handout unit 5 with answer

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1、Handout: Words Study for Unit Five1. tame adj. (1)(of animals) gentle and unafraid of human beings; not wild or fierce驯服的a tame monkey (2)available and willing to be told what to do; submissive (指人)温顺的 (as) tame as a cat 温顺的像猫【例句】Ive got a tame mechanic _who keeps my car in order.我有个随和的汽车修理工,他把我的车保养

2、得很好。(3)dull or unadventurous 沉闷的; 无奇的; 平淡的 a tame story乏味的故事v. (1)make (sth) tame or manageable 使(某 物)驯服或顺从【短语】tame wild birds 调教野鸟【例句】It took him several months to tame the wild horse他花了几个月的时间驯服这匹野马。(CET4,1995-6 词汇)The Asian elephant is easier to be tamed. 亚洲象很容易被驯服。(CET6,2003-9 听力)【派生词】tamable adj

3、 可驯服的.tameless adj. 难驯服的 tamer n (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) 驯养者; 驯兽师: a lion-tamer 驯狮者.【同义词】domestic, mild, obedient, gentle【谚语帮你记单词】Time tames the strongest grief. 时间能安抚极度的悲痛。2. deliberate adj.(1)done on purpose; intentional 故意的; 有意的; 蓄意的【短语】a deliberate insult, lie, act 蓄意的侮辱 存心编造的谎言 故意的行为.【例句】A

4、 deliberate scarcity of farm products was planned in an effort to raise prices. 农产品短缺是为了蓄意提高产品价格。(CET6,2000-6阅读1)(2)unhurried; careful 不慌不忙的; 小心翼翼的; 审慎的【短语】making very deliberate gestures for emphasis 做出非常沉稳的手势以示强调.【例句】She has a slow, deliberate way of talking. 她谈话的方式缓慢而审慎. His steps were_ slow and

5、deliberate. 他的步伐从容不迫。【派生词】deliberately adv: a deliberately calm tone of voice 从容不迫的平静声调She said it deliberately to provoke me. 她故意说这件事向我挑衅.v (1) (about/on sth) think or talk carefully 仔细考虑或谈论【例句】We had no time to deliberate (on the problem). 我们没有时间仔细思考(这个问题).The jury deliberated for 3 days before fi

6、nding him guilty. 陪审团经过三天的仔细商议后判他有罪。【名人名言帮你背单词】Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. 考虑时不要匆忙,但一旦要行动的时刻来到,就要毫不犹豫地投身其中。3. inspiration n. U (1) stimulation of the mind, feelings, etc to do sth beyond a persons usual ability, esp. creative ability in art

7、, literature, music, etc; state or quality of being inspired 灵感【例句】Wordsworth found his inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was_ a great source of inspirat to him. 华兹华斯从风景优美的英格兰湖区获得灵感. 那地方是他灵感的巨大源泉.(2)be an inspiration to sbto encourage someone to be as good, successful etc. as possible 鼓

8、舞或激励人的人或事物Her hard work and imagination are an inspiration to all of us. 她勤奋的工作及想象力对我们大家都是一种鼓舞。With its own parliament and currency and_ a common inspiration for peace, the European Union declared itselfin 11 official languagesopen for business. 欧洲联盟拥有自己的议会、货币以及渴望和平的共同愿望,他们亲自用11种官方语言宣布了开始营业。(CET6,20

9、06-6 词汇)(3)(infml 口) (sudden) good idea resulting from such a state (心血来潮的)妙计, 好主意, 灵机【短语】have a sudden inspiration 灵机一动【派生词】inspirational 启发灵感的; 鼓舞或激励人的: an inspirational piece of writing 一篇鼓舞人心的文字.inspire v. a. fill sb with the ability or urge to do, feel, etc sth beyond his usual ability, esp. to

10、 write, paint, compose, etc 赋予某人灵感(尤指写作 绘画 作曲 等); 启示; 启迪b. fill sb with thoughts, feelings or aims 激励或鼓舞某人【例句】Despite immense different difference in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people. 尽管在文化上有着巨大的差异,但是世界各地的英雄们都有一些激励和鼓舞着人们的共

11、同特点。(CET4,2005-6 阅读3)【谚语帮你记单词】Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. 天才是1%的灵感加上99%的勤奋.4. creep v. (pt, pp crept)(1)move slowly, quietly or stealthily, esp. crouching low 慢慢地 悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)【例句】The cat crept silently towards the bird. 那只猫一声不响地接近那只鸟. They crept away in order not to wake the

12、baby. 为了不弄醒婴儿,他们蹑手蹑脚的走开了。creep up on sb/sth a. 悄悄从后面靠近【例句】She crept up to him from behind. 她从后面蹑手蹑脚地走近他.I wish you wouldnt_ creep up on me like that. 我希望你不要像那样悄悄从后面走进吓我一跳。【例句】Age creeps up on us. 我们不知不觉地老了起来【例句】Ivy had crept up the castle walls. 常春藤爬上了城堡的围墙. 【谚语】you must learn to creep before you go

13、. 先学会爬,再学走。(凡事要循序渐进,脚踏实地) 5. reliance n U (1)( on sb/sth) confidence or trust in sb/sth; dependence on sb/sth信任, 信赖, 信心【短语】his total, absolute, complete reliance on his colleagues 他对同事毫无保留的 绝对的完全的信任【例句】Dont place too much reliance on his advice. 别太相信他的意见.My boss has failed me so many times that_ I n

14、o longer place any reliance on what he promises. 我的老板已经辜负我的信任好几次了,我不再相信他的承诺。(CET6,2005-6词汇)(2)when something depends on something else 依靠,依赖 【短语】the countrys reliance on imported oil 这个国家对进口石油的依赖【派生词】self-reliance 自立,自力更生We stand for self-reliance. 我们是主张自力更生的。reliant adj on sb/sth Hes heavily relian

15、t on bank loans. 他离不开银行贷款.【词缀学习】self-构词成分of, to or by oneself or itself 自己的; 向自己; 由自己: self-centered, self-control, self-addressed, self-taught, self-closing doors, i.e. ones that close automatically.6. humble adj.1)having or showing a low or modest opinion of ones own importance; not proud谦虚的【短语】my

16、 humble apologies 鄙人的道歉 in my humble opinion 依拙见【例句】The man s humble behavior made a favorable impression on the judge.这人谦恭的举止给法官留下了很好的印象。The world-famous scientist remains a very humble man. 这位世界闻名的科学家非常的谦逊。(2)(of a person, his position in society, etc) low in rank; unimportant (指人 其社会地位等)低下的, 卑微的【

17、短语】men of humble birth 出身卑微的人 a humble occupation 低贱的职业【例句】He held a_ humble position 他职位低下。v (1) make humble; lower the rank or self-importance of 使变得卑微; 降低.的地位或自满情绪【短语】humble ones enemies 挫敌人的锐气 humble sbs pride 打掉某人的傲气【派生词】humbly adv. 谦恭地,低声下气地【同义词】modest, unpretentious, meek【谚语帮你记单词】A man among

18、men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high. 大丈夫能屈能伸。Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人傲慢。 7. apology n. 【短语】offer/ make/ accept an apology 道歉致歉/接受道歉 I owe you an apology.我该向你道歉。【例句】I made my apologies (to my host) and left early. 我(向主人)道过歉后提早离去.

19、 The woman_ rejected the mans apology 女子拒绝了男子的道歉。(CET4,2002-1 听力) These executive actions, which Toshiba calls “the highest form of apology”, may seem bizarre to US managers. 对于美国经理来说,这些东芝称之为“最高形式的道歉”的行政措施可能看上去很奇怪。(CET6,2007-12 快速阅读)(2)explanation or defense (of beliefs, etc) (为信仰等的)辩解, 辩护【短语】an apo

20、logy for ones bad behavior 对某人行为不检的辩白8. acquaintance n.(1)U with sth/sb (often slight) knowledge of sth/sb 对某事物某人(常为略微的)了解【例句】He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语.(2)C person whom one knows but who is not a close friend 相识而非密友者; 泛泛之交【短语】a mere acquaintance, not a fri

21、end 只是相识不是朋友 a nodding acquaintance 点头之交【例句】Shes an_ old acquaintance. 她是个老相识(我早就认识她)。Thats OK between sisters but becomes dangerous territory when youre talking to_the children of friend 姐妹之间倒是没问题,但是如果是跟朋友或熟人的孩子谈的话,那就会很危险。(CET4,2008-12 快速阅读) I had customers say and do things to me I suspect theyd n

22、ever say or do to their most casual acquaintances. 我有一些顾客,他们对我说的和做的事情,我相信他们从未对普通朋友说过或做过。(CET6,2007-12 阅读1)(习语) make sbs acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb get to know sb; meet sb personally 结识某人; 与某人相见【例句】Ive never made his acquaintance. 我从来都不认识他。I made his acquaintance at a party. 我是在一个聚会 上认识

23、他的.【相关常考词汇】acquaint v. 介绍, 使认识; 使了解; 使熟知(1) with sth familiar with sth 对某事物熟悉: Are you acquainted with the works of Shakespeare? 你对莎士比亚的作品熟悉吗?(2) (with sb) knowing sb personally 对某人认识的I am not acquainted with the lady. 我不认识那位女士. We are/became acquainted. 我们认识已经认识了.They_ are well acquainted with each

24、 other since they once studied in the same university. 他们彼此很熟悉,因为他们曾在一所大学学习。(CET6,1998-6词汇) 9. choke v.(1) (on sth) be unable to breathe because ones windpipe is blocked by sth 窒息【例句】She choked (to death) on a fish bone. 鱼刺把她卡住而窒息(致死)。(2)cause (sb) to stop breathing by squeezing or blocking the wind

25、pipe; (of smoke, etc) make (sb) unable to breathe easily (掐住或阻塞气管)使(某人)停止呼吸; (指烟等)使(某人)难以呼吸; 呛:【短语】choke the life out of sb 扼死某人 【例句】The fumes almost choked me. 烟雾几乎把我呛死.(3) (with sth) (cause sb to) become speechless (使某人)说不出话来【例句】She was_ choking with emotion 她激动得说不出话来. Anger choked his words. 他气得说

26、不出话来.(4)尤用于被动语态 sth (up) (with sth) block or fill (a passage, space, etc); clog or smother sth 阻塞, 充满(通道 空间等); 填满某物; 窒息某物【例句】The drains are choked (up) with dead leaves. 下水道被枯叶堵住. The garden_ is choked with weeds. 花园杂草丛生.10. rational adj. 能推理的,理性的; 理智的; 讲道理的1)able to reason ,sensible; reasonable【例句】

27、Man is a rational being. 人是有理性的生物.【短语】rational conduct 合理的行为 a rational argument, explanation, solution,合乎情理的论证解释 解决方法【例句】2006 should have been a breakthrough year for_ rational behavior. 2006年本应该是理性行为有突破性进展的一年。(CET6,2007-6完型)【辨】rational, reasonable, sensible意思相近但有明显区别。rational理性的,区别于无理性;理性的,区别于感情用事

28、。reasonable 有道理的,公平合理的,(指人)讲道理的,如:The price is reasonable.价钱很公道。sensible 指人善用常识,明白事理,办事符合实际周到,切实可行。如:She is too sensible to accept a ride from strangers. 她很明智任何人邀她搭车她都不接受。(3)lucid or sane 头脑清醒的; 神志正常的【例句】Despite her recent stroke, she is quite rational. 她尽管最近曾患中风, 但头脑仍很清醒.irrational 不合理的rationality

29、n合理性; 理智; 推理能力. rationally合理地 四、六级典型考题、真题演练(1) _D_ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.A. Cultivated B. Regulated C. Civil D. Tame (2) Poets and artists often draw their _D_from nature.A. inspection B. imagination C. imitation D. inspiration (3) The l

30、eader of the expedition _D_everyone to follow his example. A. promoted B. reinforced C. sparked D. inspired(4) When her parents started shouting at each other, Anna used to _C_ under the table and cry. A. climb B crawl C. creep D. credit(5) He has failed me so many times that I no longer place any _

31、C_ on what he promises.A. faith B. belief C. credit D reliance(6) Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her _A_ background. A. humble B. humid C. meek D. humility(7) It was in the United States that I made the _B_ of professor Jones. A. acknowledgement B. acquaintance C. recognition D. association(8) A _A_ woman wouldnt weep just because her husband had forgotten her birthday. A. rational B. reasonable C. unreasonable D. irrational(9) Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was_B_ A. mature B. deliberate C. meaningful D. innocent

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