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1、Reading(2)Xiawei Centre school Zhou GuirongXiawei Centre school Zhou Guirong7A Unit5 Lets celebrate群中英语组Halloween is on _.People in the West _ it.People celebrate Halloween in many ways.Children _ upand wear masks at Halloween.Many children play a game called _.They knock on their neighbours doors a

2、nd shout _.Their neighbours usually give them some October 31stcelebratedresstrick or treat trick or treat Something about Halloween candy as a _.If the children do not getany candy,they can play a _ on theneighbour.Some people also make _ out of big orange _.They cut out the eyes,the nose and the s

3、harp teeth.They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes,the nose and the teeth.treattricklanternspumpkinsImportant phrases and useful expressions play a game withthe people insidegive us some candy as a treathave a partyon the evening of October 31stenjoy nice food and drinksa speci

4、al daywear maskspaint our faces 和和玩游戏玩游戏里面的人里面的人用糖果招待我们用糖果招待我们举行聚会举行聚会在十月三十一日在十月三十一日的晚上的晚上享受美食和饮料享受美食和饮料特别的日子特别的日子戴面具戴面具画脸画脸knock on/at-give us a treat play a trick on sb make pumpkin lanterns=make lanterns out of pumpkinsa game called trick or treataround the world be full of-treat-as-敲(门、窗等)敲(门、窗等

5、)招待我们招待我们捉弄某人捉弄某人做南瓜灯笼做南瓜灯笼一个叫不招待就使一个叫不招待就使坏的游戏坏的游戏全世界全世界充满充满/装满装满把把看作看作Important language points 1.Thank sb for sth/doing “感谢某人感谢某人/做某事做某事”for后面接名词、代词或者动名词。后面接名词、代词或者动名词。1.谢谢你教我们英语。谢谢你教我们英语。Thanks _English.2.非常感谢你的帮助。非常感谢你的帮助。Thank you very much_.3.谢谢你帮助我。谢谢你帮助我。Thank you _.for teaching mefor helpi

6、ng mefor your help2.give sb sth/give sth to sb “给某人某物给某人某物”;give sb a treat of sth“招待某人招待某人”=give sb sth as a treat1.妈妈给了我一些礼物。妈妈给了我一些礼物。My mum_.=My mum _me.2.请给我这些书。请给我这些书。_,please.=_me,please.gives me some presentsgives some presents toGive me these booksGive these books to3.万圣节人们常常给孩子们一些糖果作为招待万圣节

7、人们常常给孩子们一些糖果作为招待._ Halloween,people often give children _.4.我妈妈常常拿巧克力来招待我的同学。我妈妈常常拿巧克力来招待我的同学。My mother often gives my classmates _.some candy as a treat Atgive children a treat of some candy.some chocolate as a treatgives my classmates a treat of some chocolate.3.make lanterns out of pumpkins “用南瓜做

8、灯笼用南瓜做灯笼”,out of 意为意为“用用”(某种某种 材料材料),make sth out of sth“用用制作制作”;=make pumpkin lanterns =use pumpkins to make lanterns use sth to do“用用来做来做”1.他爷爷擅长制作桔灯。他爷爷擅长制作桔灯。His grandpa _well in _ oranges.2.我们常常用木材做桌子。我们常常用木材做桌子。We often _wood.=We often_.making lanterns out of make tables out ofdoesuse wood to

9、make tables4.if.“如果如果”,引导条件状语从句。从句中的引导条件状语从句。从句中的 动词不可以用一般将来时,通常用一般现动词不可以用一般将来时,通常用一般现 在时来代替在时来代替,而主句一般用将来时态。而主句一般用将来时态。1.If you _(not work)hard,you will fail in the exam.2.If I _(be)free,Ill call you.3.If it _(not rain)tomorrow,I _(go)shopping.4.If he is happy,he _(do)my homework fast.dont workamwi

10、ll go doesnt raindoes1.Ill go to the zoo if it _ tomorrow.A.doesnt rain B.will rain C.rains D.wont rain2.I_there if it doesnt rain tomorrow.A.go B.do go C.goes D.will go3.If she _ tomorrow,I will tell you.A.come B.will come C.comes D.coming 5.play a trick on sb./play tricks on sb 捉弄捉弄/戏弄某人戏弄某人1.那个戴眼

11、镜的男孩经常捉弄他的姐姐。那个戴眼镜的男孩经常捉弄他的姐姐。That boy _often _ his sister.2.为什么不捉弄他们一下?为什么不捉弄他们一下?Why not_?with glasses plays tricks onplay a trick on them6.tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人关于某事告诉某人关于某事”tell sb.sth.=tell sth to sb.“告诉某人某事告诉某人某事”tell sb.to do sth.“告诉某人做某事告诉某人做某事”tell sb.not to do sth.“告诉某人不要做某事告诉某人不要做某事”1.Pl

12、ease tell the students _too much noise in class.A.to make B.to take C.not to take D.not to make2.The teacher tells us_(not play)football on the street.not to play3.My parents tell me _(study)hard.4.请你告诉我关于你学校的情况。请你告诉我关于你学校的情况。Please _my school.5.杰克,请告诉我你的名字。杰克,请告诉我你的名字。Jack,please_.Jack,please_.6.请给

13、我讲一讲你的家庭情况。请给我讲一讲你的家庭情况。Tell me about your family.tell me abouttell me your name tell your name to meto study7.have great fun doing“做某事愉快做某事愉快”=have a good time doing sth 1.我们在公园里放风筝玩的很开心我们在公园里放风筝玩的很开心 We _ a good _ _kites in the park.=We have _ _ fun _ kites in the park.2.我们这学期学习英语很开心。我们这学期学习英语很开心。

14、We _ English this term.have time flying lots of flyinghave great fun learningExercises I.选择选择 They have a party _ February 2nd.A.in B.at C.on D./2.My friends and I always dress up _ Halloween.A.in B.at C.on D.to 3.We knock _ at the door of some neighbours.A.out B.in C.of D.on4.At _,we eat moon cakes

15、.A.Easter B.Christmas C.May Day D.the Mid-Autumn Festival5._ the evening of 31 October,we usually have a big party.A.In B.On C.At D./6.Thank you for _ me the good news.A.giving B.to give C.give D.gives7.Can you _ me _ your family?A.tell;about B.tell;with C.say;about D.talk;about 8.Halloween is _ the

16、 last day _ October.A.on;of B.in;of C.at;on D.on;on9.-Listen!Someone is knocking _ the door.-Yes,there is a knock _ the door.A.in;on B.on;at C.with;at D.at;to10.Come on,children.Help yourselves to some _ if you like.A.fish and chicken B.fishes and chicken C.fish and chickens D.fishes and chickens1.P

17、eople in the USA c_ Halloween every year.2.He is not a good boy.He often s_ to her mother.3.You can make a l_ out of a pumpkin.4.We cannot survive(生存生存)for long without f_ and w_.celebrateshoutslanternII.根据句意、首字母或者中文完成单词。根据句意、首字母或者中文完成单词。foodwater5.Can you p_ the wall for us today?Mother asks the pa

18、inter.6.Wendy wears a s_ costume at Halloween.7.You should k_ at the door if you want somebody to open it.8.Dont _(捉弄捉弄)that small boy.paintspecialplay a trick onknock1.Playing basketball is_(well)for us.2.What about_(play)football this weekend?3.Can you use paper _(make)planes?4.Tom,please_(not do)

19、your homework like that.5.We often play _(trick)on them.用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。to make good playingdont dotricks6.Each child _(dress)up at Christmas.7.Do they have fun _(visit)the farm?8.We often play _(trick)on them.9.Each child _(dress)up at Christmas.10.Do they have fun _(visit)the farm?tricks

20、dresses visitingvisitingdresses.完成下列句子。完成下列句子。1.如果明天下雨,运动会将延期。如果明天下雨,运动会将延期。If _ tomorrow,the sports meeting will be put off.2.谢谢你告诉我那部电影的事。谢谢你告诉我那部电影的事。Thank you _the film.3.我们举行一次特殊的晚会来庆祝万圣节。我们举行一次特殊的晚会来庆祝万圣节。We _ Halloween.it rainsfor telling me abouthave a special party to celebrate4.听!有人在敲门。听!有

21、人在敲门。Listen!Someone is_ the door.5.我们玩一个叫我们玩一个叫“不招待就使坏不招待就使坏”的游戏。的游戏。We_“trick or treat”.6.他常捉弄他的朋友。他常捉弄他的朋友。He often _his friends.7.人们给他们一些糖果作为招待。人们给他们一些糖果作为招待。People give them _.knocking atplay a game calledplays tricks onsome candy as a treat 8.你能教我如何做南瓜灯吗?你能教我如何做南瓜灯吗?Could you teach me _ _?9.他们装

22、扮,戴面具,还做南瓜灯。他们装扮,戴面具,还做南瓜灯。They _ and _,they also make _.10.我妈妈给我一辆新自行车作为生日礼物。我妈妈给我一辆新自行车作为生日礼物。My mother _ my birthday present.how to makepumpkin lanternsdress upwear maskspumpkin lanternsgives me a new bike asgives a new bike to me asHomework 1.Revise the letter about Halloween.2.Revise the phrases learnt.3.Finish the exercises in workbook.

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