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1、游泳的训练游泳的训练 游泳训练发展史内容原则方法负荷安排能量训练发展史世界1 自然发展(18世纪末-19世纪初)1896年现代奥运会2 技术发展阶段(20世纪初到20世纪中)技术创新3 大运动量阶段(20世纪中到后期)游泳馆的兴起,年量130万-300万4 科学化训练(20世纪70年代至今)中国1 萌芽(19世纪末-1948年)2 形成发展阶段(1949年-20世纪60年代末)单一,重视技术创新,向匈牙利、澳大利亚等学习,蛙泳三雄等3 大运动量训练阶段(20世纪60年代-8年代初)卡莱尔旋风4 科学化训练阶段(20世纪80年代至今)内容内容体能技能心能形态机能素质技术战术心理智能力量耐力速度柔

2、韧其他 出发转身途中游到边体能训练运动员体能指运动员机体的基本运动能力,是运动员竞技能力的重要组成部分。体能发展水平由身体形态、身体机能和运动素质的发展状况所决定,这三个因素既相互独立,又相互联系,彼此制约,相互影响。运动素质是体能的外在表现,所以在运动训练中多以发展运动素质为体能训练的基本和主要内容。一元论二元论多元论问题讨论:所有运动员需要的体能素质是相同的,还是各有侧重?短距离运动员中长距离运动员爆发力+(转身蹬壁需要下肢爆发力)速度力量+力量耐力+反应速度+动作速度+速度耐力+有氧耐力+无氧耐力+第十届全运会男子200名自由泳部分决赛选手 序号身高臂展手面积足面积肺活量1187.020

3、1.4162.8247.866402187.8192.2145.1252.752253183.0193.4159.6258.555204181.3186.2157.7255.050565188.5201.0165.6258.456606184.5189.2157.1260.75585平均值 185.35193.90157.98255.525614.33标准差2.876.187.084.73552.66德布鲁因力量进展情况 年度卧推最大重量(公斤)最大拉力重量(公斤)引体向上(次)双杠臂屈伸(次)爬绳(米)199870.5529181.519997561113232000867015444.92

4、000年奥运会3枚金牌技能训练问题讨论:1 技术重要还是体能重要?2 规范技术与技术风格是什么关系?3 途中游技术、出发转身到边技术是什么关系?4.什么是战术?战术对成绩起什么作用?技能训练游泳项目的动作结构特点 环境:水/陆 周期:途中游其他:出发、转身、到边、长划臂等 心智训练心理能力指与训练竞赛有关的个性心理特征,以及依训练竞赛的需要把握和调整心理过程的能力,是运动员竞技能力的重要组成部分。运动智能是智能中的一种,是指运动员以一般智能为基础,运用包括体育运动理论在内的多学科知识,参加运动训练和运动比赛的能力,同样是运动员总体竞技能力的重要组成部分。运动员的心理和智能能力之间有紧密的联系,

5、有时没有明显的界限和区别。例如游泳运动员的专门化知觉“水感”,既与感知觉有关,又与认知能力有关,还与运动员的经验、学习和训练背景有关。奥运会冠军费尔普斯(Michael Phelps)2004年获得6枚金牌后,保曼说,我现在对游泳的认识更全面了。如果在几年前,我可能会说,要想取得好成绩最重要的是适宜的训练安排。现在我知道,仅有训练是不够的,越是高水平的比赛,心理能力对比赛结果的影响就越重要。优秀游泳运动员的心理特征对完成所建立的训练及比赛目标有很强的责任感和坚定性;有克服在艰苦的训练过程和比赛中所遇到的种种困难的非凡勇气;情绪稳定,对自己的力量充满信心,有强烈的竞争意识,在大赛中不畏强手,敢于

6、拼搏等 训练原则原则1:一般训练与专项训练相结合 基础与提高 全程训练的不同阶段?周期训练的不同阶段?陆上训练与水上训练?原则2:系统训练原则持续性地、循序渐进地组织运动训练过程的训练原则。WHY?人体生物适应的长期性训练效应的不稳定性人体生物适应的阶段性 How?(一)保持训练的系统性健全多级训练体制制定各项目运动员在不同年龄阶段系列的训练大纲建立与多年训练各阶段基本任务相适应的竞赛制度建立相应的奖励制度,鼓励中小学、业校、运动学校教练员认真完成基础训练和初级专项训练任务建立和强化正确的训练动机科学地制定训练计划提供有力的社会保证(二)按阶段性特点组织训练过程(基础、专项提高、最佳竞技和竞技

7、保持)原则3 合理安排训练负荷的原则适宜负荷?不足负荷?过度负荷?负荷的构成 1.负荷量,评价指标次数、时间、距离、重量等 2.负荷强度,评价指标速度、远度、高度、负重量、难度、密度 渐进式增加负荷的量度 1.直线式 2.阶梯式 3.波浪失 4.跳跃式科学地探求负荷量度的临界值(承受极限,追求超量恢复,但不劣变,崩溃边缘)建立科学的诊断系统,怎么诊断?正确处理负荷与恢复的关系 恢复不在训练后,恢复不在训练后,而在训练中而在训练中 原则4:周期性训练原则Why?物质运动周期性的普遍规律人体竞技能力变化的周期性特征适宜比赛条件出现的周期性特征 负荷负荷能量物质消耗能量物质消耗提高提高能量物质超量能

8、量物质超量补偿补偿恢复恢复能量物质再生能量物质再生竞技状态的发展与大周期相应的阶段划分 竞 技 状竞 技 状态 发态 发展 过展 过程程生物学基础生物学基础任务任务时期时期形成形成适应性机制适应性机制(对训练负荷的应答性(对训练负荷的应答性提高)提高)发展一般和专项竞技能发展一般和专项竞技能力,促进竞技状态的力,促进竞技状态的形成形成准备期准备期保持保持动员性机制动员性机制(动员心理、生理能力(动员心理、生理能力的潜能,各系统高的潜能,各系统高度协调)度协调)提高专项竞技能力,发提高专项竞技能力,发展稳定的竞技状态,展稳定的竞技状态,创造新成绩创造新成绩竞赛期竞赛期消失消失保护性机制保护性机制

9、(机体拒绝继续高强度(机体拒绝继续高强度工作)工作)积极恢复,消除身心疲积极恢复,消除身心疲劳劳恢复期恢复期How?掌握各种周期的序列结构(多年、年度、大、中、小等)选择适宜的周期类型(单周期、多周期;基本训练周、赛前训练周、比赛周、恢复周)处理好决定训练周期时间的固定因素(比赛时间)和变异因素(竞技能力变化)的关系注意周期之间的衔接(新周期的起点高于以往周期)原则5:区别对待原则Why?运动专项竞技需要的多样性运动员个人特点的多样性运动训练特点的多变性 How?(一)贯彻该原则须注意的因素:运动专项训练对象训练条件(二)正确处理训练中共性与个性的关系(三)教练员要及时准确掌握运动员的具体情况

10、1.The overload principle1.The overload principle2.The progression principle2.The progression principle3.The principle of specificity3.The principle of specificity1.The overload principle1.The overload principleThe basic meaning of this principle is that adaptations will not occur unless the demands

11、of training are greater than the usual demands made upon a particular physiological mechanism.This principle,although simple in definition,is quite complex in application.The complexity lies in the fact that,while the demands of training must be sufficient to stimulate adaptation,they cannot be too

12、great or the training effect will be lost through injury or overtraining.If the amount of overload exceeds the tolerance of a particular physiological system,that system will break down.2.The progression principle2.The progression principleA particular training load will only remain an overload unti

13、l the swimmer adapts to it.At that point,the intensity and/or duration must be increased before any further adaptations will take place.The stepwise process of increasing overload is called progression.The effect of overload and progression on aerobic endurance as measured by decreases in blood lact

14、ic acid.Training speeds:()7 mph(11.3kmh-1);(),8.5 mph(13.7kmh-1).Athletes,including swimmers,cannot train at the same speeds week after week and expect to continue improving their aerobic capacities.This statement is equally true for other physiological capacities.For best results,they should gradua

15、lly increase their training speeds throughout the season.There are also other ways to increase training overloads progressively.In addition to training speeds,the other variables that can be manipulated to produce a progressive overload are volume and density.Volume refers to training mileage.That m

16、ileage can be expressed as the distances for repeat sets,as daily mileage,weekly mileage,and as mileage completed during any seasonal phase.Density concerns the amount of work accomplished in a certain time.The rest intervals between repeats are the usual expression of this variable.Overload and pro

17、gression can be applied by increasing one or more of these variables while maintaining the others at their usual level.For example:increasing swimming speed without reducing volume or density will provide for overload and progression.An increase of volume with no change in speed or density will do l

18、ikewise.Finally,density can be increased when the rest interval between repeats is reduced while speed and volume remain unchanged.Many programs do not include deliberate progression plans,yet some swimmers improve because they are highly motivated and train at progressively faster speeds as they be

19、come capable of doing so.There are many other swimmers who do not adapt well to this hit-or-miss approach,however.Some do not put forth sufficient effort while others injure themselves by trying to progress too fast.Coaches should program systems of progression into their training plans.Systemic inc

20、reases in training intensity,duration and density will produce greater adaptations with less risk of injury.3.The principle of specificity3.The principle of specificityBy definition,this principle states that the physiological processes most improved by training will be those that are stressed most.

21、The problem happens when coaches translate this principle too narrowly.Some have misinterpreted it to mean that athletes should swim their training volume at under-distance competition speeds where the demands of training are identical to those of competition.While this is certainly one form of spec

22、ific training,it is not the only nor the most important form.Truly specific training involves a much broader interpretation-one that includes all the various phases of the metabolic system that supply energy for adenosine triphosphate(ATP)replacement during races.energy systems1.ATP-PCr(phosphocreat

23、ine)or nonaerobic system,2.the anaerobic system3.the aerobic system.Race-speed swimming will train these systems to provide energy in approximately the same proportions as during competition.Consequently,only the dominant energy system will be stressed sufficiently to produce a maximum training effe

24、ct.PrincipleProgressionIndividualitySpecificityAdaptationOverloadReversibility能量训练按照能量供应系统理论,根据项目的特点安排训练是现代科学训练中受到推崇的观点。美国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、中国等国的高水平游泳教练员分别根据运动员的能量代谢水平提出了不同级别的能量代谢训练模型。但是训练经验、训练观念的不同使得各国、各个教练员对如何提高能量的利用率、不同等级能量训练的划分标准等存在不同的看法。美国游泳协会游泳能量训练分类 代谢代谢系统系统分类分类代号代号心率心率次次/分分血乳酸血乳酸毫摩尔毫摩尔/升升速度速度百分比百分比练

25、习练习休息比休息比有有氧氧任意游任意游REC120以以下下2以下以下80%无氧阈速无氧阈速度度任意任意低强度有低强度有氧氧EN1 120-1501-390%无氧阈速无氧阈速度度间歇间歇10-30秒秒无氧阈无氧阈EN2140-1703-5无氧阈速度无氧阈速度间歇间歇10-40秒秒最大摄氧最大摄氧量量EN3160-1804-8104107%无无氧阈速度氧阈速度间歇间歇20秒至秒至1:1无氧无氧耐乳酸耐乳酸SP1极限极限6-12极限极限1:1至至1:2产乳酸产乳酸SP2极限极限10-18极限极限1:2至至1:8非乳非乳酸酸速度速度/爆发爆发力力SP32-3极限极限1:2至至1:6在美国游泳协会推荐上

26、述分类标准后,各个大学或俱乐部的教练在此基础上根据自身的经验、运动员年龄、项目、水平特点纷纷推出了适合自己的分类标准。例如美国肯因学院(Kenyon College)游泳队将原本推荐的7级强度细化为11级强度,并对训练目的、乳酸、心率、速度、持续时间、主观感觉进行了描述,更方便能量训练的组织与实施。培养了多名短距离自由泳奥运会冠军的教练伯顿也根据自己运动员的情况对美国游泳协会的能量训练分类进行了修正,并在训练中选择适合不同运动员需要的训练内容或阶段。Training Phase Color Palette ColorDescriptionExample setPulse rateWork:re

27、st ratioPlatinumSpeed25s with bandN/A1:2 to 1:8GoldSpeed/power25s against bandN/A 1:8GreenLactate production4 X(50+easy 25)on 2:00Max1:2 to 1:8PurpleLactate tolerance4 dive 100sMax1:2 to 1:8BlueVO2max20 X 200 w/:20 rest160to 180:20 sec rest;1:1RedThreshold5 X 400 w/:20 rest140 to 170:10 to:40 restPi

28、nkAerobic1,000 pull120 to 150:10 to:30 rest澳大利亚游泳常用能量分类分类代号心率乳酸比赛速度%低强度有氧 A1120-1401-375以下中强度有氧 A2160-1701-375-85无氧阈AT160-1703-585-95最大摄氧量 VO2max180-1905-1095-105耐乳酸LT190-2008-1290-100乳酸峰值LP190-2008-1595-110非乳酸SP160-1703-6110-120问题讨论如果两名运动员以相同的强度完成一定训练后,乳酸值差异很大,原因可能有哪些?问题讨论运动员个体能量训练模型怎样确立?Susan Onei

29、ll训练强度训练强度分区分区100m成绩成绩(秒)(秒)心率(次心率(次/分)分)乳酸(乳酸(mM/l)恢复性有氧恢复性有氧711642.0有氧有氧69-75164-1801.8-2.8无氧阈无氧阈66-68181-1852.9无氧无氧662.9速度速度63.52056.97*200自由泳,递增强度,5分包干,长池 100米米秒秒200米米秒秒成绩成绩秒秒均速均速米米/秒秒心率心率次次/分分乳酸乳酸mM/l划频划频次次/分分划次划次次次/50米米75.875.8151.61.321361.4035.64170.572.6143.11.401501.8039.84268.571.2139.71.

30、431.601.8040.34368.069.1137.11.461762.4040.74266.769.0135.71.472.6042.94366.467.9134.31.491783.1044.34464.466.3130.71.531884.5044.444海因斯 个体无氧阈 3.5mM/L 最大摄氧量强度训练 4-7mM/L 耐乳酸训练 7-10mM/L产乳酸训练 12mM/L 奥尼尔vs海因斯项目:200m距离提高能量利用率的途径:奥尼尔 在低乳酸水平不断推进速度,使无氧阈速度逐渐接近比赛速度,提高能量的利用率海因斯 比较重视产乳酸和耐乳酸能力的训练,重点通过提高乳酸代谢水平提高能

31、量的利用率游泳训练方法训练方法组成因素距离Miles,distance重复次数repetition强度Intensity间歇时间Intervals完成练习的形式间歇形式游泳常用训练方法(水中)持续间歇重复短冲模拟其他1 持续训练法距离:强度方式运用优点缺点Other Types of TrainingOther Types of TrainingOverdistance Swims.Overdistance Swims.Broadly stated,overdistance swims are twice as long as the distance for which a swimmer

32、is training.For example,a swimmer whose specialty is the 100-meter event would practice overdistance swimming by doing 200-meter swims.(A 1,500-meter swimmer would also be doing overdistance training when swimming 3,000 meters continuously,although there is no 3,000-meter event in the competitive pr

33、ogram.)间歇训练法一组某一距离的反复游,控制间歇时间,间歇时间不充足,带着积累的疲劳进一步训练,从而提高效果。距离:主项比赛距离或短于比赛距离重复次数:较多强度:75-95%间歇时间:1045秒间歇方式完成方式examples of fast interval training sets1.30 x 50(30-60 seconds rest)2.15 x 100(30-120 seconds rest)3.8 x 200(30-120 seconds rest)4.8 x 400(1-3 minutes rest)5.4 x 800(3-5 minutes rest)examples

34、of slow interval training sets1.30 x 50(10-15 seconds rest)2.15 x 100(10-15 seconds rest)3.8x200(10-20 seconds rest)4.8 x 400(15-30 seconds rest)5.4 x 800(15-30 seconds rest)Various Application of Interval Various Application of Interval TrainingTrainingStraight Sets.Straight Sets.A straight set is

35、a series of swims done at near constant speed,for example,16 x 100(each 100 in 62 seconds)with 30 seconds rest.Descending Sets.Descending Sets.A descending set is a series of repeat swims in which each subsequent swim is done progressively faster,for example,20 x 50(30 seconds rest)descending(first

36、50 in 35 seconds,twentieth 50 in 28 seconds).Note:A variation of the method is to post the workout item on the board as 20 x 50(30 seconds rest),1-4 descending.This means that the swimmer will decrease the time over the first four 50s and repeat the process four more times until 20 swims have been c

37、ompleted.Yet another variation of descending sets is to decrease the average time for each set of repeat swims by starting each subsequent set with a faster first 50 than in the preceding set and then continuing to decrease the second,third,and fourth 50 accordingly.In this type of training,however,

38、the first repeats in a set sometimes are swum too slowly to warrant intervening rest periods.In the previous example,namely,20 x 50 for a total distance of 1,000 meters(or yards),it might be better to swim the first half of each set continuously without rest intervals and then complete the second ha

39、lf of the distance as a descending set of equal multiples.For example,the athletes would perform a 250 continuous swim at a fast pace followed immediately by 5 x 50 descending(30 seconds rest),repeating the set for a total of 1,000 meters.Broken Sets.Broken Sets.A broken set is a series of swims in

40、which the total distance is broken into sectors with short rest intervals between them,for example,400 meters broken at each 100 with 10 seconds rest.At the end of the swim,deduct 30 seconds(the total amount of rest)from the gross time to obtain the actual swimming time.Broken swims are highly motiv

41、ating and can be used to break up all training distances.Several broken swims can be used to form a training set by providing a long rest after each swim,thus combining repetition training and interval training.Another interesting variation is to perform a set of broken swims in a descending series,

42、reducing the gross time for each subsequent swim.examples:1.8 x 400 broken at the 50 with 10 seconds rest and 5 minutes rest after each 400 2.8 x 200 individual medley broken at the 50 with 10 seconds rest and 3 minutes rest after each 200 medley3.2 x 150 going straight through into 2 x50(a broken 4

43、00 with 10 seconds rest between each sector)and 5 minutes rest after each 400 4.8 x 100 with 10 seconds rest after each 100,and 5 minutes rest after each set,and sets 1 through 4 descendingPyramid.Pyramid.This format consists of a set of swims divided into irregular distance sectors and rest periods

44、.The swimmer may either keep the same pace in each swim or vary the pace by going faster on the shorter sectors.Three examples follow.1.Swim 50,rest 10 secondsSwim 100,rest 20 secondsSwim 200,rest 40 secondsSwim 400,rest 1 minuteSwim 200,rest 40 secondsSwim 100,rest 20 secondsSwim 502.Swim 400,rest

45、3 minutesSwim 2 x 200,rest 2 minutesSwim 2 x 100,rest 1 minuteSwim 2 x 50,rest 30 seconds3.(Individual medley in 25-meter pool)Swim 400 medley,rest 5 minutesSwim 200 medley,rest 3 minutesSwim 100 medley,rest 1 minuteSwim 200 medley,rest 3 minutesSwim 400 medleyPermutations.Permutations.Permutations

46、are swims broken at irregular sectors of the total distance.The following are examples of permutations of 400 meters in a 50-meter pool(8 lengths of the pool to complete 400 meters).The workout items are posted on the board as 4 x 400 meters(perm)(5 minutes rest after each 400).1.2-2-2-2(10 seconds

47、rest)2.4-2-1-1(10 seconds rest)3.1-2-3-2(10 seconds rest)4.4-1-1-1-1(10 seconds rest)The pace is kept constant on 3-or 4-length segments but increased on the 1-and 2-length segments.This method is effective for developing a swimmers ability to change pace or accelerate tactically at any of a race;al

48、ternatively,the pace can be constant for all sectors.It can also be used for teaching negative splitting.Whatever procedure is used,permutations,or perms,provide an opportunity to practice a variety of paces.Simulators.Simulators.The simulator is a method used to simulate the desired pace of a speci

49、fic racing distance(Counsilman,1968).Basically,the procedure is to cover half the racing distance at the desired pace before stopping for a short rest that will permit the heart rate only a slight recovery.The swimmer then covers half the amount of distance already covered before stopping for anothe

50、r short rest.The pattern continues until some arbitrarily small segment remains for the total to equal the racing distance.For example,suppose the racing distance being practiced is 400 meters.Swim 200 meters,rest 10 secondsSwim 100 meters,rest 5 secondsSwim 50 meters,rest 5 secondsSwim 25 meters,re

51、st 5 secondsSwim 25 meters Note:The rest interval is reduced in this example from 10 to 5 seconds before the shorter segments of the racing distance.Negative Split.Negative Split.Swimming the second half of a racing distance faster than the first half(usually 2-3 seconds faster)is known as a negativ

52、e split.Its purposes are to delay the onset of oxygen debt and to teach evenly paced swimming.The negative split also in a sense pays back the momentum of the starting dive in the first half of a racing distance.重复训练法按规定的时间多次重复某一距离,间歇时间使呼吸和心率基本恢复。目的:发展速度、速度耐力、力量、比赛能力距离:主项比赛距离或短语比赛距离重复次数:较少,保证强度强度:95

53、-110%间歇时间:充分恢复间歇方式:主动或被动完成方式:主项为主examples of repetition training sets1.15X 50(3 minutes rest)2.10X100(5 minutes rest)3.6 X 150(5-10 minutes rest)(The last two 150-meter swims should be faster than the swimmers 150 split recorded on the swimmers fastest 200-meter swim.)4.4 X 250(10 minutes rest)(The

54、last two 250 repeats should be faster than the swimmers 250 split recorded on the swimmers best time for 400 meters.The swimmers time at the 200 mark will usually accord with the 200-meter pace recommended to the swimmer by physiologists for the purpose of high-lactate training.)Note:Applying items

55、3 and 4 twice weekly during the hard training season can be particularly effective in improving a swimmers times for the 200-and 400-meter events,respectively,possibly because a swimmer becomes accustomed to tolerating the higher levels of lactate that probably start to accumulate around the 150 mar

56、k in the 200 and the 250 mark in the 400.短冲训练法以全力最高速度进行练习。目的:发展速度、爆发力距离:短,12.5,15,25,50等重复次数:较少,保证强度强度:100%以上 间歇时间:基本充分恢复,1:2间歇方式:主动或被动完成方式:多种examples 1.8 x 25(2 minutes rest)2.4 x 50(5 minutes rest)3.4 x 100(10 minutes rest)模拟训练法模拟比赛训练法,以比赛时的心率、技术和目标成绩为模式目的:发展比赛能力距离:将比赛距离拆开,50+50,4*50,100+50+50;100

57、+50+25+25重复次数:少,1-2次强度:比赛强度 间歇时间:5-15秒间歇方式:被动完成方式:主项距离和姿势其他训练方法澳大利亚Heart rate Sets1.Interval Training1.Interval Training 1.1.sprint training,1.1.sprint training,1.2.repetition training,1.2.repetition training,1.3.fast interval training,and 1.3.fast interval training,and 1.4.slow interval training.1.

58、4.slow interval training.2.Other Types of Training2.Other Types of Training 2.1.Overdistance Swims.2.1.Overdistance Swims.2.2.Locomotives.Locomotives.2.3.Time Swimming.Time Swimming.2.4.Fartlek.Fartlek.2.5.Tethered Swimming or Sprint-Resisted TrainingTethered Swimming or Sprint-Resisted Training 2.6

59、.Speed-Assisted Training(SAT)2.6.Speed-Assisted Training(SAT)Other Types of TrainingOther Types of TrainingOverdistance Swims.Overdistance Swims.Broadly stated,overdistance swims are twice as long as the distance for which a swimmer is training.For example,a swimmer whose specialty is the 100-meter

60、event would practice overdistance swimming by doing 200-meter swims.(A 1,500-meter swimmer would also be doing overdistance training when swimming 3,000 meters continuously,although there is no 3,000-meter event in the competitive program.)Locomotives.Locomotives.Locomotives provide pace variations

61、over different segments of a total non-stop swim.They are an excellent early season conditioning exercise and a useful diversion during the stress of hard midseason training.The following is one example.Swim 1 lap fast,1 lap slow,Swim 2 laps fast,2 laps slowSwim 3 laps fast,3 laps slow.Swim 4 laps f

62、ast,4 laps slow.Swim 3 laps fast,3 laps slow,Swim 2 laps fast,2 laps slow,Swim 1 lap fast,1 lap slowTime Swimming.Time Swimming.Time swimming is an effective method of developing increased endurance;it basically consists of increasing the distance a swimmer can cover within a prescribed time,which,a

63、fter all,is what speed swimming is about.(T-15,T20,T30)Fartlek.Fartlek.Fartlek was adopted by swimmers as an informal early season conditioning exercise.Used this way,most of the distance is covered at an easy pace with intermittent bursts of speed using such devices as changing stroke and pace afte

64、r a certain number of lengths.Tethered Swimming or Sprint-Tethered Swimming or Sprint-Resisted TrainingResisted Training Tethered swimming(also known as sprint-resisted training)was used originally to improve the muscular power necessary for sprint swimming,but research suggested that swimming again

65、st an increased resistance actually slowed muscle speed instead of increasing it(Maglischo,1982).In light of this,Counsilman(1986)used this method for aerobic training of distance swimmers only.He prescribed selected periods of activity such as three 5-minute segments with 1-minute rest intervals an

66、d cut rubber stretch cord to approximately one third the length of the pool,with allowances for the size and strength of the swimmer and the elasticity of the cord.Speed-Assisted Training(SAT)Speed-Assisted Training(SAT)Like so many other swimming training methods,the concept behind speed-assisted training came from track-in this case,the use of such methods as towing,downhill running,and treadmill running at accelerated speed.Ernest Maglischo(1982)refers to a variation of the use of tethered sw

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