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1、英文实习报告范文英文实习报告范文。实习学校.市二中学,上海市第二中学,自己初中,高中7年的母校,可以说是再熟悉不过,看到大学里对口的学校里有这所的时候,没有丝毫犹豫地就填进了志愿里,也如愿的在母校开场了大学必经的实习阶段,也是别有一番意义的.回学校实习,亲切万分,亲爱的教师们还在,承受教育的学生们却是一张张全新的面孔,想想自己分开学校3年来的进进出出,目前的3个年级都是我毕业后考进市二的学生.学校的操场,小花园,甚至是几间教室,都是充满回忆的地方,接下来实习的日子,走过这些地方的时候,过去的记忆就不断在脑海里盘旋. 初日.我们一行8位同学到达市二后,接待我们的是现任教诲主任高萍教师,她向我们简




5、,为的是想理解整个章节上课的完好过程,每个局部都有不同的上课手段和形式,都是值得学习的地方.大学里所学的英语教学法课程,提及不少教学方法,光纸上谈兵当然不行,真正坐在教室后面听课的感觉很不一样,教学的内容就算一样,方式也可以有很多种,可以教师自己授课,可以让学生答复以下问题,可以结合练习加深印象,对于学生的答复,教师给予的鼓励也可以有很多种,比方: Do you think there is something else?”, “I appreciate your answer”, “I think you must have a lot to say.”还要注意是否自己会漏掉一些没有专心听讲

6、的学生,适当地抽他们答复以下问题来让他们集中注意力,板书的排布也不能天马行空,而是要让学生一看就明僚这些都是书本上很难学到的东西.一周的听课下来,我们几个实习生进展了小小的交流,感触都很深,除了以上提到的这些,光是 “Sit down, please.”这一句,一个教师一节课就要说上几十遍,教学的内容固然重要,学生与教师间根本的尊重,也是我们今后教学中需要注意的地方.实习报告(下) 集体备实习前就听辅导员说,市二的英语教研组有项很好的传统,就是集体备参加高一教研组的集体备课之前,高二的教师已经开场给高二的实习生集体备课了,说是备课,更多的是讨论授课的方式,怎样调动学生的积极性,怎样控制好学生的


8、方面,学生是否可以承受,上课时是否会枯燥等等的问题. 教案.教案也是教学前的重头戏.王教师先让我们参考高一唐教师的教案,一个章节关是简单的教案就有12页,看得我们都有点傻眼,而且写的时候我们要把上课时会加的连接词全都写到教案里去,就怕到时候忘词.几乎每个同学为了第一节课的教案都奋斗了几个晚上,算不上精益求精,至少要准备充足. 试教.正式上课前,几乎每个同学都进展了小组的试教.华师大本部的微格教育在前,市二几个礼拜的听课在后,大家试教的时候明显自信了许多,准备充分可能也是原因之一吧,根本上都多准备了很多内容,还有同学准备用ppT教学,进步学生对该章节学习的兴趣.一位同学试教的时候,其余同学就当回

9、同学配合教学,试教的过程中有问题及时记下,完毕后再进展讨论,这样的试教对我们正式上讲台做了很好的铺垫作用. 同学的高二的普遍比我们高一的早了一个礼拜开场上课,从第三周开场,陆陆续续地都正式开场上课,由于教的班级不同,有些班级比拟热闹,有些班级比拟安静,每个同学上课的内容和方式也炯然不同,所以互相间可以学习的地方有很多.特别是我们高一年级也开场上课后,同样的内容,听听其他两位同学的课,和自己的课进展比拟,总结优缺点,在今后的上课过程中逐渐改善. 自己的还记得正式上课前,自动请缨要”热身”一下.王教师就想到让我讲学生些的报纸,10分钟的时间虽短,对我来说,紧张感丝毫不减.没有一下子面对过40多个学

10、生的我,要多大的声音才够,什么样的姿势,板书该怎么写,都是要好好考虑一下的.前一天把学生评论比拟多的文章通读了一遍,自己也写了简单的Summary,导入的话也一字不差的写在了纸上正式讲之前还拉同学简单试讲了一下,结果破绽百出,很多话都接不上,准备好的稿子都忘了精光,消除紧张感是最重要的吧.好在正式讲的时候发挥的不错,可能是跟同学们熟悉了的关系吧.正式上课已经是到市二的第四周了,之前准备教案时没睡过几个安稳觉,第一节课用的是ppT, 讲的是关于植物的养护相关的内容,为了准备ppT的内容,特地到学校的各个角落采风,拍了学校里各种植物,目的除了上课时能生动些,也是想让学生理解到我们美丽的校园里还有如


12、珍贵的一次体验.【以下为赠送相关文档】实习报告编辑推荐优秀英文实习报告范文It is in JINXIU travel agency that I have my practice.There are six departments and I was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. My job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times I also answe

13、red the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.Because tourism is a service industry, so I want to learn how to municate with different people and learn some business about travel agency.Must pay attention to others every action and every movem

14、ent, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. This is I learns the most useful experience in the travel agency.Through this experience, I received some knowledge we must understand first as follows,First, I ought to kown the traveling places inside and outside traffic and the enviro_en

15、t protection.Second, the travel agencys service regulations and management tips.Third, the travel agencys nature and management business and management model.Travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. Since the professioal nature, the tourism is the s

16、ervice industry. It provides meal, hotel, route etc service.But this experience also make me recognize a lot of shortings for myself. It petes very seriously between travel agencys. You not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different

17、 people. I find Im lack of education and experience. Its very different between school and social. I feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. Thats the reason why we are practice. It can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our li

18、ving capability.I am a foreign language professional tourism students and I learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and English, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. During this experience, to the unit after the internship experience difficulty of how to personal

19、ly stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and experience is how the lack of. During the internship, I have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, experience the brutal petition in society.And I have to talk about something about traveling.First, I found some advertis

20、ements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip acmodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. because this is the same single product, Leading to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring down the

21、price of a line, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of service, and travel agencies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route development requires substantial financial resources. Spent a great cost. And the development of the new

22、 line will be out soon after the other copy to use travel agents, this would weaken the petitiveness of the travel agency, so it is imperative to strengthen the tourism property rights, not just the protection of the right to travel, but also to consumers in general to embody a new surprise.Second,

23、theguided tours of service quality dorpped.Tour guides, they led a group of very rich experience, on average, they have 2 or 3 years of work experience, their qualifications pared to other places for education is high, tour guides have evidence, but most are primary or middle level. High Guides did

24、not have Chinese as a foreign language tour guide for the lack of qualified personnel, which guides the basic wage less money in general and how many number of times a group linked to the group also earn more.Third, The travel industry is characterized by seasonal tourism market demand for seasonal

25、tourism formed, resulting in travel demand due mainly to seasonal changes in the small tourist destination of the natural climatic conditions, tourism activity by natural climate conditions than Great. In general. Seasonal climate conducive to attracting a large number of leisure tourists e to visit

26、. Holiday,Bitter cold and Hot, such as bad weather is not conducive to tourists tourism.Thats some limits for tourism, but I believe people will solve it in future.This experience makes me learn a lot of konwledge about travel agency and society. Andmakes foundation to my work in future. So, its ver

27、y meaningful to me.英文实习报告It is in JINXIU travel agency that I have my practice.There are six departments and I municate e knopany cannot invest too many resources to you. The pany thought the practiceborns pany period oftime, I realize this question. Ho this experience, I feel sincere to every perso

28、n are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. Sincere is very important to municate e experience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, petes very seriously betpetition in society.And I have to talk about something about traveling.英文外贸实习报告1. the purpose an

29、d significance of practiceIn undergraduate education, the practice is an important practical teaching. Through practice, you can familiarize ourselves with the specific operational procedures of foreign trade practices, enhanced perceptual knowledge, and from which further information, consolidate a

30、nd deepen the already learned the theory and methods to improve identify problems, analyze issues and solve problems.Specific training course in the pany, access to the international sale of goods to the specific operating practices, import and export costing, inquiries, offer and offer other basic

31、skills, but also on an in-depth understanding of the industry and to the immediate experience in international trade faced by the different parties to the specific work and the interaction between them, contact the pany developed various strategies to achieve cross-border business and good operation

32、 of the market; understanding supply and demand balance, petition and other macroeconomic phenomena, have access to real mercial real, understand their shortings and have accumulated some experience, go to work for the future and lay a good foundation.Through nearly one months of internship, I deepl

33、y appreciate the bination of theory and practice is not easy, but also through This months efforts, I am familiar with the business processes of foreign trade, foreign trade functions of the panys organization, for my future into the job really accumulated a certain amount of practical experience. T

34、his article is pided into introduction, content and summary of three parts internship, internship for the past month made life a general analysis.Three years of systems theory to learn, so I basically mastered the basics of foreign trade, such as: trade terms, import and export procedures, customs d

35、eclaration, inspection operation processes. However, it should be recognized, if not learn the theory itself was through the practice of his own truly master, it should be said that the future of their own to find a desirable job or will cause some difficulties. Only through a period of training to

36、be able to apply the knowledge learned from books to practical situations to solve practical problems for future work to lay a solid foundation.2. Background of practiceShanxi Chemicals Co., Ltd is a prehensive chemical enterprise which integrates the scientific and technological development, produc

37、tion, sales and service into a whole.We are a persified chemicals pany that bines the power of 20 chemical manufacturing sites in our own region and 3 groups of convenient transporting teams. The pany is mitted to manufacture and export the chemical raw materials to overseas.It delivers a broad rang

38、e of organic chemicals, Inorganic chemicals, pigment & dyestuffs etc.3. Experience3.1 Early trainingAlthough the study is that economic, trade and English, professional counterparts, or are confused, after all, only a concept on the books, the specific operation and did not teach you. The next day t

39、he two sisters I copy, fax, go to the bank, open wire I do very seriously. I like the trade, and I want to do it well. I am very active discussion to do, because the dry sat depressed really do not know why, my smile dropped almost stiff. During that time learned some of the more trivial things, but

40、 do appreciate the work of the bitterness felt in school a serious shortage of expertise, can not meet the requirements of intense work, such as customs clearance, inspection, this highly practical operational work to us, just out of no work experience, and its no good school specialized courses in

41、schools for people who simply can not pete with those veterans, their foreign trade panies The vast majority of cases are simple words, and that are foreign terms, do not understand, said merchandise code, the other I was surprised that one of them is actually in English, Japanese can speak (in the

42、and foreign customers to do business, although thats not very good, but I can understand Japanese, in addition to outside)There is a serious lack of work experience. Sounds like work experience and time, but does most of our graduates is the soft underbelly, something you do not personally try, simp

43、ly do not know how to start. Today, the sister sitting on my left check out a thousand dollars to the food safety regulator let me help him buy a GSp certificate. I do not understand anything of this to the food safety regulator, to buy a certificate is still very smooth, after buying a certificate

44、after the window, the relevant documents showed that as the master of view, I asked him after reading what is not to things to sign, and he heard me say this, frowned, and you do not know how this is not in your right hand to sign the book at it? After signing I asked a silly question B, asked him i

45、f he is not good, he glared and said you do not you give me five, and four did not take it, you are not the first time to, ah, cough ! Whatever the oute, also a school of foreign undergraduate students, was said to be like this.实习报告英文版position: Recruiting manager of the testing departmentDuty: 2023英

46、文外贸实习报告实习单位:Shanxi Chemicals Co., Ltd实习时间:20xx年 2月 25日至 20xx年 3 月 25 日Foreign Trade practice Report1. the purpose and significance of practiceIn undergraduate education, the practice is an important practical teaching. Through practice, you can familiarize ourselves bination of theory and practice i

47、s not easy, but also through This months efforts, I am familiar s declaration, inspection operation processes. Hoprehensive chemical enterprise e of the more trivial things, but do appreciate the e, also a school of foreign undergraduate students, was said to be like this.如何写英文实习报告如何写英文实习报告Internshi

48、p experience in Chengdu Tianya AutomotiveSystems Co.ltdpurpose: As an object of Tianya Automotive System Co. ltds logisticsdepartment of the pany: Chengdu Tianya Automotive System Co.ltd.Main content and experience:As a new staff, first we should do everything with a humble attitude, a pany differen

49、t from college ,we should learn much in social ,we must do everything energetically and clearly.2023年毕业生英文实习报告范文Internship experience in Chengdu Tianya AutomotiveSystems Co.ltdpurpose: As an object of Tianya Automotive System Co. ltds logisticsdepartment of the warehouse keeper to field study and pr

50、actice. Use our professional knowledge to know the warehouse keepers workflow and content. Have a better understanding of logistics work and link theory into practice. Bring up working ability and solve problems ability. Achieve the target that I can do all I have learned .Ready to have a successful

51、 life in our social life.Time: 20xx.10.15 20xx.4.15Address: #388,Chenglong Avenue,Longquanyi District,Chengdu,Sichuan province ,China 600pany: Chengdu Tianya Automotive System Co.ltd.Main content and experience:10 years of studying hard, can finally e in handy. Set foot into my long career as an exp

52、erimental field with a youthful momentum. However, in reality, I found the future of social understanding in the university cus is an ideal, while the gap between ideals and reality in real life is so big.At the first please let me introduce my pany in Chengdu Tianya Automotive Systems Co.ltd,our pa

53、ny operating in China since 1985,First operation in Qinhuangdao , supplying automotive brake lines. We are the one of pany to provide automotive systems to FAW-Volks.As a just inter the socials student, the manager let me do warehouse manage, there are some important things I have to attention. Firs

54、t important is dont make ourselves staring point too high to put .The manager told me because I was a new staff so he let me to be a warehouse keeper .Warehouse keeper is a part of logistics department.As a warehouse keeper the most basic quality is “circumspection” .Then ,I have to know our panys p

55、roducts and know it well. Second, when we deliver goods we must know there are how much the product in our warehouse. The last important thing is we must obey “first in first out”.This post looks very easy,but it not,if I didnt pay attention to the process,there was a mistake it will let the data co

56、uld not calculate clearly and make the financial loss. Sometime I always exchange idea with our bookkeeper,because they need our data to count. As a just inter the socials student,I need step by step to work. Now ,I am responsible for warehouse manage. When I first in this pany everyday I clean the

57、box. FAW-Volks the request us make the box spotless. So it bee an integral part of we must do everyday.After introduce my job, there are another important things when we work, it is have a relationship with our colleague. When I first into the office, they working so busy, I didnt know what I can do

58、 for them and didnt familiar whit them ,I felt very lonely. As a new staff in first day, no people talk to you no people have lunch with you , I felt relay sad. I told myself I dont want do this, I am not happy. When I get back to home I told to my parents, the told me as a new staff I must diligent

59、 than other staff, study hard, listen the old staffs arrangement and always smile to every one. In the next day, I do it. A few days later they accept me. Talk with me, and give me some job do , I am really happy. By this internship, I know a person who can have a good relations with other people in

60、 everywhere, they are fluky.As a new staff, first we should do everything with a humble attitude, a pany different from college ,we should learn much in social ,we must do everything energetically and clearly.英文实习证明模板范文Certificate of InternshipTo whom it may concern,This is to certify , from Univers

61、ity, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our pany from Aug 2nd, 20xx to Aug 30th, 20xx.During the students internship, under the guidance of our panys staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the project-asse

62、ssment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. He got along very well with others, which in te

63、rm proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of munication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our pany a very good impression.Corporation,

64、LimitedHuman Resources Director,(Valid with a st)September 1st, 20xx银行实习证明英文范文Internship CertificateDuring the students internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. This student n

65、ever hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time the student adheres to the panys rules. Respecting and getting along with others well co-workers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the pany.Now the student in my pany has already concluded this is to certify that.XX XX Investment Co. LtdAugust 20 20xx英文实习证明1、The Certificate of Banking InternshipThis is to

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