expenses 日常费用(270)cosmeticsurgery 整容手术 (271

29、)sanitary environment 卫生环境 (272) occupationaldisease 职业病 (273)cellularradiation 手机 辐射 (274)fitness/bodybuilding exercise 健美操 (275)extracurriculum activity 课夕卜活动(276) optimize the teachingstuff 优化教师队伍 (277)have poor command of对.掌握ahead 不好 (278) strike a balance between在和之间取得平衡(279) ahead of schedule

30、提前 (280) spring up likemushroom如雨后春笋般涌现(281) launch a new reform推行一项新的改革 (282)enormous amount of controversy 很大的争 议 (283)poverty-strickenfamilies 贫困家庭 (284)beyondthe boundaries of超出.的范围 (285)become indulgentwith纵容某人 (286)go against the aim of 违背的目的(287)holdahostileattitudetowards对.怀有敌意(288)withthead

31、vent of 随着的到来(289)a case in point 个恰当的例 子 (290) with theb acceleration of 随着的加速(291)292)brag.as .industrious and economical 勤俭节约自夸,吹嘘 (293)swarm into涌入 (294)its benefits295)far-reaching296)be in aoverweigh the demerits 优点大于缺点 social significance 深远的社会意义dilemma左右为难(297) vice versa 反之亦然(298) with onesheartfelt sincerity非常诚挚地(299) go so far as to 竟然 (300)in the neighborhood of 在.附近,大约.

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