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1、1sprainsprenvt. 扭伤,扭坏关节* He sprained his wrist when he fell.(他跌倒时扭伤了手腕。)2measles5mizlzn. 麻疹,痧子,疹子3anxious5ANkFEsadj. 渴望的;急切的* We were anxious for the news of your safe arrival.(我们急于获知你平安到达的消息。)* We are anxious to know the result.(我们迫切渴望知道结果如何。)4survivesL5vaIvv. 经历后依然活着;幸免于;经受得住* Few survived after t

2、he flood.(洪水过后,生还者极少。)* The man was very ill, but he survived.(这个人病得很重,可是他活下来了。)1refrigeratorrI5frIdVE9retLn. 冰箱;冰柜;冷藏室2furious5fjJrIEsadj. 狂怒的,暴怒的* I was furious when he crashed my car.(当他撞了我的车时,我很生气。)* The boss will be furious with us if were late.(如果我们迟到,老板会大发雷霆的。)3landlord5lAnd9lCrdn. 房东;地主;(旅馆等

3、的)老板1populous5pBpjElEsadj. 人口众多的,人口稠密的;拥挤的,挤满的* China is the most populous country in the world.(中国是世界上人口最多的国家。)2negotiationnI9goFI5Enn. 商议;谈判;磋商* business negotiation 交易磋商* trade negotiation 贸易谈判3entitleIn5taItlvt. 授权;给予权利【资格】(to);使有资格(做某事)* This ticket entitles you to a free lunch.(凭此券你可免费享用一顿午餐。)

4、4Currently adv. 现在,当前;普遍地,通常地5expandingIk5spAndINadj. 展开的;扩大的6sweeping5swipINadj. 彻底的;广泛的;规模大的1deal with 论及,涉及;研究* Im looking for a book dealing with modern Chinese history.(我正在找一本论述中国近代史的书。)* If you deal with just the facts, maybe well get somewhere.(如果你只讲事实,可能我们会谈出一些结果。)2schedule5skZdVJln. 时间表,日程表

5、;课程表* Whats your schedule for tomorrow? (你明天的日程安排如何?)* The train was an hour behind schedule. (火车误点一小时才到达。)3exchangeIk5stFendVvt. 交换;互换* You may exchange the shoes, but you cannot return them for a refund.(你可调换这双鞋,但不能退货。)* May I exchange seats with you?(我和你调一个座位好吗?)1vodka5vBdkEn. 伏特加酒2companionkEm5p

6、AnjEnn. 同伴,伙伴;志趣相投的人* He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.(他是我在澳大利亚期间唯一的中国伙伴。)* His brother is not much of a companion for him.(他兄弟与他情趣不甚相投。)3plentiful5plZntIfJladj. 许多的;大量的;丰富的;丰饶的4HavanahE5vAnEn. 哈瓦那(古巴首都);(用古巴烟叶制成的)雪茄烟5puffpQfn. 一股(气);一阵(烟)* He blew out all the candles wi

7、th a single puff.(他一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。)6Hurl v. 用力投掷;激烈地说* He hurled the brick through the window.(他用力把砖头从窗户投进去。)* He hurled curses.(他大声谩骂。)7tosstCsv. 投,掷* He was tossed into jail in 1999.(他于1999年入狱。)1delegate5dZlE9get n. 代表;会议代表;代表团团员2conference5kBnfErEns n. 会议;讨论会,协商会;会谈* He is in conference right now an

8、d cannot come to the phone.【秘书必备英语】(他正在开会,不能来听电话。)3attempt toE5tZmpt tu尝试;企图* I attempted to read the entire novel in one sitting.(我试图一次读完整本小说。)4representative9rZprI5zZntEtIv n. 代表;代理人;继承人5emissionI5mIFEn n. 散步;发射;喷射6disputedI5spjut n. 争论;辩论;争吵* We had a dispute about how much money he owes me.(我们就他

9、欠我多少钱一事进行了一番争论。)* I hope this dispute will not divide us.(我希望这次争论将不会使我们之间产生隔阂。)7accomplishE5kBmplIF v. 完成,实现;达到目标* Nobody wants to be a man who never accomplishes anything.(没有人愿意成为一个一事无成的人。)8renouncerI5naJns v. 断然拒绝;正式放弃;宣布断绝关系 * He renounced his claim to the property.(他宣布正式放弃财产所有权。)9deraildI5rel v.

10、 出轨;使离开正常进程* The attack was designed to derail the peace talk.(这次进攻目的在于干扰和谈进程。)10compromise5kBmprEmaIz n. 妥协;折衷* I would rather die than compromise.(我宁死不妥协。)11pessimistic9pZsI5mIstIk adj. 悲观的,厌世的12individual9IndI5vIdjJEl adj. 个别的,单独的;独特的* Each individual boy in the class has his own personality.(这个班

11、上的每一个男孩都有自己的个性。)* She wears very individual dresses.(她的衣着非常独特。)13ratify5rAtIfaI v. 批准;认可* The agreement between the two countries has been ratified.(两国间的协定已经批准。)1awarenessE5wZrnIs n. 意识;注意2transmittrAnz5mIt v. 传送;传播;传递;传染* The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.(世界杯决赛现

12、正向五十多个国家做实况转播。)3unprotected9QnprE5tZktId adj. 无保护的;无防卫的;无掩护的4infectionIn5fZkFEn n. 感染;传染;污染* People catch all kinds of infections in the winter.(冬天人们易患多种传染病。)5condom5kBndEm n. 避孕套;安全套6leadlid n. 线索;提示* The police were following up several leads.(警方正循着几条线索进行调查。)* They were looking for a lead to the d

13、isappearance of that man.(他们正在寻找那个男子失踪案的线索。)7seal a deal 拍板成交8equal5ikwEl adj. 相等的;平等的;均衡的* The two are equal in ability. (这两个人能力不相上下。)* All countries, big and small, should be equal.(国家不论大小,一律平等。)1recognize5rZkEg9naIz v. 认可,公认;赏识;表扬* He recognized John as his lawful heir.(他确认约翰为自己的合法继承人。)* The firm

14、 recognized Toms outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.(公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色。)2considerationkEn9sIdE5reFEn n. 深思,考虑;设想周到,体谅* Please give the problem your careful consideration.(请你仔细考虑这个问题。)3evaluationI9vAljJ5eFEn n. 估价;评估;赋值4recipientrI5sipIEnt n. 接受者;感受者;领【承】受人* The recipients of prizes had

15、 their names printed in the paper.(获奖者名单已刊登在报上。)5deserve v. 值得;应受;应该得到* These people deserve our help.(这些人值得我们帮助。)* If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.(你如果做错事,就应当受罚。)6recognition9rZkEg5nIFEn n. 承认;认可;褒奖;表扬7dedication9dZdI5keFEn n. 献身;奉献8accomplishmentE5kBmplIFmEnt n. 成就;完成;实现,达到1extendIk5stZnd

16、v. 提供;给予;发出(邀请,欢迎等)* They extend us a warm welcome. (他们热烈地欢迎我们。)2sinceresIn5sIr adj. 真诚的;诚挚的;真实的 * He was sincere in his wish to help us. (他真心实意地想帮助我们。)3affordE5fCrd v. 经受得住;承担得起* If we could afford it, wed like to go abroad for our holidays.(如果出得起旅费,我们想到国外去度假。)4rely on 依靠;依赖;指望;信任;信赖* He relied on

17、them to tell him the truth.(他指望他们来告诉他真相)5insight5InsaIt n. 洞察力;见识1distinguisheddIs5tINgwIFt adj. 卓越的;著名的;高贵的* He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.(他穿上订制的西服显得气度不凡。)* The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.(中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。)2worthwhile5wT5hwaIl adj. 值得做的;值得出力的;有价值的* T

18、ry your best; its a worthwhile job.(全力以赴,这是份值得一做的工作。)* He hasnt done any worthwhile work in ten years.(这十年来他没做过一件正经事。)3hesitate5hZzItet v. 犹豫;踌躇;不愿* He hesitated before he answered because he didnt know what to say.(他在回答之前犹豫了一下,因为他不知道说什么。)* In case you need something, please dont hesitate to ask me.

19、(如果你需要什么东西,别客气,请尽管对我说。)4meaningful5minINfJl adj. 意味深长的;很有意义的* She gave me a meaningful glance as she left.(她走时,给了我意味深长的一瞥。)1acquaint v. 使认识(某人);使熟悉(某事)* You will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures.(你很快就会对这些程序完全熟悉了。)* I am not acquainted with the lady.(我不认识那位女士。)2convince v. 使相信;信服;说服*

20、He convinced me that I should study law.(他劝我应该学法律。)* It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.(花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪。)3indispensable adj. 绝对需要的;不可缺少的【六星级单词】* Air and water are indispensable to life.(空气和水是生命所必需的东西。)* Shes become quite indispensable to the company.(她已成了公司里少不了的人。)4privilege n.

21、特权;优惠;特殊的荣幸【五星级单词】* It is a great privilege to know you.(认识你真荣幸。)* Education should not be considered a privilege in a modern society.(在现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成一种特权。)1on behalf of 代表* The C.E.O signed the document on behalf of the company.(执行总裁代表公司在这份文件上签了字。)2fulfill n. 完成;实现;达到* If youre lazy, youll never f

22、ulfill your ambition to achieve anything.(如果你不努力,你将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负。)3approach n. 走近,靠近;途径,通路;方法,步骤* When learning a foreign language, the best approach is to study the spoken language.(学习一种外语最好的方法就是学习口语。)4formulate v. 制定;规划* So far he has not been able to formulate his new plan.(目前为止,他还没能制定出他的新计划。)5r

23、esponsive adj. (常与 to 连用) 响应的;灵敏的,易受控制的* In many areas local police are responsive to the local community and its needs.(在许多地区,当地警察为当地社区及其需要提供服务。)6promote v. 提升;擢升;支持;促进* She worked hard and was soon promoted.(她工作很努力,很快便获得提升。)* The organization works to promote friendship between nations.(该组织旨在促进各国之

24、间的友谊。)7crucial adj. 紧要关头的,关系重大的;决定性的* Getting this contract is crucial to the future of our company.(签订此项合同对本公司的前途至关重要。)8address v. 从事;忙于* He is determined to address himself to the key problems in the process of production.(他下决心致力于解决生产过程中的关键问题。)9strive for 争取;努力做到;为而斗争* Strive for your best in anyt

25、hing you do.(做任何事情都要争取做到最好。)10concrete adj. 实际的,具体的;确定的,清楚的* Do you have any concrete suggestions on how to deal with these difficulties?(对怎样解决这些困难,你有没有什么具体建议?)11bolster v. 支持* The government borrowed money to bolster up the economy.(政府借贷以促进经济发展。)12pressing adj. 急迫的,紧急的,迫切的* It was a pressing meetin

26、g and all members had to attend.(这是一个紧急会议,所有成员都必须出席。)Playing the Lute to a CowIn ancient times was a man who played the zither5zIWL古筝very well. Once, he played a tune in front of a cow, hoping that the cow would appreciate it. The tune was melodious mE5lodIEs悦耳的,but the cow showed no reaction, and j

27、ust kept on eating grass. The man sighed, and went away.This idiom is used to indicate5IndIket显示;象征reasoning with stubborn5stQbLn顽固的;固执的people or talking to the wrong audience.Notching the Boat to Find the SwordIn the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu had a sword which he cherished5tF

28、ZrIFt珍爱,爱惜very much. One day, when he was crossing a river in a boat, the sword suddenly fell into the water. The man then made a mark on the side of the boat at the spot where the sword had fallen overboard. When the boat reached the shore, he jumped from the spot he marked into the water to look f

29、or his sword.This idiom satirizes5sAtIraIzIz讽刺those who stick to rigid rules instead of taking changed circumstances情况into account.The Man of Qi Who Worried that the Sky Would FallIn the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imaginationI9mAdVI5neFEn想象,思想run

30、away with him. One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep. Later, someone persuaded pL5swedId说服,劝服him that his fears were groundless5graJndlIs无根据的;无理由的.This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.Turn Pale at the Mention

31、of a TigerOnce upon a time, a man was telling stories about how tigers can injure5IndVL伤害people. Among the listeners there was a farmer who had once been attacked by a tiger and almost lost his life. He was so scared that his face turned pale.This idiom means looking nervous and fearful when somethi

32、ng awful is mentioned.Dear Mr. Anderson,Replying to your advertisement9AdvL5taIzmEnt广告in the recent issue of Career Post, I think you might be interested in my application9AplI5keFEn请求;申请for the position of secretary.As a senior5sinjL大学四年级学生at Zhongshan University I will graduate this coming July wi

33、th a degree in international business. During my four years as a business major I have acquainted1E5kwentId熟悉myself with the knowledge and practices in business transactionstrAn5zAkFEnz业务;交易,especially in international trade.I am convinced2kEn5vInst确信的,深信的that my education combined with my abilities

34、 will benefit your company greatly. My high level of proficiencyprE5fIFEnsI熟练,精通in English and Japanese would provide me with a spectacularspZk5tAkjElL巨大的,状观的advantage as your secretary. I have obtained invaluableIn5vAljEbl无价的;宝贵的experience as an assistant in a trading firm during the Textiles Expo纺

35、织品博览会and as an interpreterIn5tLprItL口译员for a foreign visiting group.My abilities in literature and computer science will prove to be a plus for the position. You may be interested in my professional thesis学术论文on management strategy5strAtIdVI策略;战略for a multinational corporation跨国公司like yours. I am co

36、nvinced that the qualities of cooperation, diligence5dIlEdVEns勒劳,勤奋and optimism5BptE9mIzEm乐观,乐观主义would make me an indispensable39IndIs5pZnsEbl不可缺少的;绝对需要的secretary.If you could kindly give me the privilege45prIvIlIdV权利;特权of an interview, I would gratefully prove my competence5kBmpEtEns能力;胜任;称职to you.

37、Yours faithfully,Eileen1Situated in the northeastern corner of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region自治区,the city of Guilin is famous all over the world for its green hills, clear waters, fantastic1fAn5tAstIk奇异的caves and spectacular2spZk5tAkjElL壮观的rocks. It is one of Chinas best-known tourist scenic c

38、ities, claiming to have the “finest mountains and rivers under heaven.”2“Thousands of pinnacles5pInEklz山峰stand towering35tBJErIN高耸的around; a river winds its way about the city.”This is a vivid descriptiondI5skrIpFEn描述;形容of Guilin scenery.3The hills and pinnacles in Guilin, gifted by nature, rise sha

39、rply from the ground in many different shapes. Diecai Hill, Fubo Hill, Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Hill, Crescent Hill and Putuo Hill are the biggest attractionsE5trAkFEnz吸引人的东西for tourists when they make a tour of the city.4The Li River is limpid45lImpId清澈的;透明的with crystal55krIstl晶莹的;清澈的water. A boat trip on

40、 the river from Guilin to Yangshuo covers a distance of 83 kilometres. This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese Painting with its clear water and cluster5klQstLz丛生,成群of pinnacles. Elephant Hill, Chuanshan Hill, Pagoda Hill, Qifengzhen Peak Forest, Crown Cave, Painted Cliff, Xingp

41、ing Town and Green Lotus Peak are the extraordinary6Ik5strCrdn9ZrI非凡的,奇特的scenic spots along the river.5Picturesque79pIktFE5rZsk独特的;别致的caves can be found all over the Guilin hills. Reed Flute Cave, Seven-Star Cave and Chuanshan Cave are honored as “Palaces of Natures Art”. They are like magnificent8m

42、 Ag5nIfIsnt华丽的;宏伟的buildings in heaven, with a thousand and one fabulous95fAbjElEs难以置信的;奇异的scenes. StalactitesstE5lAktaIts钟乳石and stalagmitesstE5lAgmaIts石笋in the caves present colorful105kQlLfJl多彩的pictures. Visiting these caves is like touring a pearl exhibition9ZksE5bIFEn展览or a jade palace.Dear Colle

43、agues,1I am very pleased to be with you all in Shanghai in this golden season of autumn to discuss economic cooperation经济合作in the Asia-Pacific region. On behalf of1代表the Chinese Government and people, and in my own name, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.2We, the APCE economic lead

44、ers, have a historic mission to fulfill2fJl5fIl履行;实现:We must adopt a forward-looking approach3E5protF方法;步履;途径and formulate45fCrmjE9let制定;规划,through discussion, a common development strategy that is responsive5rI5spBnsIvto响应的;做出响应的the development requirements of the new century in the interest of pro

45、moting6prE5motIN促进growth and prosperityprBs5pZrEtI繁荣in the Asia-Pacific.3At the first APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 1993, I said that what kind of world was to be brought into the 21st century was a crucial75kruFEl至关紧要的issue that we leaders of this generation must carefully think about and addres

46、s8E5drZs从事;忙于. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we have found the world situation and that of the Asia-Pacific both encouraging and worrying.4All in all, there are both challenges5tFAlIndIz挑战and opportunities9BpL5tjunEtIz时机,机会ahead. We should work together, take action, seize opportuniti

47、es, and rise to the challenges so as to promote greater economic growth of our region in the new century. This is a major responsibilityrI9spBnsE5bIlEtI责任,职责for us, the leaders of the region. To strengthen cooperation so that all APEC member economies may benefit from economic globalization9globElaI

48、5zeFEn全球化and scientific9saIEn5tIfIk科学的and technological9tZknE5lBdV9kl科技的progress should be an objective for APEC to strive for9争取;奋斗. How to take concrete10kBn5krit实际的,具体的and effective measures to bolster115bolstL支持confidence and realize recovery and growth is a pressing125prZsIN紧迫的issue for this me

49、eting to address.My Pledge My Oath Today I believeThis unique trip will completely change my life!Today I believeThat all my efforts will produce generous returns!Today I believeEnglish will be a powerful weapon in my life!Therefore,I must devote all my energy to learning English with high spirit, e

50、nthusiasm and vigor!I will enjoy losing face!I will pour all my effort into leaning English.I must be absolutely responsible for myself!I must not waste one minute, or even one second!I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!I will conquer English and charge toward success!I can speak good E

51、nglish!【李阳老师的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:15秒】【你的“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为: 秒】我的誓言今天我相信这段特殊的旅程将彻底改变我的一生!今天我相信我所有的付出终将得到丰厚的回报!今天我相信英语一定会成为我人生奋斗的强有力的武器!所以,我一定要精神饱满、热情高涨、热爱丢脸、疯狂投入!我必须对自己百分之百地责任!我必须每一分每一秒全力以赴!挑战极限、超越自我!征服英文,迈向成功!我一定能讲一口最漂亮的英文!【见到李阳老师时一定别忘了卖弄这段话!】第一节 疯狂演绎一百个句型以一顶十、以一顶百的核裂变超级句型【疯狂短评】“死记一万个单词,硬背一千条语法,不如活用一百个句型。”我们不负

52、众望,为大家精挑细选了100个地道实用的句型!希望你不要放弃,坚持下去,付出的汗水定会结出累累硕果! Pain past is pleasure!【学习建议】按照我们多年研究的最科学的学习方法,建议大家以一个星期为单位,前五天,每天20个句型,星期六、星期天复习巩固!连续一个月,四个轮回,基本上可以全面掌握这100个句型!1According to.按照/根据According to my watch, its five twenty now.按我的手表看,现在是5点20分。According to our teacher, we should practise English for at

53、least 30 minutes a day.据我们老师要求,我们每天至少要用半个小时来练习说英语。2again and again不断地/一遍又一遍地Why do you make the same mistake again and again?你怎么不断地犯同一个错误啊?3All I want.我所想要的All I want is a little peace and quiet.我所想要的就是一点安宁。All I want is you.我所想要的就是你。4anything but.除了,什么都有/并不,根本不【六星级句型】【李阳老师的话】这是让我感到最头疼的句型。别说脱口而出了,阅读

54、的时候我都不能立刻看懂!【学习指南】这个句型是听力考试中的难点,等到考试的时候去分析语法不如平时反复操练,学以致用,突破听力难点也不过就是脱口而出。除了“.anything but.”,还有一个让人头疼的句型,那就是“.nothing but.”,这个两个句型表达的意思刚好相反。“.nothing but.”这个句型的学习请参看句型72。I will eat anything but pork!我什么都吃,就是不吃肉。除了肉,我什么都吃。我吃除了肉以外的任何东西。我就是不吃肉。(语气强烈时)我只是不吃肉。(语气较弱时)I can help you with anything but math.

55、 Im terrible with numbers.除了数学,我什么都可以帮你。我的数学遭透了。5Are there any.?有吗?Are there any questions?有什么问题吗?Are there any foreign teachers in your schools?你们学校有外教吗?6Are you satisfied with.?你对满意吗?Are you satisfied with your current salary?你对目前的工资满意吗?Are you satisfied with our service?你对我们的服务满意吗?7As far as.就而言/

56、至于As far as your tuition goes, Ill pay it.至于你的学费,我会支付的。As far as going home earlythats out of the question.至于早点回家那是不可能的。8.as soon as possible.尽快Please reply as soon as possible.请尽快回复。You must get out of this place as soon as possible.你必须尽快离开这里。9.be about to.刚要/正要Andrews Note: Americans often make ex

57、cuses with this sentence pattern. When asked why you havent done something, you can simply respond that you were about to do it. 美国人经常用这个句型来编造借口。当别人问你为什么没有做某事时,你可以简单地回答说你正要去做。A: How come you havent called me?你为什么没给我打电话?B: I was about to call you when you called.我刚要给你打电话你就打给我了。He was about to say som

58、ething, but Lucy spoke first.他正要说些什么,露西却先开了口。10.be regarded as.被认为是She was regarded as one of the most promising students in our class.她被认为是我们班上最有前途的学生之一。11Cant you.?你就不能吗?Cant you speak a little louder?你就不能说大声点吗?Cant you stop it? Its really pissing me off.你就不能闭嘴吗?真惹我恼火。12Congratulations on.!恭喜/祝贺你!

59、Congratulations on your award!恭喜你获奖!Congratulations on becoming a father!恭喜你当爸爸了!13Could you tell me.?你能告诉我吗?Could you tell me what time it is?你能告诉我现在几点了吗?Could you tell me how to use this camera?你能告诉我怎么使用这个照相机吗?14.do something about.做点什么Cant you do something about the mess?你就不能把这些乱七八糟的东西整理一下吗?Do so

60、mething about your English, or youll fail the college entrance examination.你的英语该加把劲了,不然你高考会失败的。15Do you know.?你知道吗?Do you know what happened?你知道发生什么事了吗?Do you know his phone number?你知道他的电话号码吗?16Do you mean.?你的意思是?Do you mean you need me to lend you some money?你的意思是你要找我借钱?Do you mean its my fault?你是说

61、这是我的错?17Do you want to.?你想吗?Do you want to know why?你想知道为什么吗?18Dont be.!不要!Dont be silly!别傻了!Dont be so sensitive!别这么敏感!19Everybody knows.每个人都知道Everybody knows the boss has a hot temper.每个人都知道这个老板脾气暴躁。20.have trouble.有困难/麻烦。Were having trouble coming to an agreement on this point.我们在这一点上很难达成一致。I have trouble remembering peoples names.我总是记不住别人的名字。【李阳老师的“三最”记录为:46秒】【李阳老师的“一口气”记录为:45口气】【学习指南】差不多1分钟内,你就可以用“三最法”将上面40个句子轰炸一遍。每天可利用三餐前后、睡觉前、乘公车、上厕所等零碎时间朗读30遍,反复几个轮回,你一定能够将上

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